king of prejudgment

Chapter 181 Hero Pool vs. Hero Sea

Chapter 181 Hero Pool vs. Hero Sea
LPL's summer split can't be said to be an absolute league in the first division.

Because the Dragon Snake Cup is an unofficial event after all, but the domestic player base is definitely the number one in the world.

In terms of population, only India can compare with the LPL competition area. Unfortunately, computers are not very popular there.

Playing League of Legends, engaging in e-sports is somewhat difficult.

And the influence of the LPL Dragon Snake Cup is obviously much greater. The official knows that half of the credit here is due to Chen Xuan's battle of double robbery.

This battle is famous in history.

Now it ranks first in the playback volume of all League of Legends videos in the world.

It is more than twice as far away from No.2. As time goes by, it is destined to be a classic that will last forever.

And the resulting effect is that all competition regions around the world are watching lpl games.

Tuqi, a world-class live broadcast platform, is in charge of broadcasting the LPL Summer Finals. The traffic is quite large. It can't be said to far exceed other competition regions, but it can only be said to temporarily rank first.

They really want to know whether the man who fought the double catastrophe can continue the legend.

And when you become famous, players and coaches in all divisions will watch your live broadcast, want to study you, get to know you, and then beat you in the World Championship.

After the two teams finished recording the trash talk session, they rested overnight and prepared for the summer finals in the best condition.

The auditorium was full. Team Omega took the idol route and had mostly female fans. Team Tianmu had a little more male fans, but there were also a lot of female fans.

Former old teammates Ma Shi and Yang Fen also came to the arena, and now they are quite well-known entertainment anchors.

Living together, pleasing the audience every day like talking about cross talk, and opening an online store by the way, selling peripherals, and earning a little money.

And they have little savings now, and they are also diggers who don't forget to dig wells, and they come directly to the finals to support them.

After all, the s game is said to be going to the United States, and it is a little difficult to support, but it is still possible to support it in the finals in Shanghai.

"The final of the summer competition, it's these two teams again, at this moment!" Ma Shi said while sitting in the audience.

"Just like that moment?" Yang Fen immediately responded, the two of them now have a very good understanding.

"How can they be so similar?"

"Like, very similar, but different."

"It's different there?"

"The mid laner is different."

In their lives, the most successful decision so far is to trust Chen Xuan without thinking, so of course they will continue to implement this decision in the future.

Brainless Brother Xinxuan is done!

Before the start of the competition, there was also a song and dance performance, which is enough to show that the popularity is indeed getting higher and higher, and the competition party is becoming more and more willing to spend money.

The two teams came on stage one after another. Both sides sat on the competition stage and began to prepare and debug their own machines.

At the same time, the commentator also came to the stage to prepare for the commentary.

The commentary team for the finals should be stronger, with three commentators on the same stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator, welcome to the LPL Summer Finals. Let me feel your enthusiasm?" The guide experienced the feeling of the concert and the enthusiasm of the players Filled and cheered.

Adjust the atmosphere, and when there is a wonderful operation later, will the audience's reaction be enthusiastic enough?

In this game, the current No. [-] mid laner is facing off against the former No. [-] mid laner, and the excitement can be described as full.

During the regular season, both sides won one game each, so it's really hard to say with certainty who is stronger.

But after this battle is over, I believe all viewers will have their own feelings in their hearts.

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator Mi Le." Mi Le waved his hand. They are the two of them every time in the finals. They are professional, humorous and able to control the field, know how to measure, and are neutral enough.

While the two male commentators cooperated, a female commentator Xiaoyan was added to form the final trio.

"Hello everyone, I'm explaining Xiaoyan." Xiaoyan explained that he was wearing a nice dress and carrying a notebook, so that he could tell the data that the audience would not notice. Sometimes the eyes can deceive people, but the data can't.

"Okay, before the game started, we have already enjoyed the wonderful song and dance segment, so let's take a look at the trash talk segment that everyone is most looking forward to. As far as I know, the last time this segment was a pair of classic quotations Let's look forward to it together, will there be more exciting quotations this time." The director made a joke, saying that I was already studying the opponent of the Dragon Snake Cup.

It is true that it is so popular that it is out of the circle. Many halftime champagne games are quoting this sentence.

Then, the trash talk between the two sides began to be played on the big screen.

First came the top laners on both sides, and the top laner of Team Omega said: "Frando played pretty well, but I can't say what's good about it."

It means, to praise you is only modest, in fact you are a younger brother.

