Chapter 169

Anger is really a huge power to improve combat effectiveness.

Youshen felt that he was like a transformed Super Saiyan now.

It's no longer Wuxia Amon, and finally he can truly have the strength and performance of the three legs of the national server in the competition.

In the past, his performance did not match his rank score at all.

Among the top ten in the national server, there were originally three numbers that belonged to him.

Even if he didn't lose a single bit to the Pinot Factory, but his performance on the court was a second-rate ad.

However, under his anger, he already felt that he had nothing to lose.

As if the seal had been released, confidence and fluency came to him.

Now he is a warrior who charges for love, and he feels that even if it is a one-on-five, he will not be false.

At this time, he has firm eyes and a straight back to welcome the first game of the playoffs.

At the referee's order, the game officially began.

The first team is the blue side of the extreme team, and the red side of the sky team.

"Okay, the BP between the two sides has officially started. The Ultimate Team has banned the murlocs, the barrel and Syndra, and the first one is the mid laner of the three bans?" the commentary director was surprised.

"The Tianmu team has banned the new heroes Darkborn Sword Demon, Policewoman and Crocodile, which are more conventional ban choices." The commentator Xiaoyan added, "The Extreme Team should have also discovered that the card master welcomes everyone from now on. The brand new version that has not been experienced before, even if it is released, the Tianmu team probably won’t take it, so I started to try other heroes against Xuan’s player.”

"Yes, the card master used to be equivalent to five people getting a greedy person. How can the whole team have more than 1000 knives in a game, which can bring more than 2000 economic advantages. Now it becomes a card player. Get one to six dollars, on average, one card costs three dollars per person, and three hundred dollars is only [-] dollars, which can be regarded as a one-shot cut to the main artery." The baby director also sighed, "And, if this is the case for BP, Erzi must be playing robbery, if you use Kassadin, it will be very difficult to rob."

Sure enough, the Xtreme team immediately decided to take the robbery.

Er Zi's Jie is also quite famous, although it is not as good as Chen Xuan, but there will not be two Jies in a game, right, if I take it, you can't take it.

By doing so, according to the analysis of Xtreme Team, Chen Xuan can only take Annie.

Of the six heroes, five of them have been sealed for you, which can be said to be the ultimate.

"Team Skyscreen will take down the weapon master and spider, and first decide on the Ueno.

The Xtreme team then took the top laner Prince and added the jungler Widow. Because the mid laner is Zed, the jungler had to add a little AP damage. "The baby director then introduced to the audience.

"The third and fourth moves of the Tianmu team, is it confirmed that the mouse and the Thresh are selected? Since the spring game, I haven't seen the Tianmu team take the Thresh. It's been a long time since the lineup combination." Xiao Yan said, still thinking about Chen Xuan. auxiliary.

Since he stopped playing support, the support in the lpl field has indeed lost its vitality.

Moreover, the middle unit is the few heroes who turn over and over again, and never take out other things
"The last two moves of the Xtreme team, the bottom lane is determined, yes, it is ez Kanami, a very powerful laning combination." The director said, "I heard recently that the bottom lane combination of the Xtreme team played very well in the training match , the output of every game is the first in the game, Youshen has always been a genius boy, and he is called a twin star with the mid laner, it is time to show your true skills."

Director Wa still prefers the style of the Xtreme team. They have always played fiercely. Anyone can win and anyone can lose. Their games are always full of suspense. It may not be completely impossible to become a dark horse and overthrow the Sky team. .

And the mid laner choice of the Tianmu team became the focus of the audience.

"This target is a bit strong. Xiaoxuan's hero coins are embarrassing, so he won't force Kassadin."

"It's not impossible. Breaking through all spells with one force, weakening cards, and Kassadin's weakness in the line are not a problem. As long as he is strong enough, he may be able to counterattack in the later stage."

"Everything is a comeback game, a development game, the game of the Tianmu team is really not good."

The audience expressed their opinions. The card card Kassadin really wanted to vomit them, and they didn't know why Chen Xuan didn't vomit.

And with the transformation of the hero icon on the fifth floor, it finally stayed on the head of an incredible hero.

"Blade of Exile, Riven!"

