king of prejudgment

Chapter 136 Dan Lulu assists Jie?

Chapter 136 Dan Lulu assists Jie?
Chen Xuan's words, I don't know why, but I feel a little burning inexplicably.

Because for the Tianmu team, it really made an extremely bold decision.

Let a support player who has never played a mid laner suddenly switch with a mid laner.

What kind of courage is it to let him face the number one mid laner in the world today, and there is no objection in the whole team.

This is like in basketball, where the world's number one guard and center are swapped, everyone knows how huge the difference is in different positions.

But without hesitation, for the glory of Hua Guo's mid laner, Yuelun has not been solo killed in the entire Dragon Snake Cup, and he himself has completed a total of eleven solo kills against three mid laners.

So, from his point of view, even if he said that only Koreans in the world can play mid laners and you can't hit him in the face, he can say the same.

What's more, people still complain in private, not mocking them openly in interviews.

You don't even have evidence to accuse, this kind of personal grievance can only be resolved in a private way.

Chen Xuan is the mid-laner soloking of the entire Tianmu team, and there are many mid-lane heroes in his support hero pool. Even if he fails, as long as he can beat him in the lane, it will be fine.

This is the simplest wish for Team Tianmu.

And suddenly the middle and auxiliary swapped, there was no tactical preparation, no bp design, and no routine arrangement.

It's as random as a rank game, if you hit one, the next one will hit me.

Not surprisingly, by the time the official competition takes place, the Tianmu team will definitely be sprayed like a sieve.

So it is precisely because of this that I feel like a young boy with passion, regardless of everything and the consequences, and only do what I think is right, even if the whole world is against you!

When everyone walked to the competition stage again, everyone's eyes changed.

Some are more nervous, some are more determined, some are more anxious, and some are more looking forward to it.

But they are united and more united.

Chen Xuan didn't know where the brothers' trust came from.

But this kind of trust really makes people feel warm.

Still sitting in the auxiliary position, it is obviously unrealistic for the coach to go to the referee team to ask the central assistant to switch positions in such a short period of time.

The game time is already up. At this time, it can only be said that the two change lanes, the support goes to the middle lane to make up the line, and the mid laner goes to the bottom lane to do warding. Don't ask, it's our routine.

If you don't think so, then the bottom duo went to the top lane to develop, does it count as a top laner?
Therefore, it makes sense to say what you say, as long as the game is entered, it is up to the players to decide how to play.

Team Tianmu, who appeared again, drew ridicule from the Korean audience.

"Do you have to come up and get [-]-[-]? Can't you surrender early in this game?"

"Hahaha, I can watch the Huaguo team get beaten again. Get ready, and you can have supper in half an hour."

"It's really not a good deal to buy this ticket. I can only watch three games."

The Korean audience was taunting wildly in the audience, which made the foreign students look embarrassed and wished they could just run away on the spot.

But I'm not reconciled, anyway, I bought a ticket, so I have to watch it anyway.

Could it be said that the darkest moment of the League of Legends will start from the All-Stars and continue to the S game?

How long will this dark night last?

When will the dawn come.

Some people want to say that last year's only one can fight, but none of their members have changed, but this year fell into the hands of the Omega team, and Omega fell into the hands of Tianmu. , the game is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

My lord, times have changed.

The era of Korea has really arrived.

According to the current data, four of the five positions in South Korea rank first in comprehensive data.

Looking at the list, how desperate.

The only one who is stronger is only one supporter. Who can see the finals to let the second chasing the third?
That's all there is to the barrage, and the barrage buddies seem to want to do something that they don't usually dare to do.

They all said on the bullet screen that if the second chased the third, they would do something earth-shattering.

Confession, postgraduate entrance examination, prestigious school entrance examination, public examination, resignation, job-hopping, boss.
All kinds of barrages are swiping the screen.

Many people have watched the entire spring split, watching the Tianmu team comeback game after game. No matter how slim the hope is, as long as there is, it is worth chasing. Even if it is [-]-[-], they decided to make this game completely read it.

Some irascible elders retreated directly. They didn't want to watch the scene of being hanged and beaten. If they watched it any further, the number one Dao heart in the cn alliance would be completely shattered.

However, the commentary can't go, no matter how badly you are beaten, as a professional commentator, you still have to stand on the commentary stand and explain every game seriously.

