Chapter 99 Evil Immortal
To be honest, Mo Chengjun knew that this request he made was a bit excessive and dangerous!

As mentioned earlier, in this world, the civilization of cultivating immortals does not mean that the older it is, the stronger it is, although there are also some tyrannical beings that transcend the common world.

But on the whole, it has an obvious process of development and growth, just like technological civilization.

In the thousands of years of known history of cultivating immortal civilization, it can be roughly divided into two stages.

The first stage is before the founding of the Daxuan Dynasty. It was still the world of martial arts. The warriors used their fists and feet to fight bloody demons and ghosts, open up territories and protect their homes.

At that time, there were also immortal cultivators, but they were not recognized by the mainstream. What they cultivated was neither immortal nor real, but pure magic.

At that time, monks were not called monks, but strangers.

At that time, the spells were not called spells, let alone supernatural powers, but different spells.

At that time, the people of Great Xia were actually extremely repulsive to aliens, thinking that this group of people was the source of disaster, a symbol of disaster, and an ominous omen.

Of course, this view is biased, but since such a unified view is formed, it is not without reason.

For example, the "Redwood Secret Record" obtained by Mo Chengjun, which involves the study of the secrets of the human body, has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths of humans and monsters.

Of course, it can be said that it is a necessary sacrifice for the development of Xiandao, and history will remember their contribution.

But for those people and demons who died because of this, it was not a good experience.

And this, of course, cannot be an example!
In fact, after Mo Chengjun read the history books of Zangfalou, he once sketched a picture scroll in his mind.

That was the initial exploration of human beings for the application of heaven and earth, everything is still in ignorance, and there is no definite number.

However, in order to explore the use of heaven and earth inspiration and the method of longevity and long-term vision, in order to enter the door of practice, some people can stick to their hearts, but more people are unscrupulous and have no bottom line!

It should be said that the perfection of anything needs to go through a process, as is the case with science, and so with cultivating immortals.

And in this process of exploration, no one dares to say that they can find the right direction.

No one dared to say that the fruit they harvested was the sweetest fruit.

And walking on the wrong path, nothing is the norm.

It is more about going crazy, being crazy is good, exploding and dying, and death abounds on the spot.

But there is also a situation, that is, they have really blazed a path, but the method they created is full of various problems and defects.

For example, there is no expected effect.

For example, you need some precious natural materials and earth treasures to get started.

These are considered good, and some evil methods have a lot of sequelae, and life loss and self-injury are the most common situations.

There are also some exercises that require a large amount of blood, plundering the mana of others for cultivation, feeding on people, digging out hearts, concocting Zihe chariots, and so on.

Of course, although it is a problematic method, it has to be said that these methods have created many powerful evil figures, or monsters.

It can be said that these demons and heretics contributed a lot to the collapse of the Great Xia Dynasty.

And this situation improved after the establishment of the Six Realms of Immortal Dao.

Although it seems to be just a realm name now, to the monks at that time, it was a clearly visible path.

If cultivating immortals is compared to mountain climbing, everyone originally walked at the foot of the mountain, each choosing their own path to climb.

Perhaps there is a gifted person who can overcome all difficulties and climb to the top.

But these roads are destined not to be suitable for most people. They will stagnate at the cliffs, or climb up forcefully, and fall half to death.

The establishment of the Six Realms of Immortal Dao is like a rugged mountain road that has been opened up, although it is still impossible for everyone to reach the top of the mountain.

But with a clear goal and direction, practice is no longer simply groping in the dark.

This is the second stage of cultivating immortal civilization, just like capital has completed the initial bloody accumulation, with the constraints and guidance of rules, it begins to yearn for stability and order.

At this time, the Great Xia Dynasty collapsed suddenly, and when the strength of the warriors was insufficient to protect the human race, someone else stepped forward to turn the tide and help the building to collapse.

Of course, in order to distinguish themselves from the past, they no longer call themselves strangers, but monks and immortals.

The purpose of their practice has become the cultivation of immortality, the pursuit of longevity and long-term vision.

Of course, although they are orthodox and have the name of righteousness, they even spare no effort to exterminate and cull those who have practiced evil methods and magic skills.

But history is history, no matter how it is tampered with, it is still there.

And the major sects will still collect some relatively powerful evil methods and magic skills for various reasons.

The most famous among them is the Xiandu sect, and there are more than thousands of strange techniques in its sect.

Of course, since they can be recognized by other immortal sects and dynasties, it is naturally because their main practice is still the orthodox inheritance.

Besides, the "Great Illusion, Demon, Evil and True Method" that Mo Chengjun is mentioning now is an extremely powerful method of controlling the gods and confusing the gods among the evil methods.

This is what Mo Chengjun accidentally read in a certain book. It is said that the illusion created by him has reached the point of "manipulating people's hearts, and not knowing whether he is alive or dead".

Why manipulate people's hearts?

It is a distortion of the five senses. All the relatives or enemies you see in front of you are just what the manipulator wants you to see.

Why don't you know life and death?
It is a confusion of your own senses, whether you are hurt or not, it is just what the manipulator makes you think.

It might be too abstract to say that. For example, the first person who successfully practiced this method is called the Great Illusory Demon Xiexian, a true immortal, and a giant in the evil way.

What he likes to do the most is to plant illusions for people, and the final result is that you think that the person you have stabbed to death with so much painstaking efforts is your own enemy, and when you get your revenge, you are enjoying yourself.
He lifted the spell, and let you see that the person who died in his hands was actually a close relative.

Or you think that you are seriously injured, your strength is already difficult to display, and when you are so weak that you can't even kill a chicken, in fact, you are in full condition and are fierce.

