Chapter 88
The unlucky Xue Ling, the past two years have not been very satisfactory. In terms of realm, he has Mo Chengjun's help to adjust the method of feeding Qi, and he has steadily entered the late stage of entraining Qi, and he is not far from consummation. up.

It took less than ten years to reach this realm, not to mention his talent for being a human being, even if he was the best choice.

But these are not enough to make him famous in the outer sect. On the contrary, it is his "stupidity" in the way of swords that makes him well-known by everyone.

It's not that his talent for swordsmanship is so poor that it is unparalleled.

The galaxy sword sect recruits so many people every year, and it's not that there are no worse than him, or almost the same.

But most of the other people are very self-aware, and after confirming that they can't achieve much in kendo, they will choose to 'change career' without hesitation.

Talisman and seal formation, alchemy and refining tools, beast control and spiritual pet, whichever one is learned well, is more popular and popular than the way of swords that focuses on killing and cutting.

But Xue Ling's "death knocking" kendo is unique, even when his relatives, godfathers, mentors and elders all came out to persuade him, he still remained stubborn, he was the only one.

And this also made him a celebrity in the outer sect, even many disciples in the inner sect had heard his name.

In the past two years, Xue Ling's father, Xue Pan, was also worried about his son.

Not only did he find many high-level sects to find a solution, but he also spent a lot of effort to buy a sword pill for him, named 'Qingfeng'.

This sword pill is considered unique, it is made of nine-gold materials, and after several generations of sword master blood sacrifices, the spirituality that was refined from it is extraordinary, compared with the one that Mo Chengjun took out from the sect's secret storehouse, it is almost the same.

Although Xinghe Sword Sect will not equip disciples in Qi Entraining Realm with sword pills, it is just because doing so is too wasteful.

In fact, the monks in the Qi Entraining Realm have already been able to introduce the sword pills into the dantian in the body to warm them up, which is no problem.

And Xue Pan's idea was 'not enough talent in swordsmanship, so I'll make up for it with magic tools', thinking about using this sword pill to make up for his precious son's lack of talent.

This was the only way he could think of.

But the problem is that his idea is good, but it's wrong. Even if he has the best sword pill, he can't comprehend the essence of kendo, and he still can't comprehend it.

All useless!
The reason why Mo Chengjun passed on the version of Xue Ling's "Yi Jin Jing 2.0" was also to lay the foundation for him on the one hand.

Hunyuan Qi is not as violent as Qixuan Sword Qi, and it is also highly manipulable. Although it can't achieve the greatest effect when used to run the "Yi Jin Jing", it is always right to expand the meridians.

Not to mention that it can also purify mana, communicate with swords, and increase spirituality.

Mo Chengjun really can't do anything about his kendo talent, but as a godfather, he still thinks of himself as a godson.

On the other hand, he also wanted to see if the "Yi Jin Jing" could be completed in the Qi Entraining Realm, and whether there were other obstacles and deficiencies in it.

Although he is sure that it is not a big problem, there must be an actual success story.

Of course, compared to Xue Ling's suffering, the little girl Ba Nishang went much smoother.

She has also reached the age of Taoism, because she has used medicine to wash her body since she was a child, so her talent and temperament are definitely the best choice,
There is also an indescribable aura, and in the way of swordsmanship, she has thrown her brother Xue by a thousand miles.

The little girl who was only eight years old actually held a wooden sword and played it well.

Although Xue Ling's sword practice is standard and strict, and every move is perfectly executed, all you can see is dull, dull, and completely devoid of spirituality.

And what about Ban Nishang?
Although she is not tall, she is also small, holding a wooden sword seems to be about the same height as her.

But the sword she played seems to be not standard, but it is full of spirituality and ingenuity.

Xue Ling, who was watching from the side, was full of envy, jealousy and hatred!

Of course, Xue Ling is not a fool, especially when Mo Chengjun's identity was 'exposed' and he was sought after by all the real biologists, inner sects, and even elders, he also clearly realized that his godfather is in the end. What an amazing person.

After Mo Chengjun taught him the "Yi Jin Jing", he also ran here every three days. He was not diligent, and he wanted to learn more other things.

And what about Mo Chengjun?
I just yelled at the 'godfather', and I was willing to talk to him more, and consciously arranged for him to do some things, such as some small experiments, and let him help.

He didn't want to train Xue Ling to be his experimental assistant, but he just wanted to stimulate his interest in other directions through practical research and study.

In the past, Xue Ling only saw scenery and beautiful scenery on the sword path.

So, he plunged into it, unable to extricate himself, and thought he had seen the world, and felt that he had chosen the only true love.

And now?

Mo Chengjun just wanted to lead him to see the big river, watch the sunrise, admire the mountains and rivers, and roam the forest.

Only by seeing more can you know which one you really like.

During this process, Mo Chengjun even brought the young man into contact with the refining weapon.

He originally wanted to learn how to refine weapons, and now he is pulling Xue Ling together, which can be regarded as learning and making progress together.

He did this, on the one hand, to enlighten him, and on the other hand, he wanted to teach him how to study, how to think, how to comprehend the essence of it, and how to see the truth through the clouds and mists.

Compared with specific knowledge, mastering the correct learning method may be more important.

Well, for this godson, Mo Chengjun felt that he really did his best.

And Xue Ling, also here, enjoyed the envious eyes of others!

Just kidding, among the courses in the inner sect, Mo Chengjun's courses are the most difficult to apply for.

