king of prejudgment

Chapter 147 Can't beat 1 blood?

Chapter 147 Can't beat even one blood?

The taste of first blood is really too wonderful.

So much so that when the director showed the camera, there was an unstoppable smile on the corner of Yue Lun's mouth.

There is a lot of confidence in this smile.

What is the Chosen Son?

Buying Big Red and going out is originally a sign of lack of confidence.

After all, the opponent's robbery in the third game put a lot of pressure on Ryl, but when you get into first blood, I just want to say, who is Chen Xuan?I will end his life!
It's never been off to such a great start, viewers, get ready, cheer me on, cheer me on!
Moon Lun remained in a state of excitement until it went online, and only after it went online did it slowly calm down again.

Even if you get the first blood and hold the big red long sword in your hand, you must do all the details in place. This one is not as simple as winning, you have to kill it to your heart's content!
Chen Xuan only got one assist, and the assist money from the four of them was not even enough to buy a bottle of red medicine.

This first-level group is indeed out of control. After all, the vision of the future can only be seen for three seconds. Chen Xuan can only see someone in the grass, take precautions in advance and notify his teammates.

In the lineup, our support is Lulu, and the support on the opposite side is Thresh. There is a gap in the combat effectiveness of this first-level regiment.

If you don't know in advance, you may not be able to exchange one for one, maybe you will be exchanged for two for three.

The good news is that the head was taken by the moon wheel.

It is better to resist by oneself than by teammates.

Teammates may not be able to bear it and get snowballed directly, and Frando gets the kill, at least Chen Xuan can rest assured that there will be no problems with his top lane matchup.

The two are dueling in the middle. At this time, who is fatter in Jie on both sides?
Whoever has the skin is fat, as if the skin has increased the fighting power, the moon is very fierce.

"The matchup in the middle lane is troublesome. Ryl's robbery is the same as Xiaoxuan's, but there is an extra bottle of big red. I guess this big red is used when preparing to fight. If you face A in close quarters, Ryl will directly hit the big red and fight back." Although Wa Dao's game skills are not as good as professional players, the basic idea can still be understood.

"Yes, in duels, Jie will have 100 points more attack power and more than [-] HP. I am afraid that Jie will not be able to beat this one-on-one duel. We have to wait for the jungler." Seeing this scene, Mi Si was also worried. up.

Seeing Chen Xuan's Jie in the third round, everyone originally had confidence in Chen Xuan, but now he is directly behind by 400 yuan. What about the unfair matchup, Jie didn't even hand in a summoner skill.

Pure lead!
For the first wave of soldiers, Chen Xuan naturally set the line, and gave the opponent the chance to grab the second.

But Chen Xuan still won't let it go, keeping a diagonal line with Jie on the opposite side, so that he can't steal A to himself.

However, if you want to win, there is only one way, and that is to prostitute for nothing.

My skills must hit the opponent as much as possible, and at the same time move to avoid all the opponent's skills.

At this time, the vision of the future cannot be hidden.

Generally speaking, Chen Xuan's use of future vision is very conservative.

If you feel the opponent's killing intent, you have to use the future vision to see if there is a jungler who will gank you after three seconds.

If you use a small skill to hide when you are laning, it will be troublesome if you can't use it at a critical moment.

Moreover, another problem is that if the opponent's skills are in the middle in the future he sees, and he changes his position, the opponent may also predict another point, and may not be able to avoid it safely, so Chen Xuan is in the rank The future vision is never used in the game, and the score is naturally raised throughout the whole process, so that regardless of whether there is a future vision, you can do what you need to do, instead of relying on it all the time.

But in this round, Chen Xuan had to play an advantage in the lane, otherwise, once the opponent's Jie made the first move, he would die wherever he went. This is no joke.

In the situation of life and death, the situation must not be broken through from oneself.

"Teacher Ma, I will fight more aggressively here, can you help me keep an eye on the jungler on the opposite side?" Chen Xuan said in the microphone.

"What, there's blood on the other side, you want to be more aggressive?" Teacher Spicy just felt that he couldn't understand this game. Could it be that the middle lane should be more stable and let me help you catch it?
How domineering and confident are you as long as I help you keep an eye on the opponent's jungler? If the person who said this wasn't Chen Xuan who broke the moon in two consecutive rounds, would the spicy teacher definitely say that you are pretending to be you?
But Chen Xuan is not the kind of person who likes to pretend to be tough, he is very pragmatic and basically does what he says.

