king of prejudgment

Chapter 141 Is it Really the Teaching Bureau?

Chapter 141 Is it Really the Teaching Bureau?

When the moon wheel was confirmed, the auditorium was boiling.

The audience were all Korean audiences. When they saw Jie, they only thought of one word, steady!

In the entire Spring Split, Moon Lun's Tribulation was only released three times, with an average of only two deaths per game, and an average of six kills per game.

Such gorgeous data, so that in the second half of the spring split, the robbery of the moon wheel could no longer be released.

"This Huaguo team is really crazy. Even if they let go of robbery, they don't really think that they are invincible after winning a round."

"We've got robbery now, let's win it [-]-[-], I don't want to suffer any more."

"Chong Chong Chong, tkb is the world's number one, and Ryl is the world's number one mid laner."

The deafening shouts made the Huaguo international students who came to watch the game tremble. What kind of plane is this sky playing?

How dare you rob him?
Although he is puzzled, the facts are a foregone conclusion, and he can only wait and see what happens next.

"Should I grab the hero first for you? What do you want to use?" Lin Mumu asked Chen Xuan.

"No, let's get the hero for others first, and I will get it according to the lineup on the fifth floor." Chen Xuan said after analyzing the situation.

The advantage on the red side is Conte.

But it's not brainless Kante, it depends on the overall lineup.

So it's not that as soon as the opponent plays Thresh, he will take Morgana without thinking.

It's not that once the opponent is robbed, he will rob a certain hero in seconds.

Although Chen Xuan stopped playing support, his way of thinking about problems was still to consider the whole.

If there are many AD heroes in the teammate, you must take an AP mid laner. If there are too many APs, you can make up the AD mid laner.

Therefore, the Tianmu team won the weapon master and Wei, this pair of Ueno combination, guaranteed the laning gank and the late stage.

Tkb took the spider and the crocodile here, and was going to put pressure on the top lane. Knowing that the young people on the top lane lacked experience in defending against ganks, it was a good breakthrough.

The Tianmu team wanted to consider Wei En, but Chen Xuan suggested: "You can use small cannons and Lulu in the bottom lane. The laning strength is strong enough, and the ability to save lives is strong."

"Well, we haven't run in enough in the bottom lane. Often the skill exchange is delayed. I really need to save my life." Li Wu said, without Chen Xuan in charge, Li Wu is not so confident in the calculation of the damage of the duel. The cd is only 60 seconds, and it is indeed a good idea to be pushed away by gank.

After the substitution, the lineup should also be changed according to the situation on the field. Based on the performance of the top player, Chen Xuan considered a more suitable lineup for the bottom lane. He could have said it during the break, but was interfered by the Korean referee team. Discussed temporarily.

Li Wu's advantage is that all ad heroes have been practiced. Chen Xuan asked him to use a small cannon, and he could take it out immediately.

Lin Mumu nodded. In addition to considering the strengths and weaknesses of the lineup itself, the selection of heroes should also take into account the player's ability. It is true that the bottom lane is just combined, and it is definitely not possible to take Wei En, who is weak in the lane.

Xiaopao Lulu was confirmed, and this choice surprised the tkb team. Relatively speaking, this version of Xiaopao is a relatively unpopular hero.

However, their tactics will not change at will.

Still take his own Wei En Jiaqin girl steadily, and then sit and wait for the opposite mid laner to come up with a hero.

When Chen Xuan saw the lineups on both sides, he originally prepared a single player, Ruiwen, to rob them.

For this female man, Ruiwen, the shield of e can offset the q of jie, and the short cd has four displacements, and can constantly consume jie in close proximity.

But seeing that the teammate's lineup is all AD heroes, then the only option is the second option.

Plan b, little murlocs!

The little murloc hero is actually a bit restrained by Jie, but compared to Clockwork Fox Barrel and the like, the little murloc is already the most capable player in the mainstream mid laner of the version.

