king of prejudgment

Chapter 190 Killing the God in the Middle Road, the Demon King Comes

Chapter 190 Killing the God in the Middle Road, the Demon King Comes
The opening of the s match is getting closer and closer.

The lottery before the game was enough to make everyone extremely nervous.

Luck is also a part of strength, and it is fully demonstrated in the matter of drawing lots.

Some teams that can reach the top eight or the top sixteen, if they draw a good lottery, they will have the opportunity to improve their ranking in the S competition.

But this doesn't mean much to the seed players in each competition area.

If the goal is to be the champion, no matter which group you are assigned to, you must fight your way out.

Team Tianmu's goal, of course, is the championship, and it carries too many expectations.

However, the lottery is still to be seen, otherwise how to study the opponent in a targeted manner.

Chen Xuan is not stupid, naturally it is impossible to study all fifteen teams.

What really needs to be studied is the three opponents in the group stage. After qualifying first, they will consider the next one.

Chen Xuan was determined not to set a flag, and studied the opponents of the quarterfinals in advance, which was easy to overturn.

Sometimes when it comes to really important things, people will indeed become a little superstitious, that is, they would rather believe in something than believe in nothing.

After all, like praying to God and worshiping Buddha, there is actually no cost.

Believe me, but it's fine if you don't give money.

For this lottery event, the person invited and arranged by Riot Games is the mid laner of the previous champion.

The magical thing is that the world champions of the previous two consecutive s games did not enter the s game in the second year.

Chen Xuan doesn't really believe in metaphysics, but will analyze the reasons for the formation of this curse. Apart from luck and strength, the biggest reason is the targeting of the fist company.

After you win the championship, the tactics your team used to win the championship have become unbalanced and buggy in their eyes.

At this time, it is the correct way to change the version to directly cut it all.

It can only be said that the fist really belongs to you.

However, they also want to maintain the vitality and vitality of the game. The more teams that win the championship come from different regions, the more players they can attract.

The competition area that wins the championship can often burst out a huge enthusiasm for gaming e-sports.

With the announcement of the lottery results, Chen Xuan gradually got to know his opponents.

The Tianmu team was divided into Group A, and their opponents were South Korea's No. [-] seed, Europe's No. [-] seed, and a wild card team.

No. [-] seed, there is no chance of entering the death group, but others regard you as the death group.

South Korea's second seed is the SSZ team, which is the team under the super chaebol Samsung.

This team is rich and powerful, and the players recruited are all geniuses among geniuses.

For players who want to play professionally, they will feel safe when they hear the name Samsung, which is the same as the psychology of ordinary people when buying things. Big brands are more at ease.

Therefore, this team cannot be underestimated.

You have to seriously prepare for the battle, and the same is true for other teams, but you have to prioritize according to the degree of danger.

In Group B, the Stk team and the Omega team were divided into a group, and the No. [-] seed played against the No. [-] seed.

For the stk team in Group B, Chen Xuan was very concerned, because the mid laner of this team was very similar to him, with a fierce style of play and a preference for solo kills.

His record is that he completed [-] solo kills in lck, and he also solo killed all the mid laners in the Korean division once in his debut.

So, it is the same type of mid laner as me.

Two word evaluation, rival!

As for Group C, it is the group where the Imperial City team is. Fortunately, they are in the same group as the No. [-] seed in North America.

It can only be said that it is very lucky, because the No. [-] seed in North America is not very strong.

In North America these days, Riot has also issued a super number to all players.

The hidden score is drill one, and you can be ranked as the king after just playing for a few days.

It can only be said that the rank training effect here is mediocre, because the North American players really love to play.

The game of kings does not use the most powerful heroes in the version, but how to be happy.

What Teemo, clown, dragon turtle.

These heroes who are very unpopular in the game of kings have a very high appearance rate in the game of kings on the US server.

It's fun to play, but less intense.

Chen Xuan could only see the creativity of North American players, but the score was too fast and the pressure was too low.

As a result, the intensity is insufficient, and the main training content is still placed on training matches with other teams.

The result of Chen Xuan's lottery is that everything is indifferent and he can do whatever he wants.

As for Team Omega, they were very nervous. At first, many fans thought that they might not lose if they went to the Dragon Snake Cup.

Now is the chance to prove your strength.

If they were beaten violently by South Korea's No. [-] seed, then these fans would be slapped in the face, so after watching the lottery, Team Omega went to training.

As for the Royal City team, they felt lucky and did not dare to slack off. They knew that it might be difficult for them to win the championship, but with a player like Woods, they always felt that a miracle might happen.

Just like the sky with Chen Xuan, the soul player of a team can always create infinite possibilities for his teammates.

And one of the opponents to face, the ssz team, is under a lot of pressure.

As a team under the largest chaebol in South Korea, they are facing tremendous pressure from the Korean people.

If they can't take Team Sky Screen down, then the trolls on the Internet can only say that the picture is too beautiful to watch.

Chinese people always think that our trolls are fierce, but our supervision is also fierce, and there are quite a few people who invite you to drink tea with titles, which is still a bit restrained.

The South Korean trolls went too far. They dared to send dead mice to the players directly, highlighting that there is no taboo.

