Chapter 150
"Well done, my Xuan!" The spicy teacher yelled nice frantically in the spring.

"I asked you to stop the blind monk, why did you stop your life?" Li Wu asked.

"I can't help it. I can't stop it with my life. Without my damage, Brother Xuan can't show off." Teacher Spicy doesn't care about his kda, as long as his death is worthwhile.

Who is the final winner is the most important thing, not who gets the mvp and who takes the blame.

Although my prince is dead, Jie has gained a little weight.

The balance of victory must ultimately be determined by two kalpas.

Whoever can beat the opponent's policewoman first in the team battle will win the game.

Kekao's jungler is indeed too strong, and he can think of changing angles to kick people when he takes kills. His jungler level seems to be a bit worse than these Korean wild kings.

But if there is no conflict, I am not as strong as you, but it does not mean that I cannot win.

The spicy teacher bought the cloth armor shoes. In this game, both sides have more ADs. Whoever makes more armor first will gain a greater advantage. However, the prince's combat effectiveness is not as high as that of the blind monk in the early and mid-term. But in the later stage, the prince is still slightly better.

South Korea's commentator, it's already howling ghosts and howling wolves at this moment.

The scene where everyone thought they must die turned into an easy escape and counter-kill.

This reversal made the Korean commentator almost lose his hair.

Why, it shouldn't be like this.

Are we sacrificing the adc and can't even get him a Zed kill?

Can this game still be played?
"Axi, Heijie's shadow cd just turned around at the last second, let him run away, and even showed the blind monk, what kind of monster is this?" The Korean commentator is really thinking about the whole person reached.

It is absolutely impossible for them to praise their opponents at home, and the commentary also needs a stand.

Therefore, they can only describe this guy as a monster.

"The monster, the evil black robber, once again defeated the righteous warrior!" Huaguo students studying in South Korea could only tease the commentator like this.

Sure enough, the butt determines the head, and watching the game without a standpoint is the thinking of a normal person.

Therefore, the only ones who really enjoy the game are European and American audiences.

There is no position, pure marvel at Heijie's operation and reaction speed.

"Team Sky's mid laner really amazes me. Is there no limit to his skills?" the European and American commentator exclaimed. After this game is over, this young man will definitely gain a large number of European and American fans.

European and American audiences like this kind of showmanship the most.

Operation or something, it's too boring.

This is also one of the reasons why their strength in the competition area is weak, not rational enough.

The extremely rational way of playing is that if I can win by delaying to 10 minutes, then I would rather not fight the opponent's hero for the whole game, and I will also delay it to 10 minutes.

The emotional way of playing is that I want to enjoy playing in the process, and if I can fight, I will never take the line.

Europe and the United States can't compete with China and South Korea, and South Korea is the best at this.

If you find that Hei Jie has taken another head, then quickly continue to operate and switch lines, and don't fight anymore.

At least, you can't fight where Hei Jie appears.

They choose to switch lanes, operate, and then find opportunities to play more and less.

Carry out small-scale ganks, and try to make a small profit of one for two, two for three.

And they can indeed do it. Hei Jie can't hook it, but others can.

Not every player is as weird as him, and the game time is 15 minutes.

Several small groups of the two sides exchanged, and Bai Jie stole two more heads, turning his record into three bars and one.

His thinking is the same as Teacher Spicy, although I can't beat Heijie, it doesn't mean I can't win this game.

If you win the game while lying down, it is not considered a win. How many life and death games are not considered lying down on the opposite side?

There are people on both sides who lie down and win, but there are more people carrying on my side.

After a few small team battles, the economic gap between the tkb team and the team did not widen, and they deliberately gave up their heads to Yuelun.

Although Yuelun may not be able to win Chen Xuan's robbery in a single duel, but everyone's damage is overflowing, so it's not a big problem.

As for Chen Xuan, he tried to deal as much damage as possible, but gave the head to the ad.

Because no matter how the version changes, the damage of the late ADC will always be the highest.

I can second adc, but the front row can only be handled by adc.

There are female policemen on both sides, and it takes a long time to fight Shen. If the ad is not fat, the front row will not be able to deal with it in the later stage.

Moreover, if the adc wants to avoid being killed by Bai Jie, he must have a piece of mercury to save his life.

The game lasted 7 minutes, and the head to head ratio between the two sides was seven to six.

The bite was tight, and the tkb team was still one head ahead.

However, in terms of economy, Team Skyscreen still has a slight lead, and the leading part is probably the 30-plus knives that Black Jie suppressed Bai Jie.

After Chen Xuan's ruin was done, Tianmu was not afraid to play lead with the tkb team.

There is a dilapidated robbery, and the line speed is very fast.

So now that the situation is relatively stable, Chen Xuan is responsible for leading the troops down the road and carefully leading them on the road.

The game time was 9 minutes. At this time, Shen was caught by Jie and Thresh.

Thresh came from the grass on the road and hit with a magic hook.

Then the moon wheel's Baijie set of damage is played, and then the big hanging is ignited and destroyed.

"Frando has been arrested. The thread is too deep. Can you walk? It seems that you can't." The baby guide watched Shen being arrested, and his tone became tense. It will be 10 minutes soon. Will it affect Dalong?