Moreover, the real key is the spelling operation.

Chen Xuan's choice made Lin Mumu's jaw drop in shock.

"Are you sure? Do you want to teach forehand and backhand?" Lin Mumu didn't expect that Chen Xuan would be so crazy when he played mid laner for the first time.

When you think about it in the future, maybe you can write a diary of a madman.

Little murloc, the little murloc on the opposite side was beaten by you in the first round, so it's outrageous that you want to use the little murloc this time.

"I'm not teaching, I'm just another hero who can't get it out." Chen Xuan said.

"Another hero, is it an ad hero? Is there an ad hero that can be countered? It can't be a male sword." Lin Mumu asked suspiciously.

"It's not important. Let's use it when it's available. At least the murloc teammates have seen a lot and know how to cooperate. It's too unpopular to use that. We need to train together for a while." Chen Xuan didn't want his teammates to think about it at the moment of the game. There are too many, let's play the one in front of us first.

Although Lin Mumu was shocked, deep down in his heart, he was a little bit looking forward to it.

Education Bureau, if it does, the Koreans should not be qualified to say what is fair or not.

Xiaoxuan, how many surprises and shocks are you going to bring us?

Since it is such a miraculous thing to change the position of the middle assistant, we have done it.

If you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end.

Tidal sea spirit, Fitz!
When the hero was confirmed, exclamations came from the South Korean audience, how dare he, how dare he!
"He used a little murloc, but he actually used a little murloc. Is this to teach Luna how to use a little murloc? This is crazy. I must not have woken up yet. Today's excitement is too great!" Unbelievable.

Team Tianmu not only suddenly changed the middle assistant, but also showed off a robbery.

In an already exaggerated situation, the second hero was swapped and the little murloc was used to rob.

The audience in Huaguo didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Teaching Bureau, is there a better-looking counterpoint than this?

If the two sides exchange heroes, if they still win, it will be a pure difference in strength.

You know, the bp problem is an eternal method of throwing the pot away.

After losing the game, if the player is your favorite, you are not willing to complain.

Then spray the coach. It’s all your fault that you don’t know how to bp. You can’t beat this lineup at first glance. If you do a good bp and choose a certain hero for someone, you won’t be blown up.

However, this kind of teaching bureau cannot be washed away.

The heroes on both sides are swapped, you can continue to blame BP after fighting back, it is the problem of the hero, but if you still lose
The coach said that he would not take the blame.

If you play well, you are a good player. If you play poorly, the coach does not know how to bp. Where can there be such a good thing? The hero swap game is the most typical game.

At the same time, it is also an expansion game. You know that the little murlocs are not easy to rob, and you still choose. If you lose, what does that mean?

Maybe this is result theory, but there is no way, e-sports itself is a thing that only looks at results.

At least, this hero swap made the topic even more soaring, and more and more viewers flooded into the live broadcast room.

The curtain rises, please start your performance, no matter whether you win or lose, there will always be someone who will be ruined!
The lineup is confirmed!

The blue side tkb team, the top laner Crocodile, the wild spider, the mid laner Jie, and the bottom lane Wei Enjiaqin.

The red Fang Tianmu team has a top laner weapon, a jungler Wei, a mid laner murloc, and a bottom laner and Lulu.

The game has officially started!
In the Xtreme team base in Huaguo, many people are not optimistic about the lineup of the Tianmu team. It is really too pretentious to take a little murloc in the back. The only way to lose is to crush the data.

It's normal to pretend, but the hard power of your players in the Tianmu team is almost inferior. Wouldn't it be good to ban Jie?

"No, it doesn't necessarily mean that the little murlocs won't be able to defeat Zed. I was once shown off by a piranha in a small rank. The W flash at that time directly became the top 1 of that week's highlights!" Erzi, acting like a storyteller, took the opportunity to talk eloquently, talking about her unbearable past.

"What does that mean? It's quite normal for a passer-by to blow you up once in a while." Jungle Kazekage shrugged.

