king of prejudgment

Chapter 144 Damn, He Pretends Again

Chapter 144 Damn, He Pretends Again
The current performance of the little murloc can be described as perfect.

Every wave of operation is done to the limit.

It's not difficult to operate a wave. Professional players, most of them have highlights.

What is difficult is stability, and what is even more difficult is show.

The higher the level of the game, the harder it is for the opponent to show off.

This is the truth that all players understand. Silver can show off bronze, but when it encounters diamonds, it will be beaten and lost.

Many players who were able to fly well in the game of kings have become mediocre or even poor when it comes to professional competitions.

Because here is like entering a prestigious university after the college entrance examination. You were number one in your original high school, but when you come here, everyone is number one in your school.

Therefore, it is very rare to show off operations in the professional arena.

There are many who can show off in the lpl arena and become war criminals in the world championship.

Because, the stage has become bigger again, and the opponents are all the champion teams in each competition area.

As for Chen Xuan, he was the most outrageous player the audience had ever seen.

Not only did they show off the current champion team from the strongest division in the world, but they also temporarily changed positions.

And wave after wave, becoming famous after World War I in the true sense belongs to it.

"I've tried my best to think that Xuan Shen is very strong, but I really didn't expect it to be so strong."

"If he continues to show off, Yuelun will really doubt his life. I can't get out of the tower because I was beaten by you with the little murlocs. If I use the little murlocs, why did your little murlocs destroy my jungler?"

"The jungler was guessed by the blind vision twice. Kekao is the one who should doubt his life the most. The all-star champion jungler was squeezed out by him. In the end, he encountered a support transfer. He was beaten and couldn't be promoted to six. .”

The audience looked at the spider, and it was really miserable. The only thing they could do was to get more blood from the little murloc before he died, to see if he could give Zed a chance.

On the return trip, Chen Xuan bought his own French shoes.

In fact, I wanted to buy a killing book, but suddenly realized that the opponent was the strongest team in Korea.

Then let's be a lich first. Four people have been killed and eight layers of books were wasted.

Before the number of layers is stacked, the murder book has the lowest price/performance ratio. It costs more than 1000 yuan to buy [-] points of magic power.

And when the stack is full, it is the most cost-effective.

It was the first time to use Xiaoyu in a professional game. I don't know if there are any tricks behind the opponent, so it's better to be steady first.

If Kekao knew Chen Xuan's inner thoughts, he would only curse: "Is there anyone more yin than you? It's all yin to my wilderness."

At this time, Jie seemed to be wearing two layers of masks on his face, one was a mask to cover his face, and the other was a mask of pain.

The middle road, probably already collapsed.

For the current little murloc, Jie only needs to give him a position.

It will be more than half blood by a set, and the second-speed shoes are used first, which is also for the advantage of movement speed, and can better find opportunities to go first.

It was already impossible for the spider to come to the middle lane to find him, because he killed not only the spider alone in the wild, but also left a treasure for Wei.

The spider died twice in a row, and he could still receive wild monsters. That spicy teacher can say that he can't fight wild at all.

This doesn't eat up your three wolves and the blue buff, so it's still human?

Eat the buff wild monsters on the opposite side, and then come back and dedicate your own buffs to the mid laner. In this round, the mid laner and the field will become fat.

Frando no longer has the threat of a jungler, so he can confidently use his strength to fight on the top lane.

The training atmosphere of Team Tianmu is very good. Frando's personal ability is naturally not much worse, but it's okay to face the simple laning in Korea. If they call a jungler, they can't stand the pressure. up.

I don't have the pressure to play in the jungle, but the crocodile does. The spider has been crippled in the jungle. Wei is already level [-], and will appear anywhere on the map at any time, and the spider can't beat it even if it comes.

Therefore, the collapse of the wild area represents a huge increase in the pressure on the line.

Even if it is a crocodile conte weapon, do you dare to hand in your skills to fight it?
Obviously, I dare not.

Therefore, the alignment of weapons is also comfortable, which is a very normal chain reaction in the game.

When both the middle and the wild have problems, it is a disadvantage across the board.

And as soon as Chen Xuan's little murloc comes back, he will continue to push the line to put pressure on you.

At this time, the little murloc's flash CD has improved, and his ultimate move has also improved.

