king of prejudgment

Chapter 217 Leather City is tall, rich and handsome, turned into 3 yuan!

Chapter 217 Leather City is rich and handsome, turned into 300 yuan!
The decisive battle has begun, and the duel in the middle is still the focus of everyone's attention.

The number of solo kills that broke out in other positions may not be as many as the number of solo kills of the two of them.

At present, it seems that Feike's matchup ability has been completely suppressed.

Already playing with a line bully like Jess will be weak, but if he wins in the end, at least there will be a champion.

It's hard to be called the world's No. [-] mid laner, but it can be the mid laner of the world's No. [-] team.

Chen Xuan went out to buy Dolan Shield and added Yihong. It was the first time for Chen Xuan to be so stable in the final life-and-death battle. The opponent was weak, and it was difficult to single-handedly kill with a long sword. Why not lower your vigilance with Dolan Shield .

This battle is sure to be life and death!

Neither side has a first-level team, and everyone is recovering, the champion of the world finals.

This honor is enough for a lifetime.

The regret of defeat will be with you for a lifetime.

Jess, on the other hand, went out with the long sword Sanhong.

After all, with weak protection and long hands, he must exert a certain degree of suppression.

The lines of soldiers from both sides converged, and Chen Xuan could only watch the line of soldiers from afar.

Jess is even better at robbing than Riven, better before level six, and Riven is better after level six.

Jess, the first level, went directly to the Yuebing line to point out people.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and threw out a shuriken before Jess crossed the pawn line and couldn't let go of Q.

Then retreat directly without letting Jess point.

A shuriken shot through Jace's body.

Jess was not at a loss either, he used his blood to overpower Jie's make-up, and at the same time did not let Jie touch the pawn line.

I was able to fight Jace's melee in the early stage, but I haven't been born yet.

Chen Xuan could only avoid the edge for the time being. He was slightly suppressed in the early stage, and then he pretended to make up a knife and stepped forward to take a flat A of Jess on purpose, only once!
Losing a little blood volume will immediately exchange for the hatred attack of Jess from our minions.

Although Jess also pulled away at the fastest speed, the pawn line only needs to be touched lightly like this.

Our minions are no longer able to beat the opponent's minions, and the passage of time will push back the line of soldiers.

As for Chen Xuan's robbery, because there are many blue shields, the blood volume will naturally recover.

Take a beating in exchange for a normal opportunity to make up the knife.

This wave is simply lucrative!

Seeing the line of soldiers moving forward slowly, Feike realized that he had been fooled. He was such a scumbag. Why did he want to A? It should only need a Q shot.

"Here the pawn line is starting to push down towards Xuan's tower, this wave is good, you can block the line for a while!" Players who understand the pawn line know that melee combat is the most comfortable for long-range combat, and the pawn line close to your defense tower is the most comfortable .

Not only is it good to make up the knife, but it is also better to cooperate with the jungler to catch the opponent's mid laner at any time.

But seeing this scene, Feike also understood that he must immediately push the line down the tower without doing anything else.

Otherwise, Chen Xuan would definitely be robbed and controlled for a long time, and Jess had the initiative.

Upgrade to level two first, then directly learn w, waaa, then switch form qw to push long-range soldiers.

"Wow, Feike is so decisive. He learned w to push the line at the second level. In other words, he should have felt that the blind monk might come to catch him at the second level, so he pushed the line at the speed of light." Someone commented on Feike's wave. The line expresses surprise, this choice is also a stroke of genius.

Because the audience from the perspective of God, after seeing the blind monk hit the red, they have the meaning of walking towards the middle.

When Jess pushed the line directly with his skills, Chen Xuan couldn't stop him either.

Jace pushed the lane and backed away, just before Lee Sin entered the brush.

In this way, the blind monk can only give up and continue to go back to clear the wild.

And Chen Xuan used Zed, and it was very easy to make up the knife under the tower, without missing a single knife, and full of details.

The pawn line game on both sides has reached the extreme.

After two waves of lines, the pawn lines of both sides returned to the center again.

The number of last hits between the two is surprisingly close.

Chen Xuanjie was only one knife behind.

But Jess has the line right, and at the same time predicted that the blind monk will be popular.

Although he had no vision, Feike felt an unprecedented state of explosion at this moment.

The more this kind of life and death situation, the more excited he is.

In the year since his debut, he has not lost the fifth game yet.

It seems that the more life and death situation is, the more it can stimulate the potential of his body.

He felt that the blind monk should hit red first, and then try to catch himself. If there is no chance, he will go back to brush f4, and then turn to the three wolf blue buff.

Therefore, the other blind monk's current position should be at the Three Wolves.

