Chapter 581 Blue Star Crisis

The small world of heaven,

Xinghe Sword Sect, in the Star Hall.

Two sword lights descended from the sky and landed in the main hall, but Fairy Ruoli and Baling'er arrived almost at the same time.

But before they could stand firm, Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Immortal of the Four Seasons, couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? Have you investigated everything clearly? What is the specific situation?"

Fairy Ruoli and Baling'er looked at each other, and Fairy Ruoli was the first to speak: "Master Mo's guess is correct. The violent movement of the earth's core in a short period of time was caused by the magical power of the Fourth Demon Lord. .

But that's not all.

Even if he is a demon lord, the flesh and blood on half of his body cannot reach this level. Among them, there is Ying Long's handiwork. "

Baling'er took over the conversation and said: "We took Yinglong to the Thunder Pond and baptized him with Thunder Tribulation, which temporarily suppressed his demonic nature and helped him regain his rationality for a period of time.

Then, in his narration, we roughly learned that

When he was helping to suppress the demonic chaos and running around the world, he buried some special arrays in certain key locations, thereby constructing a huge array that could affect the crust of this world.

And the strange divine light of the sixth demon lord is actually the activation of this huge formation. "

Fairy Ruoli answered: "According to what Yinglong said, well, he got the information from the extraterrestrial demon in his body.

It is said that this formation was modified by supernatural powers and originated from the third demon lord, a gold and stone giant who transformed mountain rocks into spirits.

It has the power to trigger fire in the earth's core and change the earth's veins, and can be used to shape the basic contours of the earth. "

After listening for a long time, Mo Chengjun finally couldn't help it anymore: "Don't talk about other things, let's talk about the results. Just talk about the results?"

"This..." Baling'er and Fairy Ruoli seemed to be hesitant:

"If you have something to say, just say it. What do you mean by hesitating?"

Fairy Ruoli explained: "Yinglong actually doesn't know very well, because the information he obtained is intermittent.

All we know is that it may cause changes in earth and water veins, and the topography of the continent may be reshaped or even separated. "


Mo Chengjun's expression was stunned: "In other words, is it possible for the complete continent to break into several pieces again?"

"I don't know the details!" Fairy Ruoli shook her head:

Baling'er answered: "I do have speculations from the Immortal Scientific Research Institute.

However, since we have never seen the specific power of the supernatural power, it is difficult to say how accurate it is, so the researchers gave a very flexible result. "

After a pause, Baling'er said: "They believe that the lower limit of this magical formation is to cause the fire in the core of the earth to agitate and the earth's crust to shift, which will then affect the operation and circulation of the spiritual veins.

Although the spiritual veins themselves will automatically change according to the terrain, it will take time. If it is too frequent and severe, it may shrink or collapse.

As a result, the density and quantity of spiritual intelligence in this world will inevitably plummet, which is not conducive to practice. "

"Is this another version of the Dharma Ending Era? It's so cruel!"

Shen Jinxiu was speechless after hearing this. She asked, "You're talking about the lower limit, but what about the upper limit? What's the worst case scenario?"

Baling'er hesitated to speak, and it took him a long time to utter a few words: "The earth cracked, volcanoes erupted, and magma poured into the surface.

This world will no longer be a home for living beings. "

"Is this going to destroy Blue Star?"

Mo Chengjun shook his head and said: "Blue Star is not as fragile as you think. Such a big stone will not be easily destroyed.

But the creatures on the Blue Star, the civilizations of the human race and the demon race, are really likely to be exterminated directly. "

"Filling your heart with desire, accompanied by destruction and killing, this is really like what a true demon can do."

Mo Chengjun thought of the Taiyin Star and the missing moon. Back then, the Broken Moon Demon Lord was also planning to directly destroy the Blue Star, but was blocked by the Taiyin Star.

But this time, the Fourth Demon Lord wants to repeat his old tricks again, well, it can be regarded as repeating his old tricks.

Anyway, it is the result of direct destruction if it cannot be defeated!

It's really a ruthless way to figure it out!

