king of prejudgment

Chapter 207 The Battle of the Demon Girl

Chapter 207 The Battle of the Demon Girl
This battle is very important for both sides.

Test each other's reality, boost your morale, etc.

The most important thing is that Feike is the first real fight.

During this period, Baibai became the training partner of Tianmu team, but he didn't feel the reality of Chen Xuan.

Feike, I need a bottom in my heart.

This is also the opponent Feike has valued the most since his debut.

Before his debut, Feike was number one in Korean.

In Hanbok, he is invincible.

Played a professional, or invincible.

No one's laning can make him feel pressure.

Every opponent, in his eyes, is like a child who hasn't grown up yet, with immature operations, slow reactions, no scheming in moving positions, and knowing where to go at a glance.

The same is true for skill release, Feike feels that he can see through everything.

Perhaps, I am the king born for the game League of Legends.

However, after becoming famous, there is always an opponent who has never fought against him before. He is one step ahead, playing amazing operations, extreme reactions, and devil's moves.

Now, only by facing him head-on and stepping out of his shadow can we become the real god of the middle lane of the alliance!
For Chen Xuan, Feike is also a serious opponent.

Yes, when I turn on the double pupil, I can always choose to use the correct operation. If I fail, I will have a second chance, so I have come all the way, and I only need to make a small move to reach the limit of the king's division up.

But this time, facing this person who may be one of the strongest mid laners on the planet, he has no future vision and has to confront him head-on.

This gave Chen Xuan a wonderful feeling, as if he had really started to enjoy the game.

The original competition was like rock climbing with a safety rope, no matter how dangerous it was, nothing would happen.

But this one is like participating in a real cliff race after several years of training. Without a safety rope, can you still climb to the top of the world?
Chen Xuan wanted to try it, and it was precisely because of his desperate efforts to win the championship that Chen Xuan knew that he had already fallen in love with this game, and his desire to reach the top of the world made him even risk blindness to fight.

It's definitely not just about money, the game can be played for many years, but there is only one pair of eyes.

Therefore, what really attracted Chen Xuan was the highest honor of the world's number one mid laner.

And this honor can only be truly enjoyed by defeating the person in front of him.

bp start!
In the first battle, the blue side of stk, the red side of the sky screen team.

The stk team on the blue side banned the crocodile with one hand. Although they still have some big moves hidden, in the first game, they are still going to use the tactics of killing the imperial city team to deal with the sky team.

Use the weapon master's sub-belt and single-handed invincible attributes to perform four-one sub-push.

Therefore, the point of crocodile must be banned.

The Skyscreen team's first move was to ban the support Zyra.

Zyra, the support of the stk team, has defeated two in the bottom lane many times. It can be said that Zyra used the best player in the entire world competition, not one of them.

Then, the stk team banned Thresh.

The diligent Thresh was taught by Chen Xuan, and his hook hit rate was already [-]% of Chen Xuan's, which was enough to pose a great threat to the stk team.

So, just ban it.

Then there was the Sky Screen team, who banned the Shadow Stream master Zed, and the others' Zed, Lin Mumu was right at all, Chen Xuan singled Riwen, enough to call him a mother.

But Feike, a player, needs to be respected.

His Jie, played nine times in lck, [-]% win rate.

Every time the data is enough to prove that his Jie can be ranked among the top three in the world.

Moreover, it is a well-deserved number one in Korea.

Therefore, Lin Mumu still decided to ban the one-handed robbery.

The stk team immediately banned the blind monk who dropped the sky.

There are three heroes, none of them is in the middle lane. Obviously, the stk team has enough confidence in their mid laner Feike. Moreover, they also know that Chen Xuan has a period of rest and his condition will not be very good.

Besides, if you want to ban, there are endless bans. Kouma still knows this in his heart.

In the last move, the sky bans Shen, why not ban the weapon master, because Shen is more important, Shen flying around has an effect similar to a card's ultimate move, and it will increase the psychological pressure on the opponent when it reaches six.

The sudden big move will also make the original damage calculation more difficult.

Therefore, between the weapon master and Shen, Tianmu chose to ban Shen.

Seeing Shen being banned, Kouma showed a tricky smile.

In the absence of crocodiles, this version of Weapon Master, as long as you play well, you will be a god.

Damu may not be the best top laner in Korea, but he must be the best weapon master in Korea.

After getting this hero, I feel that the chance of winning this game is [-]% already.

"Weapon Master, stk directly chooses Weapon Master in seconds. I think Shen is as difficult to deal with as Weapon Master, and the later Weapon Master is more threatening than Shen." Sun Tuxiao said nervously, as the commentary The only professional player, although he didn't beat South Korea, but he knows the South Korean team very well. Once they get this kind of single belt hero, it will be really difficult to deal with.