"Isn't it? Is there such a strange hero that must be featured? Dare to choose me to wash my hair upside down on the spot."

"What nonsense, there is a weapon master, why choose Riven?"

"Mid laner Riven, is it still a mid laner weapon?"

"Don't scare people, I know you won't choose, I bet [-] cents, I will definitely change the card at the end."

However, as the countdown of the game ends, Riven, Blade of Exile, is determined!

"The day when the broken sword is reforged, when the knight returns!" Riven's voice was really good.

Chen Xuan enjoyed the confirmed sound effect of this hero, while the auditorium exploded.

Is this the playoffs? It feels like everything is different in an instant.

"Team Tianmu is so easy to play, will they play like this when it comes to the playoffs?"

"The scalp is numb, is it really the mid laner Riven, can this hero be hit?"

"It was a bet of fifty cents just now, you lost, and fifty cents."

Both the barrage and the audience couldn't believe it. In the first game of the playoffs, Riven played as a mid laner. Is this a big move or something?
Er Zi was also at a loss: "What kind of trick is this? It's really a joke to take Riven out as a mid laner."

"If you can fight or not, if you can't, I'll hit it." Youshen said in the voice.

"The domineering side is leaking, but I'm sorry, this Xuan, I have to kill it alone!" Erzi said confidently.

Riven, a mid laner who has never seen him before, how can he fight against the son of the version?

Of course, Erzi wouldn't really underestimate her opponent either.

From the perspective of skills, Zed is really not easy to beat Riven.

Zed's shuriken, Riven's e skill can block and offset it.

Therefore, this one is still seeking stability.

The lineups of the two sides have been finalized. The blue team Xtreme Team has the top laner Prince, the jungler Widow, the mid laner Jie, and the bottom laner ez Kanami.

The red Fang Tianmu team, the top lane weapon master, the wild spider, the mid laner Riven, and the mouse and Thresh in the bottom lane.

With the start of the game, both parties bought their starting outfits.

Jie is Dolan's shield plus one red, just to be on the safe side.

As for Riven, she wore a Doran sword.

The current attribute of Dolan Sword is that every time a knife is repaired, it will restore [-] points of health, plus [-] points of attack power and [-] points of blood volume. The attributes can be described as quite outstanding.

As long as the laning is not a long-handed hero who is too difficult to fight, you can maintain a pretty good blood volume by making up the laning. Thirty knives are equivalent to eating a bottle of medicine.

The two sides avoided the first-level regiment, and met directly to face each other.

Seeing Chen Xuan's mid laner Riwen, Er Zi was confident in her mouth, but she was still very cautious in actual operations.

But Chen Xuan first A small soldiers, destroying the line of soldiers, so that Jie can make up three swords with one q skill.

I want to make up the knife, come here.

The director also gave more shots to the middle lane, and the director was also curious about the lane number of the mid laner Riwen.

Chen Xuan won't really have no heroes to use, so he can only take out an ultra-unpopular mid laner that everyone has never seen before. He thought he would use Annie, after all, Annie was originally brought to support the mid laner.

The result was Riven, who was very rare in the game, after Zed used q to make up the first cut.

The second soldier was about to lose some blood, but Riven was closer, so Zed went over very carefully and prepared to take a stab and leave.

However, Chen Xuan's Riwen pressed over directly, flattened the ace, hit the floor with q, received a round ace, and then retreated immediately.

"Hey, this Riven scared me to death. I thought he would fight to the end with the speed of light qa. I'm afraid my blood volume will drop a lot." Erzi was startled when she saw the speed of light qa at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan's Riven operation was so smooth.

But after only playing half a set, he cut more than 100 blood volume for Jie, and then withdrew directly.

This is what Erzi didn't expect, his exchange of blood is not professional.

At the same time, the director also tried his best to give the camera to the middle lane. After all, he was also curious about how Chen Xuan's Riven would operate.

I didn't expect it to be just this, it can obviously hit Jie's blood volume below half health, why did he hit so little, qa only hit half a set.

"This Xuanshen Riven's fight is so-so, if I get this chance, I can drain half of Jie's blood."

"I also think it's a bit hard to play, but the qa fluency is good, and it should be Riven."

