Chapter 82 Teaching the Fa
As Balinger said, there was no resistance at all to Mo Chengjun starting the class, but on the third day, the Temple of Enlightenment updated the course schedule of "Feng Yun Lei Fa".

And this news spread throughout the entire Galaxy Sword Sect immediately.

You must know that in normal times, this course is replaced every six months.

After all, no matter whether it is refining tools and alchemy, talisman formations, or flying swordsmanship, if you practice hard for half a year, you will never learn anything substantial.

Even if there are changes in courses and instructors, it is mostly announced at the beginning of each month.

The only special case is that the instructor who starts the class needs to retreat and break through, or the sect has exclusive tasks, otherwise it will generally not change.

But Mo Chengjun broke this convention. His course was announced in the middle of the month, and the start time was directly set on the first day of the second half of this month.

Moreover, he only held classes for five days in ten days, each time at an hour near noon. The first course was tentatively scheduled for three months. After March, it would be decided whether to continue the course depending on the actual situation.

As for the contribution points required for the course, it is extremely high. After all, it is a big course in the name of supernatural powers. If the fee is not high, it cannot be justified.

All of the above are the results of careful discussions between Baling'er and Mo Chengjun in the Hall of Enlightenment.

Originally, the other party hoped to have eight days of classes in a ten-day period, but Mo Chengjun sternly refused.

Just kidding, I don't think there are too many classes for five days a day, and you let me open for eight days, isn't that a waste of my time?

Wasting my time, isn't that killing me?

As for the class time, it was specifically requested by Mo Chengjun.

He thought very well, one hour before noon, he could go straight to the cafeteria to eat after the end, that is, he would not waste his time, and there would be no such thing as dragging the hall to answer questions.

What about course prices?

Well, that's really not what Mo Chengjun asked for, he didn't care if the price was lower.

Because, he really didn't want to make money with this.

Ke Wu Dao Dian directly rejected his request, and the reason given was also simple-fa, which should not be passed on lightly.

Mo Chengjun didn't quite understand at first, but Baling'er explained it thoroughly to him.

After all, this "Fengyun Leifa" is a supernatural technique known as one method and three supernatural powers, and it has been approved by the Hall of Enlightenment. If the price is low, what do you make other inner sect elders think?

How to do it?

There are all comparisons. It’s not that you set a low value that is excellent, but that everyone has a measure, so you can’t set it too low.

Well, Mo Chengjun has learned this point, but he has also won a benefit for his future students, that is, he is allowed to take pictures in class.

Taking pictures in class, to put it bluntly, is allowed to use photo stones to record class content during get out of class, and private study and dissemination after class is allowed.

This point is not recognized in many classrooms, because it directly violates the rights and interests of the inner sect elders.

After all, these inner sect elders all rely on holding classes for a living.

If you record all the content and spread it privately, will he not be able to attend the course?

Of course, some instructors don't care and allow it.

As for Mo Chengjun, he was purely thinking of dismissing a wave, wishing that no one would bother him after this course was over.

As for the start of the class, Mo Chengjun was not intimidated.

He worked as a teaching assistant in college, and has experience in helping professors and mentoring students, so he feels nothing.

So, after the matter was settled, he left it behind, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his great scientific research.

And after this study, Mo Chengjun felt carried away.

What's the start of class?

What's the way?

He had completely forgotten them all.

It's just that he forgot, but who hasn't?

On the day when the class started, Baling'er rushed to his home early, dragged him out who was engrossed in his books, and hurriedly flew to the big classroom in the inner door.

To be honest, how calm Mo Chengjun was before entering the classroom, how panicked he must be after entering the classroom.

There were hundreds of people sitting in the huge classroom that caught my eye, all of them staring eagerly at the door.

When Mo Chengjun changed his mind, he thought that he had entered the wrong place.

He glanced around, turned around, drew a perfect arc, and retreated outside the classroom.

At the door, Baling'er watched him come back and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Chengjun blinked and asked, "Did I enter the wrong classroom?"

Baling'er looked around, and even looked at the names on the classroom, and said, "It's Tingfengju, that's right!
No, why do you feel like you're in the wrong place? "

Mo Chengjun stared, and said angrily: "I also studied in the inner sect, and I know that the number of students in this class must not exceed eighty.

And here, there must be at least hundreds of people, right? "

Baling'er grinned: "Are you surprised?
Let me tell you, when your class schedule came out, the registration office was almost overwhelmed by the number of people who signed up. Even the high fee couldn't dampen people's enthusiasm!
And you don't want to have more classes, so there is no way, so the Hall of Enlightenment has created a large classroom. "

Mo Chengjun: "But what happened to those elders? Although I glanced at them just now, the first two rows seem to be elders?

It's okay to say that the inner sect and the true master came to attend the lectures, but what are these elders? "

Baling'er asked a little strangely: "Elders can't come to attend classes? Elders don't need to study and improve?

Elders don't long for supernatural powers anymore?
Don't worry, they all taught contribution points, and your share will never be less. "

After asking three times in a row, Mo Chengjun was stunned.

Until this moment, he seemed to have truly realized the charm of the 'one method and three supernatural powers', and it seemed that even these fanatical sword cultivators could not resist this temptation.

