king of prejudgment

Chapter 165 This Jungler Must Hate Xuan

Chapter 165 This Jungler Must Hate Xuan

There is only one reason why Chen Xuan wants to use the clown.

That is, the current game is called, True and False Chen Xuan.

Although I don't know who this person who resembles me from ID to hero is, but since he has hinted at the suspicion of impersonation, he must take a good look at the level of this impostor.

The hero of the clown is just right, with a big move to clone and cheat the game.

Who is real?
Chen Xuan didn't know either, but this game was very interesting. He couldn't reveal his identity because he didn't want to be played by someone from Hanbok.

Now they are being flattered by these Koreans, but once they know that they are the dark demon king Jie in the double robbery, their mentality will explode and they will act like themselves crazily.

Then it won't be able to achieve the effect of the small account to vent the massacre. Chen Xuan's fight is not bad, but he doesn't like to forcibly increase the difficulty for himself.

Since someone pretended to attract firepower for him, it might not be a bad thing.

Since you are so kind to me, then I must "repay" you well.

The lineups of the two sides have been finalized. Chen Xuan is on the blue side, Ruiwen is the top laner, Joker is the jungler, Wine Barrel is the mid laner, and ez Kanami is the bottom laner.

Dazzling is on the red side, top lane crocodile, play wild blind monk, mid lane card, bottom lane female policeman and Karma.

The blue side was confused when they saw that the hero that the jungler father decided was actually the clown.

This hero is not used at all in high tiers.

Especially in the high ranks of Hanbok, everyone in the game of kings is an old monster who has become a master.

Isn't it funny that the clown's tricks and invisibility are in the hands of the top king?

It’s not the oldest version of the Sun Flame Sect anymore. When the Clown first came out, it happened to catch up with the glory of the Sun Flame Sect. It’s similar to last year’s Black Cut Alliance. It’s a bug caused by a piece of equipment not being the only passive. .

In other words, some heroes can produce five sun flames and one pair of shoes.

As for the clown, because the avatar of the ultimate move inherits the equipment effect, it is equivalent to ten sun flames burning you together.

But as the clown has been weakened many times, the Sun Flame Sect has been glorious many years ago.

Therefore, the current clown is a bit difficult to be elegant.

However, Chen Xuan is different. As a small trumpet to vent, Chen Xuan has no plans to say what jungle position he will switch to in the future.

The first wife is supporting, and the second wife is already very tired in the mid laner.

There is no need for any professional jungler.

So, play more recklessly.

With the addition of future vision, Chen Xuan's jungler win rate is the highest among the three accounts. He only lost five games in 52 rounds, and his win rate exceeds 90.00%. It is natural that such an account caused a sensation in the Korean server.

Because the current No. 70.00 newly promoted super mid laner Feike in Hanbok only has a winning rate of [-]%.

In this round, Chen Xuan's teammate, the mid laner Tonkun, was none other than the mid laner Feike of the Stk team.

For him, fighting Chen Xuan is also a wish.

Feike, who has practiced hard, is now emerging in the summer competition, like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate, turning into a dragon with golden scales.

The current performance has surpassed the moon round of the spring split, and has become the new and strongest mid laner in the Korean division.

In the spring and summer seasons, he has solo killed all mid laners in the Korean division.

Now he has become a strong challenger to defeat Chen Xuan in the hearts of Korean players. Now the points are basically enough to enter the s game. It will be better and better.

A shy boy sitting in the stk team base thought so.

Is the card in front of you the Xuan who has fainted Senior Yuelun?
His double robbery operation, Feike really wants to play it in his dreams.

I always feel that once this operation is done, I am afraid that there will be no one who can surpass it in a few years.

Therefore, he has to practice hard, defeat Chen Xuan head-on, and become the world's number one mid laner!

However, Xuan's hero pool seems a bit shallow. Will he only need to deal with his cards Murloc and Kassadin in the future?
He didn't believe it. How could such a genius have only four heroes? He definitely has hidden strength.

However, these four heroes should be what he is best at.

Let's see how to play this card first!
The game officially started. The real Chen Xuan was already a clown painted with oil paint.

Hanbok is indeed a sacred place for junglers. When it comes to the game of kings, the opponents are getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Xuan's rune talent is on the ad route.

The clown is a hero who can cultivate both. He is very strong in physics and magic, but Chen Xuan in the game of kings decided to use ad.

Because if you play ap, it is a passive game.

The opponent needs to cooperate with you, chase and kill you, then walk to your box, be output by the fear of the box, and shoot him to death with the last e skill.

And ad is a more active way to play, use passive to attack person A.

When the opponents are all Hanbok kings, Chen Xuan still thinks it would be better to take the initiative.

The jungle clown is a very coquettish position, and there are many ways to open the field.

The most ideal is to go directly to steal the opposite buff.

However, Hanbok opponents are not stupid either.

When the assistant goes out, he brings a real eye, and when he hits the buff, he directly inserts it in the grass for the jungler.

In this way, if the clown stealthily comes to grab the buff, hum, he will never come back!

There are ten kings on both sides, and no one wants to be an actor anymore. Whoever gets the points in the game of kings is not divided. It is impossible to act for the feelings of some Koreans. A few million won is about the same for me.