"But that person, his ID is Mu Chen, and he is the number one in the national server now. Daopa was killed by him, which shows that in this person's understanding, little murlocs can be robbed." Pang Duoduo came out and helped him. Glasses said, he agreed with Er Zi's words, because he was also a member of the show because of that rank.

"So, Mu Chen can use the little murlocs to rob, but the problem is, Chen Xuan is not Mu Chen, so he can use the little murlocs to rob." Sun Tuxiao stood up and asked questions at this time.

"Yes, it depends on the level of Chen Xuan's little murloc." Erzi just wanted to explain that the little murloc might not be able to defeat Jie, at least her own robbery could not defeat that person's little fish people.

Therefore, the game between these two people is not only based on the hero, but also on the level of operation.

As the game begins, both sides go out.

On both sides are their respective long snake formations to prevent one-handed invasion.

Chen Xuan stood under his middle lane to prevent opponents from entering from the river.

Then, six seconds before the minion dispatches troops, choose to return.

Not long after the sound of the whole army attacking appeared, Chen Xuan walked out of the spring just in time to collect enough money for the fourth bottle of red medicine, and then went online as quickly as possible.

"Oh, the line made my crystal bottle four red at night, it's very thin. I think this bottle of medicine is very important, and it may become a foreshadowing." The baby guide watched the little murloc's return journey. A bottle of red medicine, immediately understood this little trick.

A bottle of medicine is equivalent to 150 more blood points in the lane.

Saying that it might be a foreshadowing is not a bragging, because when the moon is on, this detail is useless.

Perhaps, this detail was created by Chen Xuan.

There is also a price for going online later, Jie can use a long-range pawn to destroy the pawn line, so that he can't take three melee pawns with one e.

But it's not a big problem, it's the same if you don't go home.

Glancing at Zed's equipment, Dolan's shield added red.

Oh, with confidence, but not much.

Controlling the little murloc to make up the knife, Jie wanted to take the opportunity to steal a and then q.

As a result, the little murloc gave up the last knife, learned w in seconds, and turned it on when ping A shot, so that this ping A will directly have the tearing and serious injury effects of w, and then open the future vision, and take a look at Zed after the first ping A , the release position of q, and whether his own position has been avoided.

Seeing that his little murloc successfully twisted the hair q, then don't be afraid.

Following this future, go to the position to hide from q, and then turn around to face a and drink a bottle of red medicine at the same time.

The first q of the moon wheel was directly emptied, which he did not expect, and the q could be emptied even if it was close to the face?

This guy's position is wrong!

Going up first, when I raised my hand, I suddenly turned back down, so twisted?
If q is empty, the confrontation between Zed and the little murloc is not worthwhile. He has a lot of blood and medicine, and he also has passive damage reduction, which means he has a Doran shield.

You can only look back, then this first wave of blood exchange, Jie will be a real loss.

Ping A, who was brought w by the little murloc, hit a twice, and only fought back once, which belonged to being shown off by the little murloc.

If you lose money in exchange, you can only make up for it honestly.

Chen Xuan had the advantage in blood volume, so he directly used the crystal bottle to refill it, and then a soldier was ready to grab the second.

However, if Jie wants to rob, Chen Xuan will definitely not be able to. He only needs to use the Q skill to grab as many soldiers as possible. The little murlocs without AOE at the first level can only try to balance the line of soldiers so that they can reach the speed of second Just a little bit slower.

The second-level Jie is very strong. Seeing the little murloc retreat, he wants to take the opportunity to wq to gain some HP.

The little murloc passive only offsets level A, not skills.

This is also the place where the little murloc robs Kangte, but the premise is that the skills must be accurate.

However, at the moment when the shadow was released, Chen Xuan had seen the opponent's prediction in advance.

It's quite accurate, but I'm sorry, I have to change my position this time around.

It's really embarrassing to let you play against someone like me, but I'm sorry, I want to win this game!

