Chapter 80
Baling'er's cave.

When Mo Chengjun arrived in front of the door, he was not polite, kicked the door open with his kick, and rushed in aggressively.

Then, in the garden, I saw Baling'er playing with Xiao Rui'er, Tangtang Jianxiu was riding a big horse, and he was still crawling happily on the ground, which also made Xiao Rui'er laugh out loud.

Seeing Mo Chengjun's arrival, he seemed to have expected it a long time ago, got up, put Ruier down, patted his clothes, and said with a smile: "How is it, how does it feel to be famous?"

"Famous? Me? It seems that you know something?"

Mo Chengjun's eyes were not friendly: "Tell me, is it your fault?"

Baling'er called Qu: "I, hehe, don't you think highly of me? Think about it carefully, is that something I can save?"

Mo Chengjun thought about it a little, and realized that it really meant that.

Think carefully about those people I met today, the true biography is the foundation, Silent Forest is the elder level of the inner sect, how can an 'ordinary' disciple like Baling'er be driven?
Just, wait...

Mo Chengjun seemed to have remembered something, his eyes became even more unfriendly, and he said, "Hearing what you said, you seem to stay at home and know everything about the world?"

Baling'er chuckled: "Actually, I don't know, but I can guess."

"What did you guess?"

Baling'er looked like she was holding a pearl of wisdom: "I guess there will be many people looking for you today, and they may have nothing else to do when they see you, just want to get to know you.

Moreover, this is just the beginning, in the future, maybe you will be even busier. "

"What? There's more to come?" Mo Chengjun was a little restless. After a day of tossing around, he hardly did anything. Although bragging is cool, it's a waste of time!
If you have to do this in the future, you must bore yourself to death.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I just want to ask why?
why am i famous
Why do these people seem to be rushing to get to know me?There must be a reason, right? "

Baling'er said cheerfully, "You forgot what you did yourself?"

"What did I do?"

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You mean the "Wind and Thunder Law"?"

"That's just one aspect, and it also includes that you expelled the evil ghost king outside Sifang City, brother, you have to have a clear understanding, that is a ghost king with a ghost city.

And you, a little Foundation Establishment Sword Cultivator.

You collided and escaped like a ghost king. Do you know how shocking this is? "

Baling'er felt quite powerless to complain, and continued: "We really didn't help you publicize this matter, but the matter is there, what should be spread will always spread.

It's just that not many people believe it.

After all, if I didn't experience it personally, whoever wants to brag about it with me, I can spray him in the face.

Of course, the situation is different now, who asked you to hand in the supernatural powers of "Fengyun Leifa"?

Do you know what kind of impact this supernatural power has caused in the Hall of Enlightenment?

Do you know that when the Four Seasons Sword Master handed this thing up, the immortals in the Temple of Enlightenment almost broke their heads?
If it weren't for the Four Seasons Sword Master to help you, believe it or not, you would have to accept a few old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years in the Hall of Enlightenment, um, warm hospitality and cordial greetings. "

A certain image flashed in Mo Chengjun's mind, his whole body shuddered, and he said weakly: "Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Balinger's voice was even louder: "I said brother, are you drifting away? One method and three supernatural powers, what else do you want?
Exaggeration, hehe, you will experience more exaggeration. "

Mo Chengjun was still somewhat sensible, he said: "It's not right to say that, I have not handed in one or two secret records, why didn't I have such an exaggerated reaction before?"

Baling'er knew Mo Chengjun the best, and also knew the twists and turns, without hesitation, he said, "Hehe, don't you think about what you handed in before?
"The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method", this thing is not bad for some old monsters to see and not hit you.

"Hope Secret Record" is good, but the scope of application is not narrow.

You handed in these two books, it's not that it didn't cause shock, but the disagreement in the Hall of Enlightenment was quite big, so it was dealt with coldly.

And these secret records are not undisclosed to the public, but how to say?

It's too far away, and few people can see it, so naturally it can't afford to splash much wind and waves.

As for the improved version of "Hunyuan Qi", this is a good thing, and it can also cause shock.

But this thing is too important to the Zongmen, and it was bought by the Zongmen. If it is laid in the name of the Zongmen, naturally not many people will pay attention to you. "

Baling'er is worthy of being a well-informed person, and he has thoroughly studied the internal affairs of Xinghe Jianzong, and even some rules of conduct.

At this point, he seems to be still unfinished in his conclusion: "But this time it's different.

One method and three supernatural powers are exaggerated, and there is an example of you as a law maker, and you also used this supernatural power to force back a ghost king.

Tsk tsk, although our Xinghe Sword Sect is a sword cultivator sect, but that is a supernatural power, not to mention us inner sects and true disciples, but those Nascent Soul bosses, do you think they are not tempted?

Will there be any action? "

Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass!