But if he was stabbed to death with a sword just because he was deceived by the magic technique, it would definitely be an unspeakable death before death.

Of course, the reverse is actually more desperate.

Because, there is nothing more miserable than when you escaped from birth and felt that hope was right in front of you, only to see that the spell was lifted and you were about to die.

Don't think it's impossible, in fact, this great illusion and evil spirit is such a wicked person.

Maybe it's because of indulging and manipulating people's hearts. Over time, he has also become both good and evil. He likes to see people wandering between despair and hope, dying with nothing to look forward to.

In a certain period of time, this one was even selected as one of the top ten evil immortals in the world, ranking fifth. Not to mention how powerful his combat power is, but it is really too difficult to kill.

Moreover, those who are targeted by him, even if they are people of the same level, will have a headache.

Because, they may not be afraid of themselves, but who doesn't have friends, family members, disciple sects?

However, in the end, this arrogant giant of the evil way still died, in the hands of Xinghe Jianzong, and left behind his famous evil method "Great Illusion, Demon and Evil True Method".

All of the above were seen by Mo Chengjun in a certain ancient book in Zangfalou, and it has been a long time.

To be honest, I was really impressed, the magical means of manipulating people's hearts and senses is too amazing.

Of course, at that time, he just watched the excitement, so naturally he didn't think too much about it.

It was only when he was studying the sword intent and taking shape of the Three Laws that he thought about how to use it effectively, he remembered this evil method.

This is also the reason why he said that he would come to meet the Four Seasons Sword Master when he was chatting with Baling'er.

After all, it is an evil law. Although he has intentions, he is actually not very sure about it. This is why he hesitates and rambles.

There was such a period of silence in the air, the silence was a bit suffocating.

What people didn't expect was that Fairy Ruoli was the first to speak: "Junior Brother Mo, do you know what you are talking about?

That is an evil law, you actually want to learn the evil law? "

"Actually, I want to..."

Mo Chengjun opened his mouth to explain, but he was interrupted by Fairy Ruoli's stern gaze when he only spoke halfway.

And she also turned around, and said to the female sword master: "Master, Junior Brother Mo must have listened to some people's bewitching, and he shouldn't have done so in his heart.

I think there should be a thorough investigation to find out who had contact with him?

And who was bewitching him? "

Even though Fairy Ruoli said so, Mo Chengjun could naturally hear the protection expressed in the words.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated the influence of this evil law.

He just mentioned it, but he was suspected of being bewitched by others. He really overreacted.

But it was because of this that his request seemed too abrupt.

While Mo Chengjun was in a daze, the female sword master waved her hand, interrupting Fairy Ruoliu's further speech. She looked at Mo Chengjun with a much more serious expression, and asked, "How do you know that the "Big Brothers" Illusory Devil Evil True Law?"

Mo Chengjun said: "I remember what I saw in the Cangfa building for a while."

"Which book?"

Mo Chengjun tilted his head and thought for a while: "Uh, I can't remember exactly which book, you know, I read a lot, but I have the impression that it is on the fifth floor of the Zangfa Building?!
In the level belonging to Yuanying Daxiu, in a certain miscellaneous notes. "

As soon as this remark came out, the female sword master relaxed a little, and asked again: "Then how much do you know about the "Great Illusion, Demon, Evil and True Law"?"

"How much do you understand?"

Mo Chengjun scratched his head a little: "I know that this method came from a giant of the evil way, the great phantom demon, and it was suppressed by my sword sect in the end, didn't it?"

After a pause, the female sword master suddenly asked another question that was not very relevant: "Then do you know how many disciples my master, Xinghe Patriarch, had?"

"Seven people? The master of the Seven Palaces of the Galaxy Sword Sect, isn't this something everyone knows?"

Mo Chengjun was even more puzzled, but he was stunned by the next sentence of the female sword master: "No, in fact, the ancestor has eight direct disciples."

"What? How is it possible?"

Female Sword Master explained: "The current head teacher Hua Ye, we usually call him Brother Head Teacher, not Big Brother Head Teacher.

Because, he is the second child among the ancestor's disciples, he is our second senior brother, but not the first senior brother. "

After a moment's pause, she continued: "It was a great blessing for the entire Yunzhou when Master went down the mountain to suppress demons and eliminate demons. It was also at that time that he accepted a few of our disciples.

But because he was too busy, he didn't have much time to teach us personally, so he left us on the mountain and was taken care of and instructed by the elder brother.

It can be said that the few of us were led into the sword cultivator's door by the elder brother. "

Mo Chengjun was stunned. He blinked and asked, "Then, what about the Great Palace Master?"



"Who do you think killed the Great Illusory Demon Evil Immortal?
Do you think that at that time, besides my master Xinghe Patriarch, who else in Xinghe Sword Sect could suppress and kill an immortal, even an evil immortal? "

The female sword master looked directly at Mo Chengjun, her tone was very flat, but what she said made Mo Chengjun's scalp explode.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized why Fairy Ruoliu and the little girl were so surprised, even terrified, when he mentioned the "Great Illusion, Demon, Evil and True Law".

And why would Fairy Ruoli defend him?

There are also these stories in the relationship!

Even if the female sword master didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that the eldest disciple of the Xinghe ancestor, a group of senior brothers who had personally passed on, killed the evil fairy.

But he also died!
This may be the pain of the entire galaxy sword sect!

And now, he actually wants to comprehend the "Great Illusion, Demon, Evil and True Law"?
This is simply, Yaoshou!

 I just found out today that my weekly recommendation ticket finally has a ranking. Although it was more than 900 before, it is better than nothing


(End of this chapter)

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