Chapter 66
At this moment, Mo Chengjun also stood there in a daze, unable to react for a long time.

He just watched in a daze as the thunder fell from the sky, splitting big pits in the shadowy soil that had become an open space.

In a hurry, he began to restrain his mana, recalled Jianwan, and liberated the heaven and earth inspiration little by little, allowing the tumbling black clouds and evil wind to dissipate little by little.

Well, he can say that the stalls are too big this time, even if he is the master, it will take a lot of time to disperse.

During this period of time, he also raised his eyes and looked around, spreading his mind power to the extreme, and then exerting his perception to the limit, scanning around, trying to find something, but nothing.

He was still worried about this, and turned the thunderball into a grid, up and down, left and right, back and forth, after sweeping the sky and the ground a dozen times.

He was finally sure, um, this evil ghost king really escaped!

But the problem is, isn't he just making a few mouthfuls to scare and scare?

How did you escape?
The conscience of heaven and earth, when he set up the plan, he thought of many ways to end,

I even thought about many ways, but I couldn’t close the field,

He also thought about how many ways to escape after being discovered.

But I really didn't think about it, just talking about it, this evil ghost king actually ran away, ran away, ran away!

But how could he run away?
After a full cup of tea, the thunderclouds in the sky dispersed for most of the time, and Mo Chengjun finally accepted this fact!
It was also at this time that the hoofbeats of 'da da da' sounded, and Si Er came under the altar with small steps.

After putting Chu Xuexian down, he came back after a stroll, and he had hidden himself before.

Now, seeing that the battle was over, he also came over to feel his presence.

At this time, Mo Chengjun turned his head, glanced at him, and asked the doubts in his heart: "By the way, is this ghost king's compulsion so low?"

The four-eared donkey demon rolled his eyes wildly and didn't want to talk to him!

Well, he has to admit, this evil ghost king really loses points!
However, with such an evil attitude, facing the supernatural power of [Driving Lightning and Switching Lightning], and the constant verbal attacks, well, it is him, and he probably wants to escape too!


On the other side, Chu Xuexian and the others also recovered a lot of mana, and when they were about to fight out with all their might, they saw ghost energy sweeping past like a tide.

When I saw it again, all the army of ghost soldiers had disappeared.

As far as the field of vision is concerned, this Yin soil is already empty.

The few sword cultivators who had even put their postures in place stopped completely. They looked at the open space in the distance and the thunder that kept falling, and looked at each other again.

After a long while, someone said: "The ghost king, did he escape?"

This is an interrogative sentence, but someone answered below, it is an affirmative sentence.

"The ghost king escaped!"

In the end, it was Chu Xuexian who asked everyone's question: "The Ghost King, was he beaten away by Brother Mo?"

"Is it fake? Is it fake? Is it fake?"

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, everyone present thought this way, even Baling'er looked up at the sky, speechless.


When the bad wind and dark clouds cleared, Mo Chengjun finally released the ghostly eyes in his eyes, and he seemed to jump out of the water, and the world he saw was normal.

There are stars in the night sky in the sky, hills and plants on the ground, and the wind around seems to bring some vitality and warmth.

At this time, Mo Chengjun no longer stiffened, he hit the altar with his ass, panting heavily, his whole body weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That arrogance was no longer there, replaced by the previous laziness and exhaustion, feeling the emptiness in his body, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

Well, supernatural power, this thing is really not something he should touch as a small foundation builder, it is too much consumption.

You know, Mo Chengjun casts spells differently from ordinary people.

Ordinary people cast spells with their own mana as an introduction, resonating with the inspiration of the world. This mana is not only an energy source, but also a resonator.

If a large supernatural power is called a giant wheel, then the giant wheel needs to bear a huge amount of consumption when it is running, and these have to be provided by monks, and the magic power needed is amazing.

But what about Mo Chengjun?
He can directly control the inspiration of heaven and earth within a certain range, which saves the effect of resonance and energy consumption.

The consumption of this mana is completely like the consumption of reaction force that a child needs to bear when swinging a sledgehammer.

The amount required is far less than normal spellcasting, which is also the reason why he can use supernatural powers with the pitiful amount of mana at the initial stage of foundation establishment.

But even so, he felt the emptiness in his body at this time, at least [-]% of his mana had gone, and the rest was just maintaining the mana vortex.

After swallowing a elixir into his stomach, when the power of the medicine dissipated and the magic power operated on its own, like a pond with more and more water, he felt much better.

But here, he really didn't dare to settle down, it was too unsafe.

Frankly speaking, this is the first time he has really used supernatural powers, and it is also the first time that he has tried his best to control the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and he has a lot of feelings.

First of all, this talent of directly manipulating the inspiration of the world, well, let's just call it a talent, it is really an extremely perverted ability.

He only had this feeling before, but now he is more sure, it is just like opening a cheat.

Secondly, this supernatural power [Driving Thunder and Switching Lightning] actually doesn't have so many restrictions.

He can have more room for display, such as the terrifying thunder dragon, or the lightning cage used to bind people.

Thanks to his re-analysis and structure of the spell, he found that it is not difficult for him to change the external form of the spell.

And this, there can be more changes and usage methods, all kinds of ideas are ready to come out in Mo Chengjun's mind.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, he really wanted to study it in seclusion, and he would definitely be able to push the supernatural power of [Destroying Lightning] to a new level.