Because their lives are more stressful and have less room for improvement, they are more crazy when venting.

It is a proof that the ingredients of the small blue pill can be detected in the largest river in South Korea.

The domestic audience ridiculed, if Dadi can win against Chen Xuan, he will be the Great Emperor, if he loses, he will be the Big Brother.

With the end of the lottery, the fist also announced a ranking of the top ten players of the fist.

It means that according to the performance of the summer competition, a ranking will be made for the players who entered the S competition from all major regions in the world.

When the ranking was announced, many Chinese viewers were dissatisfied.

No. 1, feike!

No.2, dadi!

No.3, Xuan!
No.4, Woods!

This ranking alone is hard for the Huaguo audience to accept. Obviously, the Dragon Snake Cup Tianmu team won the championship.

However, the reason given by Riot is that it is purely based on personal data and performance, objective and fair. Although Chen Xuan played perfectly in the playoffs, his performance in the regular season was far inferior to Feike.

Feike's performance was outstanding, from the regular season all the way to the playoffs, while Chen Xuan's performance in the regular season was only winning but not showing off.

Relying on points in the playoffs and being able to reach third all the way, Riot believes that it has already received an extra discount.

Moreover, Riot Games believes from the analysis of various data that in the LPL competition area, only the Tianmu team is a level higher, and the confrontation intensity of the overall competition area is not as good as that of South Korea. Unofficial events such as the Dragon Snake Cup are not in their category. Within the scope of consideration, they only recognize All-Stars.

So, giving you the third place, isn't that considered preferential treatment?
"Playing a hero like Kassadin is a disadvantage in this ranking."

"It's fine if you're not number one. Even the eldest brother can't catch up. The one who was asked to be chased by the second is not the same as the moon wheel?"

"Fist's score seems objective, but it's actually biased. With a card like Kassadin, can it be considered outstanding if it's a solo kill like an assassin? It's not part of strength to catch people and steal towers with a line?"

The Huaguo audience were all complaining for Chen Xuan.

The Korean audience is 1 satisfied with this ranking.

That's right, that's how it should be.

"Fist's data is objective, fair, and accurate, and the data will not lie."

"Aren't you convinced by this ranking? Isn't it possible to see the outcome in the group stage? If you don't accept it, let's fight!"

"Yes, yes, don't talk about it on the Internet, can't you fight two games in the group stage?"

Audiences from China and South Korea started a war of words on the Internet.

However, Huaguo is still at a disadvantage here, after all, it has to use tools to come out to fight.

Unlike Koreans who are directly on the world's largest platform, it seems that there are many people.

In the world player rankings, the top three were all given to the mid laner, which is enough to prove that in this version it is obvious that the mid laner is really the most critical position to determine the outcome of the game.

Although they have already thought about improving the status and strength of the jungler and support in the next season, this version has come here. The era of mid laner is king is also the keynote of s3.

This year's s3 is to elect the king of assassins!

With the end of the lottery draw for the group stage, Riot's publicity funds started, and various live broadcast platforms on various clients began to become popular.

The attention of the World Championships began to gradually increase.

The current League of Legends is the world's number one PC game.

With the rise of smartphones, perhaps the records created by League of Legends are unprecedented, and there may not necessarily be newcomers in the future.

The mobile era is rapidly approaching. Last year, Li Wu was still using a Mi II smart phone with a 3G network, and there was no data available at all.

But now, not only the mobile phone has been upgraded, but there are more and more software, the network has also been upgraded to 4G, more traffic and cheaper prices, and you can watch TV, movies and music. With the development of mobile games, it is inevitable to seize the market for computer games.

However, that is a matter of the future. The current League of Legends is the most invincible era, leaving behind the invincibility of No.2 Bajie Street.

Spectators in the World Championship, catch up with the NBA!

This was unimaginable before.

How does e-sports compare with traditional sports?
However, now it seems that it is not impossible.

After the lottery was over, Riot arranged for the group stage.

In the first match, Team Omega played against stk!

As a spectator, Chen Xuan couldn't miss this match. It can be said that he couldn't miss every match.

It might be impossible to tell where a team of dark horses will come out. This game is full of uncertainties.

With the start of the game, the wonderful duel between the two teams also kicked off the prelude to this s match!
Chen Xuan's main focus is the duel in the middle lane. Through the duel between Relentless and Feike, we can understand the difference in strength between them.

And at six and a half minutes into the game, the wine barrel seized the opportunity, and the Qing soldiers under the tower stepped up their moves, blasting the clockwork back under the tower, and won the first solo kill at the opening of the s match!

The details are full, the operation is in place, the response is amazing, and the damage calculation is accurate. At the same time, the understanding of the displacement that the wine barrel big move can cause is also full.

What a horrible barrel!

This hand-opening show also shocked the commentators in the major competition areas.

Afterwards, the wine barrel continued to display terrifying reaction speeds, and Qin Nu's flash r was pulled away by his simultaneous flash.

Shock the world again!

Then, there is the ability to escape, pull, and spawn.

10 knives in 330 minutes, 4-0 wine barrels, all over the audience, coming and going freely, explosive damage, pulling back and forth.