"The weapon master has played a very terrifying effect in the hands of many Korean teams. I wonder if the Tianmu team will have any special tactics to deal with it?" The baby director is also a little worried, and the Imperial City team died. Weapon Master.

Of course, it's not just weapon masters, stk's wine barrel, Jie, ez Zyra, Wei, and Thresh all made the Imperial City team miserable, and it's understandable that the sky can't be banned.

The current public opinion has begun to reflect on why we are not as good as South Korea.

Tianmu has already been like this before losing. If he really loses, the whole network will definitely ask why he didn't ban Jax. Now the commentary will tell you, there are indeed endless bans.

"The imperial city died in the hands of weapons. Why is Tianmu still releasing weapons? Don't you think you died fast enough?"

"Lpl is a hard-headed one. If you don't reach the Yellow River, you won't die, and if you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back."

"Leave the weapon master, wait for the sky to be killed by the weapon."

As soon as the point of the weapon master was released, it triggered a heated discussion in public opinion. The matter of stk's three selection of weapon masters to kill the imperial city is almost becoming a stalk.

If your Tianmu also died at the hands of the weapon master, it would be a real fame scene.

However, this move also made many people curious, did Tianmu know any way to deal with the weapon master, or is it really just a head iron?
I saw that the Tianmu team had taken down the plane Gadges.

"Jess, will it be the mid laner or the top laner?"

"Shake up."

"The sky is shaking!"

Jessica's swing attribute seems to be one of Tianmu's tactics.

It's just that others don't know whether Jess is middle or top, but kouma can guess it.

Normally speaking, Tianmu must have left the fifth-floor Kangte position to the mid laner.

Therefore, Jess normally chooses to use it as a weapon.

However, if there are special circumstances, it is also possible to shake to the middle.

Stk stabilized his train of thought and took down ez and the piano girl.

"What kind of support do you want to use?" Lin Mumu also asked Qin Qin this time, this shy young man who has been submissive, always obeying orders and obeying arrangements.

"I, I want to use a robot." Yin Qin said, Brother Xuan is not here this week, and the days without a backbone command, it is really hard to remember, losing the training game to doubt life, I feel that it is normal to be [-]-[-] Bar.

However, I am not reconciled, it seems that I have never dared to say that the hero I want to play is what my teammates and coaches tell me to use.

However, I really want to win. Conventional tactics can't beat the bot lane of the stk team.

"Okay!" Lin Mumu agreed. Chen Xuan believes in his ability as a coach, so I also believe in the choice of players. Facing a strong team like stk, I can only do my best to play a hot robot game.

Tianmu followed up and confirmed that the spider will match the robot!
"Oh, robot, Tianmu team chose the robot. This is the old tradition of Tianmu team. The attentive player inherited Xiaoxuan's supporting spirit and took down the steam robot!" Sun Tuxiao couldn't help but jumped up up.

Seeing the choice of the robot, this game is worth it.

At least, the Skyscreen team won't be cowardly.

So just!

Robots have basically withdrawn from the competition stage from the summer split to now, and unexpectedly reappeared on this day.

This move also caught Kouma a little off guard. He has been worried about the mid unit, and has relaxed his vigilance for other positions. What is this, a big move?
Seeing this hero, kouma also changed his tactics.

Feike originally wanted to use clockwork in the first game, but if there are robots, he needs a more flexible hero.

This is the first time I fight against you, I should respect you to the extreme, senior.

In Feike's eyes, Chen Xuan is a senior in the mid laner.

Therefore, in the first game, you should come up with your own hero.

Deceitful Fairy, add Wild Wei!
The last Kang special position is still Chen Xuan in the mid laner.

Chen Xuan is also a master of Yao Ji, so the choice of dealing with Yao Ji is naturally in Chen Xuan's hands.

"Give me the Frost Witch." Chen Xuan said.

"Ah, this hero's strength isn't very high." Lin Mumu saw that this hero hadn't been popular so far, and wondered how Chen Xuan would think of using her.

"Well, but it's just right to beat the enchantress." Chen Xuan said.

"En." Lin Mumu nodded, the robot took them all, let alone the ice girl.

Jess is also what Frando wants to take, because for Frando, if he wants to bring teleportation and want to line up with the ignited weapon, he can't think of any other hero with this strength except Jess.

"Ice Girl, so to speak, is Jess top laner and Ice Girl mid laner?" Miller analyzed.

"It should be that Jess's weapon is Conte's, and the ice girl's bewitching girl is also Conte's. If the enchantress comes over and is charged, she may not be able to go back." The baby guide analyzed.

"This round is the so-called battle of the demon girl, the demon girl fights the ice girl!" Sun Tu laughed while being nervous, and made a joke.

It's just that the barrage immediately draws inferences from one instance.

"Then why isn't it the battle of Bing Ji?"