Summon the spider to go, and he also quickly pushes the line.

Then it disappeared from sight, and when the blind monk finished beating the three wolves, he kicked into the blue buff.

On the way towards the blind monk, the blue buff passed through the grass, illuminating the spider's vision!
Sure enough, someone!
But the blind monk is true, and the spicy teacher has the confidence to operate.

Before the second-stage q finally disappears, the second-stage q passes by, and then pulls away the position, so that the blue buff's hatred can be transferred to the spider.

Slap the floor by yourself and fight the spider one-on-one. In the same third-level situation, the blind monk with reduced attack speed will not miss any junglers.

But the spider is not afraid, because he is not alone.

You only need to repeatedly pull with the blind monk, and finally fly to delay the time.

Jess, who pushed the line, would naturally come over.

Feitian, then landed behind the blue buff, the bloody spider naturally let the blind monk go up, Chen Xuan pinged the spicy teacher, Jess must have passed.

But Mr. Spicy is already on the top, and he is only one step away from leveling A to kill him. Even if Jess comes, I can change it, or I won’t.

However, at the moment when the blind monk flashed A, Jess's cannon seemed to help.

Just in time for the bombing, the blind monk's blood volume of more than 100 was instantly emptied.

This punch stopped in the air, A couldn't come out.

"Fuck, is it so fake?" Teacher Spicy was shocked, how could it happen that Jess fired at the moment that flashed past.

"He must have guessed that you were going to flash A." ​​Chen Xuan said, Chen Xuan also guessed this point, but the feike in this round was outrageously decisive, and the punch came out a few tenths of a second later.

And this shot also shocked countless audiences and shouted 666.

The stk fans in the audience were about to jump up, Feike took it, but it was a blood.

Now the middle road is great!
"Mine, mine!" Teacher Spicy regretted not listening to Chen Xuan, but he is not a robot, how could he be willing to give up the head in front of him.

"It's nothing." Naturally, Chen Xuan wouldn't blame him, and the spicy teacher was also thinking normally.

The opponent is in good shape and luck.

And luck is also part of strength.

Jess went home for the first time and directly made Goddess Tears.

Along the way, I kept switching forms and firing cannons to celebrate, so as to shed my goddess tears.

With the first blood in this hand, Feike seemed to have seen his own Jess, killing all directions.

Facing Zed again, Jess's style of play was obviously a lot more aggressive.

At this time, Chen Xuan frowned and was extremely cautious.

It will be a disaster if the middle lane is hit out of the breakthrough.

The consequences of Jess taking off were very serious.

However, as a Zed, there is no ability to suppress Jayce's last hit.

That being the case, the only option is to kill him.

However, Feike is the most difficult target for him to kill alone.

One is that he is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far.

Second, to deal with him, the future vision cannot be used.

Now the eyes, the distance recovery, is getting closer, but it has not recovered yet.

Killing an opponent solo has the possibility of being shown off.

However, at this time, do not allow yourself to have any lack of self-confidence.

You must absolutely believe in yourself at all times.

Regardless of whether I have eyes that can see through the future, I am the king of predictions!
Chen Xuan thought of this, when Jess caught him and was about to get stuck at level [-], when qe bombarded him, instead of retreating, he threw out his shadow first, and threw out a set of his own weq.

"It's useless!" Feike found that the shadow and the main body were within the range of his cannon.

This means that even if Jie changes positions, he will still be bombarded by himself.

Unless but, that's too hard.

Difficult, that's right.

Chen Xuan also knew that if he wanted to dodge the cannon, he had to wait for Jess's cannon to pass through the shadow first, and then succeed in changing positions.

But the accelerated Jace shells are so easy to dodge, the accelerated cannon is faster than Riven's Gale!
However, I can predict!

Chen Xuan can't see the future, but he can still estimate the timing of Jess's attack. Without him, he is familiar with it!

Then at the time of Jess's qe second company, Chen Xuan waited until Jess's cannon passed through the acceleration gate, and instantly changed positions.

Use the displacement to avoid Jess's cannon, and at the same time get close, and then a flat A!

"What a quick reaction!" Feike couldn't believe it when he saw this scene.

This almost impossible operation was actually completed by him.

Xiba, is this really human?

Feike's operations and reactions have been considered by many to be inhuman.

And this person in front of him is even better than himself.


Jess immediately changed into a hammer form, and qwAe exchanged blood.

One hammer gave Jie Hammer away, but without the damage of the cannon, he still lost a lot of blood.

This means that the sixth-level Jie has the possibility of killing himself alone.

But fortunately, I brought weakness.

Otherwise, with this amount of blood, I will definitely go home.

