king of prejudgment

Chapter 188 The Challenge of the Championship Mid Laner

Chapter 188 The Challenge of the Championship Mid Laner
As soon as the sound effect of the five kills came out, the commentators couldn't control the prehistoric power in their bodies.

One and two shouted loudly regardless of their image!

"Penta kill, this clockwork has played the first penta kill in the playoffs!" The baby director was already shouting hysterically, because this wave of team battles was enough to establish a winning situation.

If this game is successful, win it.

Then the Tianmu team will directly win the summer championship with a record of [-]% victory in the playoffs.

If all three to zero, that is the absolute king of lpl.

Pentakill clockwork, how can anyone stand up to it now?

"I'm sorry I was too loud just now. Is there a problem with mid laners eating wild monsters? No problem."

"Indeed, the wild monsters on the map don't have to be eaten by junglers, aren't they eaten by those who can?"

"I declare that the Three Wolves f has been a mid laner since ancient times, because there was no jungler at the earliest, and the jungler is the position to grab the jungler."

"Good guy, if you are poor, you will develop together, and if you are rich, it has been since ancient times."

The chameleon-like behavior of the audience also made some people dumbfounded. No wonder Chekhov is a master of short stories, and the chameleon article can become a compulsory middle school textbook.

Good guy, everyone laughs at a chameleon, everyone is a chameleon.

Audience, only play the truth, never output against the wind!

If you can win, you can eat four ways, let alone playing wild, everyone is an adult, the result is more important than the process, presumably most people are honest.

With Chen Xuan's clockwork, he scored his second pentakill this season.

Pentakills are rare. In the passerby game, there is only one pentakill in an average of more than 270 games.

Moreover, heroes like Juggernaut Carter Delevingne have raised the average.

When it comes to games, even less.

At present, the person with the most pentakills in the entire LPL competition area only has three kills.

Moreover, after playing more than two years of data, [-]% of professional players may not have a pentakill until they retire.

This five kills made Chen Xuan, who has never had a big mood swing, feel a word, cool!

After pentakill, push the line and break all the way, clean up the opposite wild area by the way, and finally return.

The six gods are fully loaded, and the game time is less than 10 minutes.

Already holding Falcon shoes, egg hats, hats, Falcons, golden bodies, and the Great Holy Grail.

With the clockwork in Liushen's hand, it is already courageous for the opponent not to surrender.

And Chen Xuan is also playing comfortably now. When playing in a group, he can reach anyone in seconds.

Seeing that Annie's position was a little aggressive, it was a qrw directly. The q skill did not hit, nor did it deal damage. It was just a pure dribble.

Let the distance be reached, and then a big move unceremoniously sucked Annie into the vortex.

With a w, direct evaporation.

No. 18 single kills, both the audience and commentators are recording.

I want to see how many times Chen Xuan can break the solo kill record after this game.

Then pretend to retreat, but actually get stuck in the shadow of the wall, waiting for the opponent to come out and clear the pawns.

Chen Xuan dribbled the ball into the wall first, so that the ball could not be seen in the opposite view.

Waiting for the opponent to push out the pawn line, Chen Xuan commanded his teammates to appear in other lanes, exposing their vision, and thus lowering their vigilance.

After all, the clockwork is not big, and everyone else is going down the road. It is reasonable to relax a little and bring out the pawn line a little.

At the same time, she was very careful to let Syndra go with the policewoman.

However, they really don't know the horrors of a wind-up god.

A ball suddenly appeared from among the walls, translating.

The moment you meet a policewoman, take the w skill!
As soon as the policewoman reacted, the e skill just raised her hand, and the ball was taken back by the e skill, and the damage value was just right to complete the solo kill of the policewoman!

The [-]th-level big clockwork can instantly kill a [-]th-level policewoman, it is so calm, who let the policewoman's whole body, there is no magic resistance.

Facing a wind-up god costume is like not wearing clothes.

It tears directly and instantly, it hurts, it hurts too much!

The spell power exceeds [-], and with the spell penetration, a qwe directly hits more than [-] instant burst damage.