"Would you like to hear what you're saying, Ice Chicken?"

"Battle of the Ice Demon."

"Battle of Ji Nu."

It can only be said that while the current atmosphere is not too dignified, the netizens are also brainstorming and frantically looking for fun, hoping that the atmosphere will remain like this, otherwise if they lose, the atmosphere will not be happy.

The lineup of both sides is determined!

The blue side of the stk team, the top lane weapon master, the jungler Wei, the mid lane enchantress, and the bottom lane ez Jiaqin girl.

Team Tianmu has Red Fang, top laner Jess, jungler Spider, mid laner Ice Girl, bottom laner and robot.

Games start!
At this time, people suddenly discovered the special place of the Tianmu team.

Jess in the top lane is carrying a teleportation, and the Ice Girl in the mid lane is also carrying a teleportation!
"My God, what kind of tactic is this?" Director Wa asked in surprise.

"This is the first time I've seen Xiaoxuan teleport. Is this tactic for support?" Mi Le also asked strangely.

"Oh, I see. This is Tianmu's tactic against weapons. If you want to carry a single weapon, you have to weigh it carefully." Sun Tuxiao instantly understood the meaning of this choice.

Isn't your stk good at single-belt weapons, then I will catch you with two teleports, and you won't be able to run so easily.

"But in this case, the middle and upper lanes will be very stressful. If you are killed solo, the teleportation will be meaningless. After all, there is one less ignition in the early stage." After Sun Tuxiao thought about it, he still felt that the disadvantages outweighed the advantages .

Because if teleportation is easy to use, it is impossible that only Tianmu can think of it.

Teams all over the world don't have teleportation.

Explain that this version is still a little bit stronger.

The audience is also worried, Brother Xuan is the solo kill king of this year's S3, does this not have Ignite and Feikegang?
Isn't this sacrificing his solo kill ability in exchange for support teammates?

And what Chen Xuan wanted was this effect.

Help your teammates, only if they believe that they can c, this game will have a follow-up.

And to make them believe that they can c, they must first believe that Chen Xuan can't c.

It sounds strange, but that's the truth, stop putting your hopes on others.

Only then did he use all means to go to c, and what Chen Xuan brought was teleportation, basically this round was to give up the solo kill of Feike.

When the teammates saw this teleportation, they became even more convinced that they had to do their best.

Chen Xuan bought two bottles of Dolanjia medicine and followed the group directly.

Tianmu wants to play a first-level group, after all, it is a robot.

Five people followed the robot and invaded the opponent's wild area in a straight line.

"Where are we going to catch it?" Yin Qin asked as he was going out.

"I'll follow you and use your judgment to lead us to find them." Chen Xuan said.

Yin Qin has gained great trust, although he is not confident, but this responsibility has been overwhelmed, and Brother Xuan cannot be disappointed, Yin Qin gritted his teeth and thought.

According to previous research, to grasp the position of the opponent, and the opponent will also change tactics because of the robot.

Therefore, usually stk players will be in the upper half, so let's try the lower half in this round!

Rush into the enemy's wild area, and go to the wall while stuck in the field of vision.

Turn the corner and meet love!
ezqin girl appeared!
The robot wanted to hook directly, but on second thought, it was just forcing a flash, not enough, not enough!
Yin Qin chooses to believe in herself, instead of directly hooking her, she flashes her face close to Qin Nu!

This time, Qin Nu was also frightened.

At this distance, it would be too dangerous to wait for the robot to make a shot before flashing.

Sticking directly to the wall, it flashed into the wall of the red buff.

It's now!

The robot tries to catch the Qin girl after flashing!
Maybe because the model is too big, this hook was caught!

"Nice!" The three commentators shouted hysterically.

Unexpectedly, Team Tianmu's first outstanding performance was actually this robot.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and I knew that the geniuses in our country of Hua could not compare to that tiny place in South Korea, die to me!

Chen Xuan froze again with a w, ensuring that Qin Nu would definitely die.

Team Tianmu took the first blood directly, and the head was taken by the plane.

This hook made Qin Qin's heart beat wildly.

I actually did it!
"It's okay, it's okay, the first blood is the best for them, and it won't be of much use." Said the adc player piglit of the stk team, this adc known as Xiaozhu.

Like Li Wu, he is a player who can keep up with his strength by training hard. But now, he has kept up with his strength through hard training, but he starts to look down on Li Wu, who is also working hard, because he feels that his talent is higher.

As for the Tianmu team, even though they got first blood, Chen Xuan's W skill was a disadvantage for the laning team.

The first-level enchantress is both ignited and leading in skills. Most people are not very optimistic about the matchup between the ice girl and the enchantress.