Frando responded: "It's true that I didn't play well, but I just don't know why. I seem to have won the Spring Split?"

The trash talk on both sides is full of aggressiveness. After all, everyone wants you to be more realistic.

Just like Truth or Dare, it’s interesting to play it only if it’s exciting, so why are you still being humble, it’s too unreal.

The aggressiveness of the first few people was not bad, but they obviously didn't satisfy the audience's desire to gossip.

They were looking forward to the trash talk of Leng Ru and Chen Xuan. There is absolutely no doubt that these two people are currently the top three in LPL.

They are all contestants who have entered the finals twice, and they have good facial features and strong strength.

The smell of gunpowder between the two is naturally very strong, whoever wins will be the undisputed No.1!

Leng Ku took a step forward and said: "I'm not born to be strong, I'm just destined to be the king. Standing on the highest stage of LPL with the body of the world's first calamity, it must have a lot of gold."

"You are not born to be strong, you are just doomed to be cold. In this bloodless war, only self-esteem will be hurt." Chen Xuan responded, the trash talk between the two can be said to be full of breath in the second class.

But the audience didn't feel embarrassed, because the expressions and demeanor of the two were serious enough. When you really regard this game as the road to becoming a king, then there is no embarrassment. The youth is passionate, and the goal is still the championship. Silver Dragon Cup.

"I'm stupid, it's a classic, it's too high school, I must write it down, and wait for the face to be slapped after the game."

"You are not born to be strong, you are just destined to be cold, hahahaha, Xiaoxuan is too damaged."

"Hurry up, fight, fight, I can't wait."

The audience looked at the trash talk and was very excited. With such bold words on both sides, someone is destined to be the background board of the other side.

After the game, someone's words will always be translated and become classics.

At present, Chen Xuan is obviously winning by a small margin, full of ridicule.

But these days, they are upset at every turn, and many people can't stand it. The closer the game is, the less they dare to say that Tianmu or Omega will win.

This is also what Riot is eager to do, making the game full of suspense.

If there is a team that is invincible, it will definitely be strongly targeted by Riot Games. Otherwise, you will win every game. Where can we find the suspense of this game?
Before the game started, Chen Xuan also put the original championship trophy back in the center of the stage.

Because the official gave me a replica, the original trophy still has to be placed on the stage.

This regulation is an imitated s game.

In other words, this year's championship trophy also stayed in the previous championship team for a year.

When Chen Xuan put back the trophy, he suddenly felt a sense of reluctance.

Obviously, my favorite thing should be money, but why, when the trophy leaves my hands, there is always a feeling of loss, as if something important has temporarily left me.

It seems that it also hates me.

Chen Xuan looked at the trophy and said silently in his heart: "I am wronged that you stay here for a while, I will take you back!"

Then put on the team uniform jacket and walked onto the stage of the competition.

In the last few minutes before the official start, the commentators introduced the statistics of the two players.

"Here is the data comparison of the top laner. Big brother deserves to be the big brother. In terms of top laner position data, he ranks second in solo kills, first in hits per point, second in damage per point, and first in damage per point. Top order, what more can I ask for." Mi Le said looking at this astonishing statistic.

"Moreover, we have used a total of [-] top lane heroes in the summer split, and the hero pool is also very good." Xiaoyan added.

"Yes, let's look at Frando again. The data of the top laner position in the summer split ranks ninth in solo kills, No. 4 in CS per point, seventh in damage per point, and nine top lane heroes. Compared with the spring split , It’s also very improved.” Looking at Frando’s stats and comparing them, the gap seems to be quite high, but Frando’s top laner doesn’t get much help from the jungler, so it’s normal that the stats are not as good.

"The data on the jungler position is that the spirit of the Omega team ranks first in first blood rate, third in average hits per point, second in average damage per point in the jungle, first in team participation rate, and sixth in the number of junglers. First, there are not many heroes that can be used in the jungle position, and the six heroes are already ranked very high." Director Wa said that in the summer game, the jungler was the prince blind monk Tanglangwei as the mainstream jungler, and the other heroes The attendance rate is not high.

"Teacher Spicy ranks second in first blood rate, seventh in CS per point, third in damage per point, and second in team participation rate, which is also a very gorgeous statistic. It is this development aspect that may be too much for the mid laner. There are too many, and I can't keep up with the last knife." Mi Le said.

"You don't need too many wild monsters for a team-based jungler." Xiao Yan joked.