At this moment, everyone present had a real sense of the real demon invasion. It was not just a collision between two civilizations, but a ruthlessness that would not stop until you were killed.

The hall fell into silence for a period of time. Silence and chilling filled the air among everyone, but the old master spoke.

As the oldest Master, he has always been the backbone of everyone. At this moment, he is still guiding everyone with his wisdom.

"Everything has pros and cons, so this can be considered a good thing!!!"

"Good thing? What's better?"

Shen Jinxiu couldn't help but said, "Why didn't I see it?"

"That's because you're upset. When you're upset, you won't be able to think calmly."

The old master said softly: "Have you forgotten that the foundation of my heaven has always been in the paradise of cave heaven?

In this small world, even if there is a big problem with Blue Star, we will not be the ones affected the most. "

"That's true!"

"So, the most urgent ones should not be the Great Xuan Dynasty and those demon kingdoms. In the past, they did not have to be active or urgent in fighting against the real demons.

But now, I can guarantee that as soon as the news is announced, they will jump and scold them.

Blocking people's path is like killing their parents. What's more, this may also be a crisis of national subjugation and annihilation. They have to fight the real devil to the death!

This result will be more beneficial to the growth of my heaven. "

The old master paused again and then said: "In addition, since the demon lords of the desire world have chosen this method to deal with the creatures in this world.

That at least means that before they see concrete results, they will not easily send many demon lords to come directly to this world and strangle me in heaven.

This will buy us a certain amount of time.

Then, the plan Master Mo mentioned can be advanced..."

Mo Chengjun was stunned and suddenly said: "Old Master, have you agreed?"

The old master shook his head and said: "You have made up your mind, so why do you need us to agree?

I have always thought that what we want to do is not to make decisions for you, but to help you improve your plan and execute it perfectly after you make the decision. "

"Now, since you have to do something, you have to do it to the best of your ability!"

"I'll help you with these!"

Shen Jinxiu also said: "We will all help you."

"So are we!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mo Chengjun laughed, sweeping away the haze in his heart, and said: "In that case, let us work together,

I must teach those arrogant and arrogant Demon Lords of the Realm of Desire a lesson they will never forget! "


An emerging force may have some imperfections, and problems may arise in the system, salary payment, staffing, etc.

However, you have to firmly believe that this is the time when they are most capable of execution.

When everything is finalized and the ideas are unified, everyone will stop talking nonsense.

They no longer focused on 'whether it can be done', but began to discuss 'how to do it'.

The goal is there. The next step is to take out everything that can be taken out, use all the means that can increase the chance of winning, and then formulate a complete plan, and score points, and each of them receives tasks related to themselves. Implement them one by one.

For example, after Balinger returned to his own scientific research institute, he began to select personnel and prepare to form several more scientific research groups.

For another example, Xue Pan returned to his Zhenbao Pavilion and began to make statistics and mobilize materials to supply production needs.

After Ba Nichang returned to the Heavenly Palace, she began to check the remaining heavenly soldiers and generals, and then checked with Fairy Ruoli to see how many could be recovered and repaired on the battlefield.

As for the Four Seasons Sword Immortal Shen Jinxiu and Old Master, they set out together to visit the Taiyin Star.


lunar star,

In the vast cold area,

Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Immortal of the Four Seasons, walked in Mingyue City under the Guanghan Palace, looking at the bustling crowds and vendors everywhere, with a somewhat reminiscing look on his face.

In the beginning, she was also a frequent visitor here. After resting, she liked to wander around the streets and alleys of Mingyue City.

However, compared to before, this place is obviously no longer as prosperous as it used to be. The crowds are still the same, but the surrounding buildings have a bit more dilapidated feel.

Especially in many places, it is obvious that they have not been repaired. They are piled with earth, wood, masonry and stone like a pile of ruins.

A figure suddenly walked by, walking side by side with Shen Jinxiu. The handsome and arrogant man asked: "I wonder how Shen Jianxian feels about revisiting his old place?"

Shen Jinxiu turned his head slightly, looked at the Peacock King, and said, "I have always felt that you may be powerful monsters and powerful immortals, but you are by no means qualified rulers.