If you are weak, you can still rely on it.

He couldn't have killed me with his weakness... right?

Feike is almost a little unconfident. If the other party can shuttle the cannon, must he not kill himself by force?
"It's amazing how this shadow changed, and it actually avoided Jess's qe second company!" The baby guide was shocked.

"What a beautiful change of blood! Feike's Zed has amazed me many times. I once thought he was Hokage, but obviously, Hokage also watched several generations. Feike may be the second generation, and Brother Xuan is the first generation!" Sun Tu smiled and said with satisfaction, this exchange of blood has made a lot of money.

Moreover, it was indeed Chen Xuan's robbery who became the world champion first, and with the double robbery, he created the dynasty of the master of the shadow stream.

It is not too much to say that he is the first generation.

The current performance is even more magical.

Although he didn't kill anyone, let everyone who understands the difficulty of this transposition stand in awe.

Only some people who refuse to believe the facts are still questioning.

"Fried Hu, definitely fried Hu!"

"Obviously, you've been bombarding and talking for a year, aren't you tired?"

"If a man can make peace every time, then he is too good at making peace."

People are still debating whether to bomb or not, but it is clear that the success rate of Chen Xuan's bombing is too high, almost [-]%.

In front of this terrifying success rate, nothing is impossible.

After Chen Xuan's wave, he started to push the line.

Prevent Feike from going home, Feike knows that the robbery is going to be six.

I am in danger, but with a weak hand, the tower can fight back!

At this time, Feike concentrated his attention on watching Jie lead the line of soldiers into the tower.

Sixth grade!
Chen Xuan continued to move forward. At this time, he must move forward, and move forward by any means.

Believe me, all my ideas can be successful!
"What is Jie going to do here? Do you want to jump over the tower? Will he be counter-killed?"

"No way, isn't this a gift?"

"A Jess who is weak and flashing when jumping the tower in the World Finals? You're probably kidding me!"

Seeing Jie's progress, no one can calm down.

Dude, you can't just pass through a wave of Jess's cannon, and then you won't know your last name.

What is this going to do?
I saw Chen Xuan throwing a w out of the tower, the distance was just right, and the shadow fell outside the tower.

Then, look at the defense tower, and just shot a laser, so now it is in the CD state, that is now!

Ignite the starting hand to gain five points of attack power and ability power.

Then qeA hits damage, and Jess is weakened in seconds, greatly reducing the damage he takes.

He didn't take the hammer away immediately, because Jess was very confident that he could win the duel.

Chen Xuan was weak, and the damage was pitifully low.

At the same time, he is still fighting against the tower. Although he is a half-blood Jess, he is not so easy to kill.

Jess was weak, and at the same time he opened wqa in the hammer form, Chen Xuan used his big move, and at the same time dodged this qw and the second level A of the defensive tower!

At this time, the robbery only carried the defense tower.

When it hits the ground, do A again, and then go A again, only to attract the second level A of the defensive tower!

In the end, Jess turned into a cannon form again, and when he was preparing for the qe second company's death bombing, he switched to w and exited the tower.

Come to a safe place!

As for Jess, it was the second-stage ultimate move that had been robbed, and only over 200 blood was left after it exploded!

Chen Xuan's details have been drawn to the extreme.

At this point, Jess already knew Zed's thoughts.

The shadow of the big move is still under the tower!

I saw Jie after leaving the tower, waited for the attack of the defensive tower, and finally changed position suddenly into the shadow of r.

At the same time, he also waited for the cd of the q skill.

The duration of weakness also disappeared smoothly.

The transposition flashed ea onto Jess's face, and Jess flashed away at the fastest speed.

The blood volume is already below [-], if the level [-] shuriken hits, Jess will definitely die and can't die anymore.

Feike's eyes widened, he moved wildly, his twisting body looked like a snake that had eaten realgar!
It has to be said that it is very slender and very curved. If it is twisted, you will fail to kill yourself, and you may be taken away by the rushing jungler.

Therefore, this shuriken shot is going to set the world.

Unable to see whether he can predict the instability of success, Chen Xuan's adrenaline soared.

Is this the heartbeat of real extreme operations?
Master Chen, try cutting him in the middle!
The shuriken caught Jess's twisting centerline, and the shuriken was thrown out!

With a pop, the shuriken cut through Jess's skin.

Rich and handsome leather city, turned into 300 yuan!
 Update, the sun is really uncomfortable these days. Today, the head hurts directly from the cough. Yesterday, the nasal congestion used to breathe through the mouth, otherwise people will be hypoxic. Now I just hope there will be no sequelae.
(End of this chapter)

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