king of prejudgment

Chapter 172 Double Attack Tactic

Chapter 172 Double Attack Tactic
Riven, who ended the game, is both heresy and yearning in the hearts of many viewers who love Riven.

What is mid laner Riven?
However, that wave of operations that directly kill ez in seconds is the dream of all Riven players.

Countless Riven players watched, their hearts were burning, and they could not wait to start a rank game immediately, and go to the adc for a full-body massage.

The same screen is too unfriendly for ADC players.

The scene where Riven instantly kills the full blood ez, the audience jokingly called: "Underage ADCs, please watch it with the company of your parents."

Too violent, too bloody, too inhuman.

How many young adc players would turn to other paths after seeing this scene.

He grew so fat that he lay down in less than a second.

What does this game have to do with ADCs?
This is the self-deprecation of adc players, and it is also admiration for this instant kill scene.

Although it is very uncomfortable to see the adc being second, but it is really handsome.

Then, the second game will start soon.

The Xtreme team still chooses the blue side this time, and the red and blue side of the BO5 can choose 135 for the Skyscreen team with a high score, and 24 for the Extreme team with a low score.

Although the first game failed, it was also because Er Zi saw the mid laner Riven for the first time, so she was careless and didn't expect Riven's burst, damage and operation combos.

So, one, two, three, four, change positions, and do it again.

If you can choose Jie, you must choose it. This is not the top iron, this is the respected version.

However, the second game is nothing more than a re-enactment of the first game.

Er Zi chose Jie again, and Chen Xuan also used Riwen to deal with it again.

With the same heroes on both sides, the audience thinks, have I time-traveled, have I seen this round?
Of course I haven't seen it, but in the second round, Erzi used a more careful and wretched way to match up, so that the time for her first solo kill was extended to after level six.

Yes, he was solo killed after level six.

I wanted to use Jie to beat Riven again to prove myself, but I didn't expect to prove again that Riven is the real Kangte Jie.

In this round, Riven did not pursue the ultimate burst kill again, because this round played a lane change, and the opponent's adc was not that fat.

Therefore, what Chen Xuan bought was the route of drinking blood brutally, followed by uplifting and soft words.

This route, compared with the Hydra route, is more stable and resistant to resistance, and the combat power continues wave after wave, continuously.

Although there is no explosive operation to kill the adc in seconds, the super high last hit, stable output, fast qa, and handling during team battles have also feasted the eyes of countless audiences.

Successfully won two to zero!
This made it difficult for Ultimate Team. This Riven simply couldn't handle it. It was much more terrifying than the previous card Kassadin.

Cards give people the feeling that if they don't use big moves, they feel full of oppression. If they use big moves, one person will inevitably die.

Kassadin gives people the feeling that he cannot be developed, once he has two or three pieces of equipment, he will be unstoppable.

But Riven's feeling is even more terrifying, it's like hitting your head directly from level one to level eighteen.

What should we do then, have Riven been banned? What a joke, this kind of hero has not been banned in 800 years, and some heroes are more worthy of ban.

In the third game, what should I do? If I lose this game, I will be directly defeated by [-]-[-]. What about the Black Eight Miracle?
At this time, Youshen thought for a long time, and volunteered: "We, why don't we try Shuangzhong, I will go to the middle with Sun Tuxiao."

In the double, the coach's eyes lit up.

It's not impossible, when the double hit s2, in fact, it has already happened.

Moreover, the person who was first targeted by people in lpl was Erzi.

Hearing Shuangzhong, the corners of Erzi's mouth twitched unconsciously.

Once upon a time, I was also an opponent in mid-single play, and let the opposite bottom duo come to the mid-lane to mess with my man.

Now, in the 30 years of Hedong and the 30 years of Hexi, he has actually become the person who was threaded.

"How do you feel when you hear about the double middle school?" the coach teased Erzi.

The members of Xtreme Team face more disadvantages, so their mentality is much better than others.

"The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach!" Erzi sighed with emotion.

This game is really too difficult.

The robbery of the son of the version can be lost twice in his own hands.

It directly lowered Jie's winning rate. I don't feel much, as long as I can win.

Suppressing Chen Xuan in double play, and then going to fight two by himself, it is estimated that the development is about the same.

The pressure to face Chen Xuan is too great, but a tactical arrangement is still needed.

Because if someone doesn't choose Riven, it will be ridiculous for Ni Shuangzhong.

Therefore, the mid laner has to choose a melee hero, and the opponent's Riven feels so good, it is entirely possible to choose Riven three times.

When they came to the arena again, people felt that the Xtreme team shouldn't have a hard time, and that Riven is so fierce, there should be no reason to let it go.

At the same time, people also understand the role of neo-support.

Although it didn't improve the strength of the whole team much, but the bottom lane laning was a little better, which allowed more heroes to choose in the middle lane, no need for forehand cards, and backhand Kassadin.

The two bot lanes were all hard assists, some started a team and some resisted damage.

The effect may seem small, but it is actually very big.

However, in Chen Xuan's eyes, Qin Qin's performance still hasn't tapped out his full potential. As a player who specializes in playing support, his performance in the game should be better.