Mo Chengjun now also knows the importance of this matter. He doesn't care if he is famous or not. Although it doesn't match his low-key style, he really doesn't care.

But this person is afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, not to mention other things, just being harassed every day to make friends, socialize and compliment, does he still do research?
Should his scientific research projects be advanced?

In other words, is it too late to adopt a high-cold demeanor and reject people thousands of miles away?

Turning his eyes, Mo Chengjun suddenly looked at Baling'er again, and said with a smile: "Brother Ba, you see, you know that I don't like vulgar things and concentrate on researching, this situation is really too much for me.

Look, what should I do? "

Baling'er shook his head: "I don't know."

Mo Chengjun: "Why don't you help me block it?"

Baling'er shook his head even more happily: "Don't be kidding, I'm an inner disciple, who would appreciate it?"

Mo Chengjun: "You are my plenipotentiary representative, what are you talking about?"

Baling'er sneered: "Hehe, we are so familiar, how can we not know you, do you want to throw the blame away?
However, I just don't agree! "

Mo Chengjun was angry: "Ba Ling'er, Senior Brother Ba, I heard that you practiced another flying sword called Yiyi, how about we practice it?"

"If you are willing to fight with swords, then I will accompany you, it's not that I look down on you, your kid is powerful in magic arts, and even more ruthless in supernatural powers.

However, fighting swords, hehehe..."

"No, no, how can you just fight swords? Junior brother, I am only at the initial stage of foundation establishment. You are already in the late stage, so you can't let people say that you bully the small with the big!

Otherwise, I'll use some thunder method.

In the past few days, I have some new insights, don't worry, I can't kill people! "

Baling'er's face froze, and he immediately took the flying sword back: "Hehehehe, I believe you!"

"What, I take it as your promise."

"I didn't agree."

"You promised!"



The words are divided into two ends, it is night, the city between clouds.

The midnight fog spread, covering Yunjian City. As a city on the mountainside, it is normal for it to be foggy at night.

At this time, two people came out of the mist,

one is him,
One is her.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella each, they walked through the city gate, through the street, into Tea Tree Lane, and into the private school.

In the first private school in Tea Tree Lane, they saw the old master sleeping on a recliner again, who was already very old.

The old master is still so old, it seems that the old man may die in the next second.

But his precarious appearance has been maintained for many years, and he has deceived many people.

He didn't look up, just asked: "Have you confirmed?"

The two people under the oil-paper umbrella finally raised their heads, but any disciple of Galaxy Sword Sect would exclaim here.

Because, these two are big figures in Galaxy Sword Sect.

A head teacher of Galaxy Sword Sect, known as Tianhen Sword Immortal, Hua Ye.

Shen Jinxiu, the lord of the Four Seasons Palace and the sword master of the Four Seasons.

What is the status of the two of them, but at this moment, they can only stand in this private school, and they don't feel any discomfort.

After listening to the question, the two looked at each other, and it was the female sword master who said, "Following the line of the evil ghost king, we can basically be sure that it is the handwriting of those people.

Simply, our reaction is also quick, cutting off their hands and feet, it is estimated that they will restrain themselves. "

"Convergence? Hehe..."

The old master suddenly laughed, and shook his head slightly with a smile: "You guys still don't know them well enough, but they have never been restrained people?
If they have decided to make a move, they will not give up easily.

Go prepare, don't make too many moves, but be prepared, they will always have a back move, and their strength will also exceed your imagination. "

Hua Ye, the head teacher of Galaxy Sword Sect, couldn't help it at this moment: "But what do they want to do? There must be a purpose, right?"


The old master seemed to have remembered something, and his cloudy eyes were a little blurred, as if he saw a scene from a long time ago.

With just a flash in his eyes, he regained his clarity and sighed faintly: "Normal people do things with purpose and direction, that's right.

But you have to ask the purpose of a group of lunatics?

I'm sorry, I really don't know, not only do I not know their purpose, I don't even know the purpose of their existence, let alone what they want to do?
Discussing this with a bunch of lunatics is stupid in itself! "

Hua Ye stopped talking. In fact, he didn't know what to say.

The old master also seemed to be tired, and waved his hands: "That's it, that's it, if necessary, I will take action, you can rest assured.

It's just that after this shot, I really don't know if there will be a next time.

go Go! "

Whether it was Hua Ye or the female sword master, they seemed to have something to say, but they watched the old master wave his hands, but in the end they didn't speak, but silently bowed, held up the oil-paper umbrella again, and left.

Only the old master was left sitting alone, and after a long time, a faint voice spread: "Bending the sky?
Make up for the sky!

I use my body to make up for the lack of the sky, what a big breath!
But the question is, what are you doing now? "

 Chapter 2 here, ask for some votes!
(End of this chapter)

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