king of prejudgment

Chapter 160 Under Kassadin's mask is Chen Xuan?

Chapter 160 Under Kassadin's mask is Chen Xuan?
"Wow, it was all over, but they were delayed again."

"This Kassadin, grab the dragon for details. The big moves of r and ez arrive at the same time. The dragon's blood line is too fast, and the jungler didn't even react."

"I didn't react to anything, playing wild pure vegetables, but fortunately, only ez of them has the dragon buff, so it's not a big problem."

"Vayne is fat enough, as long as the opponent can't deal with him, they will still win."

Fans of the Imperial City team, although it is a pity, just feel that the odds of winning in the [-]s have become [-]s.

Wei En is not dead, what will Team Sky win?

But the fans on Tianmu's side were excited.

Don't be too handsome for this Kassadin grabbing the dragon, it's a knife to save the world!
"There is something out of this lich, and without a lich, this dragon can't grab it."

"Single-target damage is high, but the AOE in team battles seems to be a bit low. Could it be that he wants to single-cut Wei En directly?"

"It's hard, Wei En has a light shield and teammates to protect her."

"You see what equipment he has, don't tell me?"

Someone found Chen Xuan's equipment column, the next item after the lich, the useless big stick plus the devil's code, isn't this the most violent equipment in the version, the accessories of the dead fire embrace?

Chen Xuan then went out to make money, and his teammates knew very well that the key to victory was Kassadin.

Naturally, the economy was transferred to Kassadin. After 3 minutes, the Embrace of Darkfire appeared in Chen Xuan's equipment column.

"Minghuo Kassadin, Xiaoxuan has read too many novels, can Kassadin really do this?" Bei Ming, who was watching the game from the audience, said that he had only seen Kassadin from Minghuo in novels .

"With this equipment, it is possible to kill Vayne solo, but what Annie wears seems to be weakness instead of ignition. Unless you can kill Weien before the weakness is given, it still feels like you can't kill it in seconds." Lin Mumu Watching the race track together.

"Xiaoxuan's output pressure is still too great, and the support for the bottom lane must be recruited as soon as possible. Otherwise, I feel that I have a chance to enter the S game, but it will be too difficult to win the championship." Bei Ming looked at Chen Xuan. A desperate appearance.

On the stage, Chen Xuan's equipment was already in place.

Hellfire, Lich, Magic Wearing Shoes, bought real and false eyes for the remaining grids, and finally added a bursting magic wand. In the time period of more than 20 minutes, this equipment is already very luxurious. The normal rhythm is 10 minutes a big In the later stage, there are defensive tower money, big and small dragon money, and head money will speed up, but it will take nearly four to 10 minutes to have Liushen, and this Liushen still includes more than 1000 shoes.

The opponent didn't want to delay the pace of the game beyond Kassadin's sixteenth level, but Chen Xuan was already at fourteenth level.

So, they accelerated the push again.

At the same time, Tabby saw Chen Xuan's equipment update for the first time.

"This Kassadin actually made Darkfire. He wanted to second our ADC. Woods followed me. My weakness will definitely be used by him as soon as possible." Tabby said confidently.

"Well, I still have a broken barrier. If he dares to come over, you will be weak and dizzy, but I can fight back." Woods said the same.

After Chen Xuan got Minghuo, he was not in a hurry to hold a group, but was waiting for his flash cd.

Even if Kassadin's ult has a distance of up to [-] yards, as long as he is within the opponent's field of vision, he cannot enter the arena successfully. As long as the opponent's weakness is on you, he will be trapped and weak the moment he passes by.

Therefore, we must wait for the flash.

And in Chen Xuan's Kassadin, when the level reached level [-].

The Imperial City team couldn't take it anymore, and led their troops to the high ground.

Five people pushed the tower in a group, and Wei En was surrounded by it, which was very safe.

They had to break through at least one path before Kassadin reached the sixteenth level.

The level experience of League of Legends, the higher you need, the more you need.

It will take at least three or four minutes to upgrade from level 4 to level [-], and there must be a large number of soldiers for him to eat.

Therefore, this timing is very critical.

Chen Xuan knew that if he shot in the opponent's field of vision, he would basically give away his head.

Therefore, from the wall on the right side of the red square highland, Chen Xuan directly used his big move to go down to the highland.

By the way, save up the layers of the big move, then walk to the wall behind the three wolves, and enter the three wolves with a big move.

From here, a wave of high-risk detours is completed.

However, only in this way can there be a chance to be out of the opponent's field of vision.

Immediately insert a real eye, make sure that there is no other eye in this position, otherwise there will be no chance.