Since you dare to say it, I will help you watch the wild area.

It is also a disadvantageous situation for the prince to beat the blind monk.

One-on-one in the wild, the prince will never try to defeat the blind monk in his life.

Therefore, for Teacher Spicy, all he can do is to find the location of the blind monk, so that he will not appear in the middle to catch his own robbery.

Although the spicy teacher is confident about smashing the blind monk, he is not so conceited that he ignores the hero Conte.

The blind monk slapped the floor to reduce his attack speed, and he beat all the junglers in the early stage.

When the prince saw the blind monk, he had no choice but to run.

I will keep an eye on the blind monk, and I will leave the robbery in the middle to you.

Teacher Spicy also worked hard, and he also knew that once the opponent had an advantage in the middle field, this round would be unplayable.

With Teacher Spicy's promise, Chen Xuan felt relieved.

After making a knife in the middle, immediately use the vision of the future to see if your first q can hit. If you can hit it, you can throw it.

In the middle, at the same time, the opponent's Jie will also send a q.

But sorry, I can move and twist away.

A pawn q, cut off a part of Bai Jie's health, and then moved to twist the opponent's q.

In this way, there is an advantage of increasing blood volume and cd.

In the next 20 seconds, it is normal alignment.

However, his shuriken was one second faster than the opponent's cd. When the opponent robbed the last pawn in the front line, Chen Xuan took the opportunity to approach, sent an aq, and then immediately moved back, waiting for the moment when the opponent's shuriken cd , change the direction, the opponent must make a prediction at this time.

So I suddenly went in the opposite direction, and once again made a q for nothing, and then moved to avoid a shot.

The moon wheel is a bit depressed, it seems that the details are stuck by the opponent. When I am stealing A when I make up the knife, I can’t pay it back, because there is a flat A backswing, unless there is a skill to reset the normal attack, otherwise I can’t immediately after the knife. a.

Another aq was earned!

However, Chen Xuan's cheapness can only earn here for the time being, because Jie has always been a pawn, so the opponent will succeed in grabbing second.

Zed generally uses remote learning w to directly increase attack power, and double q is consumed by the way.

But for close combat, Yuelun chooses to learn e skills. After all, wq is easy to empty, and e is stable.

Chen Xuan chose to avoid the edge for the time being, and used q to make up the sword to ensure that he did not miss a single blow, and moved to avoid the opponent's shuriken. If he couldn't dodge it, he had to stand behind the pawn to reduce the blood loss.

When I get to the second, I will consider looking for a chance to exchange blood.

In the first two levels, the number of last hits of the two is like a mirror image, and the numbers will always be synchronized in the morning and evening.

However, Yuelun had already consumed the first bottle of red medicine without knowing it.

There is a gap in the hit rate of skills.

Is his position so good?

Yue Lun was a little bored, and mirroring the sword was not a good thing for him. If he didn't have this first blood, wouldn't he be suppressed?
How could this happen, yes, I haven't taken the big medicine yet, but the current attributes are exactly the same.

My advantage lies after the third level.

You can find an opportunity to switch positions and go straight to the red medicine.

After a simple laning, Yueluan has already discovered the problem, and the skill hit rate of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

At present, there are five q skills, and the opponent only got a q after piercing soldiers, so the natural recovery is full.

But I have already had four rounds of Q and one flat A, and if I continue to exchange blood like this, I will not be able to beat it.

Moreover, the pawn line is close to the opposite tower, which means that the jungler gank can't catch him.

However, do I still need a jungler if I lead by one blood?


When the moon wheel reached the third level, it was about to move.

Chen Xuan looked at it from the perspective of the future, and he already knew what he was thinking.

He wants wew to come over and take the red medicine aq for blood.

The idea is right, in that future, I was indeed beaten severely.

But are you okay now?

After Jie threw out w, Chen Xuan didn't move, but took a shadow of Jie's e skill and was slowed down.

Then when Bai Jie changed positions, he also used his own shadow.

At this time, Jie chose to change positions, drank the red medicine, first A and then Q.

