king of prejudgment

Chapter 215 Art is Explosion

Chapter 215 Art is Explosion
In the third game of the final, the outcome is not yet decided, and the winner has been judged.

Chen Xuan once used the defense tower for a solo kill, and cooperated with a tower jump for a strong kill.

Unless Feike can fight back in the next game, otherwise, the world's number one mid laner in the eyes of the audience is already Chen Xuan.

Two solo kills against each other, what else is there to say.

In the future, if you want to kill him alone, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.

Keg, who played the advantage in the middle, immediately became a huge threat in the eyes of the stk team.

The eruption of the dark fire wine barrel is really a bit high.

The wine barrel with the advantage in the early stage can hit and consume at a distance of [-] yards, which is still AOE.

This rhythm immediately became bad for stk.

Game time, thirteen and a half minutes.

Chen Xuan's wine barrel cost one hundred and eleven knives. It was slightly suppressed by Riven in the early stage, but now it has surpassed Riven's last knife, leading by five.

Then, cooperate with the prince to directly unplug the first tower in the middle.

At this time, a wave of confrontation broke out in the bottom lane.

Xiaozhu's ez cooperates with the piano girl, paying all the price of double summoning, with almost perfect operation and details, moving plus displacement plus flashing, avoiding the key q skill of the policewoman.

In this way, the fight is successful and the double kill is completed!

He fought back, and was stunned by Tianmu's Xia Luxiu for the first time. This time, Xiaozhu used his own strength to fight back.

This scene attracted the Korean commentator, who was hysterical with excitement.

"Feike is not fighting alone. This is the best team in Korea. The bot lane has stood up again and hit a double kill!" The crazy Smecta of the Korean commentator encouraged the depressed Korean audience.

Likewise, this scene ignited Feike.

If the little pig can fight back, then I can too.

In this game, maybe we can rely on the bottom lane.

However, there was no news about the two people on the next road, Chen Xuan already knew about it.

Wait for the next wave, big move cd.

With a push in the middle lane, he led the prince directly to swim over.

After the two went around together, even though the policewoman Anne was at a disadvantage, she could easily push the pawn line down the tower.

In the bottom lane of stk, he felt that he was going to be overtaken, so he huddled under the tower and wanted to wait for someone.

However, Chen Xuan made a quick decision and pinged a signal: "Put the trap here."

This is a habitual way of commanding teammates, and Li Wu decisively released one.

If you can't see the future, then create the future you want.

Directly use a big move to blast the two ezqin girls in different directions, and while using the big move AOE to directly hit the damage, blow ez to the wall.

The effect of the wine barrel's big move is the same as the blind monk kicking people into the wall. It can cause more knock-up effects, but it will not send people to places where teammate a cannot reach.

Moreover, this big move also blasted ez to the clip at the same time!

Directly let ez be accused of being unable to move at all, the prince's skills don't need to be wasted, and directly eq provokes Qin Nu.

Go down the road and kill two more people, one for each of them.

"This clip fits well."

"The original LPL first bottom lane combination, timely support to the middle lane, the two of them still have such a tacit understanding."

"Tears, thinking of the auxiliary wine barrel back then, it was also a variety of unscientific moves."

People saw that the female policewoman on the bottom lane had just been double-killed, and after 1 minute, the wine barrel came to find a place.

Proper revenge did not take overnight, and the ezqin girl who was originally superior exploded in an instant.

Then a tower was demolished, but fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, Riven in the middle lane knew the problem of the bottom lane, so she quickly chose to go to the top lane.

The other party's four players in the bottom lane are all there. If you don't catch Kenan at this time, when?
Riven walked up the road, also jumping directly over the tower.

After opening the magnification, w flashed and stunned, making Kenan unable to react and magnify the move.

Then q cancels w's midfielder, and plays the perfect rhythm of light speed qa, and the last part of the blast is connected to q, so that the damage can be hit at the fastest speed.

Because, in this way, he can deal all the damage before being stunned by Kenan, and avoid any amazing operations after he stuns himself.

In this way, after Riven finished playing a set, when Kenan stunned Riven with his big move, Kenan's blood volume had already been drained.

The Gators didn't even get an assist!
Only Frando sighed, this Riven has such a strong sense of oppression, she has already died twice, but in the end she still crushed me.

If I was the one fighting against Feike, I'm afraid I would have become a backer.

This battle, without Chen Xuan, would have really become Feike's personal battle of conferred gods.

Riven gets a kill, which brings back some financial disadvantage.

However, the team's problems still cannot be solved.

If Riven didn't flash, she wouldn't be able to enter the arena at all.