"Okay, welcome back. The third game of the Dragon Snake Cup finals will start immediately. Now the two sides are in their positions. We have indeed seen the strength of the tkb team in the first two games. It is indeed very terrifying, but the response of the Tianmu team , We have also seen that the support players are very thoughtful, and they played very well in both games. At one time, we thought that the opportunity was great. I think if we continue this way of thinking and find a breakthrough for the tkx team, we may be able to win in this game. Play better results in the game." The baby guide was encouraging, with a little conservativeness.

Team Tianmu led by [-] and their economy was overthrown, which is indeed a bit of a hard power gap.

However, how should I put it, commentators still have to have a commentary position, and commentators also have national boundaries. Before they lose completely, they still have to cheer for the lpl team.

A few commentators, you look at me and say a word, from your own point of view, making suggestions for the Tianmu team, everyone wins, everyone loses.

Whether the Tianmu team can achieve results in the international competition means whether it can bring more traffic to lpl.

Just like football, there are very few people who watch it now, but if one day I tell you that the National Football World Cup is won, the number of people who watch it may increase a hundred times.

At that time, the advertising fees, traffic, and commercial value brought by attention will all increase countless times.

Many people still remember that in the year when the national football team entered the World Cup, many places in the country were shaken.

lck's broadcast fee this year has been greatly increased because of the all-star championship.

If they win the s match again, it is estimated that they can double again. This is the international influence, and this is the commercial value brought by being strong.

It is unreasonable for you to think that the national football team earns a lot of money if they play well, but the fact is that if they play well, their income will be higher, which is unimaginably high.

Come on, let's get down to at least one round, it's the only team that has ever won against the tkb team.

With everyone on both sides, the bp of the third game officially started.

"The tkb team in this game actually chose the red side. It seems that they prefer the feeling of Kang Te." Mi Le said big, but it is reasonable to say that the blue side has a higher winning rate.

"Moreover, the bans are almost exactly the same. The Thresh robot and Annie have been assisted by nine bans in three games. For a support player, this is unprecedented." Looking at the bans of the tkb team, Mi Si still couldn't help feeling emotional , the support has played to this level, it can be regarded as a full lineup.

But is there another possibility that other people are not playing well enough, so the opponent only needs to care about your support.

Moreover, even if you really let these few supports of yours, for them, they may not necessarily lose.

It's just that they want to win faster.

"Team Skyscreen in this round has banned the blind monk, Shen and the policewoman. There seems to have been some changes in tactics. There is no hero against the moon. This round may be that the middle lane is ready to resist again. I I think Lulu Karma is actually quite suitable for Chaoyang." Looking at the ban, the baby director couldn't help analyzing Tianmu's thoughts.

When the audience saw this ban person, they only felt hopeless.

"Don't ban Jie? Why don't you choose Jie again?"

"Didn't you always think of how to rob and let it go to the other side?"

"Tuigui, I really want to be three-to-zero. You have to ban the blue side too. Don't play dead, Tianmu."

Looking at the ban people, the spectators who have watched a lot of games already understand that there is always one side who can get the robbery on the red and blue sides.

"Xiaoxuan, are you sure, you want to use Zed?" Lin Mumu confirmed with Chen Xuan again, this is Chen Xuan's mid laner debut, Lin Mumu thought that Chen Xuan would use his good wine barrel Syndra.

After all, he has used these two heroes in the support position and played very well.

Normally, the first show should use a hero that he is good at.

"It's too late for you to say this now, why don't I use it for the other side?" Chen Xuan smiled.

The hero Jie, from his debut to now, is still terrifyingly strong.

Obviously, Riot is planning to use this hero this year as a symbol of the era of assassins.

It seems that before the end of the s game, it is possible that the favorites will not be cut too badly.

The time to really be cut should be next season.

Therefore, if you release it, you must take it. If you don’t take it, others will show it off.

The expressions of his teammates are not as relaxed as Chen Xuan's.

They believed in those mid laners that Chen Xuan had used in the support position, the players who could blow up various geometric barrels with wine barrels, and Syndra could push all kinds of one push three push four.

Instead of just playing such a big game, use a Zed that you have never seen before in the first round.

Brother, my brother Xuan, can you lower our blood pressure.

However, Chen Xuan's command for a long time has made everyone dare not speak out.

Although worried, his mid laner position was pushed up by everyone.