Many viewers commented on Chen Xuan's Riven, feeling that Chen Xuan's Riven didn't grasp this opportunity well.

However, Chen Xuan was not in a hurry, and turned around to make up the knife.

Small soldiers are very important, you can't overwhelm people and forget to make up the knife, and you can't put too much pressure on your opponent.

When you put full pressure on your opponent, the opponent's vigilance will also be at its highest.

The reason is very simple, an ordinary player will immediately take drugs or go home when he sees his remaining blood.

But the amount of blood that Chen Xuan destroyed was at a level where it was not worthwhile to drink medicine, and it was impossible to go home.

This is called blood control!

When the opponent's blood volume is controlled to a level that Chen Xuan can kill, but the opponent doesn't know the blood volume, it is the chance for a solo kill.

Then, Chen Xuan slowly pushed the line.

Jie also tried his best to stand on the opposite corner with Raven, and didn't want to give Raven another chance to tie the ace.

Level [-] Raven, if he can fight to the end, a crocodile with full blood can be single-killed, and Zed's initial blood volume is not as high as that of a crocodile.

However, he was not careful enough, the knife always needs to be mended.

When the two sides approached the time, there was a small soldier with residual blood, but Jie had just used a shuriken, so this knife needed to be repaired with a. Chen Xuan knew that the opportunity had come!
It is also a residual blood knife. It is reasonable to say that a robber with a passive A knife will rise to the second level faster.

But Chen Xuan started directly with AQ, and used the Dance of Broken Wings to advance himself to the second level before Jie made a move.

Seconds flashed onto Jie's face, and at the same time, he tapped out the w skill, and directly stunned Jie with a w skill, interrupting Jie's level A.

At the same time, light it up and hang it up. If Jie wants to advance to the second level, he must use the A knife.

However, the time for this knife is enough for Chen Xuan to finish the remaining two qa.

The q skill cancels the w's back swing, although the passive bonus is reduced a bit, but Chen Xuan has a talent point called Summoner's Wrath in his talent.

This talent can gain five points of attack power and five points of magic power during the ignition period.

Therefore, Chen Xuan hangs up Ignite immediately, and the next level A plus skills will be compensated by these five points of attack power.

After the control is over, Jie quickly A cuts out a knife, and then releases it backwards in seconds W.

However, although the flying speed of the shadow is fast, there is a limit in the end, and I want to save a flash.

But it cost her own life. During the flight of the shadow, Riven had already played the third q, and when the shadow could be used, Zed was knocked into the air again.

During the knock-up period, it still cannot move.

At this time, Riven A made the last cut, and then turned back confidently, because Chen Xuan knew that A would never make another cut, but it was enough to ignite the remaining damage!
Jie's second-stage w was finally used, but he didn't expect that his blood volume had reached a trace of blood. Drinking the blood bottle and blowing wildly with his mouth did not prevent the damage from igniting from being reduced.

In the last second of ignition, Jie's blood volume just bottomed out, and he died immediately!
Silence, after a moment of silence from the audience, violent cheers erupted.

"Wow, is this Riven's damage so high?" The baby director shouted the classic wow again to express his shock.

"The damage is just right. The damage calculation is too accurate. I feel that the first wave of moves is considered good. I guess it only hits this amount of blood. If there is more than one jie, I will drink the medicine in advance, and one point will be cut less." Insufficient kill line." Xiaoyan seemed to understand the consumption of Chen Xuan's first level.

"I'm stupid, I really know Riven."

"Who said my brother Xuan is a hero coin, this must be a hero bowl at the beginning."

"Riven is really capable of robbing. Could it be that the era of the mid laner king of jie will be ended by Riven?"

"This light-speed qa shot is definitely old Riven."

The hero Riven has always been very popular. Ever since someone developed the speed of light qa in s2, countless players have begun to pursue the extreme operation of this hero. Whoever has the fastest qa has become a Nikkei on Riven's post bar. post.

There are even players who are very good at Riven, who offer free lessons, and some people flock to them just to practice Riven.

It can be seen how powerful this hero is in the hearts of passer-by players.

But the Riven they saw was all in the top lane. It was so difficult to appear on the field, and they were very surprised when she appeared in the mid lane.

