The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 589: Stealing a house!

Chapter 589: Stealing a house!

Heavenly Palace,

Small courtyard,

Under the fairy tree of Wutong,

There was a round table and three deck chairs, and a small red clay stove was lit with flames and tea was boiling. Mo Chengjun made one operation and placed a cup of fairy tea in front of everyone.

I saw the fragrance of tea overflowing, like smoke and fog, spreading for ten miles.

Mo Chengjun couldn't wait to pick up his own cup, sniffed it slightly, and took another sip. He felt a stream of hot air flowing around his body. His fatigue was gone, and his mind was much clearer.

But just because his mind was clearer, he felt more and more that he couldn't agree to this matter.

Before the tea cup was put down, Mo Chengjun said: "Uncle Headmaster, it's not my fault. You've only been back for a few days. You can't live in a good life. Do you have to go on an adventure with me?"

Hua Ye said in a joking tone: "You can go, but I can't?"

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but said: "You think I think so? Am I the kind of person who doesn't care about life?

If given the chance, believe it or not, I can live forever.

But now, isn’t there anything we can do about it? "

“If you fight hard, you still have a chance to survive in death; if you don’t fight, you will commit suicide slowly and you will definitely die.

No matter how unwilling I am, I have been forced to this point. I have to do it even if I don’t want to! "

When it comes to this matter, Mo Chengjun has endless resentment, but this is the fact.

But as soon as his thoughts changed, he said: "Wait a minute, are we talking about the opposite topic? Master, you should give me a reason now?"


Hua Ye seemed to be in a trance. His expression was solemn. After thinking for a long time, he said quietly: "If I say this is fate, are you willing to believe it?"

Mo Chengjun grinned and said, "I can travel in and out of the river of time. Do you believe it or not?"

"I didn't believe it before, but now, I somewhat believe it."

Hua Ye explained softly: "I was once captured by a demon cultivator. I couldn't see the sky or the ground in the darkness, and couldn't even feel the passage of time. I endured it minute by minute in that eternal silence, almost crazy. .

But just when I was about to go crazy, Lord Shattering Moon came. I was manipulated by him, driven by him, and killed countless living beings.

Even if I don't want to, swinging the sword again and again and ending my life still puts me in extreme torment.

But just when I thought I couldn't hold on any longer, Lord Broken Moon died again, and I was free.

Then, I fell into self-destruction because I couldn't face my true heart.

I wanted to take my own life, but I lived in cowardice.

Until he was rescued by the old master, and was baptized by thunder, and abandoned the interference of the devil's way on the mind. "

"This is amazing, isn't it? Time and time again, you almost survive, and then you go one step further. Don't you think this is a sign of something?"

"I know that your 'scientific cultivation of immortality' has always been about practice and results, but if you look at it from a historical perspective, isn't it also somewhat destined?"

After saying this, Mo Chengjun was speechless.

He also remembered a lot, such as the birth of spiritual particles, the fate of Butian Sect's inevitable defeat, and the impact of his killing the Moon-breaking Demon Lord...

If you say fate is nonsense, then what do these things mean?

Seeing that Mo Chengjun's expression became serious, Hua Ye seemed to be pursuing some sense of recognition: "Asking for immortality, we are cultivating immortals and asking about the Tao. After all, we still have to have some belief.

We must believe that there is a supreme heaven in the dark, which maintains and regulates everything in the world.

Therefore, I believe that after so many narrow escapes from death, there is ultimately something for me to do. "

"Just like you, Master Mo, from thousands of years ago to now, across a long period of time, although every step you take is your own choice, there is some kind of great power pushing you forward. ?”

To be honest, at this moment, Mo Chengjun was speechless after being refuted. Following Hua Ye's train of thought, he even felt that what the other party said was somewhat reasonable.

But after being stunned for a long time, he still said stubbornly: "This reason is not enough, it is too perfunctory, and I can't convince myself."

Hua Ye didn't look disappointed. He pondered slightly and said: "I know your plan well. If you fight to the death, it's done. It can balance the strength of both sides to a certain extent and buy enough time.

No, it won't be worse than the current situation.

But this plan has a fatal flaw, that is, you need a helper.

One who can still help you take control of the situation after you leave. "

"Do you think there is anyone more suitable for this candidate than me?"

Mo Chengjun pursed his lips and said nothing, but he had to admit that the other party spoke to his heart again.

But after struggling for a moment, he still shook his head: "This reason still doesn't convince me?"

"Then I have one last reason."