And the CD flashed for 5 minutes, Riven killed someone with her front foot, and the wine barrel brought someone to tear her down on the road with her back foot.

Stk wanted to defend, but Chen Xuan directly blew them away with a big move.

Then the crocodile in the front row was blown back, and a ghost fire was added in the air to catch the eq, and the teammates' damage was repaired, and the crocodile had already evaporated when it landed.

As for the others, there was no way to rush over. The people of the Tianmu team lost all their skills, and after losing the crocodile in seconds, they immediately dispersed.

The stk team can't use their strength, so they can only give up the tower again.

The tempo of the Tianmu team made stk immediately choose to split push.

You can't fight in a group, but would a hero like Kenan with teleportation be afraid of your split push?

Synchronize directly with you, wherever you go, I will go too.

The crocodile can't kill Kenan alone, but Kenan can rush to the battlefield at any time when his teammates need it.

Shen, the hero, was the top laner at t3 level throughout s0, isn't it because he can support his teammates at any time.

In the next few minutes, the operation of Tianmu team, against the stk team, was very passive.

Crocodile support is always absent, but Kennan will definitely arrive.

At this time, the coach of the stk team also began to struggle.

Do you want us to also bring teleportation on the order? This thing seems to be very useful.

But the problem is, we haven't practiced this kind of teleport top order at all.

If you use it rashly, will it be counterproductive?

However, when this idea came out, Kouma was taken aback.

I seem to already feel that I am going to lose this round?

No way, is there really no hope of a comeback?

I saw that Feike was desperately looking for opportunities, and even tried to start a group with his big move flash.

However, Chen Xuan's choice was very simple, let Annie give him a weakness.

Then, I made a big move to make it difficult for the people in the back row.

Divide the battlefield directly, and then Chen Xuan put a wine barrel with q skill on the road.

The other party was either hurrying or taking a detour.

No one can keep up with feike's forced engagement, even if Riven's play is perfect, it will always be close to damage.

Even if he plays full, switching mid laner to ad is not necessarily a very profitable thing.

Riven cut four, and the wine barrel dragged four.

But the barrel is fatter and clearly more threatening.

As for Riven, she could only fall down with hatred.

Looking at Team Tianmu, they further expanded their advantage.

All six outer towers were pulled out, and Xiaolong accepted them steadily.

Advance step by step until you reach the high ground.

At this time, Chen Xuan already held three large items in the wine barrel.

The ghost book of the underworld fire hat is also enough to use the ghost book to replace the mana recovery that the Holy Grail lacks.

And the high ground of the stk team is not easy.

The main reason is that the use of ez is really good, the distance to clear the pawn line is far enough, and the two spiders are constantly cleaning the pawn line.

Although as long as it keeps grinding, the high ground will always be broken.

Riven's weakness of being unable to clear troops from a distance has been exposed.

However, as the level increases, the game will become more and more variable.

Three 10 minutes lead by 10 and the economy is very stable, but five [-] minutes, as long as one person dies, a comeback may occur.

It is better not to procrastinate, or not to procrastinate.

"The Tianmu team here wants to go to the high ground, but it seems difficult to do so with ez's tower guard. I think it's better to go back to Dalong. Dalong's force may be a better choice." Director Wa suggested.

There have been several waves of soldiers in a row, and the stk team is quite experienced in tower defense.

"Indeed, it's not a problem to drag it here all the time. The other party basically has double summons. If it starts under the high ground tower, it still feels unstable." Mi Le also became nervous.

He is about to get the match point, so don't give it a chance.

I saw Chen Xuan still with real eyes on his body, approaching the grass under the red Fang Gao.

Goggle in and make sure there is no vision around.

Chen Xuan walked out of the grass, using his grasp of vision.

I was sure that I was in a blind spot with dark lights under the lights, but on the high ground, there were eyes inserted by the partition wall of the Sky Screen team.

In this way, the Tianmu team sent a wave of troops in on the road.

The opponent ez can only clean up, and then return to the middle to defend the tower.

On the way here, the soldiers of Tianmu had not yet entered the tower.

It's now!

Since the opponent didn't see the eye position here, from their perspective, I should be in the shadow of the field of vision.

"Everyone, come here!" Chen Xuan had already planned everything before making a move.

After everyone heard it, they knew that the opportunity had come.

Use all your strength to drop ez in seconds, as long as you drop ez in seconds, you can go to the high ground.

Therefore, Chen Xuan made a big move directly.

Blow up the ez walking on the road!

Flying ez, frantically pressing the e skill and flashing, Xiaozhu knew that if he disappeared, the game would be over.

Not reconciled, do you want your opponent to get the match point?