Chen Xuan has too many disadvantages. He didn't play in the training match. The summoner's skills are inferior, and he has some disadvantages. He is facing Feike, who is expected to become the world's number one mid laner. With so many disadvantages, he is optimistic about Chen Xuan. I also think that the middle lane can only resist pressure.

The enchantress and the ice girl came to the middle road to face each other.

Feike shook his head to ease the discomfort in his cervical spine.

Many people say that he is confident and crazy, but only he knows that his talent and sweat are worthy of this confidence and madness.

Climb to the top in solo queue, solo kill all mid laners in his debut, the amount of training is exactly the same as that of the least talented piglit, never lazy, never feel that he has touched the ceiling of this game.

So, I deserve it!

And to make everyone feel that I am worthy, all you need to do is climb over the mountain in front of you.

The whole world will hear my story, and the whole world will be curious about the life, family, environment, and the top ten of my high school of this talented boy Feike.

So, I want to win this game!
The q skill that Yao Ji learned at the first level, knowing that the ice girl has learned w, if she steps on it, she is waiting to be beaten.

It’s better to use q to consume it directly. I have aq and you only have a, so I will earn money if you exchange blood.

This is the advantage of adding points at the first level, Feiek will not miss any chance of advantage, and directly presses it up.

Chen Xuan avoids his edge first, eats his experience, and makes up for it.

There is no rush for this battle.

The enchantress in the middle road is as powerful as a rainbow, and the same is true for the top road.

Although the weapon master can't beat Jess, but with the ignition in his hand, he still dares to go up and kill you Jess.

You, Jess, don't dare to fight me to the end, and my weapon is very comfortable to make up.

Jess couldn't hold down the weapon, and the ice girl couldn't hold down the enchantress.

Now, the audience started to get anxious.

The joy of getting first blood just now was diluted by this laning disadvantage.

"This dual teleportation tactic is useful. You can't beat the lane, so you're still playing tricks?"

"Indeed, in order to deal with weapons, laning was sacrificed. If it is useful, how could someone think of it now. This thing feels like a brainstorm."

"Teleportation is really the most rubbish summoner skill. There is no advantage in the middle and upper lanes, and it is useless to get blood in the bottom lane."

The audience looked at the laning, and in 3 minutes, Jess was five swords behind the weapon, while the ice girl was four swords behind.

They all said that double teleportation was a wrong decision. If the robot hadn't gotten first blood, this game would have been over.

As for Chen Xuan in the middle lane, after reaching the second level, the laning has eased up a lot.

With the q skill, the ice girl can control the pawn line very well.

The same is true for Jess, although the weapon cannot be killed, but there is a teleportation, you can use the skill to push the line with confidence, because you can go home and become the goddess of tears after saving enough money, and you will not lose experience.

There is a pawn line, and the opponent does not dare to come up directly if they are ignited.

After the two pushed the pawn line over at the same time, Chen Xuan commanded the robot in the bottom lane to secretly insert his own artificial eyes in the grass closest to the opponent's defense tower.

If the robot does not hook the human, it will definitely be pushed.

But this eye, the other party did not see.

The robot made a hook, and after the failure, ezqin girl immediately pressed up.

The robot stood too far forward, and was beaten ruthlessly.

And stk knows that the robot has not flashed, and this wave can be killed directly!

Tell you to choose a robot that does not match the version, just this hit rate?

The two of them took the line of soldiers and chased and killed the robot.

Chen Xuan carefully looked at the positions of the two, and then shouted a word: "Pass!"

Jess and Ice Maiden, their transmissions started at the same time.

ez Qinnu could also see the special effects of the teleportation, and immediately realized the problem.

The robot is missing an eye!

Oops, teleportation is used so early?
The two originally wanted to kill the robot before running, at least one of them could run.

But what I never expected was that the ice girl and Jess were teleported at the same time and came down together!

Jess opens e first, the ice girl approaches through the acceleration door, then e comes over to make up a w and directly freezes the two, and Jess makes up the q skill at this time.

Directly bombarded the two of them!
Both of them hit them with dual skills, and the robot survived until the last second, relying on its passive shield.

Jess directly transformed and flashed up to hammer, the ice girl and Jess, each with a head.

All of the disadvantages that were suppressed in the early stage were defeated all at once.

The barrage instantly completed the face-changing of Sichuan opera.

"I knew this dual teleportation was useful."

"I've said it a long time ago, how could Tianmu's tactics be thought of casually?"

"Wonderful, easy to kill! Tianmu knows how to teleport!"

Anyway, no one knows who he is, just now he was mocking Tianmu's id, and now he secretly changed his face, and no one would notice.

It's just that shameless, it's just that flexible.

And Feike also has a bit of a toothache. He exhausted all his skills in laning, only to suppress a little bit of last damage, and he directly made a lot of money. Does this prove that my laning ability is better than him?
 [-] in [-] chapter to

(End of this chapter)

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