king of prejudgment

Chapter 205 Chen Xuan's Special Training

Chapter 205 Chen Xuan's Special Training

The joy of victory enveloped all the Huaguo audience.

We're in the finals!
Regardless of whether they can win or not, seeing this scene is enough for everyone to cheer.

At least, the final is not a meeting between two South Korean teams, is it?

Chen Xuan listened to the deafening cheers around him, surrounded by his teammates, and showed a rare smile, but his eyes were closed and his double pupils were overused, just like a computer that has been overclocked for too long and overheated.

"I won, but I'm going to see a doctor." Chen Xuan returned to the waiting room surrounded by others and said.

"We won the semi-finals, you must be on stage for an interview, don't you want to go?" Li Wu asked with concern.

"Help me push it away, the interview without winning the championship is meaningless." Chen Xuan said.

Beckmin was also watching the fighters returning from victory in the waiting room. This game was played so beautifully.

"In the game of life and death, my heart is about to jump out, and I'm about to call Suxiao Jiuxin Pill." Bei Ming said, and then looked at Chen Xuan's eyes closed, and came over to ask, "What's wrong?"

"I've used my eyes too much these days. I need to see a doctor." Chen Xuan explained again.

"Then hurry up!" Bei Keming said nervously, "How about I call a helicopter, it can be faster."

"." Treacherous inhumanity!
"It's not that serious, I guess some eye drops will do." Chen Xuan said.

Leave the venue directly, and do not participate in the rest of the interview.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor did a detailed examination and said, "Your eyes are very special. There are strange special lines around the pupil, like a big pupil surrounded by a small pupil."

"Don't talk about these useless things. How are you? Is there anything wrong?" Bei Ming asked anxiously. If something goes wrong with Chen Xuan, will we still have to fight in the finals?

"There is no problem, and my eyesight is also very good, but I have some dry eyes, just put some eye drops and use my eyes moderately." The doctor said.

He said that Chen Xuan's eyesight was very good, but Chen Xuan knew that his eyesight had actually declined.

It was supposed to be two point zero, enough to run for the Air Force's sight.

When he was hunting birds, Chen Xuan knew that his eyesight was good, he could see small things clearly, and he could also catch birds in flight.

But testing now, it's only [-].

That is, it is reduced to the level of vision of a normal person.

Sure enough, everything has a price. If I continue to use my eyes too much, I will definitely be short-sighted or even blind.

Chen Xuan got the eye drops prescribed by the doctor, and when he passed by a ward, he had rested for several hours, activated the future vision again, and glanced at the electrocardiogram in the ward.

Turns out, it still works.

It seems that this ability of mine has not disappeared, but it can no longer be seen after three seconds, only one-tenth of a second later.

The pain has also disappeared and is slowly recovering. After a few hours, Chen Xuan's eyes are no longer painful.

The time that can be seen has recovered to about [-] seconds. It seems that as long as there is enough time, this ability will slowly recover.

However, after this battle, Chen Xuan also began to really think about the future.

The vision of the future really helped me a lot.

It can be said that the legendary operation along the way, this vision of the future, can have [-]% of the credit.

However, there is a cost to using it all the time.

And, the price is not low.

Second, with the vision of the future, in addition to giving myself the courage to make countless extreme operations, it also limits myself.

When seeing a future that is not so certain, we will also give up some opportunities in front of us.

There are gains and losses. While I got these things, I also lost some opportunities.

The opponent in the final is even stronger.

Could it be that I want to forcefully win three or five consecutive games with this high-frequency future vision?
No, I can only rely on myself for the rest of the game!
Chen Xuan decided not to use future vision in the next game.

It will be more difficult to play in the finals, but, Future Vision, thank you for all your help so far, I will do the rest of the games by myself.

"Boss, what do you think is the chance that we can beat STK in the final?" Chen Xuan asked.

"It's a bit low, I guess it's only 5%." Beckming said, "It's not that I boosted the morale of others, it's this bo[-]. I also found that our team has many problems. We rely too much on you. Everyone is seeking stability. Wait. Let you stand up and carry the game."