I practice hard for seventeen hours a day, is this the result?
Do not!
Piggy has a strong sense of survival, but he cannot change the rules of the game.

During the process of being knocked into the air, the hero cannot use displacement skills.

He can only wait for the landing!

Wherever it lands, there are enemies.

Chen Xuan, blasted ez to the position of his teammates.

Annie's control skills have already been thrown out in the air of the ez displacement.

Want to escape?
Hmph, it doesn't exist!

Brother Xuan's predictive ability, even if he only learned a little bit, is enough to be accurate.

Before ez landed, Annie's bear hit ez directly in the face.


At this moment, ez can already leave the keyboard with both hands.

Anyone else who a casually a, he will directly evaporate.

What's more, basically no one is stingy with skills.

"Ohhhh! The wine barrel directly blew the ez back, and the fire fell in seconds. This wave is going to the high ground, can we do a wave?" The baby guide couldn't believe that the ez with so many displacements died so easily.

"The barrel's field of vision is too good. The real eye lined up the field of vision, and then used the shadow of the field of vision to get stuck in the corner and blow people back. ez didn't react at all." Mi Le also exclaimed, this wave seemed to be ez died suddenly, as if the death was very simple.

But in fact, the little soldiers haven't seen where ez is standing.

At this time, the vigilance of normal ez is naturally very low.

The timing is really perfect.

The death of ez also announced the destruction of the high ground.

go back?

No, a wave!
Chen Xuan believes that when stk loses the ability to clear troops, it is the best time for a wave.

Riven crocodile spider, what a king of fights this is.

The result of such a strong fighting hero is that the pawn line can only be cleared by AD.

Now, at the time of ez's death, with such a simple wave of soldiers, the stk team has nothing to do.

Under the escort of the Tianmu team, the little soldiers pretended to be powerful and drove tons of heroes to run home.

Whether it's the crocodile or Riven, you can only clear the pawn line at close range. Looking at the hero behind the pawn, is this a close-up pawn clearing?

This meow is fatal!
Not to mention, Annie directly controlled the bear to walk in the front, and let Annie's little bear be in charge of defending the tower.

The output of the two front teeth wasted on the bear, resulting in tons of minions getting close.

With the hero, the front teeth were directly removed.

At this time, the stk team was really generalized.

In the face of the base explosion, the life and death of a hero are trivial matters.

The work of Tianmu is like drawing a car for a general.

If you want to keep the base, you have to send a hero to die, so I asked you whether to send it or not?
That can only be given away, there is still a glimmer of life in four hits, and nothing will be lost if you don't fight.

Riven crocodiles opened up one after another, but before the people arrived, they were beaten up by the barrel q, the policewoman q, and Kenan q.

When the crocodile e came in and opened up, the blood volume dropped by one-third.

If you are pulled again, you will not be able to touch anyone.

Immediately, the angry death rolled and went back, the enemy's firepower was too fierce.

But this also created an opportunity for Qin Nu, flashing three of them.

Riven immediately flashed a set of seconds, and killed Annie who was more controlling first.

Then the female policeman flashed to open the distance, then slowed down with her e skill, and continued to output critical strikes.

Chen Xuan's wine barrel is steadily maintaining the limit distance of [-] yards, and it is consumed by throwing the barrel.

When Riven really rushed up to kill the policewoman with all her life, she would give her a ghost fire, then an eq, cooperate with the policewoman's critical attack, and directly counter-kill!

The damage caused by this dark fire match skill made Riven unable to withstand the quicksilver and the spirit. In the final operation, killing a support Annie was Feike's last stubbornness.

Am I like this qualified to be called the big devil of the S game?

At this moment, Feike's will was a little depressed, because after he was killed in battle.

This game is really over.

Riwen was angry on the spot, and the crocodile and piano female spider was dragged three by one by Kenan's big move of electrotherapy.

The blood-sucking female policewoman has blood-sucking, and keeps harvesting heads while taking A-sucking blood.

It's over, the commentators couldn't hold back their excitement, a few seconds in advance, when ez revived and rushed out of the spring, they already wanted to congratulate Tianmu in advance.

But the commentators tacitly held back, opening champagne at halftime is a big taboo in the game!

It wasn't until the explosion at the base that I really felt relieved.

"Congratulations to the Tianmu team, they won the victory and won the match point. The current score is two to one!" Mi Le clenched his fists and said excitedly. It has been three years, and in the third year of being a commentator, I can watch the birth of an LPL with my own eyes. The real s game champion?

 Update, my wife has a high fever of 39 degrees 6. It has been a day and a night, and the fever still does not go away. I, who takes care of her, is also waiting for the sun. It is not bad if I can persist until Christmas. If you ask for leave, please forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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