Not only is the contribution point high, but you also have to line up, otherwise it will be full in the blink of an eye. Although there are some photos exposed, but if you don’t go to class, you won’t have the opportunity to ask questions.

And now?

This outer sect disciple who popped up out of nowhere was actually brought along to teach him, and he could ask for advice at any time without spending any contribution points.

Many true disciples were jealous of this treatment, so how could they not be envious and jealous?

Well, Mo Chengjun has to admit that Xue Ling's godfather has played a key role in his reputation in the inner sect.

In any case, by this time, the development and research of "Yi Jin Jing" has come to an end, and it has been recorded in secret, and he has put it in his study.

As for the update of version 3.0, that is a matter of the future.

Mo Chengjun felt that, at least until he achieved Jindan, it was unnecessary.

Now, those who should rest have also rested, and those who should practice have begun to practice step by step.

Mana is growing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye, and it changes every day, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Therefore, new scientific research projects should also start.

This time, Mo Chengjun is going to study the magic instrument microscope, and use it to find out the inner difference between the eyes of the spiritual spring in the dormant period and the eye of the active spring.

This project is not to say how important it is, but that it has been delayed for too long, so long that Mo Chengjun himself can't stand it anymore.

The basis of the magic weapon microscope is to learn how to refine the weapon.

This, Mo Chengjun has already signed up for the course and studied it in depth for a while.

To be honest, Mo Chengjun had an idea a long time ago about the magic weapon and magic weapon with various magical effects made by this world of cultivating immortals.

This situation is like an ancient person looking at the telephone, mobile phone, and TV projector used by modern people. Apart from being amazed, there is nothing left but inconceivable.

And with the in-depth study, Mo Chengjun also discovered that the refining of this magic weapon actually had a little bit of mechanical manufacturing in it.

Although the two are not a system, some principles seem to be common.

Refining equipment, refining equipment, as the name suggests, refining all kinds of magical artifacts with magical effects.

It can attack, protect the body, control the field, boost, immobilize the body, and bind. Its functions are so many and complicated that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without it.

But really speaking, any magic artifact has two aspects.

One is physical materials, such as metals such as steel, iron, copper, aluminum, etc. used in machine manufacturing, or non-metallic materials.

To use them naturally has to give full play to the characteristics of their materials, just like copper wires are used in electric wires, because copper wires have better performance than iron wires and steel wires.

Of course, in the world of cultivating immortals, most materials contain elements of heaven and earth inspiration, or respond to heaven and earth inspiration.

The fineness of its specific adjustments is no different from the various special materials in the previous life, or even surpassed.

This part extremely tests the experience and ability of the craftsman, forging the required materials to the required level, including fire control, time, tempering, auxiliary materials, etc., which are really far from the slightest difference.

In private, Mo Chengjun also called this part the hardware part.

If there is hardware, there must be software, and the so-called software is all kinds of spiritual circuits.

Here we have to go back to the level of Lingwen and seal script.

At this time, Mo Chengjun is no longer the original Xiaobai, as time goes by, he has his own specialized knowledge,

With a wider understanding, I won't get a disk, and I won't even start it.

And as his cognition increased, he discovered that Lingwen had actually penetrated into every aspect of this cultivating civilization.

Whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, whether it is magic weapon or spiritual weapon, whether it is formation or talisman, in fact, they can all be regarded as various applications of spiritual script.

Fu seal has cloud seal method,

There is a magic formula for refining weapons,

Arrays have various array loops,
Even if it is alchemy, when the main use is the inherent characteristics of various elixir, there must still be a formula to stimulate the medicinal properties, and these are actually composed of spiritual texts.

Of course, although all of these involve spiritual texts in the final analysis, there must be gaps among them, and they are still very large.

If you ask Mo Chengjun to explain it, it can be regarded as using Lingwen seal script to write poems.

If Yunzhuan method is Tang poetry, it needs to be short and concise, with profound meaning,

Then Qi Ling Jue is a song poem, which varies in length, but has a specific format, and it has to match the rhythm, and it can be sung when necessary.

But the pattern is much more serious, it can be regarded as a strategy theory for the exam, you have to fully analyze your own point of view, and you have to demonstrate one by one, and explain one by one.

Finally, there is Dan Jue, which is a modern poem, and it can be anything out of the ordinary, as long as the effect is good.

If you want to talk about them, is it out of the scope of words?
No, no, all of them are still in the text, but are they the same?

That makes a huge difference.

And this is the spiritual seal script in Mo Chengjun's cognition, which is almost filled in every aspect and every corner of the civilization of cultivating immortals.

To put it bluntly, it is no exaggeration to say that Lingwen seal script has power.

And the various closed loops formed by Lingwen are the most basic units of all the above items.

In the refining process, the spiritual scripts accompany every link of the refining tool. From the initial material processing, it is necessary to inject spiritual scripts into the materials one by one, which is equivalent to opening up all kinds of strange texture closed loops inside these materials.

A simple point of understanding is a variety of complex power boards.

Then, when the various materials are integrated, each of the spiritual closed loops must also be connected and communicated with the existing spiritual closed loops in other materials, and finally form a complete whole.

And these spiritual closed loops can achieve such effects as retracting, controlling, floating, attacking, and even more complex and incredible effects.

For example, the size is as desired, such as the transformation of virtual reality, such as energy attack, such as space change, etc., etc. various effects...

Look, isn't this like building a machine?
Although the connotation is very different, the basic principles are there, the only difference is the lack of energy drive.

But in fact?
Isn't mana an alternative energy source?

 Ask for a ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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