The moon wheel is in trouble, should I bet on the position of the shadow, and bet that he will change positions, or should I not bet?
Don't bet, wait for him to tie A to start the hand. At this time, he will definitely wait for A to deal damage before switching positions.

Jie Xianshou wewa must come out first, no matter how fast the human reaction is to click the mouse, it is not as fast as the automatic A of the system when changing positions. Human beings have limits.

Therefore, the white robbery first A to the black robbery.

The moment Hei Jie fought back, Bai Jie unleashed double qs. As long as he hits this q, the exchange of blood will definitely make a lot of money.

But what he didn't expect was that even the q that was close to the face would also raise his hand, not to mention that Chen Xuan had already prepared himself, this future would not be the same as before.

Change positions instantly!

Let Bai Jie's double q be empty, and then immediately e, use the transposition shadow e to slow down Bai Jie, turn around q, unless the opposite Jie flashes, otherwise he will never be able to avoid the double q of the shadow body at such a close distance.

Even after eating Big Red, with more than 100 health and [-] points of attack power, the damage of level a is still far behind double q.

This mid-air shot of double q instantly smoothed out the difference in blood volume between the two sides.

At the same time, Bai Jie attacked first, which already attracted the hatred of Chen Xuan's minions, but Chen Xuan only used his skills and hadn't even used his A, so although the other side had one or two more minions, he didn't start to attack Hei Jie .

When Chen Xuan got closer to face A, he had the blood volume of the minions assisting the lead again.

I realized that I couldn't beat the moon wheel with an empty q, and regretted it.

I seem to be too confident in the power of the big red medicine.

No, run away!
Damn it, interrupting my level A to change positions, there is such a monster!

Hei Jie, who was fleeing, was full of embarrassment and embarrassment at this time. He attacked first, but was beaten and fled.

But the Hei Jie on the opposite side continued to chase until the cd improved, and an ea, this time the level a is with the damage of the passive soul-killing robbery!
He was hit to half blood directly, and returned to the tower in a hurry.

"Yuelun Jie took the initiative to come up to fight for blood, but the q was empty, but he ate Xiaoxuan's double q, drank the big red medicine and didn't fight, how could this be possible?" The baby guide looked at the scene in front of him, thinking he was wrong up.

Is Yi Xuejie beaten to death by regular robbery?
Dahong has not been drunk, so why do you buy it?
"Hahahaha, is this the world's first catastrophe that you boasted? Isn't this pure being shown off?"

"I really don't understand. Is it because Xuan is too strong, or if Yuelun has a false name? How could he be ahead of 400 yuan and not be able to beat him?"

"I don't know either. I can't understand this kind of game at all."

Ordinary viewers have even begun to question the level of the Moon Wheel.

So, not everyone can understand the game.

Professional players, especially mid laners, understand how delicate this wave of games is.

"What do you think, why did Ryl change blood and lose this wave?" In the stk team base, the Dragon Snake Cup duel also attracted all members of the team to watch.

Coach Li Hong asked a boy with disheveled hair who was staring straight at the game screen.

This boy's ID is feike!

"White Jie has already made a profit by automatically leveling A at the moment of switching positions, so he only plays Q when he sees Black Jie's Jie raising his hand to return A, because he thinks that at this time, Jie will finish the damage before switching positions. As a result, he switched positions before the flat A was hit, giving up the flat a in exchange for dodging the double Q, making a hit by himself, giving up the small to make a big profit, this is the real master!" Feike said after thinking about it.

"You know, there are still top players in this world, and we have to continue to work hard. Let's try to go to the S tournament. Do you want to play against such players?" Coach Li Hong asked.

"Yeah!" The young man nodded heavily. After Daopa left Korea, he was the new No. [-] player in Hanbok, and his winning rate was extremely high. He was also a famous rookie king in the Spring Split, and his current record is only second to Yuelun.

Unexpectedly, the strength of Senior Moon Lun was beaten like this, so it is true that the server of Hanbok represents the highest level in the world?

Perhaps, the Korean players are already a little arrogant. An all-star can't prove everything. The world is big. Huaguo has dozens of times the population of South Korea. It seems very reasonable to produce more powerful geniuses. The seniors have not yet surpassed, this summer, the training has been super doubled.

 second to

(End of this chapter)

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