It belongs to the addition of the yellow robe. If you jump out to oppose the hero they want to choose at this time, isn't it slapping yourself in the face?
Only Li Wu firmly supported him: "Xiaoxuan, use any hero you want, we will have no regrets in this match."

"No regrets!" Chen Xuan responded with a smile.

Laughing, Chen Xuan kept laughing.

The director also took the camera to this big boy with a warm smile. The girl looked very comfortable. I just think this boy is really good-looking. He can consider becoming a star even if he doesn't play games.

As for the boys, they gritted their teeth in hatred. Although you are the only one who beats well, you can't laugh.

It's a life-and-death game, and you can still laugh when you're three-to-nil. Should I say you're optimistic, or are you heartless?
This hand robbery, everyone thinks that Chaoyang took it.

I just felt a sense of despair, which kept coming.

"You're always thinking about what you're doing to force robbery. Have fun with your Sindra Karma Lulu. You can't beat the head and still play robbery. Go and play robbery!" Dian Kun, the mid laner of the Xuanyi team, is already He yelled at the screen.

How the hell am I forced by this broken team to be [-]-[-]?

Dian Kun's words are also the voices of many viewers.

Don't play if you don't know how to play, why force it.

Karma accelerates the whole team, isn't this game the same?
However, the hero has already decided that he has no regrets, and the word gg full of bullets also means that everyone is not optimistic. After all, he has proved with his strength that not everyone's robbery is worth grabbing.

The tkb team was also taken aback when they saw Jie.

Why, you are so stubborn, you still don't accept the loss just now?

Meng Huo of the Three Kingdoms has a hard-headed mouth, but unfortunately this is only a BO5. If it is a BO15, Yuelun must beat Chaoyang seven times until he is convinced!

Prince Spider won directly, because insaike was born in the jungle, so his top lane prince is one of the strongest heroes in his top lane, and of course the decisive battle must be a happy one.

The Tianmu team took down Lulujiaz and started to mix down the road.

"Lulu, let Xuanshen play Lulu, Coach Sima, whether you can bp, let me be better than you, the only player who started the team, you let him play Lulu, I vomit blood."

"I'm convinced. The middle laner will take Jie for the bastard, and Lulu for the most playful. The first step of a genius coach is not to wear diapers at birth."

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, the Sky Screen team has given up on this life and death game, and it's right if it's bad."

"Moon Lun is using little murlocs again. It is obvious that Moon Lun's little murlocs are a master at robbing. The No. [-] mid laner in North America has been defeated."

In the third move, the tkb team took down the little murloc, and in the fourth move they used Zyra.

In the last two moves of the Tianmu team, the jungler Wei and the single stone man resisted the pressure.

Seeing the tkb team of the Golem, he decisively took Wei En to ensure the speed of killing the front row.

In this regard, the lineup of the two sides is determined.

The blue Fang Tianmu team has Stoneman in the top lane, Wei in the jungle, Lulu in the mid lane, and Zed in the bottom lane.

The red side tkb team, the top laner Prince, the wild spider, the mid laner murloc, and the bottom lane Weienga Jiela!

"Hey, why haven't Lulu and Jie changed yet? Are you waiting for the last few seconds? Stop making trouble and change quickly." The baby director looked at the game screen and said doubtfully.

"It hasn't changed yet, what do you mean, the game is about to start!" Mi Le was also puzzled, whether it was to show his hand speed, or to react.

"Could it be that this is really an auxiliary robbery?" Seeing the picture in front of him, Mi Si had a bold idea.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Some audience members were overjoyed. I chopped off my head for the auxiliary Zed, and I like to play limit. How could it be the auxiliary Zed? This hero is just a joke without equipment.

Jie doesn't have any of the traits needed for support.

Control, fleshiness, and not eating are still economical.

It doesn't meet all the characteristics that an assistant should have at all!
Everyone didn't believe it, but as the countdown ended and the two heroes were not swapped, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Nimma, it's really supporting Jie! Team Skyscreen, you are going against the sky!" Some spectators stood up on the spot, which is too good at playing!

 I'm not sorry anymore, I'm ready to kill, the first update arrives, the chapter says it's been restored, ask for a monthly ticket, and the chapter says, I'm so hungry and thirsty.

  There are two more chapters, and the word count will generally exceed [-] words!
(End of this chapter)

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