“I don’t want to lose myself, I hate the interference of desire, and I hate the occasional outbreak of demonic nature. Therefore, I need to find a way to solve the demonic nature and separate the negative emotions carried in my own magic power.

Not a temporary solution, but a complete eradication.

This point cannot be found in Heaven, nor can it be found in Butian Sect. You have to go to the base camp of the real demon! "

"This reason is really irresistible!"

Mo Chengjun sighed and said, "However, I still can't agree because I can't face the palace masters."

"That is to say, as long as I can convince them, you will take me with you?"

"Let's wait until you convince them."


This conversation has ended here. Even at the end, Mo Chengjun did not agree, let alone did not dare to agree.

Just kidding, if several palace masters come to trouble him, he won't be able to handle it!

However, the three reasons given by Hua Ye are actually quite interesting.

The first one looked the most imaginary, but Mo Chengjun felt that that was his true thoughts, while the third one was the most realistic and the most convincing to outsiders, but it was really not the most important thing.

As for the second one, rather than persuading others, it is actually persuading Mo Chengjun.

However, Mo Chengjun was not bothered by this. When the old master and Hua Ye left, he didn't even do much to clean up. He just sighed and fell asleep on the recliner, found a more comfortable position, and fell asleep.

He was too tired from this topic, and now he could finally have a good sleep.

And this time, Mo Chengjun slept for three full days without any pressure.

After three suns and moons changed, he woke up from his sleep, stretched out, punched on the spot again, and stretched his muscles.

Amidst the crackling sound of bones rubbing together, he regained his energy and began to clean up his personal hygiene again, wash up, get a haircut, shave, and put on a pair of neat clothes.

Then, he began to walk around the outside world.

He participated in a United Nations meeting, appeared in front of a crowd of immortals and demons, settled some disputes, set some rules, and demonstrated the majesty of heaven.

He also summoned all the righteous gods of heaven and held a grand meeting in the Lingxiao Palace. He gave detailed instructions on some matters that needed attention, and also gave the gods the right to act independently.

He visited the small world of heaven again, looked at the magnificent rivers and mountains, and admired the setting sun. He just felt like he was in a dream.

These were all created by him. Even if I think about it now, I feel a little incredible.

He also visited Xiandao Scientific Research Institute again and again, collected the research results during this period, and also gave encouragement to many people.

Finally, he prepared a table of good wine and food, and invited the old master, Shen Jinxiu, Fairy Ruoli, Baling'er, Xue Pan and others.

They drank happily all night under the thousand-year-old Yunwuxian tea tree. They talked and laughed casually, thinking about their vision for the future, their ambitions for heaven, and their expectations for practice.

They are also reminiscing about the past, talking about the past years, everyone's embarrassing things, unscrupulous ridicule, and sarcasm without any shame.

Until the end, it seemed that everyone was drunk and fell asleep on the floor, snoring everywhere.

The next day, when it was just dawn, everyone left separately and was busy with their own things. It seemed that nothing had changed.

However, starting from this day, the atmosphere in heaven seemed to be a little more tense.

Also on this day, Mo Chengjun actually got information from several palace masters, and they agreed.

Yes, they agreed with Tianhen Demon Fairy Hua Ye to act with Mo Chengjun.

This surprised Mo Chengjun and was even a little difficult to understand.

For this reason, he asked repeatedly before confirming that it was really what the palace masters meant.

He didn't know how Hua Ye did it, but this trip has changed from a single person to a two-person trip together.

And these trivial matters were finally almost exhausted in the last twelfth month, and questions were sent from King Peacock Ming.

The ancient demons have fulfilled their promise, but there is still no movement in Heaven.

Time is running out. Why is this?

Even though the ancient demons didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that the Butian Sect could no longer hold it any longer.

However, before leaving, Mo Chengjun did one last thing. He closed the small world of Heaven for about two hours.

Then, he led several palace owners to work hard for a year, and opened up an extra-large cave paradise that was compatible with the small world.

In this way, the area of ​​the small world in heaven has expanded by an unknown amount.

Above the ocean, there is another piece of land slowly floating towards you, that is Beiju Luzhou!

At this point, the four major continents in the small world of Heaven have gathered together, and the area is even larger than that of the Blue Star mainland.

To be precise, the territory of the four continents, plus the surrounding islands, covers an area of ​​nearly 180 million square kilometers.

Even if Blue Star is no longer suitable for living beings to live in, they can all migrate to the small world of heaven.

This was Mo Chengjun's last retreat.

That night, just after early morning, Mo Chengjun picked up the supplies he had prepared, which were more than ten oversized storage bags, hung everywhere on his body, and then walked out of his cabin.

