king of prejudgment

Chapter 157 Can Kassadin also flash Q?

Chapter 157 Can Kassadin also flash Q?
It is somewhat difficult for the little murlocs to fight Kassadin.

But it still depends on the id, and Kassadin is very weak before the sixth level, so he can seize the opportunity before the sixth level, and both sides go out the fastest at the first level.

The core of the Royal City team's game is to focus on the mid-bottom and top lane to resist pressure.

The tactics were clearly arranged, and the little murloc medicine king was going to wait for the fourth bottle of medicine when he went out.

Ever since Chen Xuan used this trick in the competition, it has suddenly become a must-know trick for the murlocs.

And Chen Xuan bought the Dolan ring and went out with two reds!
"Wow, what a fierce Kassadin, Xiaoxuan did not take the usual path, I thought both sides would have the same starting outfit." Xiao Yan sighed when he saw this starting outfit.

"But in this case, the little murloc should go out with four bottles of medicine and three sips of water, while Kassadin only has two bottles of medicine, and he will suffer a lot in terms of lane consumption." Mi Le is more optimistic about the little murloc's going out. Pretend, after all, Lu Baiwei is the number one murloc in the national uniform.

With the addition of four bottles of medicine, it would definitely be able to withstand Kassadin's pressure.

This is consistent with the thinking of many professional players and high-scoring players. If both sides have the same starting equipment, Kassadin must have an advantage. After all, the passive comes with magic damage reduction.

But without two bottles of medicine, the little murloc can definitely gain some advantage in the lane.

"Kassadin's starting outfit is really rare. Usually it's a crystal bottle plus three reds. Now I like to wait for the money to change to four reds at home. Either get one red for Dolan's shield, or five reds for ad hero cloth armor and Dolan's ring. What does it mean to be handsome when you go out?" Some viewers wondered.

"Either it's a unique understanding, or he doesn't play Kassadin very much, and the Kante opponent is hard-picked. If it's not true, he will only play the little murloc and Zed. I haven't seen him play other heroes." Someone analyzed and judged different possibilities.

"It's not that you want to kill alone, the Dolan Ring does more damage."

"Kassadin's ability to develop is an advantage. It's not enough to kill him alone. It feels like his understanding is too shallow."

The voices of the audience were different. After Chen Xuan became popular, he naturally received countless times more attention, as well as many fans and doubters. Yang Fen and Ma Shi won the championship because of their firm support for Tianmu, and they suddenly became third-rate anchors. became second line.

Popularity income has more than quintupled!
Just like betting in advance, the odds are naturally the highest.

Just a go-out outfit can cause so many discussions, which shows that Chen Xuan is getting more attention now.

After the two sides went out, even though they didn't play a first-level regiment, Chen Xuan had already seen the little murloc in his vision, and Chen Xuan knew how to fight when he saw his going out outfit.

After the two sides dispatched troops, Chen Xuan did not follow the pawns to the line, but went directly to the pawn line ahead of time, saw the opposite pawn line approaching, and used his body to seduce the opponent's pawn's hatred!
This trick can only be done when the opponent is online at night.

Otherwise, he will definitely be beaten severely, and the gain outweighs the loss.

When Chen Xuan saw the little murloc's equipment, he knew that he would definitely have to wait for the money at home, so the pull line was not a problem.

Routine is easy to learn, flexibility is the difficulty.

When you learn my method of waiting for money to buy medicine, I can use the time difference when you go online to complete an operation that can destroy the pawn line without a pawn.

"The little murloc's laning is over!" At this time, a Korean anchor in Yangcheng was watching the lpl summer match.

This person's name is Daopa, and he has just finished his retreat and is about to rebroadcast.

However, the matter of the Dragon Snake Cup was too hot, so the translator gave him a good explanation, which made him interested in watching the Dragon Snake Cup match of the Tianmu team.

But he, who was keen, discovered a huge problem.

"I seem to have seen this person's style of play somewhere!" Daopa's technical memory is also very amazing, even from the perspective of God, he can feel the details.

"It's very similar to him!" Daopa became suspicious, and naturally began to pay attention to the Tianmu team's game.