Moon Lun's extremely fast wq predicted the little murloc's turn. If the double q hits, the little murloc will eat another bottle of red.

However, what he saw was that both his body and shadow were completely empty, and the little murloc didn't even lose a trace of blood.

The prediction was wrong!

Does he not move?
That's right, he predicted my prediction, what a scary little murloc, in the early matchup, Yue Lun found out that he was already losing money.

Without skills, the little murlocs can come back to make up for damage without hesitation.

Jie has only one Achilles' heel, if the hit rate of a skill is too low, it will not be able to play an advantage.

The little murloc turned back to the second level, and directly q ranged soldiers to forcibly close the distance with Zed.

Then he opened w to level A, Jie had no skills, dared not face a, and was also afraid of being caught by the jungler Wei's second level.

In fact, it was just Chen Xuan's empty plan. Chen Xuan had already seen that Yue Lun's self-confidence was declining rapidly since the last game.

As long as Jie doesn't choose to fight to the end, Chen Xuan will earn another wave of blood.

Jie could only nibble away the only blood bottle, but Chen Xuan still had two crystal bottles and four bottles of red!

Moon Lun, who is not confident, has already started to feel weak after being beaten in the lane.

"Spider, let's gank the mid lane at level [-]. I have to take advantage of it." Yue Lun said, because after reaching level [-], the little murloc will come to change the blood again, and he is afraid that he will be beaten home.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Kekao agreed. He really didn't think about swapping heroes, and he still didn't fight.

Spider's gank ability before level [-] is stronger than that of Wei, this opportunity cannot be missed.

And the moon wheel is also stuck and counting the time when the spider will be in place.

With a sudden attack, a wave of wewa ignited at the third level of the card and hung up directly. He knew that he couldn't kill the little murloc, but this wave of first strikes could force the little murloc back and lower his blood volume.

Naturally, Chen Xuan could only pole-vault to the back of Jie, and then use Jie's body to move and pass back under the tower. After being slowed down, he couldn't walk, so he could only forcefully eat one of Jie's shurikens, and his blood volume dropped directly. more than half.

Flashing first is too outrageous, this damage can only be taken hard.

Jie immediately turned back and pushed the line to let the little soldiers enter the tower. The spider had already circled behind, so the remaining half set could be handed over to the spider. At this time, the little murlocs would not be able to come back even if they had a blood bottle!

Sensing that the little murloc was about to be jumped over the tower, Teacher Spicy rushed towards the middle road at the fastest time.

The spider's hands are very fast, and he flashed into the tower directly through the position of f4. With an e skill, he blocked the time for the cd of the e skill cd of the little murloc.

However, when Chen Xuan saw Jie flashing, he already felt something was wrong.

It is impossible to hit the damage hard like this, there must be a backup.

So the jungler must be nearby. After the future vision is opened, the spider's flash cocoon becomes very ridiculous.

Chen Xuan turned his head to let the spider go, and then continued to walk towards Wei's position.

The spider hurriedly wq transformed, and Chen Xuan flashed immediately so that the spider couldn't bite it out, but the spider also had a flying skill, and wanted to e to the little murloc's face as quickly as possible, and then bite to death with one q.

Although e is empty and some twists and turns have been added, once it is bitten out, w's exploding spider and q skill beheading together can directly kill the little murloc with this blood volume in seconds.

But what the spider didn't expect was that the moment it landed, a Wei flashed into the spider's face from outside the field of vision with a Q flash!
Let the spider's landing q skill be directly interrupted.

Chen Xuan turned around and hung up the ignition, knowing that the spider's q skill was interrupted. At this time, the q skill cd improved, and turned back with a trident residual blood q back in front of the spider. The qaea, a trace of blood to complete the anti-kill, took a blood!

 Sorry, the second update is here, thinking that I have to finish the first wave anyway, I wrote almost [-] words without knowing it, and the update is a little late
(End of this chapter)

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