The female police officer was not only killed, but even lost a lot of blood.

"Use a big move to kill an assistant, and only use a small skill to kill a policewoman, right? You really have Brother Xuan!"

"I'm paralyzed, exploded instantly, and completed a solo kill!"

"I don't even need to ignite the big move. The adc player is crying and shaking with cold air. When will the adc stand up?"

Clockwork one person drops the opponent's bot lane in seconds, there is no suspense in this game, congratulations to the Tianmu team in advance, it is not a big problem.

This kind of performance is enough to conquer all discerning audiences.

Single kills, development, and team fights, every stat can be said to be full, and it can be called a hexagonal fighter.

And the clockwork of this round is the No. 19 single kill.

There is no longer any suspense for the solo champion of the lpl summer split.

It's just that, in the same summer split, the solo champions of the Korean Division, the European Division, and the North American Division had different ideas after watching it.

Each has a different feeling, the North American solo king only thinks, this is so fucking don't be in the same group as the Tianmu team, there is a high probability that it will become the background board, remember that in the Dragon Snake Cup, he couldn't even beat the moon, if Facing a much stronger monster, it is really impossible to play, the ultimate unlucky one.

As for the solo champion of the European Summer Split, he was eager for a challenge and wanted to prove himself by solo killing Chen Xuan.

Just thinking about the gaze of the whole world after a solo kill makes my whole body tremble with excitement.

South Korean solo king Feike feels that he seems to be living in his shadow.

Feike's game life experience is extremely legendary, and he first came into contact with this game.

He didn't know there was such a thing as ranking, so he played matchmaking without thinking.

As a result, because the winning rate was too high, after playing hundreds of games, there were no players at all.

It was later discovered that there was a so-called ranking.

Then after entering the rankings, he climbed to the top of the Hanbok with a winning rate of 70.00%.

Afterwards, he was selected by the professional team, and as the core, he established a second team.

This point is very similar to Chen Xuan.

It's just that he was playing mid laner from the beginning, while Chen Xuan switched over halfway.

Then, Feike directly won the semi-finals in the spring split, and won the championship directly in the summer split.

If, without the impact of the Dragon Snake Cup, South Korea is still recognized as the world's first division, his results will become a super player that the whole world is watching.

But after the Dragon Snake Cup, leading to the lck summer championship, the gold content was slightly reduced.

At the same time, every time Feike thinks of what operation and hero can be used to hit, but the result is not used. In the lpl game, he saw Chen Xuan's already beautiful water flow.

He is always one step ahead of me!
Feike looked at the spring of the hidden ball, this technique was first discovered and used by him again.

To get out of this shadow, there is only one way, and that is to defeat him in the World Championship with dignity!

At this moment, Chen Xuan has become the strongest opponent that Feike must surpass!

Moreover, he is No.1 who is one step ahead of himself, and now he is a chaser who is half a step behind and running in his shadow!
The game is coming to an end, and the Tianmu team has broken three ways.

The Omega team knew that the general situation was over, but they still had to stick to it until the last second. They never surrendered, because even if there is only a drop of blood left in the base, there is a possibility of a miracle, but they may not be the ones who create this miracle.

With the broken front teeth, Chen Xuan's big move also improved again.

The opponent had no choice but to retreat into the spring, and Chen Xuan chased after him while holding the base.

Accelerate yourself with w on the spot, and then qr towards the crowd!

There are two people in a big move, then w hangs and ignites, then a and qe!

At the same time as the double kill, the base exploded, and the game ended!
In the end, Chen Xuan's solo kills also successfully broke through 21 times.

Became the veritable single kill king of lpl!
Watching the base fall, the Omega team slowly took off their earphones unwillingly, their eyes were dull, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Lost, hesitant, the enemy in front of him seems invincible.

They lost [-]-[-] to Team Tianmu in the Spring Split, only a little behind, as if the gap between the two teams was only a thin line, but the Summer Split was directly broken [-]-[-].

The regular season is obviously one to one!
Same regular season, different playoffs.

The championship dream was shattered like this.