But seeing this opening, he directly asserted: "The little murloc's laning is over."

Translator Miya asked strangely: "I just got stuck in the pawn line, why is it finished?"

"Normally, the little murlocs will learn the e skill at level one, and then use an e to directly trample three melee soldiers to death, so that they don't lose experience and won't be consumed, which is an ideal start for the little murlocs.

And my previous method was to use a long-range soldier to destroy the line of soldiers, but there are also problems with this. First, they used to be long-range heroes, but now they will be beaten in close combat.

Secondly, even if you only A-A a long-range pawn, it will cause the pawn line to push forward. If the opponent is a top player, you can use this to get the pawn line back to your tower.

At that time, Kassadin was uncomfortable. If the jungler was not asked to clear the line, it would be difficult to make up the knife and easy to be caught.

Therefore, Kassadin can directly block the pawn line in this way, and at the minimum cost, let the place where the first wave of pawn lines meet is close to the opponent's defense tower, that is the most perfect solution.

Because they are close to the opponent, the next wave of pawns will come earlier, and they can play an extra round of output. Therefore, the pawn line will inevitably start from the second wave of pawn lines, forming a push back line, and the little murlocs will fall into a trap. The pawn line is always close to the dilemma of the opposite defensive tower. "daopa explained in detail.

"It's so complicated, I didn't understand it." Translator Miya felt her head going dizzy, "Is this the king's game understanding?"

"No, this is the understanding of the game above the king. Some people are the king because their strength is only the king, and some people are the king because the highest is only the king. I now think that the two people with higher scores than me are very likely to be the same person. Personal." Daopa said.

Miya's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it: "You mean, Mu is Xuan, and Xuan is Mu?"

"I can't be [-]% sure, but like, very similar, someone who can understand the pawn line, plus his operation of the Dragon Snake Cup, the possibility is too great." Daopa said, "Continue to watch the game, the little murloc's trouble just began."

Daopa said, looking at the screen.

On the game field, Lu Baiwei obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

I just feel that the opponent's outfit is too confident. If he changes blood, he will definitely not be able to replace me, but what does it mean that he is stuck in the line?
I saw small soldiers gathered, and the blue melee soldier actually focused on a melee soldier directly.

At this time, Lu Baiwei knew that the line of troops was about to be pushed through.

Therefore, when you want to make up the knife, you should simply push the pawn line into the tower completely, otherwise the pawn line will not come back.

However, the minions on the red side are being targeted.

When the little murloc made the first knife, Chen Xuan's Kassadin pressed up.

When the little murloc raised his hand to tie A, he directly played an aw.

"You learned w at the first level?" Lu Baiwei felt very uncomfortable. Originally, if Kassadin learned q, he could still use his e skill to dodge the pole vault.

But the one who learned w was stuck in aw when he was making up the knife, which made the little murloc feel more uncomfortable.

A did not go back because he was stuck at the interval of his leveling A.

As for Kassadin himself, he retreated after an aw, and didn't take advantage of it.

Kassadin continued to make up the tail knife, and the pawn line began to push back in Kassadin's direction, but Chen Xuan would never let the pawn line enter the tower.

When the next aw turns around, the little murloc will learn to be smart.

Jumped directly, but Kassadin not only did not dodge, but also took the damage and made up the knife at the same time.

Because Chen Xuan didn't rush to use w, when the little murloc landed, Kassadin made up a knife, and the two reached the second at the same time.

And Chen Xuan insisted on the damage of the little murloc's e skill, and backhanded first q and then aw, because this can silence the opponent, and at the same time prevent the opponent from learning the q skill, and the q pawn will run away, and it can also prevent the little murloc from pressing w to fight back against a .

The damage advantage of Dolan Ring, combined with the passive damage reduction, Kassadin immediately retreated after the damage was done.

If the murlocs dare to chase after them, they must fight against the soldiers. Although the murlocs have reached the second level first, if they can't use their skills, they are still at the first level of combat power.

But the damage he suffered was from the explosion of the second-level Kassadin.

It's a shame to exchange blood!

But the little murloc originally wanted to consume all the opponent's blood bottles, but it was a bit of a loss for this wave of being prostituted by Silence for nothing.