Therefore, both sides played very seriously.

On Chen Xuan's side, he started the game with a wild knife, a fake eye and a bottle of red medicine to go out.

The clown doesn't need blood bottles very much in the wild, there are boxes, and more importantly, it prevents opponents from coming in and destroying your boxes.

In a game of this level, don’t fantasize about stealing the wild. Even if you have a future vision, there is a possibility of failure. Another possibility is that the opponent pretends to leave and comes back to arrest you when you are stealing the wild, and the jungle is ready for real eyes. Sitting on the sidelines.

The opponents in the game of kings play such details and routines. Playing with their brains will kill a lot of brain cells. This is also the reason for not playing AP. Masters will not foolishly chase you and step on the box.

Instead, it's more important to keep an eye out to prevent opponents from coming in and destroying your own box.

Chen Xuan's jungler has his own unique understanding.

The first two boxes are placed in the middle of the fourth bird and between the fourth bird and the red buff.

Here are two boxes, and finally a third box, and put one behind you.

If there is no invasion on the opposite side, this wild farm will be very comfortable.

At the beginning, the clown body is playing red, with the help of teammates, the speed is very fast, and the box is playing f4.

Then after the beating, the bird will come to the position of the clown, and will be frightened by the second box again, so the three little birds will be killed by the box, and then the big bird will be frightened by the third box.

Chen Xuan also pulled out the red buff at the same time, first killed the bloody big bird, and then took away the red buff!

Complete the cleanup of the two groups of wild monsters directly!

Instantly reached the second and a half experience, and then immediately q skill penetrated the wall into the stone beetle.

Hit the stone beetle quickly, directly punish and every knife, as long as you can backstab, you must backstab, and increase the clown's jungle speed to the extreme!
In this way, you can upgrade to the third level in the time period when the opponent finishes beating the three wolves.

It is considered to be the fastest jungle speed in theory. Seeing such a jungler, Feike's eyes light up.

It's the first time I've seen this clown playing like this.

The high-score clowns are all extinct, and it seems that they have not been developed.

This routine is fast three, rushing directly through the wall to the middle.

At this time in the middle, the first wave of pawns has not yet been completed!

But Feike's barrel, seeing the clown's signal, understood.

A q skill is placed under the feet of the seventh soldier, and then the person presses forward.

When the wine barrel explodes, you can directly grab the second.

The card vaguely sensed something, and was about to dodge directly, and at the same time give the blind monk a ping signal.

The blind monk also came over directly after beating the three wolves. He was ready to support him. The fighting power of the blind monk in the early stage is still higher than that of the clown.

However, the clown's knife had already been hung, and while the red buff was directly slowing down the card, the box was left behind.

If the card chooses to flash back directly, it will definitely be feared by the box.

"Level [-] clown!" Daopa stared straight at him. He hadn't reached level [-] in the mid lane yet, and the clown was already level [-]. What kind of jungle speed is this?

Has the Joker developed any new style of play?
The clown of level two gank, he still has a chance to run, and the third level is still playing tricks?

Although the blind monk had already appeared behind the card, he was terrified immediately when he saw the third-level clown.

I didn't eat the box, but I didn't dare to eat it.

The wine barrel is level two, and the clown is level three. How could the blind monk beat these two guys in the past?

After being slowed down by the red buff, the card gave up resistance on the spot.

I would rather save the flash until the next wave, otherwise, the next wave of barrel e flash and then cooperate with the clown to catch myself, and the flash will not even run away.

The wine barrel has an e and then slows down, and cooperates with the clown to beat the residual blood. The last e skill of the clown is taken away with a critical strike.

The rhythm is very good, it can be seen that there are still too few people who develop clown gameplay.

With my wild speed, I caught my opponent by surprise, and the blind monk watched from afar, not daring to come over.

Level [-] blind monks can single out all level [-] junglers, but they cannot pick level [-] junglers.

Presumably, this clown used the box and his teammates to complete some kind of strange way of clearing the jungle, which is the third fastest.

Damn it, who the hell is this new wild king?

The player who controls the blind monk is Insaike of the tkb team, the man who kicked roundabout kicks on the All-Stars, and now he is given a wave of bad luck by the clown's speed three.

You can only sell the development of your teammates first, and then slowly figure it out.

Chen Xuan unceremoniously took the first blood, and the barrel was not even handed over for lighting, so it was already very profitable to get an assist for nothing.

Cooperating with pushing up a wave of soldiers, the blind monk ate the line with tears in his eyes.

This clown is not simple, he deserves to be a monster with a 90.00% winning rate.

Only his teammates know how he farmed wild, it can only be said that he is too imaginative and creative.

Luckily for the card, he brought teleportation in this game, which is Daopa's latest game understanding. If it is difficult to kill people in the lane, it is better to maximize the support and try to teleport the card, which can be said to have saved his life. .

Otherwise, they will be caught and killed at the first level, and the game will be useless.

Sure enough, after being regarded as Chen Xuan, the ganks encountered are much more. Damn Chen Xuan, hiding in the national server and playing mid laner, but let me take the blame. This jungler must really hate Chen Xuan, see With my ID, I'm afraid they're going to fuck me crazy.

 second to

(End of this chapter)

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