Outside the hut, Tianhen Demon Fairy Hua Ye was already waiting there.

Their eyes met, and both of them smiled. Hua Ye asked, "Don't you want to say hello to them?"

Mo Chengjun shook his head and refused: "Don't be so sentimental. I can't stand the atmosphere."


Within a few words, they were already moving forward side by side. An illusory heavenly gate stood in front of them. They stepped into it with brisk steps.

By the time they walked out of the Heavenly Gate, they were already in the depths of the Heavenly Palace.

Here, above the misty clouds, you can vaguely see a ladder leading to the other side of the long river of time.

Also here, not far away, the old master, Shen Jinxiu, several palace masters, Ruoli Xianzi, Xue Pan, Baling'er, Xue Ling and Ba Nichang have all arrived.

They did not approach or even say anything. They just watched quietly. When Mo Chengjun and Hua Ye looked over, they bowed solemnly and saluted.

This gift not only defeats people, but also righteousness!

However, Mo Chengjun and Hua Ye remained motionless. After receiving the gift, they also bowed and returned the gift.

Then, they turned around and walked towards the stairs to the sky, with steady steps and free and easy manners.

They boarded the ladder, walked side by side, and walked higher step by step, but never looked back.

In the same place, everyone looked and looked, without moving or speaking for a long time.


As for Mo Chengjun's 'plan', what exactly is it?

In fact, there is nothing to say, just two words - 'stealing'!

Time moved forward, and Zulong found Mo Chengjun. After he figured out the situation, he was looking for ways to break the situation all the time.

Unfortunately, after understanding the true strength of Butian Sect, he really couldn't see any hope.

And the powerful Butian Sect is about to collapse, and if the Heavenly Court takes over, there will be one more novice who will die.

From the number of troops to the number of experts, from strategic depth to technological advantages...

After comparing item by item, no one in Heaven has an advantage. Even in the scientific research ability that Mo Chengjun is most proud of, there is still a huge gap.

He has no modern inter-star teleportation technology, no mature long-distance communication methods, no magical power to completely separate the demonic nature, and even the means to perish are not as good as those of real demons...

When there is no better way to go anywhere, I ask you how to fight?

That was Mo Chengjun's most painful moment. He seemed to be able to see the destruction of Blue Star, the end of civilization, and the heaven he created and protected, all disappearing under the army of true demons.

This was unacceptable to him, but there was nothing he could do!

In this situation, it was not until the Butian Sect was defeated and the real demon army attacked from all sides that he found some opportunities.

In fact, it is simple to say, no matter how large and powerful the real demon army is, Butian Sect still has seven major immortal realms, twenty-nine intermediate immortal realms, and one hundred and eight small immortal realms.

There are so many immortal realms, this vast territory, even if all the real demon armies occupy it, there are still separate troops stationed there.

If you take one group and I take another group, no matter how strong the force is, it will be diluted.

What's more, the remnants of the Butian Sect, those ancient demons who are comparable to the Demon Lord, are not vegetarians.

Even if they are defeated, as long as they don't give up resistance, they can hold many demon lords immobile.

This was also the reason why Mo Chengjun had to meet the ancient demons. He wanted to give them hope so that they could risk their lives.

Of course, the reason why Mo Chengjun allowed them to risk their lives was because he himself was also risking his life.

Yes, what he has to do is take advantage of the real demon's hometown, the Desire Realm, to attack Huanglong when its troops are empty.

He has to go through the long river of time, span vast distances, and then enter the realm of desire to carry out the most extreme destruction.

However, this plan is easy to say, but when it comes to execution, there are too many variables.

In the end, it’s still unclear how far we can go?

Even if everything goes well and everything goes according to his ideas, what will be the final result?

Whether it will be effective or not is still unknown!

What can I do?

This is the last resort he can think of!

In the end, of course, he had to think of many names for this nearly death plan.

Those who are clear-minded are called "Go straight to Huanglong"; those who are domineering are called "The enemy can go, I can go!" '

Some people say, "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return once they are gone"!

But in the end, he decided on the most suitable name, which was the 'Stealing Home' plan!

He thought the word 'steal' was used well. By stealing the real devil's home, he also stole a glimmer of hope.

Step by step, he walked through the stairs to the sky. Before stepping into the long river of time, Mo Chengjun turned around and asked: "Uncle, if you regret it, is it too late now?"

Hua Ye smiled: "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

"Then let's go!"

"Go away, go away, steal the house!"

 I coded this chapter a little hard, and I was extremely serious!



(End of this chapter)

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