However, don't act too hastily. This team still has room for improvement, and it will take time.

In the third game, Lin Mumu, as the coach, already felt that the opponent might have to ban Riwen to take another robbery.

However, once again on the blue side of the Ultimate team, they banned Zed, Shen and Thresh.

"Is the Ultimate Team planning to use long-range heroes, self-ban?" The commentator asked strangely.

On the Skyscreen team, the female policeman Crocodile was banned and ez was banned. Although the Skyscreen team was not very afraid of ez, Youshen's performance was indeed a bit good. The output of each weapon was fully loaded, and the prediction of the ultimate move was also very accurate. As a coach, Lin Mumu feels that it is better to ban him.

Next, the Xtreme team selected a wine barrel as bait.

Riven is very comfortable to rob, and hitting wine barrels will only be more comfortable.

After the Tianmu team saw the wine barrel, they also took down the bottom lane combination of Xiaopao Niutou first.

The ultimate team's choice is to take down Wei Enjiaqin.

If Tianmu plays mid laner Riven again, this pair will appear in the mid lane.

And if you don't choose Riven, then just laning normally. If you want to win the Skyscreen team, you must have a guarantee in the late game. Dawei En's damage in the late game is exaggerated, and it is rare that you can replenish one or two pieces of meat equipment adc.

Because of the real damage of w, if you are really afraid of being killed by Riven, then be a blue shield and brother Chun, the damage is not bad.

Then, the Tianmu team took down the upper-field combination of the blind monk Jia Kenan, and the upper-middle field had to have an AP.

In order to ensure that the opponent is not a showy routine like a wine barrel jungler, Lin Mumu decided to keep Kang Te on the fifth floor.

Because in the All-Star game, insaike kicked the audience with a blind monk in the first game, and in the second game he took out a wine barrel to play wild, which shocked the audience, so this move also needs to be guarded.

In the end, the Xtreme team won the lineup combination of the top laner Dragon Girl and the wild spider, and determined the position of the middle laner in the barrel.

Team Skyscreen, confirm Riven again!
"I announce that Xuanshen has added a hero who can c, so now he has evolved from a hero coin to a hero palm. One slap has five fingers, and he is five heroes!"

"Just call it Bear's Paw, die laughing."

"How can you tell that they only have five heroes? Haven't you seen the mid laner in the third ban of the Xtreme team? It is very likely that they know that Xuanshen has more heroes to use."

"It is indeed possible, but only if you take it out and put it in the game, you can join the luxury package of the hero pool if you carry it. How many players are famous for their hero carry in the passerby game, but none of them can be taken out in the game. What can I add to the hero pool?"

The audience watched Chen Xuan choose Riwen three times, and also added this hero to the luxury package of Chen Xuan's carry mid laner.

The lineup of both sides is confirmed!

The blue side of the extreme team, the top laner Dragon Girl, the wild spider, the mid laner Barrel, and the bottom lane Wei Enjiaqin girl.

Team Tianmu has Red Fang, top laner Kenan, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Riwen, and bottom laner Xiaopao and Niutou.

As the game started, people thought that the change from the previous two rounds was the hero of the mid laner.

Unexpectedly, what changed was the number of mid laners.

Wei En and Qin Nu both walked to the middle, faced Riven, and declared war.

"Brother, try repairing a knife?"

Seeing Shuangzhong, the commentator was also dumbfounded.

"Double middle, is it double middle? It's been a long time since I saw a double middle tactic game!" The baby director saw the two mid laners, and also slapped his thigh. It was unbelievable that the double middle tactic that had disappeared for a year actually Appeared in the lpl arena again.

"It's indeed a double hit. It's hard for Riven to fight this time. Wei Enjiaqin girl, two against one, it's very difficult to make up the knife, and Riven is still carrying the Dolan Sword, so I guess she thought she was going to match up. It's the barrel." Seeing this scene, Xiaoyan also became worried for Riwen, this opponent actually came up with such a crazy idea in order to suppress the mid laner?

Chen Xuan walked to the middle road and saw a pair of sisters in front of him. The middle road is quite lively. Is this a fight against landlords? Three women play a scene. This scene seems to be pretty good.

"Fuck me, they're playing tricks, do you want me to protect you in the middle lane?" Yin Qin said.

"No, it will be very comfortable for you to develop in the bottom lane. When I need it, I will call you a jungler." Chen Xuan said.

"Don't be courteous for nothing, I'm the one Brother Xuan needs." Spicy teacher thought, "If you don't develop well, go eat my Sanlang f4, eat it without worry, eat it, I'll object to Mianye, his grandma's , hit like this?"

The spicy teacher announced that he directly handed over the ownership of his three wolves and four birds. Chen Xuan expressed his gratitude. Sure enough, a good brother, no matter how strong the mid laner is, when facing the opponent's target, he needs a player who trusts you enough. If you are wild, let's see if you two women can hold me down. Chen Xuan also has a fighting spirit rising when he sees the two opponents.

 first update
(End of this chapter)

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