Chapter 62 Cloud Flash
To be honest, Mo Chengjun was also terribly frightened. If he hadn't heard the news, he rushed here without stopping; if he hadn't used his sword speed to the extreme and tried his best without any delay, he would have killed this man at the critical moment. The woman catches it.

If it was a second slower, the woman would have fallen to her death.

Don't think that Yujian is handsome when flying, well, handsome is a fact, but in the real world, danger is also real.

Even in Xinghe Jianzong, every year there are cases of Yujian flying badly and falling from the sky.

There is no parachute here, and it is good luck to have a broken leg and a crippled arm. Most of the endings are like watermelons dropped from the sky, falling apart with a bang.

When Mo Chengjun flew with his sword for the first time, why did he have to drag Baling'er?
Said it was 'drag racing', it was not afraid of death!

The four eyes met, Mo Chengjun didn't know the girl in front of him, but it didn't prevent him from guessing the girl's identity. Now, the only one who appeared here and was hunted down by ghosts was Zhao Rulan, who was one of the five members of the rescue team. a member.

And the girl, after Mo Chengjun reported his identity, also came back to his senses: "You, you are the Mo Chengjun junior brother from Four Seasons Peak?"

Before their team came, they also heard Zhao Rulan mention Mo Chengjun. At that time, they didn't pay much attention to it. They even felt that Zhao Rulan was unnecessary, but they seemed to be grabbing straws.

Chu Xuexian grabbed Mo Chengjun's arm, and said eagerly: "Hurry up, go to the Demon Slayer, use the sound transmission formation to inform the sect, and ask the sect to send elders to come to the rescue as quickly as possible. Bo they can't last long."

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you found Baling'er?"

"I found it, but Senior Brother Ba is seriously injured and unconscious, and his flying sword is broken." Chu Xuexian didn't hide anything.

Mo Chengjun frowned, and said, "Where are you? How long can you last?"

Just as Chu Xuexian was about to speak, she heard the desolate and mournful sound like a suona getting closer and closer, accompanied by howling ghosts and wolves, the sound of a devil's cry resounded through the world.

In the sky not far away, black clouds rolled over, filled with ghostly aura, rushing in like a tidal wave.

Chu Xuexian's hair stood on end, and said hoarsely, "That's the army of evil ghosts under the command of the evil ghost king. Let's go, let's go, we can't stay here anymore."

As she spoke, she was still pushing Mo Chengjun, but it was only after she pushed that she realized that she was now in Mo Chengjun's arms, and she couldn't move without talking, and even made herself blush.

But Mo Chengjun didn't care, he looked at the ghost army in the distance, his posture was bad for a hundred ghosts walking in the night, but it was thousands of troops and horses riding on the clouds, with a compelling aura.

However, he narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing that he didn't move, Chu Xuexian was a little anxious, and didn't care about being shy, she hurriedly said, "Let's go, Junior Brother, don't be stunned, this is an army of ghosts, you can't fight it alone."

Mo Chengjun smiled: "I want to measure the quality of this ghost army!"

As he spoke, he flicked his hands, and threw Chu Xuexian, who was being held horizontally, onto his back, and then the power of his mind, soul, and thoughts suddenly came out, and the surrounding world's inspirations were quickly restrained, controlled, and combined in a specific way.

Then, as he made a formula and waved his hands, there was a strong wind in the world.

The wind came from nowhere, and it was extremely violent. The whimpers it brought were like weeping, and billowing black clouds gathered and spread, blocking the ghost tide in the blink of an eye.


Rumble boom!

The sky trembled, thunder roared, and there were bright white lightnings piercing the air in the black clouds, dancing wildly like silver snakes, spreading across the sky, illuminating the night sky.

At this moment, the sound of devil's cry that resounded through the world was suppressed immediately. If you listen carefully, you can still find a lot of chaos, which seems to have a tendency to escape.

It's just that everything is too close and too fast, there is no way to dodge, and naturally there is no way to stop.

Thus, the ghost tide and the black cloud collided.

At this moment, Mo Chengjun's eyes were as bright as day, his magic power surged wildly, and his spiritual power tried his best to restrain more inspirations from heaven and earth, and filled them up in the endless black clouds.

As a result, the clouds became thicker, the wind became fiercer, and the sound of the two colliding became louder.


Rumble boom!

At this moment, the lightning in the cloud layer seemed to be generated and spread without money, and the lightning rays that branched like branches flew wantonly in the black cloud.

At this moment, the sky and the earth in the dark night were illuminated like day by the dense lightning.

At this moment, the entire Yong'an City trembled under the power of the heaven and earth, and countless people hid in the cellar trembling.

Of course, there are also very few brave people who feel extremely weird when they look at the sky.

Forget about the heavy fog this afternoon, it’s not uncommon to see thunder in the sky, but have you ever seen thunder without rain?
Moreover, what's even weirder is that the thunder actually spread among the black clouds, and none of them struck down!
On the street, the four-eared donkey demon raised his head slightly, watching the big movement in the sky, and was the most calm.

He shook his head, as if a little helpless: "My old man is used to making big moves? I really don't know how to keep a low profile!"

I don't know why, the 'Grand Master' who he just fooled Qian Li into saying so casually called it so smoothly.

Killing the demon, Qian Li looked up at the sky, and behind him, those subordinates also looked up at the sky, their necks were so sore that they didn't know it.

The fat man was the most restless: "That's it, that's it, do you mean that you are a sword practicer?

Has anyone practiced swords like this?
Does the true inheritance of Wanfazong have the ability? "

Of course, the one who was most shocked was Chu Xuexian who was behind Mo Chengjun. Her eyes were wide open, her mouth was thrown behind her, and when she wanted to speak, she never closed it.