Kassadin only needs to drink one bottle of red medicine, but he has to drink two crystal bottles.

What's worse is that there is no progress at all in dealing with the line of soldiers.

The pawn line was still charged at the front of the opponent's tower, which caused the little murloc to risk being gank when he went up to make up a knife, but Kassadin didn't use it.

This is the beauty of playing with the pawn line. Not to mention professional players, any player who drills [-], as long as they make up the knife peacefully, there is a high probability that they will not miss the knife.

And if you want to suppress the opponent's last knife, there are two ways. One is to push into the tower. If the blood volume is irregular, it will naturally miss the knife.

Another kind of oppression is that the other party can make love, but dare not make love.

In order to make up for a knife, a lot of blood is lost, which is not worth the candle.

Lu Baiwei is in such a situation now.

Began to be pressed!
I just dare to hide far away, and then come and try when the little soldiers are still alive.

Then Kassadin will be prostituted with a q skill, which may not be able to make up for it.

"The jungler, help me untie the pawn line." Lu Baiwei asked for help.

"No, I need my help for anything. You're only level three. Isn't level three a strong period for the little murlocs?" the jungler asked doubtfully.

"I can't help it. I always feel like I'm going to die. He's a bit insidious. I know that I learned from him by waiting for four bottles of medicine. He took advantage of the time difference to get stuck in the army line." At this time, Lu Baiwei, Suddenly I figured it out, if the other party dared to come over and get stuck, he decided that he would be waiting for the fourth bottle of medicine at home.

After learning his moves, it turns out that he has a way to break them. Does this belong to the Tao?
Damn you, trick me!
Lu Baiwei was forced to call the jungler to clear the line, but the jungler has his own rhythm, and this wave is helping the bottom lane to counter-squat.

Because the bottom lane is extremely aggressive, Woods saw that Chen Xuan was not there, so he naturally took advantage of your illness to kill you, and stole some madly, and cooperated with Annie, who had already pressed under the opponent's tower.

In case of being gank by the spider at this time, the laning advantage will be lost.

Lu Baiwei's status in the team is naturally impossible to compare with ADC.

So this wave of soldiers, he can only find a way to solve it.

There is only one way to push in hard, otherwise Kassadin can block him for 5 minutes.

In order to understand the line, he could only drink a blood bottle and push hard.

At least the one who pushes the line will not be suddenly blocked by the opponent.

Therefore, the little murlocs saw the time when the line of troops entered the tower and the soldiers were fighting against the tower.

A pole vault, the little murloc at level [-] directly wants to step on the minions in the back row with level [-] e, and then Q melee soldiers to come out by himself, so that he has completed the understanding of the line and can go home to replenish equipment.

But the moment he took off, Chen Xuan opened his vision of the future, guessed what he was thinking, and he had a set of solutions, but it was very difficult, and Chen Xuan needed to see if his set of operations could be successful.

Lu Baiwei thought about the idea of ​​e entering the tower and then retreating after stepping on the soldiers, which is normal and reasonable, but Kassadin, who was more than 100 yards away at the moment of landing, suddenly flashed Q and stuck to his face, and fell silent until he entered the tower. little murloc.

The operation of asking him to press q can't be pressed at all!
What Chen Xuan wanted to look at was the opponent's hand speed. If he dodged his q, but the opponent had already q'd out, then this set of risky operations was just a waste of flashing.

But the future he saw was successful, and the opponent didn't press the q skill.

Then, there is no need to hesitate for this Q flash.

Kassadin's q flash is just a short read bar for the q skill, so when you press q, it will flash directly to your face, allowing the skill to be released from the closest distance, thereby reducing the skill's trajectory and making the silence come faster.

And Kassadin himself deliberately stood on the edge of the little murloc's e skill, deliberately causing the little murloc to deal damage.

So, after this silence, the defense tower naturally started to attack the little murlocs.

After q flashes silence, aw accumulates enough energy pulse layers of e skill, and an e is thrown to slow down.

The defensive tower can deal damage twice, and Chen Xuan just saved one to ignite.

Cooperate with the defense tower to complete a single kill!

 The first update arrives, and there is another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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