"Kassadin has gone back. Is it really feasible to go back at this time? I stacked the big move in advance, but the mana of Kassadin in this outfit is limited. Each big move will increase the mana consumption by [-]. R again After playing a set, there will be no mana." Mi Le marveled at Chen Xuan's courage, but he was not optimistic about this wave. The upper limit of mana is always a big problem for Kassadin, and with Wei En's many life-saving methods, Once it fails, it will be directly followed by a wave of rhythm.

If it is on the front, Kassadin's e skill is still very efficient in clearing troops.

Perhaps repelling this wave and waiting for the sixteenth level is a safer choice.

Chen Xuan made sure that there was no eye position where he was, and immediately ordered his teammates to start a group.

Teammates are responsible for attracting the opponent's attention, and I will do the rest.

If I can do it, then the comeback must be successful. If I fail, then we can only work together to prepare for the next round.

Clearing soldiers from the front seems to be able to delay time, but with five people gaining experience, Chen Xuan is still far from reaching the sixteenth level.

And once Annie seizes the opportunity, flash R to start a group, and any hero on the opposite side will be unable to hold this high ground.

Therefore, instead of putting the opportunity on the opponent's mistakes, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

After hearing Chen Xuan's command, the prince directly eq'ed the group.

Nami's big move followed closely, starting a team battle directly below the high ground.

Wei En also retreated the first time, and when the prince's big move covered his teammates, he immediately felt relieved to use it!
At this time, Woods felt that the bgm was already ringing in his ears.

"It's a done deal!" After Wei En yelled this line, her ultimate move was activated, and her cloak fluttered.

A tumbling stealth, the operation is reproduced, ready to a to e skills to fix the prince on his own wall.

Scored twice, and once again felt the trouble of being trapped in a cocoon.

However, when A was followed by e skills, a strong sense of crisis enveloped Wei En's chest.

Kassadin hasn't seen it all the time, is it possible that the other party will start a group when Kassadin is not around?

So where is he?
This intense sense of crisis made him put his finger on the barrier.

Sure enough, I saw a fettered face wearing a mask drilled out of the void!

Why did he go around to the back!

Wei En didn't know how he got around, but his instinctive reaction speed allowed him to push out of the barrier.

However, Chen Xuan's r skill is in conjunction with flashing.

r dodges the three-layered big move, and directly protrudes his face, spanning a distance of one thousand and one hundred yards.

Stepping directly on Wei En's face, the dark fire eqwa was ignited, and all the skills were thrown out at an incredible speed, as if they had been set to bind with one button.

Wraithfire deals 15.00% of maximum mana as damage, while also causing the opponent to take 20.00% more magic damage for the next four seconds.

There is definitely no bonus to the damage of r flash, but the subsequent skill damage has all been strengthened.

Wei En opened the barrier with full blood, and all the blood in her body was drained in an instant!
Under normal circumstances, no matter how fast the skill is released, it should be seen that Vayne's blood volume is first stepped on by Kassadin's big move, followed by a percentage of the blood volume deducted from the fire, and then It is the damage of e energy pulse and the final void serve, plus the damage of w and ignite, which is a total of six skill damage!

But this Wayne only saw his barrier being stepped on, and the remaining blood volume was drained instantly.

Because the speed was too fast, even though Annie kept focusing on Wei En, she didn't have time to release her weakness.

By the time Annie's weakness was in place, Wei En had already evaporated in an instant.

Weak to late!
This speed made Tabby feel that his entire scalp was numb.

What kind of operation is this, what kind of hand speed is this?

And Woods, who saw the black and white TV, could clearly use the death playback panel to see how many seconds he was killed and what the source of the damage was.

Many people will ignore the death panel, but this is a very user-friendly design of fist.

If you know how to look at the death panel, you can know the hero that the opponent is second to you, how much blood can be hit by a set of skills, and the memory is better, so you won’t let him approach you next time you see him, and you can deal full damage.

Woods' panel showed that only 0.32 seconds had elapsed from the first injury to his death.

In other words, in less than [-] seconds, the opponent dealt out all the damage of the six skills.

What the hell, why don't you join the Fast Boys, it's too fast!
Wei En can only say that his death is really unclear.

The limit of human reaction time is only 0.1 second.

You finished the damage in 0.3 seconds, what can I do?
Teammates don't have time to be weak, and they don't have time to flash, unless it is predicted that Kassadin can kill him in seconds, flash ahead of time, maybe avoiding the energy pulse and the knife with the Lich may survive.

However, the League of Legends' famous five knives per second only dare to say that the speed per second is within one second.

What is this [-] seconds? Wei En basically didn't deal any damage, and was instantly killed.

The team battle situation was reversed instantly!