Thinking about the past few days when he went down the mountain, he really has gone all over the world with Lei Fa, uh, he almost lost all the cards of Xinghe Jianzong.

But I have to say that if you are indecisive, strike a thunder first, and if it doesn't work, you will have all kinds of tricks.

That feeling is actually not bad, ahem, it's really cool!

Mo Chengjun was still masturbating non-stop. Under the altar, the four-eared demon donkey suddenly neighed. When he regained consciousness, he saw several people walking in quickly not far away.

Mo Chengjun had almost rested, he got up, jumped off the altar, and flew out with a stepping cloud technique in mid-air.

When he got close, he saw Chu Xuexian and several unknown sword cultivators, as well as Balinger who was held in the air by a blue leaf-shaped magic weapon.

At this time, Baling'er was also awake, but it was obvious that he was seriously injured, and it was difficult for him to even walk on the ground.

Leaping down next to the leaf-shaped ritual vessel, Mo Chengjun looked Baling'er up and down, and after a while he sneered, "Oh, isn't this my brother? Why can't I get out of bed?"

Baling'er chuckled, not caring at all, but a little complacent: "What do you know?

That's a ghost king, a ghost king who came down from a mang mountain, a cultivator who is better than leaving his body. I provoked him and he didn't die. Don't you think I have a lot of life? "

Mo Chengjun grinned and made a gesture: "Hehe, is the ghost king awesome? If I make such a small move, he will run away!"

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for a few days, Xiao Mo, why are you so thick-skinned?"

"I can't help it, who told me that I have a brilliant record? Look, that ghost king has escaped!"

"That's right, the ghost king is also blind, and he is destined to be the laughing stock of the ghost world in the future."

"I think he should be thankful, because he has witnessed the rise of a great power."

"The strong one? Where is it? Why didn't I see it!"

Well, the two unscrupulously boasted and hurt each other, diluting the smell of gunpowder after the war, and it also made several other people dumbfounded.

After a long while, Baling'er couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep again.

Only then did Mo Chengjun respectfully salute several sword cultivators: "Mo Chengjun, I have met all the brothers and uncles. This time, on behalf of Baling'er, I would like to thank you all for saving my life!"

The faces of several sword masters were strange, and a handsome man spoke first: "Are you the true master?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

The handsome swordsman said: "According to the regulations of our Xinghe Jianzong, monks in the same realm, true disciples should be regarded as senior brothers, and inner disciples should be regarded as junior brothers.

So, you have to call us juniors. "

The old man of the golden core said again: "As for me, even though I have entered the golden core, for the true biography, you only need to call me Shishu, and you must not call me Shibo."

And this regulation?
Mo Chengjun thought about it, and it seemed that there really was.

In the end, he had no choice but to speak again, bowed, and said: "Then, Mo Chengjun, the true biography of the Four Seasons Peak, has met all the masters, uncles, and juniors!"


After exchanging names again, Mo Chengjun also knew that the golden core old man was an elder from Wuhui Peak, named Zhao Wuchen.

It has been a hundred years since he entered Jindan, and there is basically no further possibility. He is also focusing more on the sect, from big management to small missions, he can do everything he can.

In fact, they are the skeletons of the sect, filled with flesh and blood. Although they have the name of elders, they are different from the elders of the inner sect, so they have another title - standing elders.

The young and handsome sword repairer is from Longding Mountain, named Sun Shiwu, and is good at "Nine Kills Sword Art".

This is also Longding Mountain's barbarian sword tactic, known as the number one killing sword tactic of the Sword Sect. Although it is not conducive to practice, it is indeed decisive in killing and cutting, and is the number one in the sect.

There are also two older brothers, one named Li Zixiong and the other Li Ziwen.

They are all good friends of Baling'er, among them Li Ziwen has the skill of tracking breath.

As for the one who is good at 'backtracking technique', it is naturally Chu Xuexian.

After they got to know each other, they returned to Yong'an City together. Thanks to Mo Chengjun's superb performance, although the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts was exaggerated, Yong'an City basically did not suffer any major damage.

The Yamen of the Monster Slayer Division became a place for the few people to stay temporarily, and through the Echo Wall, the news was sent back to Galaxy Sword Sect.

It was also at this time that they knew that Sword Master Four Seasons had actually come in person.

As for Qian Lili, he was quite clever, and he had already recruited several healers in the city to treat everyone's injuries.

Don't think that these mortal doctors don't work. In fact, some medicines are still useful even for immortal cultivators who have not yet left the human level.

Although Mo Chengjun was also exhausted, he was already in the best condition among the crowd.

The other six people were suffering from five labors and seven injuries, even Chu Xuexian, who they focused on taking care of, was the same.

With such an injury, it is natural that they are not suitable for traveling, so the few of them stayed in the Yamen of the Monster Slaying Division to cultivate themselves.

Mo Chengjun also told several people about the money benefit. At this time, Baling'er and others knew that it seemed silly, and the fat man who ran before and after running was still doing such immoral things. Give a good face.

However, they didn't deal with this person either. After all, he was a hundred households of the demon slayer, and the court had to deal with it.

And Mo Chengjun also learned about the specific situation of the Lotus Sect from Zhao Wuchen, the golden alchemist uncle.

 I don't want to ask for tickets, because it's useless

(End of this chapter)

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