Bei Ming had hit the point, but Chen Xuan didn't expect that the boss knew so much about games.

"Then, I have a plan, and I need your cooperation, boss." Chen Xuan said.


Back to the hotel teammates, everyone came up to care about Chen Xuan's situation.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of black sunglasses. He was handsome and handsome, but it made everyone tremble with fear. What's going on, what's wrong with his eyes?
Don't scare me!
Chen Xuan waved his hand: "I have a problem with my eyes, and I need to recuperate for a while. In the past few days, the training match will be played by Chaoyang for the time being. If the final is not good, Chaoyang may also play the final."

Chen Xuan's words surprised everyone.

The finals, these days have already made an appointment for the stk training match, Chen Xuan won't be there?
How to fight this?
It's not that Chen Xuan can't play the training match, his eyes are actually completely fine.

However, Chen Xuan figured it out, if he wanted to win the championship, he couldn't do it by himself.

The stk team also felt a bit like one dragging four, Feike's brilliance crushed others.

However, the strength of other people is a level higher than the other people in Tianmu.

This line gap will have a huge impact in the finals.

Therefore, Chen Xuan needs his teammates to become stronger.

The first point is to realize that you should not expect Chen Xuan to cover the whole situation, just like yourself, do not expect to rely on future vision.

I didn't play training games for a short time, and told my teammates that I might not be able to make it to the finals.

Throw teammates directly into hell, if you want to climb out, then get stronger.

Only when Chen Xuan doesn't play, and the rest of the Tianmu team can have a [-]% win rate in the training match, can the finals be truly divided against the stk team.

As for Chen Xuan himself, he was thinking about tactics.

Because this game requires talent in addition to hard work, it is impossible for Chen Xuan to expect the four teammates to narrow the gap in personal ability to almost nothing within a week, and then let himself compete with Feike in the mid lane.

This time is too short.

Therefore, the technology is not enough, and the routine is used.

Wearing sunglasses, Chen Xuan began to watch the playstyles and lineups of the summer games in each competition area, trying to find a way to fight from a non-technical level.

And when the stk team saw that their opponent's mid laner in the training match was not Chen Xuan.

I was angry at that time, what do you mean, look down on us, right?

The coach went berserk immediately, and found the coach of the Tianmu team to question him.

And the coach can only explain, otherwise, the stk team probably won't want to play the training match directly.

"What, there is a problem with the single eye in the starting lineup, so we can only let the substitute play the training game first?" Kouma, the coach of the stk team, heard the news and thought that the mvp player in the semifinals did not come out for an interview.

Immediately felt that this news might be true.

Otherwise, the opponents would not want the valuable laning experience of the two to fight in advance.

That being the case, then the hunting time has begun!

The stk team launched a bloody massacre against the Tianmu team in the training match.

Played a [-]-game winning streak in two days!
The news spread like wildfire. After the Korean media got the news, they directly publicized it, and at the same time hid the news that Chen Xuan didn't play the training match.

I just said that the stk team's training match crushed the sky, and whether the main mid laner on the opposite side has played, I just don't report it, it's not fake news.

In short, it is to boost the morale of the Koreans first.

"The stk training match crushed the sky and won twelve consecutive victories!"

The news spread like wildfire, and countless people rushed to tell each other.

"What, the gap between Tianmu and stk is so big? Can't you win a training match?"

"No way, I just felt that I would lose, but I never thought that the gap would be so big. Could it be that the final will be [-]-[-]?"

"Could it be fake news?"

"Team Skyscreen responded, it's true."

With this news, Team Tianmu said in an interview that the training match was indeed far from ideal.

As for other things, will not disclose.

Because if you deny it, say that Chen Xuan will not play in the training match, the media will make up more things, such as why Chen Xuan is not allowed to play, will inevitably be overwhelming. Chen Xuan's strength and performance are already the best in this S match. A strong person is even slightly better than Feike.

Now that the final battle is imminent, as long as the players know the truth, it is enough to avoid complications.

As for the players of the Tianmu team, the pressure is also enormous.

Chen Xuan has been wearing sunglasses, day after day, and has never participated in the official training match.