"Oh my God, what did I see? Kassadin flashed onto Wei En's face, melting him instantly!" Mi Le's voice was almost hoarse, he couldn't explain how Kassadin did it, How many skills are pressed.

All he knew was that Vayne was melted by Kassadin and disappeared in an instant, as if trampled to death.

"Team Sky Screen's team battle is about to win, it's about to come back!" Xiaoyan saw at a glance that the terrible consequence of Wei En's death was that the team battle was about to be defeated.

This one, Wei En, is extremely exciting. He is good at laning and hitting the knife. He hides skills at critical moments, limits e various fixed walls, never saves people with e skills, maxes out team battle output, and moves. amazing.

As for Kassadin, although he has many amazing moves, he has problems such as non-mainstream builds and insufficient damage in team fights.

Originally, if he lost the game, Kassadin would definitely become the target of verbal criticism from the audience. Isn't he good to be the Archangel of Time honestly?

But all of this is not important now. In front of this instant burst killing Vayne's operation, everything is a cloud, and people will only remember this Kassadin's magical operation.

The personal heroism of saving the world, plus an incomprehensible fairy hand speed.

In this wave of team battles, Wei En can at least hit [-] damage, but now he only hits A and E, which add up to less than [-].

At this moment, Woods' face was flushed, and while he was angry, he couldn't do anything.

How could it be possible to win the team without the damage of Siqianqi?
Even if Kassadin is equipped with output equipment, no one can deal with him now.

After seconds, retreat directly, and you only need to wait about five seconds before you can enter the field again.

Without Wei En's output pressure from his teammates, the prince can completely handle it.

Spider ez dared to come out to output, even Nami dared to come out to use damage and control.

And the Imperial City team has no escape, no escape!

Kassadin could only fall down one by one. Kassadin got the double buffs on Vayne, plus w back to mana. After eight seconds, the ultimate move recalculated the mana amount, and the second set entered the field, directly killing Anne in seconds.

Then leave w to kill the Lich, and take away the residual blood of Wei, and at the same time use w to return to blue, and cooperate with the blue buff.

Three kills, and then chase, teammates have begun to deliberately save Kassadin's head.

Pentakills are just around the corner. If Wayne is still alive, they might wipe out the game, but once Wayne dies, the others are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It can only be said that the two teams have a common characteristic, relying too much on the team members. The core is c.

Huangcheng relies on Woods, while Tianmu relies on Chen Xuan.

The third set of skills, req, takes down the little murloc.

The sound effect of the quadruple kill resounded throughout the venue, and the last Zach was beaten out of the passive again.

The teammates, on the other hand, threw their skills towards the air to stack energy for Kassadin.

The energy pulse of the e skill needs to be released by six skills around it.

Chen Xuan gave each piece of meat a knife, and the last e skill made a wave of four little Zacs, and took the last head.


The first pentakill of the summer split appeared in the first game!
The cheers from the sky fans under the stage were deafening.

Many doubters apologized one after another, because my understanding of the game is too shallow.

Lich Netherfire Kassadin, the god of the second!

It's too violent, Wei En might owe two hundred blood if it goes on like this.

And Chen Xuan only has this kind of outfit, and it is possible to complete a full-blood instant kill on an ADC with only two large items. If it is the Archangel of Time, he has to add a hat to have a similar effect. .

But the economy that needs to be achieved can only be achieved after more than 30 minutes of the game.

So, this build is dancing on the tip of a knife, but the bet is right.

For the rest of the time, under a Kassadin with five kills, how can the Imperial City team hold the base.

He could only lose everything under the wave after wave of attacks by the Tianmu team, and watch the base turn into ruins.

"When you use the little murloc, you still have to ban Kassadin." Seeing Lu Baiwei's disappointed look, the coach also patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him. Lu Baiwei nodded heavily. This one was completely taken by Kante. If I can still get the little murloc, I can definitely kill you alone!

On Chen Xuan's side, he took off his earphones with a smile on his face. He thought he was greeted with praise and cheers from his teammates, but what he got instead was the look of a monster.

Are you really a human being? You’re not a void creature pretending to be one. After watching Double Tribulation, my teammates felt that Chen Xuan might be behind the mask of Lord of Shadow Stream. Now I think that behind Kassadin’s mask, Chen Xuan might also be there. what.

This guy, can't he wear a vest?

The human body of the master of Shadow Stream, plus the human body of Voidwalker, the final feeling is one person.

Please, if you are all human, don't do such inhuman things.

Killing Vayne full of blood in a few tenths of a second, we really don't understand this game.

 The second thing is that after the game, you can be slaughtered. This chapter, Kassadin, is a book that pays tribute to my idol Chaos God. Presumably some readers know which book it is?

(End of this chapter)

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