Chapter 64 Fighting
Time moves forward a little.

Xinghe Jianzong, Tianhen Mountain, Foreign Affairs Hall.

The Foreign Affairs Hall of Galaxy Sword Sect is originally an extremely large organization. It takes care of many important tasks such as task receiving and dispatching, reward distribution, contribution point accounting, information exchange, etc. It occupies an extremely large area. The personnel working here , It is also the most of all halls.

On the ground floor of the Foreign Affairs Hall, there is an underground palace that covers an area not inferior to the ground, and an extremely complex and precise large-scale magic weapon is installed in it.

Its shape looks like a big tripod, with a round belly. The body of the tripod is engraved with intricate and exquisite cloud patterns. It looks like white clouds transpiring from a distance, and the Daze is vast.

There are also nine dragon heads extending, baring their teeth and making various roaring shapes.

This instrument is called the Nine Dragons Whispering Wall, and its function is to receive and transmit news from all over Kyushu in real time.

This is also an alternative dharma artefact jointly created by the Qi Sect, one of the Eight Great Immortal Sects, and the master craftsman of the Daxuan Dynasty.

Its main body is in the Eight Great Immortal Sects and the Daxuan Dynasty, each with one, while the descendants are distributed in famous mountains, immortal sects, cities and government offices in Kyushu.

It is also because of the Nine Dragons Echoing Wall that the government orders of the Daxuan Dynasty can be transmitted to all parts of Kyushu in the shortest possible time, and the vast land of Kyushu can be connected into a whole, and only then can the ruling foundation of the Daxuan Dynasty be established.

It can be said that with this sound transmission secret treasure, the dynasty is the real dynasty.

Far away, the Nine Dragons Whispering Wall of Xinghe Jianzong is naturally one of the nine large magic weapon bodies. Although it is refined by Qi Zong, the materials are provided by Xinghe Jianzong. Every year, it needs maintenance and maintenance. Spend an amazing amount of Lingshi.

And this large magic weapon runs day and night, maintaining a working team of nearly 150 people all year round. During the day, hundreds of people are busy at the same time, receiving news from all over Kyushu.

And at night, although the number of messages has decreased, there are still 50 people on duty at the same time.

That night, a piece of news was delivered to a working inner disciple through the Nine Dragons Whispering Wall.

Instinctively, he stamped the paper spit out from the faucet, rolled it up, and was about to put it into a pile of rolls.

In the follow-up, there will be a special person to classify, distinguish the priority and the direction of the news, put them into different instruments, and distribute them to the relevant halls.

Still the same sentence, if a sect reaches the level of Xinghe Jianzong, you can't treat it as a grassroots team.

Even if this is the world of Xianxia, ​​even if there are real strong people suppressing here, many things must be regularized and refined if they want to last long.

However, the moment he raised his hand, he subconsciously glanced at it, and then he froze.

He saw a big red logo, shaped like a sword seal, with complicated patterns.

That is the symbol that will only appear when the badge is engraved as a true disciple.

That represents a true disciple of Galaxy Sword Sect who is in danger outside!
With a swipe, he immediately stood up, and ran out without saying a word, even with the Seven Profound Sword Qi floating between his steps, which brought him even faster speed.

After a while, he sent the dossier to his immediate superior, a night steward, and the steward just looked at it carefully, and immediately flew into the sky with his sword, turning into a sword rainbow and flying away.

After another cup of tea, there was an extra visitor in the bamboo house on the Four Seasons Peak. The little girl opened the door for the supervisor very unhappy, and led him into the inner hall to meet the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu.

The lord of the Four Seasons Palace seemed to have just finished bathing, wearing a loose gauze dress, and her hair was not completely dry.

She took the file, checked it from the beginning to the end, suddenly smiled, and said to herself: "This kid really doesn't stop, he caused such a big trouble just by going out."

As she said that, she waved her hand to let the steward leave, and after pondering for a moment, she said to the little girl: "Help me go to Tianhen Mountain, Xingchen Palace, and tell the senior brother in charge that I want to go out."

The little girl seemed a little surprised: "You want to go in person, is that necessary? That kid deserves your attention?"

Sword Master Siji nodded slightly, then shook his head lightly, and said: "It's not just him, it's more because that evil ghost king deserves to die, nearly 20 human lives, there must be an explanation."

"Okay!" The little girl finally said nothing, but turned and left.

I don't know if Mo Chengjun has noticed that he has been with Xinghe Jianzong for six or seven years, what the little girl in front of this Four Seasons Sword Master was like before, and he is still like now.

The female sword master watched the little girl leave, thought for a while, and finally got up, she walked out of the bamboo house through the back door, walked through the rugged mountain road, and entered a spacious cave.

In the changing seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter in the cave, she sat cross-legged, adjusted her breathing slightly, and another female sword master overflowing with fairy light stood up.

She turned her head, glanced at her own body, and wiped her flawless face with her hand, as if she was teasing herself.

Then, she looked at the sky above her head, stretched out her hand, and a sword ball jumped out and turned into a fairy sword, enveloping her and soaring into the sky.

That night, all the disciples of the Four Seasons Peak saw a shocking sword rainbow soaring into the sky, splitting the sky, tearing up the clouds, and disappearing at an astonishing speed.

And even if Jianhong had been away for a long time, there were four seasons in the surrounding space, and the phantoms that seemed to pass away lasted for a long time, interpreting fantastic scenes one after another.


The Dharma altar set up by Mo Chengjun is actually very particular. He and Chu Xuexian set it up after careful observation of the terrain. After sinking into the dark soil, it happened to be a kilometer away from the north gate of the ghost town.