However, fortunately, there is no despair.

Both teams have successfully entered the World Championships. Perhaps in the World Championships, the vast world still has a lot to do!

"Congratulations to the Tianmu team, successfully defending the championship of the summer competition!" The baby director announced in a cadence, and at the same time congratulated from the heart.

He also commented on Mi Le for the All-Star Game Finals of s3.

The two had great confidence in lpl at the time, but what they saw was two horrible defeats.

In the worst round, the economy fell behind by [-].

The five strongest members of lpl organized themselves and were hanged and beaten by Koreans.

The commentary also looked like a clown because of the maintenance at the time.

Therefore, they desire from the bottom of their hearts that this sky-screen team that was born out of nowhere can be different.

On the stage of the highest honor in the official world championship of the s tournament, a real global champion can truly appear!
However, that was bound to be difficult.

Because the champions of the previous two s tournaments were not the No. [-] seed.

Moreover, none of the champions of last year's s tournament entered the world championship this year.

The uncertainty of the World Championship is really too great.

Often the big hits die instead, I hope the Skyscreen team can break the curse that the big hits must die.

The players of the Tianmu team went to the seats of the Omega team and shook hands in turn.

After this handshake, Chen Xuan could see that the other party's eyes were slightly sad, which was slightly different from the dissatisfaction and stubbornness of the spring game.

Sure enough, different scores caused different psychological shocks.

Then, Chen Xuan quickly walked to the side of the championship trophy and held it firmly.

It feels cold to the touch, but when you hold it, it's cool!

"I kept you waiting for a long time, go, come home with me!" Chen Xuan said in his heart.

The champion of the summer competition brought Chen Xuan a greater psychological touch.

For this championship trophy, Chen Xuan has an inexplicable possessive desire, so don't leave when it comes to me.

This is just an lpl trophy, so if it is the championship trophy of the s game, will it feel better than this?
Chen Xuan was thinking, the trophy had been held up high by him.

The five people carried the trophy together and smiled from the bottom of their hearts towards the audience.

The screen freezes, announcing to the world, World Championships, here we come!

Since then, all teams in the global division have been determined.

The teams that entered the World Championship from each competition area, without exception, organized to watch the finals!
The more impressive the performance of the Tianmu team, the more targeting and research they have to do.

Everyone knows that you are the favorite to win the championship, so everyone will regard you as an imaginary enemy.

However, it is difficult for a team to thoroughly study all other opponents.

There are a total of [-] teams in the World Championship, and the competition system imitates the World Cup.

Divided into four groups, abcd, with four teams in each group, the top two in points will enter the quarter-finals, and gradually reach the top to become the championship.

As for the Tianmu team, Chen Xuan, who performed most brilliantly, naturally became the imaginary enemy of all mid laners in the world.

The data of 21 solo kills is a top existence in any competition area.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the regular season that he only used the card Kassadin, I really don't know what number he would hit this number.

The lpl team originally thought that the card was the trump card to prevent them from winning the sky, but it turned out to be the umbrella to stop Chen Xuan from killing randomly.

It is really unpredictable!
In the anticipation of the audience, fmvp was announced smoothly.

Most people don't even need to read it, they already know the result.

If it wasn't for that man, then the competition group might have been blinded by lard.

fmvp: Xuan!

There are not many lpl names with single characters, and there are not many, but Xuan is the only one who is so impressive!

It deserves its name, the king of solo kills, the king of data, the record is full, and those who have a lot of operation highlights can do it for half an hour.

For a player like this, if he doesn't get fmvp, fans can praise the official, no matter how shady they are, they can't treat people as fools, right?

The last round was clockwork, perfect record, 11-1-1 data, highlighting a 1-over.

Someone ridiculed: "This doesn't mean that Brother Xuan is a lonely man."

"The data of the strong, Double Eleven, right?"

"Good guy, I am direct good guy, the data is full, and the overall number one hahaha."

Everything is easy to say after winning, and the audience flew up in ridicule. They are very satisfied with this statistic.

Beckmin in the audience was already grinning from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

What should I reward this time?