You do not have the long-term vision of a ruler, and you are not good at planning and construction according to local conditions, and you do not care much about the common people under your rule. Of course, it seems that this is not just a problem with you and the monster, it seems that the entire Butian Sect has this problem.

So, if you insist on asking me how I feel, what can I say? "

The unstinting criticism made King Peacock Ming’s face instantly look ugly.

In the past, he would have been so proud that he could not understand this, and the five-color divine light just faded away.

But now, he just suppressed his smile, his expression became a bit colder, and said, "Did Shen Jianxian come here to make fun of me?"

"It's a joke, I don't have that time!"

Shen Jinxiu was speechless: "You asked yourself, and I told the truth, but you still felt offended.

Or, do I have to say something irrelevant against my will to make you happy? "

Peacock King Ming was extremely angry: "You..."

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the business. This time, I'm here not to represent the Galaxy Sword Sect, but to be entrusted by Heavenly Court."

Peacock King Ming’s eyes were sharp: “Even if it’s a matter of Heavenly Court, then why aren’t people from Heavenly Court here?

Where is the patrolling immortal official?

Why don't you come here to discuss it with me in person? "

"You don't really think that fighting two demon lords alone and patrolling the immortal officials didn't suffer any damage, do you?"

Shen Jinxiu gave the reason he had already thought of and said: "In that battle, I believe you were spying on the Taiyin Star. The two demon lords did that, and the patrolling immortal officials were also injured.

He is currently in retreat for treatment, but things cannot be delayed, so he entrusted me to come here to see him. "

This reason cannot be said to be reasonable. It can only be said that anyone with a brain can't find anything wrong with it.

After all, those are two demon lords!

It is indeed normal for a powerful being comparable to an ancient demon to be injured...

After a pause, King Peacock Ming finally spoke: "Can you tell me what's going on in Heaven?"

Shen Jinxiu nodded, not minding that this was still on the road, and said directly: "First of all, on behalf of Heavenly Court, I would like to thank you for your summons, which at least lets Heavenly Court know the current situation of the Tianwaitian battlefield and make preparations earlier.

However, your current communication method is still too slow.

If you are willing, Heavenly Court can arrange some means in the Guanghan Region to build a contact network with Taixu Heaven. "


As soon as these words came out, King Peacock Ming's eyes lit up: "Are you talking about the kind of Taixu Tian who can freely come and go, communicate, contact, and buy and sell?"

"Yes, of course, the premise is that you must refine a heavenly reception order before you can enter. Oh, and also, we do not provide door-to-door service at this stage."


"Of course it's because you don't have temples or shrines here, nor do you have gods recognized by heaven!

Door-to-door delivery requires a delivery address, right?

However, even if we build a temple and invite the gods, I think we still have to charge you some extra spiritual stones.

After all, this is all sent across planets, and the cost is quite high. "

"Isn't this unacceptable?"

King Peacock Ming nodded in approval, feeling that what Shen Jinxiu said was quite reasonable.

But just in the blink of an eye, he seemed to have remembered something, and said with a half-smile: "I have another question, if I stand on the Taixu Tian, ​​does my Guanghan Territory also fall into the control of your heaven? "

There’s really nothing wrong with what you said!

Because, within the scope covered by Taixu Tian, ​​there is no need for any temples or shrines. The 'Tianmen' can be parachuted to any place in this world, and the army of heaven can also come over.

However, this is really not because Tianting is interested in Guanghan Territory, or because it has to take away the inheritance of King Peacock Ming.

With the current situation, no matter what happens to Tianting, they are not in the mood to seize the remaining territory of the Butian Sect.

But the problem is that Guanghan Territory is too close to Blue Star.

Blue Star is covered by Heaven's Taixu Tian and is under constant surveillance. Even if a demon lord crosses the border, he will be able to discover, locate and focus fire immediately...

Even if it is a demon lord, as long as the vitality coverage is strong and sustained, it can be taken away in one wave.

But it’s different in the Guanghan Region!