This location is neither close nor far away, and the most important thing is that it is at two opposite extremes to the south gate of the evil ghost town where Baling'er and the others are located.

He was casting spells here, even if the movement was extremely loud, it would take some time for the evil ghost king to react.

The fact is exactly the same. When Mo Chengjun opened his mouth for the first time and the world suddenly changed, the evil ghost king at the south gate realized something was wrong, but he didn't know exactly what happened.

First of all, this ghost city is his latest refinement. Although he spent a lot of effort and even pulled a human city into the shadows, the time was too short after all.

It's like a novice driver who has just bought a large semi-trailer truck. Do you think it can drive freely?

Of course you can!
But you want to speak handy?

That is too high to look at him!
Secondly, the residents of this city still died because of him. Although they are under his coercion now, their resentment has never diminished.

They obey orders, but it does not mean that they are willing to obey orders.

And all these made him fail to react immediately, but chose to wait and see.

In the end, he was able to determine the location only after hearing Mo Chengjun's order through the small ears on his skull.

At this time, he could choose to kill directly, but seeing the precarious sword formation below, he hesitated for a moment.

He was worried that he was trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and he was also worried that he was building the plank road in the open and plotting a plan in secret. He really wanted to kill this group of people first, and then deal with other enemies.

But it was just this wait-and-see, a moment of hesitation, when he looked again, the evil wind and black clouds between the heaven and the earth had already enveloped the entire ghost city, and the sound of thunder and thunder that followed made him, the ghost king, tremble. Feel the horror.

At this moment, he was extremely sure that this was a supernatural power, an extremely terrifying thunder magic power!
This is the kind of power he is most worried about. The rigidity and yang that wanders between the heaven and the earth, just floods the surroundings, making him feel uncomfortable.

However, as far as he knows, it is extremely troublesome to activate a large-scale supernatural power of this scale, and it takes an extremely long time.

For this unknown enemy, he had already activated his supernatural power when he had just hesitated for a cup of tea, which he had never heard of or seen before.

This made the evil ghost king feel threatened, and he grabbed it irritably. The mandrill was dripping with blood, screaming, but he didn't dare to move.

He looked at the sky, and then at the sword formation outside the city, hesitating for a moment, but in the end, he made a decision.


I saw how evil the ghost king rose up, suddenly soaring into the sky, the ghost aura all over the sky rolled like a tide, and turned into ghost claws covering the sky again, about to slap towards the sword array.

He still chose to deal with the enemy in front of him first.

However, he hesitated, but Mo Chengjun was decisive!

He is fast, Mo Chengjun is even faster!
When the storm gathered and the thunder was born, he no longer wanted to suppress it.


Rumble boom!

In just an instant, the roar of thunder has covered up all the clutter in the world, and the sound of lightning and thunder has become the only one in this world.

In the cloudy soil, thunder appeared with flickering rays of light, and at this moment, an unknown number of rays of light descended from the sky, spreading terrifying lightning bolts like branches, and landing in the ghost town.

Rumble boom!

At this moment, the ghost city is also boiling, the ghost gas is not as gushing as money, and the malicious resentment that is more eerie than the human heart can hardly be suppressed, counterattacks to the sky.

Then, there is no then!
Lei Fa's theory of warding off evil and changes is not a joke, even if it is a cloudy place, even if there is a ghost city here, but the natural restraint makes these ghost auras seem to have encountered a natural enemy, and they are killed almost without any resistance. wipe out.

In just over a dozen breaths, the entire ghost city was toppled by thunder and light. Countless buildings were reduced to ashes and dissipated in the wind, and countless ghosts and ghosts were also dissipated in the thunder.

This kind of dissipation is different from being beheaded by a sword cultivator. This is a fundamental erasure. The ghosts' transformation from reality to reality, and the yin and yang cycle of the ghost city can no longer make them reappear.

This is real death!
This is soul flying!

This is also fundamentally weakening the power of ghost towns!
Mo Chengjun never knew the power of his [Expelling Lightning and Lightning] pose.

Because, in Xinghe Jianzong, he didn't even dare to use the simple versions of [Lightning Falling Technique] and [Cloud Flash], for fear of attracting the attention of some big shots.

But now, it's true that he's trying his best to expand his mind power to manipulate more heaven and earth inspirations.

It is true that he has brought the blessing of the altar to the extreme.

It's really as if he was running his mana at full capacity to provide consumption.

It's really as if he circulated the Qi of Awakening Insects endlessly, changing what he needed at any time.

Even, even the internal force cultivated in "Yimu Longevity Kungfu" was transported to the extreme by him to reduce the pressure on the physical body.

At this moment, he really tried his best.

But at this moment, he also really saw the big movement that his little foundation building could make.

The supernatural power of [Destroying Thunder and Switching Lightning] really made the whole ghost town crumbling.

At this moment, the Evil Ghost King no longer cared about the sword array or the way to turn the tiger away from the mountain. If he continued to hesitate, the ghost city that he had worked so hard for for more than ten years would disappear in smoke.

At this moment, he uttered a howl, and with furious anger, the ghost claws that covered the sky turned directly, facing the sky, and collided with the falling thunder.

As for him, he set up a ghostly aura, like a black tide surging, and flew towards the south of the city. He wanted to see who was so ruthless and wanted to destroy his foundation.

That is, not long after he left, a figure sank into the shadowy soil, and that domineering bust looked like Chu Xuexian.

She didn't hesitate, and she didn't dare to delay. Before she could stabilize her body, she had already stepped out with the sword. When the sword light circled around, before the ghost army could react, she had already rushed into the sword formation.

 The author humbly asks for votes! !

(End of this chapter)

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