Jie is now in danger even hearing experience!
And Chen Xuan also grasped his mentality, and suddenly stepped forward to q the ranged soldiers.

He immediately frightened Jie's w out, and then found that the little murloc didn't feed the fish, so Smecta was talking with his mouth full of encrypted calls.

He was actually beaten into a frightened bird by the little murloc.

"Hahaha, Jie is so scary."

"It's too imaginary, but this reaction is normal. If I eat fish, it will disappear."

"Yes, it takes a little time for the shadow to fly. No matter how fast you press ww, there is still time. If you don't change positions in time, you will still die if you eat a fish. The little murloc's damage is too high now, and full blood is the killing line."

Although the audience enjoyed watching it, those who understand the game also understand that Moon Wheel's approach is completely correct.

If you don't hide and eat fish, you will die!

However, when you hand over your only life-saving skills.

Wei is eyeing Jie, and the little murloc is also very obvious, pushing the line quickly.

If Jie's w doesn't reach a lot of people, the cd will be very long.

After waiting for the pawn line to enter the tower, Wei directly enters the tower from the wild area, prepares the q skill to enter the tower through the wall, and then directly locks with the ultimate move, how familiar this scene is.

At that time, the spider cooperated with Zed, and wanted to jump over the tower to kill them forcefully, but the little murloc at that time had residual blood, but now Zed is full of blood.

But the spider has already sensed the danger of Jie, and his keen sense of smell made him rush to support.

With the defense tower, maybe the opponent can give up.

However, the combined levels of Wei and the little murlocs are now three levels higher than that of their opponents, and Mr. Spicy has lost his temper, so there is no way to retreat.

Directly switch the target, a q first hits a spider with only five levels, and qaear lands a set with less than half health, and the blood will be left directly.

The spider quickly transforms into the sky, Jie is also played with qea, and the r skill is kept to hide the big move.

When Chen Xuan entered the tower, qw directly poked Jie's face.

Then, when he saw the spider landing on the ground, he flashed and ran away.

Jie hurriedly used his body to block the little murloc's body, not wanting the little murloc to make up his big move, as long as one big move, the spider would be gone.

This game is almost gone, what else does the 0-3 spider play?
However, Chen Xuan suddenly flashed and let himself pass through Jie's body.

Make a big move!

The r skill also has a reading bar. As long as you have the reading bar skill, you can theoretically match the skill with the flash, so that the skill can be thrown from the position after the flash.

Except for a few heroes, such as Thresh, who had them at the beginning, but they were too perverted, and were quickly changed to not being able to q flash, so that Chen Xuan didn't use them in the game, which is a pity.

But the little murloc can flash r, and the skill after flashing is thrown from the position after flashing.

In this way, he passed the robbery that blocked people, and went straight to the spider that wanted to escape in a flash.

When the fish hit, Ke Ke could only grit his teeth and say, "Remember it for me."

Then he was on the spot, and Wei saved the operation of flashing and swapping heads with the opponent.

It flashed back to the position of f4. At this time, only Chen Xuan and Jie were left under the tower.

However, due to Chen Xuan's red buff plus w's tearing damage, the damage is still on Zed, so the defense tower will start attacking the little murlocs.

At this time, the cd of the w skill of the moon wheel has improved, and the big move in his hand is ignited.

Masaka (could it be)?

This may be the only chance in this round, to kill a little murloc who has not flashed his ultimate move under the tower, so as to gain a big head and make the previous disadvantage come back.

It may not be possible to recover all of them, but Zed is the most perverted hero in this version.

As long as you have this head in your hand, it is not a big problem to have an ad every second when you are in a group.

If I can't seize this opportunity, it will be a regret in my life.

First level a to the murloc. At this time, the little murloc only has one e skill, and the q skill has to wait for several seconds.

It's impossible for him to fight against me under the tower, and there is no ignition, so what if you are ahead in level, aren't you going to run away?

Chen Xuan also understood at this time that if he went straight back to e, it would be a chance for Jie W to catch up and play half a set before opening a big one. At that time, when there was no skill countermeasure at all, he would have to die and surrender 500 Yuan.

Therefore, Chen Xuan's choice was to quickly stick to the wall.

The little murloc's e skill is quite special, and it can only cross some relatively thin walls.

It is unrealistic to jump directly to the wall of f4, so Chen Xuan has to go in the direction of the opponent's second tower, where the wall is thinner and can be crossed.