If a demon lord comes here, causes another demonic disaster, and activates the whirlpool of demonic flames, he will be able to continuously teleport the real demonic army here...

Then, Heaven will find out that the real demon army has arrived at the doorstep.

Although this is unlikely in everyone's discussion, it really has to be guarded against!

But, you can’t fight, you still have to be on guard, so what should you do?

As a result, as the actual manager of Taixutian, Xue Ling came up with this "Taixutian expansion" plan.

In fact, this was his idea a long time ago. As long as a cave paradise is opened on the lunar star and a few flat peach fairy plants are planted, it will be able to radiate outwards to the surrounding area.

After connecting with Blue Star's Pantaoyuan, the coverage problem of Taixu Tian will be solved.

And as long as Taixu Tian's coverage is in place, the legions of heaven can kill at any time, oh, no, support at any time!

As for the technical problem, Mo Chengjun solved it when he opened the cave heaven paradise between the Netherworld and the Yin Earth and assumed it as a 'transit station'.

In fact, Xue Ling actually has a bigger plan, which is to build a 'signal relay station' to all corners of the universe.

From this, the authority of the Heavenly Court can be extended to all the Immortal Realms with the help of Taixutian.

Of course, although this is the case, you really can’t say that!

Therefore, Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Immortal of the Four Seasons, tilted his head slightly, glanced at the Peacock King, and said with a bit of contempt: "I know what you are worried about, but is it useful?"

"If our Heavenly Court really wants to take over the Guanghan Territory, as long as three deep space fortresses arrive and a million heavenly soldiers and generals arrive, I ask you, what can you do to resist?"

This is another extremely hurtful fact!

King Peacock Ming didn't want to talk anymore, so he angrily didn't agree. He just said that the matter had to be discussed with the other two domain owners.

However, Shen Jinxiu already understood that this matter was already settled.

"I just said the first thing. Now, is there a second thing?"

"what else?"

The Four Seasons Sword Fairy Shen Jinxiu stopped. She didn't care that she was on the street, she just stopped in the middle of the crowd.

There were many pedestrians walking around, but they seemed to be ignored.

"My Heavenly Court wants to talk to you ancient demons from the Butian Sect, and I need your help in contacting them. Is that possible?"

"How to contact me? It's too far away..."

"We have dug out the remote communication array in Zhongshan Paradise and are doing emergency repairs. Although this method consumes energy and is not long-lasting.

But the purpose of inspecting the Immortal Officials is to talk to your ancient demons, so I have to trouble you! "

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet? Besides, I can't contact all the ancient demons."

"Just contact as many as you can."

"Then there should be an explanation for what exactly we want to talk about, right?"

"Is it enough to talk about the survival of the Blue Star civilization and the future of the human and demon races?"

"What a big hat!"

At this point, he had finished speaking. After a while, Shen Jinxiu left, wielding his sword and disappearing into the clouds.

Only King Peacock Ming stood there, watching her retreating back. After a long time, he suddenly turned his head and asked: "Ancestor Baize, what do you think of this matter?"

"I'm just going to stand and watch, how else can I watch?"

At some point, a person stood in front of King Peacock Ming. He seemed ordinary, but his eyes were full of the vicissitudes of history.

"If you want to talk to the Heavenly Court, then talk to them. I really want to know who the patrolling immortal official is?"

"It doesn't hurt to meet!"

As he said that, he looked at King Peacock Ming and said: "Help inform everyone who can be found. Let's see if this person chosen by Zulong, our former fellow villager, can bring us something new." The change."

"it is good!"

King Peacock Ming nodded in agreement, but after a second thought, he asked again: "Ancestor Baize, do you think Taixu Tian should be built or not?"

When Patriarch Bai Ze heard this, he rolled his eyes, gave King Peacock Ming a white look, and said: "You have already made up your mind, so don't ask around.

It seems like you have no idea, you are quite retarded! "

 I was vomiting blood, and I hurriedly hurriedly wanted to finish writing this paragraph, but accidentally it was past twelve o'clock, ahhhhh...



(End of this chapter)

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