But it's a pity that Team Omega has a huge advantage in other lanes, and it's hard to stabilize.

Lengru also has the experience of playing against Chen Xuan, so he won't collapse completely after being solo killed once.

Stabilize the development and wait for teammates to carry.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be beaten up by Chen Xuan in China, and after going abroad for the first time, he would be hit on the head by a Korean boy.

If the fight continues like this, the second in the world will have no chance.

The opponent's barrel, a 4-0 perfect team, also lived up to the No.1 list given to him by the fist.

But the Omega team was full of resilience, went all out, relied on the advantages of the whole team, and abruptly won the first victory of the LPL opener!

This victory made many people feel relieved, the second seed beat the first seed, our lpl is the first division.

However, in the post-match interview, Leng Ru also faced the camera and expressed his chills. At the end of the game, they killed Feike only once under the siege of five people. This mid laner is terrible!
So facing the camera, Leng Ruo was asked how he thought of the opposing mid laner Feike, and Leng Ruo also said bluntly: "I think the opposite mid laner is like a big devil who can't be killed. I almost don't know if I really fight. How to play, my hand should belong to lying win."

The reporter was surprised: "What a high evaluation, so do you think it is reasonable for Riot to regard him as No.20 among the top 1 players in the world?"

"That's not necessarily the case, but I think the world's No. [-] mid laner this year will compete between Feike and Xuan. I can't keep up with them." Facing the successive blows, Leng Ruo also said in front of the media To be honest, the number one mid laner in the world is not for me, but I will work hard.

In terms of personal ability, Feike and Xuan should be the most peak duo this year.

If these two can play against each other, it will be very good.

Originally, the idea of ​​the Great Demon King was meant to be cruel to Chen Xuan, but he would not be interviewed when he lost.

So this word, until now, has been reserved for the mid laner of the Stk team.

He is Korean, and he is more suitable for a nickname like the Great Devil.

"Then if Feike is the Great Demon King, what do you think, Contestant Xuan?" the host continued to ask.

After thinking about it coldly, if the big devil is such a second grader, Naxuan must also have a second grader, otherwise he will treat one more than another.

"He is, the God of Killing in the middle!" Leng Ru thought for a while and said.

It has to be said that Ruthless knows how to interview, and immediately gave the two contestants interesting nicknames.

The big devil in the Korean mid laner, kills the gods in the middle lane in the national server.

The two nicknames quickly spread among the audience.

However, the Korean expressed dissatisfaction: "Of course Feike is the big devil in the mid laner, but Xuan didn't play in the game, maybe he is a soft-legged shrimp in the competition."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm still killing gods. My dadi has the potential to win the championship, so I'll fuck you to death in the group stage."

"Those who have played can play, but those who have not played can play nothing."

The counterattack on the domestic side is also directly murderous: "It is true that the group stage has not been played yet, that is, the Dragon Snake Cup has made the second chasing the third."

"Indeed, just letting the Korean No. [-] team catch up to three at the time doesn't prove anything. The group stage is coming soon, so keep your eyes open and take a good look."

Fans of the two countries are arguing and fighting like clouds on the Internet.

At the same time, there are also some backstabs among the domestic audience. The fact that the Tianmu team went abroad to go to the bar to listen to the music was also an uproar. You scored one point for the number one seed in South Korea. Although Feike is very good, you didn't win after all, did you?

And dadi also watched Chen Xuan's game video non-stop during this time, vowing to score a point for the Korean competition.

The Tianmu team didn't care about the public opinion on the Internet. Only they knew how much effort they had put in.

After more than ten hours of training every day, I have already practiced my eyesight. When I see a bush on the road, I feel that a hero will jump out of it.

After practicing hard for a whole month, it was only posted on the Internet after going out for a day to relax. It can only be said that the effect of misleading people on the Internet is not small.

On the first day of the group stage, the match between Team Tianmu and Team SSZ was the finale.

The most popular ones are the stk team and the Tianmu team, one leading the show and the other the grand finale.

The competitions of other teams have their own strengths and weaknesses. There is no underdog in the World Championship. Chen Xuan can gain a lot from watching every game and learn other people's game understanding.

I have to say that many teams have great ideas, such as digging graves and playing jungle, top laner Jiaoyue.

They are all very thoughtful choices, which can produce some special effects and deal with certain heroes.

It can only be said that no matter who it is for, it is the rhythm of overturning if you are not careful.

As for the ssz team, seeing their ruthless performance being blown away by Feike, they immediately gained a lot of confidence.

Because of the matter of the moon, the whole South Korea is very afraid of Chen Xuan.

However, after finishing the Dragon Snake Cup, Yue Luan fell into a slump.

South Korea does not know whether the moon wheel was hit and turned into a dish, or it was changed first before it was shown.

And after the first game of the group stage, at least it can be proved that Feike's strength is stronger than Ruthless.

And dadi beat Feike, it's not unreasonable, he single-handedly killed him several times in the spring split.

So from this we can see that my dadi and Chen Xuan should also have a [-]/[-] split!
 The game will start tomorrow, and two more changes will start!
(End of this chapter)

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