As for Shen, who had cloth armor shoes and Riyan, he quickly opened a shield, and then taunted Zed with his e skill, and waited for the moment when Thresh e came over, he immediately opened up!
Because at this time, the opponent did not interrupt the skill.

Use your big move to escape to the policewoman in the middle!

But Bai Jie handed in all his skills, only to find that he was still a bit short in the end!
Damn it, just because of the last hits I was suppressed, if I had a little more equipment, I could kill it!
"Frando!!!" The baby guide looked at Shen at the last second, and called out his ID for the ultimate escape. At the critical moment, he finally did not lose the chain. This wave of escape was very extreme and calm. If he did not wait If Thresh turned e, he would definitely be interrupted.

This extreme escape is very critical.

Frando also felt that her heartbeat was several times faster, and she almost disappeared.

This wave of escape has cheated a lot of skills, it seems that we have an advantage in the next wave.

However, what Frando didn't know was that Kekao caught his ult at the same time.

With the policewoman, he robbed in the grass on the next road.

"In this wave, our top laner is big, as long as he leads the line a little deeper, we will make a great contribution by catching Jie to death." Kekao said to the policewoman in the grass.

"Will he take the thread so deep?" the policewoman asked.

"You put the trap in the grass first, and if he is far enough away, I will kick him back to the trap." The blind monk had a bold idea at this time, which was too confident.

The success rate is not high, but it doesn't matter even if we fail, we still have a big top order.

I saw Chen Xuan's robbery pushing directly against the line of soldiers.

There are dilapidated vampires, plus the equipment has been brutal, cloth shoes.

With a three-piece suit in hand, A soldier is very comfortable.

There were two people on the opposite side of the road. After Chen Xuan pushed the line and faced the grass, he naturally had to look at it from the perspective of the future.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

After a while, the blind monk will press q and Moyan almost at the same time, and the human and Tianyinbo arrive at the same time, and at the same time the human arrives behind him, kicks himself into the grass, kicks himself on the clip, and then the female police output.

My own reaction was to backhand r the policewoman, but at this time Shen's big move fell on the policewoman.

After that, Chen Xuan couldn't see it anymore.

Here lies the limitation of the future vision.

I see the future, but I cannot see the complete and complete future.

However, thinking about it, I should be dead. With the cautious ult, the policewoman will definitely not die.

What a powerful blind monk, I found it from this angle, and kicked myself back to the clip I prepared in advance.

Faced with such a gank, Chen Xuan could have considered retreating directly and giving up fighting the opponent.

However, Chen Xuan discovered that the game time had reached 9 minutes and 50 seconds.

That is to say, if he could be here and replace the policewoman on the opposite side.

Then, the four teammates can definitely fight Baron.

Only Baijie and Thresh can come on the opposite side, and these two people can't stop us from fighting the dragon.

Chen Xuan found that if he insisted on a [-]v[-] team battle, his chances of winning were still not big enough.

Therefore, the assist of the dragon buff is needed.

The huge amount of attributes provided by the big dragon buff, plus the team economy of 500 yuan, is enough to make up for the operational gap between the two sides.

Therefore, Chen Xuan decided to do it!

Of course, it is necessary to gain an uncertain future.

But, that's one of the charms of this game, isn't it, creating the impossible.

Chen Xuan still pretended nothing happened, and approached the bushes, but this time Chen Xuan changed his position slightly, and the opponent might not be able to kick himself back to the trap if he changed his position.

At the same time, signal ping Dalong and command: "Go to Dalong."

The operation is still exactly the same, Chen Xuan can actually give r directly this time, but that way he will not be able to get close to the policewoman.

He was still kicked into the grass, but this time Chen Xuan didn't step on the clip.

But the female policeman still predicted the landing point, and gave her a q skill first, and then tied the A.

"Xiaoxuan's Jie was caught, the blind monk moved very fast, Xiaoxuan was kicked back!" Mi Si said nervously.

This time, Chen Xuan didn't choose the female policewoman, but used his big move on the blind monk who flew back from the second stage q, avoiding the damage of the blind monk's second stage q.

The blind monk was raped, and Shen Ye immediately gave the blind monk a big move.

Because it was agreed, whoever has a big robbery will give it to him.

Very reasonable, right?
Chen Xuan also thought it was very reasonable, and this scene was exactly what Chen Xuan wanted.

My big move didn't reach the policewoman, it was just lowering the policewoman's vigilance.

Why would you need to use a big move to kill a policewoman?

After the shadow r landed, he immediately used the w shadow to approach the policewoman, three flowers gathered together, and all three q aimed at the policewoman.

On the way of the dart flying, Chen Xuan pressed the w skill again, approached the policewoman, took a breath, ignited it, and leveled A to trigger the magic damage of [-]% of the maximum life value of the soul robbing.

Three q's damage, plus ruined percentage life steal, plus ghost cut, plus ignite, plus flat A plus passive.

The eight stages of damage hit almost at the same time, and the female policeman found that her blood was drained instantly before the barrier flashed, and she couldn't die anymore.

"Where's my health bar?" The policewoman was like a dream, and the screen went black within [-] second, and she didn't even finish her flat A shot or even raise her hand!
 The second update arrives, and the next chapter will end this game.

(End of this chapter)

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