Seeing the little murloc walking towards the second tower with the defense tower on his shoulders, Yue Luan also knew what he was thinking.

Immediately follow up, first e, then pinch w and don't use it.

After the little murloc e passes by, then wwa to keep up, then r, and then hit the ground again, the damage is definitely enough to kill the little murloc who has carried the defense tower twice.

Seeing that Chen Xuan's little murloc had already crossed the wall in pole vault, Jie immediately w followed to keep up, but deliberately stayed for a while, not wanting to take damage and slow down from the little murloc.

But what I didn't expect was that Chen Xuan's little murloc saw that the flat A of the defensive tower hadn't hit him on the edge, turned around and touched Zed, and then jumped to avoid the damage of the defensive tower. After e passed, it stayed at [-] seconds, and then turned back again.

After Jie was smashed, people were dumbfounded. What does this mean?
Are you coming back to deliver the head?

No, after leaving the tower, the hatred of the defensive tower was transferred to the minions, and I dodged the attack of the defensive tower for a while, and then came back to eat the damage of the tower again, and the damage amplification was recalculated.

In other words, the current little murloc has once again endured the damage from the defense tower.

After landing and slowing down, he immediately q towards an enemy melee soldier.

If the tower is completely out, there will be no minions to move.

In this way, Chen Xuan only needs to resist the defense tower one more time before he can get out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Jie also had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately turned towards the little murloc.

Landing eaq and igniting, the shadow of w was deceived, which made him unable to gather three flowers, but relying on the shadow given by the r skill, he could also play double q.

But the damage of the double Q is not enough, the little murloc is going out of the tower at this time, so he can't move at all, so he can only take all the damage, but there is no shuriken on his head!

He only regretted that his equipment was too poor. He didn't even have a Bilgewater scimitar, so he couldn't slow down this little murloc.

I can only chase after the hard a, but the spicy teacher flashed out of the tower just to survive, and didn't really leave, and the little murloc has second-speed shoes, but Jie doesn't.

As soon as Wei charged up and came over with a q blast, the moon wheel also dodged Wei's iron fist with a flash of reaction limit.

Damn it, if you can't grasp this opportunity, this little murloc won't be able to stop it.

This flash dodge skill can also equalize the A damage with a shot, but Chen Xuan's little murloc suddenly turned around the moment Jie flashed.

After letting Jie flash, he could only hit a level A, but the e skill that had just been converted suddenly lost his distance.

The little murloc who can't wear shoes still needs to move a little faster.

With Wei blocking the position, it was no longer possible for Jie to catch up to the little murloc who could be killed with only a trace of blood.

Instead, the little murloc was standing on the edge, ready to come back at any time to collect the robber's head.

This makes Yuelun extremely irritable, how greedy are you?
What do you think of this life and death situation?

Where does the confidence come from?

Of course, it was the self-confidence to see through the future. Chen Xuan could still q himself before he died after seeing the robbery in three seconds.

But it was useless, I twisted away to avoid it.

If in the future he saw, he died under a shuriken, then Chen Xuan must have gone as far as he could.

But since I can move and dodge, I'm sorry, I will follow this future and continue to dodge your shuriken.

"Why didn't the little murloc go away? Jie's q will turn around soon, can he win?" the English channel commentator asked doubtfully.

"Pretend well, this murloc, hit me with the shuriken!" Han Wentai's commentator said excitedly.

"Xiaoxuan, be more stable, you are a big head!" the Chinese channel commentator said worriedly.

English, Korean, and Chinese, the three-way commentary stood in different positions, explaining Chen Xuan's crazy behavior of not leaving the blood.

With the last shot of the shuriken, everyone was amazed and questioned Chen Xuan's instability. Why did he give Jie such a chance? Only Chen Xuan knew that he could definitely avoid this shuriken.

This kind of thing is used to turn uncertainty into certainty.

I'm sorry, Moon Lun, you still have to be shown by me this wave.

The small movers twisted away Zed's shuriken, and then approached Zed, the e skill cd finally improved, a pole vault jumped, and quickly landed in two steps, the damage was just right, and he directly killed and took the head!

At this moment, the air seemed to be suffocated.

The Korean audience was so angry: "Damn it, he pretended to be there again!"

 The second is more, there is still a chapter to end this game.

(End of this chapter)

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