It's not good yet, the Tianmu team without a thigh in the middle, the loser has already doubted his life.

Chaoyang, who originally dreamed of returning to the middle lane, now has his wish come true.

In the end, he was knocked out by Feike, and his hands trembled even when he was holding the mouse.

So strong, feike is really too strong, and the details of the line are wonderful.

The operation is full, and the care of the jungler in the middle is far more than that of the spicy teacher.

In twelve training matches, he was single-killed eighteen times.

Brother Xuan, do you want to face such a monster?
If there is no Chen Xuan, this year's s competition is simply Feike's solo show.

All the mid laners were single-killed and crushed by him.

And now, the only man who can fight against him may not play.

This is scary, do we really have to face a team like this alone?
Losing, losing all the time, after a full eighteen-game losing streak.

The Tianmu team almost didn't want to fight anymore. What kind of gap can they lose [-] times in a row?
All the teammates who thought they were qualified to win the world championship were all numb.

If Chen Xuan didn't make it, the final would be [-]-[-].

It can even be said that without Chen Xuan's sky, let alone the semi-finals, it is still unknown whether they can qualify for the group stage.

Want to give up?

In this training match, the losers seem to be numb. The stk team is boring. I keep asking Chen Xuan when he will play. Will he get tired of winning?
Chen Xuan didn't come out and didn't speak. Whether he died in silence or broke out in silence is up to you.

If there is no way to break out, then three to zero in the final is inevitable.

When everyone was dead, Li Wu was still yelling desperately: "Xiao Xuan is not needed to beat you!"

At this moment, Li Wu's eyes were bloodshot.

Everyone else looked at him, wondering where he got his strength, except for waiting for Chen Xuan to come back, we play a training match, how can there be any possibility of winning?

"Cheer me up, no one really thinks that we can win the finals just by lying down, right?" Li Wu said, "Even if Xiaoxuan is back, you guys will keep eyeing the middle lane one by one, Can you win if you keep grabbing the middle lane? If you put all your hopes on others, then the championship prize money will also be given to Xiaoxuan alone?
I don’t accept it, I’ve never accepted it, I’m the one with the worst talent in this team, I spent the longest time in the championship, and played the most games, each of you is more talented than me, I haven’t given up, you guys have to give up Do you want to go home and raise pigs? "

Li Wu stood up and shouted, "Xiaoxuan Xiaoxuan, as soon as everyone is in a crisis, they know that when Xiaoxuan comes out to carry, he can hit two or three, but at this time, he still has to face someone who is stronger than the black sword." Should a stronger stk rely on him alone?
Now he needs to rest, the fate is in his own hands, it is up to you whether you want to grasp it or not.

If we don't have Xiaoxuan, can we really not win a round of stk?
After Li Wu finished speaking, he put on his earphones and entered the challenge room again.

The others were decadent, and it was like a thunderclap.

Everyone was silent, thinking, accepting fate, admitting defeat?

If you can't beat the enemy, why don't you just surrender?

"I don't agree!" Frando gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, entered the room, and put on her earphones.

"Damn it, I'm still waiting for you, I've already come in." The spicy teacher sneered.

"It's no big deal to come in a few seconds earlier, if you have the ability to take me to win." Frando joked.

"Support the wild area at any time!" Spicy teacher responded.

Then, the mid laner enters the game, and the support enters the game!

Fight again!

Looking at this scene, Chen Xuan felt relieved a lot, as long as he didn't lose his sense of fighting, then everything was possible.

Is the gap very big, can it be compared to the gap in the Battle of Chibi, can it be compared to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but Chen Xuan said this, it seems too preachy, he can’t do it himself, what’s the use of only talking about big principles .

They have to fight on their own, and they have to refuse to accept it.

No.19 training match, lost!
No.20 A training match, Team Tianmu wins!

The score was twenty to one.

After losing so badly, everyone actually slumped on the gaming chairs, their eyes full of hope!

 The second is that this book is a cool article. I want to emphasize here that cheats will not go offline, and will continue to help the protagonist grow in another way. My favorite cheats are all teacher-type, to a certain extent Finally, there is always a teacher
(End of this chapter)

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