In other words, as long as you are a cultivator, you can't resist the temptation of supernatural powers!
On this side, Mo Chengjun was still dumbfounded, while on the other side, Baling'er had already arranged his clothes and stepped forward, ready to enter the door.

Mo Chengjun had sharp eyes and quick hands, pulled him and asked, "Why are you going?"

Baling'er looked pale: "I'll go in and listen to the class.

As your assistant, I am the only one among the nine students in the classroom 310 who does not need to pay tuition.

how about it?Envious? "


Seeing Baling'er walking in with a serious face, Mo Chengjun didn't want to talk at all. He was stunned for a long time before he heard the bell ringing for the start of class.

The sound of 'dong dong dong' knocked in his ears, and also brought back Mo Chengjun's sanity.

He inhaled slightly, exhaled, and after taking several deep breaths, his expression had calmed down.

Stepping forward again, his self-confidence, indifference, and even the self-confidence that came out of his bones were all brought out again.

Isn't it just one course?

I'm a coward!

The big deal is to brag and not break the law, I don't believe in Brother Yi's brains and knowledge, and I can't fool you!

With this thought in mind, Mo Chengjun felt much better.

He entered the classroom, stood on the podium, faced hundreds of pairs of eyes, threw a copy of "Wind and Thunder Law" on the table, and said: "Today, I will talk to you about this supernatural power." .

My point is that everyone can learn this supernatural power as long as they find their own way. "

Just this one sentence caused the whole classroom to explode!

To be honest, Mo Chengjun is really ahead of his time. Relying on his aptitude and talent for manipulating the heaven and earth, he came into contact with supernatural powers prematurely.

In fact, even if it is a Jindan real person, if he can find out a supernatural power, he is considered to be extremely talented and aptitude.

Don't you see that even Fairy Ruoli, the personal disciple of the Female Sword Master, is extremely talented, but she still can't find a supernatural power in the way of swordsmanship.

Normally, only those who can step into the overhaul of the Nascent Soul Realm will be able to acquire the first supernatural power in life.

As for fighting with supernatural powers, that is to enter the fairyland and become the great power of a fairy, which is still timeless.

Of course, with their magic power, the power to promote supernatural powers is beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

This is also the reason why this 'one method and three supernatural powers' became so eye-catching after the name was blown out.

Although there are also female sword masters who contribute to the flames, this title is really very attractive.

Moreover, Mo Chengjun is still a living example, how can he not make people's hearts move?

And Mo Chengjun lived up to expectations, the first sentence of the class made everyone's ears prick up and their spirits tightened.

They really want to know, how can everyone learn supernatural powers?
Because there is no specific lesson preparation, Mo Chengjun really can't explain "Wind and Thunder Law" from the beginning, but he is not prepared to follow the steps step by step.

In this lesson, he first explained his understanding of supernatural powers from a more macro perspective.

When it was extended to "Fengyun Leifa", he told everyone what kind of technique this is, and how it evolved into three magical powers and dozens of techniques.

And, as a late learner, if you want to acquire supernatural powers, what must you learn, how to learn, what to be proficient in, and what aspects you need to pay attention to.

To be honest, one method and three supernatural powers may seem attractive, but the difficulty is actually really high.

Especially the pre-conditions must be proficient in ventilation, cloud and rain, and the variants are fog and thunder.

These not only need to be learned well, but also need to be learned carefully and deeply before they can be combined.

That requires not only talent and aptitude, but also a lot of effort, and it is by no means an overnight achievement.

However, Mo Chengjun would not let people come empty-handed.

Because he didn't teach the lecture purely according to "Fengyun Leifa", he simply let go of the lecture, supplemented by the technique, based on the principle, combined with the theory he studied, and told everyone why this technique is like this?

Where is the power?
And why is there such power?
Of course, just teaching the method is boring, and it is difficult to understand if it is dry, so the best choice is to directly perform the method.

So, between his hands, sometimes there is a gust of wind howling, turning into a blade, moving back and forth.

Sometimes the clouds and mist are filled, gathering and dispersing impermanently, or black clouds over the city, or white clouds surround.

Sometimes wind and rain meet, colliding with lightning and thunder, and thunderbolt sparks.

There is also a torrential rain, and the big raindrops do not need money to fall.

He can even move as he pleases, raindrops can turn into frost, snowflakes, hailstones, ice cones, and tornadoes.

And all of this, seemingly miraculous and mysterious, is only between his two palms.

That power is magnificent, but it has not been able to break away from the square inch from the beginning to the end, and is in charge.

With just one hand, more than 300 people in the entire classroom were fascinated, dazzled and unable to extricate themselves.

Then, no more...

When the get out of class bell rang, Mo Chengjun said bluntly: "Foretell what will happen next, and let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the book, patted his clothes and left, neat and tidy.

Only the quiet classroom was left, and hundreds of people were still in a daze. After a full moment, it exploded.

It wasn't until this moment that they started discussing violently. Even the leading inner sect elders all looked at each other in blank dismay.

When these people came back to their senses, they all found that after this class, they didn't seem to have learned anything specific.

But each one was also shocking and inexplicable, as if supernatural powers were within reach.


At this time, in a corner outside the big classroom, Mo Chengjun was leaning against the wall, brushing his forehead with his hands, sweating from his hands.

"Good guy, I really scared the baby to death!"

 By the way, can any brother tell me how to promote it?you can chat with me privately

(End of this chapter)

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