After Becking finished laughing, he began to worry about the rewards. No wonder everyone likes to pay directly. Thinking about rewards is a brain-intensive thing.

A general equivalent like money works like this. Money can be exchanged for everything, and everyone can use it to exchange for what they need, and rewarding items depends on whether people need it, like it or not, annoying, really annoying, Ah ha ha ha ha, Baker is happy and happy.

And Bei Zheyan was already so angry that he left the field, and lost the bet with Bei Keming.

The Tianmu team defeated his two ace teams with a single team. Although one team entered the world championship, they lost the bet. His grand ambitions were declared over because of a small game. There is no interest in staying here and watching Skyscreen being interviewed.

However, it doesn't matter if you lose the bet, I, Bei Zheyan, will come back!

After winning the championship, the five stood on the stage together, waiting for the host's interview.

This time the host was wearing a cheongsam that outlined her figure, revealing her white and slender thighs, elegant and charming.

With a smile on his face, he was interviewing the winning Tianmu team.

"Congratulations to the Tianmu team. They won the summer championship. How do you feel about winning the championship?" The host smiled and asked Frando, who was in the top lane.

"I'm very excited." Frando is also a little socially afraid, I want to go home, go back to my Two-dimensional world, interview or something, can you stop looking for me, hey, I'm just a winner !

After a few simple questions, the host also saw Frando's embarrassment, and turned the question to Teacher Spicy.

The spicy teacher won the championship with a big oily hair that seemed to have not been washed for a few days. Although his eyes are small, there is an uncontrollable pride in them.

"Congratulations to the Tianmu team for winning the championship, then I would like to ask, jungler, what do you think is the core reason why your jungler can win this summer championship?" the host asked with a microphone.

"This is actually very simple, just listen to the middle road and don't let him lose weight." The spicy teacher almost sang it.

The audience was very happy to hear it, and someone joked: "Translate: Middle Road is Dad."

"Either catch it, or let the wild monsters hit it, you can lie down and win!"

"This kind of mid laner, I really just want to buy him as a jungler."

The audience also heard the voice-over of the spicy teacher, the middle road is dad.

After a few simple questions, the host brought the microphone to Chen Xuan's mouth.

The audience is also most eager to see the interview questions and answers of this super popular mid laner fmvp, and the host's questions are also very sharp.

"After winning the championship, you are going to enter the World Championship, so what kind of performance and results do you think you can achieve in the World Championship with your own strength?" the host asked, this question is simply not humble. .

I can't say that I can't play well and can't get any good results.

At any rate, he was given high hopes. If Chen Xuan said that reaching the semi-finals would count as a success, wouldn't the audience be disappointed?

Chen Xuan thought about it, if he didn't have the heart to win the championship, what kind of competition would he play?
"I don't know what performance and results I will achieve, but I will prevent everyone who is facing me from achieving any good performance and results." Chen Xuan's answer instantly caught the eyes of many viewers.

Good guy, why do these words sound both humble and domineering.

I don't know my grades, I'm being modest, but those who fight with me will definitely not have any good performance and grades.

This is too domineering, among other things, no one can cross the line in the middle!
"Handsome handsome, well said!"

"Xuanzi come on, the world's big stage, come if you have the guts!"

"This hatred can be drawn, and the mid laners who are facing Brother Xuan must be under pressure."


As soon as this remark comes out, it is tantamount to a challenge to the global mid laners. No one can have a good performance and results in front of you?

Which of these mid laners can be convinced after listening, they are all first-class masters, I will show it off in front of you, this is the thinking of most top mid laners, young and energetic, can't stand provocation, and definitely don't Will convince anyone.

What's more, everyone just thinks that Chen Xuan may be the world's number one mid laner, but without the official results of the world championship, he cannot meet the recognized conditions.

"This kid." Hearing this interview, Bei Ming was also a little moved. It would be great if I had such confidence. Whether I am content with the status quo or a higher challenge, either is right, but neither is the best choice.

Go, the stage of this year's World Championship must be extremely exciting!
 [-] in [-] chapter to

(End of this chapter)

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