"Then we are most concerned about the mid-unit data. The mid-unit data of the ruthless player ranks first in the number of single kills, second in CS per point, second in damage per point, second in damage conversion rate, and the use of heroes. A total of [-] mid-laner heroes, ranked first, what a gorgeous stat!" Director Wa said in shock, because the players' stats and rankings have not been disclosed in other competitions except for the finals, so the finals released the players' stats and rankings in this way. Only then did people realize that it turned out that the cruelty was so fierce.

As soon as the front foot was shocked, the back foot saw even more exaggerated data.

"Xiaoxuan's stats have also appeared. The number of solo kills in the mid lane ranks second, the average CS is the first, the average damage is the first, and the damage conversion rate is the first! The summer split uses six heroes, ranking No.12." While Xiaoyan was shocked by this statistic, he almost couldn't help laughing when he saw the last statistic.

Everyone knows that Chen Xuan has seven heroes that can be counted in the pool, but because Jie was sealed for the entire summer game, he has not won a single one, so the only hero he has used is the card with the most games, Kasa Ding, the little murloc, Riven, the fox and the enchantress.

A total of six heroes have appeared on the stage, and they are indeed ranked last in the league.

The solo kill ranked second. At first, people thought it was not as cold as cold, but after seeing the number of times the card was used, they suddenly became silent again.

Nima, the master of twelve cards!

Do you expect a card master to kill the enemy solo?
After using so many card masters, is he still ranked second in the solo kill list?
This is really a monster!
"666, it is worthy of being the first mid laner's duel."

"This data is either number one or number two. It's taken over by these two buddies."

"Nonsense, isn't my hero pool number one from the bottom?"

"Indeed, mine."

The audience joked, but no one really laughed at Chen Xuan's hero pool. Winning is the most important thing. If you can't win your hero pool is deep, it can only mean that you like to play flowers, so everyone is mainly joking. , and no one believes that Chen Xuan can only use these six or seven heroes, and he will take out one from time to time, so don't panic at all, okay?
Both sides are ready, the BP part of the competition officially begins!
"Okay, the BP part of the first match has already started. We can see that the Skyscreen team was on the blue side in the first game. It was because the Omega team won the coin guessing, and they chose the red side." Director Wa said.

The rule is that the team that wins the coin guessing can choose the red and blue teams for one, three, five games.

The choice to lose is two or four games. Lin Mumu was lucky in the spring split, but he lost in the summer split. This gave him a bad feeling, after all, he was no longer barefoot.

Before I knew it, I began to feel burdened.

"The Skyscreen team on the blue side has banned Shen, Thresh and Crocodile. They have very targeted bp. The Skyscreen team has never banned any mid-laner heroes in their current position. It seems that they are very confident in Xiaoxuan's strength. "Xiao Yan took out his notebook and looked at the data of Team Tianmu.

It was found that Chen Xuan only had a strong Conte attribute in the selection of candidates, and he was usually selected as the second choice if he could be selected.

But in terms of banning people, he is not afraid of his opponent Conte at all.

Think about it too, people don't ban the little murlocs when they play cards, so what's there to be afraid of other heroes.

"Team Omega is banning Jie, Weapon Master and Zyra. This tactic is also reasonable. The mid laner of three bans has been proved to be useless by Team Xuanyi. Xiaoxuan has at least seven heroes that can be used. , and Lengru is also a sea of ​​​​heroes, and it seems that he has put in a good fight in the middle lane." Mi Le said.

Tianmu team took the sword demon jungler in the first selection, and Omega followed up and took Zac blind monk.

Tianmu then took down the plane and Qin girl, and Omega took down Wei Enjialulu.

Sure enough, Omega reserved the position of Kang for the mid laner in the end, and first won the top laner Jess, and then asked the mid laner Chen Xuan what hero he planned to choose.

"The other side pays great attention to team play, so since we want to play poke here, we should stick to it to the end and get me Leopard Girl." Chen Xuan said.

Leopard Girl directly chose to confirm, without any hesitation or worry, you just appeared in my world, making me anxious.

Shit, I never thought that the other party would choose Leopard Girl, but I didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

In short, there is always nothing wrong with line fighters. After thinking about it, it is still important to fight in groups. Clockwork Demon, give ad shields, team battles, stability is the first.

The lineup of both sides is determined!

Team Tianmu has Blue Fang, top laner Jess, jungler Sword Demon, mid laner Leopard Girl, and bottom laner Airplane Jiaqin Girl.

Team Omega has Red Fang, top laner Zac, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, and bottom laner Vienja Lulu.

 first update
(End of this chapter)

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