And this qa speed surprised many old Riven players. It cannot be said to be extremely fast, but the effect is the most perfect. It just happened that w interrupted Zed's level A, and just happened that q made Zed's shadow unable to move. , every time the timing is just right, and the damage caused by the ignition is not too much or too little.


Erzi's mentality was very explosive at this time: "Why is the damage of this hanging person so high, hell."

Zed's blood volume was recovered by Dolan's shield, which was more than four-fifths. Riven's damage was actually enough to kill him, and he regretted that he didn't dodge immediately.

However, it was too late to regret.

Only seven pawns were recruited before being slaughtered once. This large wave of pawns entered the tower, and the line was split!

The blind monk was still buffing at this time, and he couldn't rush to eat the pawn line in the middle. He could only watch the pawn line being eaten by the defensive towers one by one.

A blood!

Seeing Chen Xuan get first blood, You Shen really felt worse than killing himself.

Let him pretend again, this guy can really bear it, he actually hid Riven, and he didn't use it until the playoffs.

Team Xtreme knew that Chen Xuan was definitely not the hero coin that netizens ridiculed, but they didn't expect him to be Riven, and he played so well.

Netizens thought that Chen Xuan was on the first floor, and Xtreme Team thought that Chen Xuan was at least on the second floor. In fact, the operation revealed now is on the third floor!

Lin Mumu was stunned in the audience, Chen Xuan really lied to the coach.

I don't know how many heroes he can use, but he has said that he can use Riven in the Dragon Snake Cup.

But the problem is, so far in the training match, I haven't seen him bring out Riven.

Good guy, only he knows what is hidden in the hero pool, which is why the fifth floor hesitated for a long time.

If I had known that he would, I would have confirmed it in seconds.

And Chen Xuan didn't think too much about it, the reason why he didn't use it all the time was that the opponent in the training match didn't use Jie.

It is not necessary to use Riven to solve other heroes.

This hero has to play as a mid laner in close combat, and it is very difficult to play from a long range, because it takes three qs to use up close combat, and there are not enough skills to deal damage at all.

But in the melee mid laner, Chen Xuan believes that Riwen is the mother of all melee combat.

Fighting melee is the same as beating a son, there are more than 500 kill lines at the first level, it's not a joke, if it wasn't for the purpose of preventing Jie from dodging, Chen Xuan would be able to beat him to around [-] blood at the first level .

At this time, the line of the middle road is almost equivalent to clearing the customs.

The second level was killed once, and Zed basically lost the ability to line up with Riven.

At this time, Jie can only use the QQ soldiers at the farthest distance.

But Chen Xuan's Riwen can be described as deceiving too much.

Seeing that q was robbed, he used an e skill to block in front of the minions.

Use your own shield to reduce the damage of Zed's Q skill. If the minion is not particularly bloody, after Zed's shuriken passes through the enemy unit, the damage will be greatly reduced.

As a result, the failure to make up the knife made the shadow stream master, who was not wealthy, even worse.

The laning of Youshen in the bottom lane can be said to be quite good, and the positioning is amazing. I have never had a q from the new support.

This made the audience feel that Qin Qin, who was used by Thresh, was really stretching his hips.

It can only be said that if you compare goods, you will throw them away, and if you compare people, you will die.

If you compare it with Chen Xuan's Thresh, anyone's Thresh seems to fail.

But for Li Wu, it's already pretty good, at least he can fight in lane. He cooperated with Chaoyang before, and his fight was even more wretched.

The two sides played against each other several times and exchanged heads.

The two sides send support to each other, but the head on the limit side was taken by Youshen, while the head on the sky screen was taken by Thresh's ignition.

This kind of confrontation gave Youshen a chance, maybe, I can use my own operations to save the world!
This time, he doesn't plan to make a stable blue ez like Ice Fist, but wants to use a super high output three-phase ez.

Warriors who charge for love must not be in vain just because Riven has a knife in his hand!

At this time, she must be watching the game, maybe she was already cheering for Riven's solo kill just now, thinking of this, the spirit of wandering is even stronger!

 Updated today, took a short break, and will resume two updates tomorrow to end this game
(End of this chapter)

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