That's enough to stuff an egg!
At this time, she was shocked and messy, and the thought that popped up in her mind was, no wonder, no wonder...

No wonder we are a group of five, and he is a group.

To be honest, Mo Chengjun was quite surprised by this result.

It is said that Lei Fa restrains evil spirits, and he also wants to try the effect again and make some preparations for the follow-up plan.

And what he used was a variant technique in "Fengyun Leifa" - "Cloud Flash".

In the past, he thought that this technique was just to increase his aura, and it looked like a bluff. After all, he was not accurate, and if he couldn't hit anyone, it was nothing?

But look at it now, what an ass!

For this kind of swarm targets flying in mid-air, the self-adsorption of lightning can directly sweep them away. How many of them can stop them?

In Mo Chengjun's eyes, it was almost visible to the naked eye. The wave of ghosts was scattered and receding. A group of evil ghosts had almost no power to resist, and they were melted and scattered between the heaven and the earth.

This evil spirit was already afraid of yang energy, and dared not come out even when the sun was a little brighter. What's more, now it was facing the thunder, which was the power of thunder that warded off all evil, and naturally died faster.

Of course, it's not that this group of ghosts didn't fight back. For example, now, in front of Mo Chengjun, at some unknown time, there was a dark wind blowing, and a general who seemed imaginary and real rushed towards him.

There are several command flags behind him, he is wearing armor, and his weapon is a long knife.

He came running wildly, and his figure appeared and disappeared from time to time, as if he was constantly changing positions between the yin and yang, which was elusive.

As for his charge, although he was alone, he had the illusion of thousands of troops. The rusty long knife slashed across, leaving behind a long-lasting slash.

Chu Xuexian was overwhelmed by the murderous aura, and she almost stood up. She recognized at a glance that this was the evil ghost under the throne, the ghost general with the long sword.

To say that when their five-person team faced the ghost army in Yintu, apart from the flood of ghost soldiers and the unknown ghost king, it was the ghost general with the long sword who gave them the most pressure.

The opponent is not only cunning like a fox, but also good at sneak attacks. Once, he hid in the army of ghost soldiers and came close, and almost broke their sword formation with a single blow.

If Uncle Zhao hadn't reacted in time, they might have died in Yintu long ago, but that's it, he retreated completely under the sword cultivation of Jindan realm, which shows his strength.

At this moment, Chu Xuexian couldn't care about anything else anymore, he crawled into Mo Chengjun's ear and shouted: "Junior Brother, be careful, this is..."

Before she could finish her words, she stopped abruptly, because it was unnecessary.

Facing this ghost general with long swords, she saw Mo Chengjun unhurriedly changed a formula, and thunderbolts the size of his waist descended from the sky.

The speed of the lightning was unbelievably fast, and the power was also unbelievably strong. Even the ghost general with the long knife is not weak, but after being struck by more than a dozen lightning strikes, he was still terribly struck.

But just when Chu Xuexian thought that the ghost with the long knife was about to be hacked to death, Mo Chengjun's tactic changed again, the thunderbolts disappeared, replaced by thunderballs that descended one after another, enveloping the ghost.

After some electrotherapy, the ghost with the long knife will be surrounded and compressed by the thunderball, until in the end, only the ghost's ghost remains, a long knife.

And Mo Chengjun skillfully took out more than a dozen ghost-suppressing charms, and stuck the long knife from the beginning to the end, making sure that the opponent had no ability to resist, and then Shi Shiran put the long knife into the storage bag.

It wasn't until this moment that Mo Chengjun felt his ears itch. He shook his head, turned his head, looked at Chu Xuexian who was close at hand, and asked, "Senior Sister, what did you just say?"

"No, nothing!"

I don't know if it was too shocking, Chu Xuexian accidentally slipped off Mo Chengjun's back, and Mo Chengjun's physical fitness, he almost instinctively twitched his muscles, She was thrown up again.

Just at this moment, Mo Chengjun suddenly realized that although the senior sister on the back is not considered fat, but this figure is nothing to say, the place that should be big is big, and the place that should be small is small.Especially the 'weapon', absolutely awesome.

It was also like this, and the distance between the two of them seemed to be getting closer, and they almost got angry when they talked face to face.

Well, I really didn't feel anything when I was fighting just now, but now, the air is a little frozen.

Mo Chengjun maintained the posture of turning his head back, but he tried his best to pull his head back, keeping a distance, and said embarrassingly: "Well, senior sister, I didn't mean it."

Chu Xuexian's face also turned red, she lowered her head, a little embarrassed to say: "Junior Brother Mo, why don't we go down first?"

"Okay, okay!"

After a while, on the ground, the two finally separated.

At this time, Chu Xuexian finally calmed down, and she asked: "Master, junior brother, are you a Golden Core?"

Mo Chengjun shook his head: "Building the foundation, it's not long since the foundation was established."

Chu Xuexian frowned slightly again: "Then you are an inner sect?"

Mo Chengjun said: "True biography!"

Chu Xuexian's face was complicated, but she also had a clear face: "So it's the true senior brother, it's my little sister who doesn't know Taishan."

Mo Chengjun also reacted, and he went straight to the point: "Senior sister, let's talk about the current situation of Baling'er and the others first!"

Mo Chengjun wanted to bring the topic back, but Chu Xuexian suddenly said, "You don't know my name yet, do you?"

"Huh?" Mo Chengjun was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "What's the name of the senior sister?"

"Chu, my surname is Chu, Chu Xuexian, you can call me Xuexian, and please call me Junior Sister, true biography, Brother Mo!"

"Ha ha, alright!"

 Alas, the collection is a mess
(End of this chapter)

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