Chapter 222
The s3 game ended, and everyone went to the celebration banquet prepared by Beckmin with a satisfied mood.

And when he went out, he was already surrounded by countless fans.

You know, this is still America.

The enthusiasm of the fans made people feel that they seemed to have returned to China.

"There are quite a few Chinese in America." Before Chen Xuan got into the car, he was surrounded by people shaking hands and signing autographs.

All Chinese!

"Chinatown knows that there are 400 million Chinese in the United States, which is already one-tenth of the population of the United States." Baker Ming said.

Chen Xuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "No wonder the United States has always felt that we are a great threat. If it continues to develop like this, it will assimilate sooner or later."

"Haha, who's to say it's not? Anyway, this land itself is populated by foreigners, so it doesn't matter who is here?" Beck Ming laughed.

Surrounded by the cheers of countless fans, Team Tianmu squeezed into the car with difficulty.

Waving goodbye to the fans, on the way to have a big meal.

At this time, domestic social platforms such as Moments and Penguin Space have been swiped by the words Tianmu Niubi.

At this time, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

I don't know how many company bosses and school teachers can take the opportunity to catch these people who don't sleep to watch the game in the middle of the night.

However, even if they are caught, these buddies can only say that they will never regret it.

In the era when the League of Legends had the greatest influence and won the best world champion, it would be a real regret for life not to take a photo at this moment.

Chen Xuan swiped his phone, looking at his small circle of friends, they were all celebrating, and he was also filled with emotion. The influence of this game is really beyond imagination.

On the Weibo platform, many big stars posted congratulations.

I really don't know, even these people love to play League of Legends.

Among them is the Asian king, Jay Chou. Even though Chen Xuan doesn't follow stars very much, he still knows this well-known superstar.

There are also all kinds of sports, music circles, film and television circles, basketball football table tennis, handsome, ugly, novels, and cartoons.

All walks of life, hodgepodge.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that these familiar people would actually watch him play.

From this point of view, 300 million this year is not too much, and 3000 million next year is quite reasonable.

It can only be said that the charm of games is that no matter where you are, you can relax your stress and tense nerves through games.

Everyone needs the thrill of victory in the virtual world.

So, maybe one day in the future, the so-called virtual reality technology, the helmet life in the novel, will really appear.

After swiping the phone, Chen Xuan glanced at Li Wu next to him, who was also playing with the phone, but he was not looking at it, but typing something.

His second-hand Mi Mi mobile phone has also been upgraded to the Mi 3 generation.

Keeping pace with the times, but judging by the speed at which he typed, it seemed that his hand was still the same.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xuan looked at the editing interface, which didn't look like WeChat Penguin or other software.

"Me, I'm answering Zhihu's question." Li Wu smiled mysteriously, and then showed the question to Chen Xuan.

"What do you think about Team Tianmu winning the s3 world championship?"

Edited by Li Wu's answer: "Thank you for the invitation. I'm in the United States. I just got off the plane. There are too many people in the circle, so I disappeared."

"." Chen Xuan was speechless for a while, this answer is very familiar.

And the latter one was even more outrageous, Li Wu's answer made Chen Xuan stunned.

"Team Tianmu won this game. Everyone has mentioned the credit for Xuan's mid laner. The adc player on the road, the plane in the first game, played heartily, hit every shot, and highlighted a burst seed. Even at other times, he was as stable as an old dog. The piggy on the opposite side could never find a single kill. Chance.

If there is no such excellent ad as a backstop, I can't imagine how this world champion can win! "

Li Wu's answer made Chen Xuan's scalp tingle. Good guy, the real reason for your anonymity is because of this. If you are not anonymous, you really can't imagine that someone can brag about yourself like this.

It can only be said that Chen Xuan underestimated the thickness of human skin.

"How about it, isn't this answer very impressive?" Li Wu laughed.

"If you are not anonymous, I will definitely study in the future how thick a human's skin can be." Chen Xuan laughed.

"." Li Wu stroked the back of his head and said with a chuckle, "You've done all the limelight in the world competition, why don't you let me pretend after the game?"

"Now, you are in the United States, with an annual salary of one million, which has reached the average level of Zhihu. I don't think there is anything wrong with this answer." Chen Xuan said, and then Chen Xuan also logged into Zhihu.

Also below this question, answer directly and not anonymously.

"Thank you for the invitation" was found by Chen Xuan himself, but writing a thank you invitation is a basic operation, and it seems that he was invited to answer, rather than he wanted to fill the cup.

This question is now No. 1 on Zhihu's hot list, and the popularity has been pulled to the full.

If you don't pretend at this time, when will you wait?
Of course, apart from the rigid needs like filling cups, Chen Xuan has already discovered the secret of high salary, that is, the higher your popularity and influence, the more valuable you are.

Therefore, even if many Internet celebrities are sensationalists, they can still earn beautiful women with beautiful cars, and live happily ever after.

Chen Xuan's positive influence, of course, must be able to expand a little bit, just expand a little bit, maybe he will earn more than 3000 million next year?
"I think that the championship of Team Skyscreen actually brought a lot of hard work. Everyone's expectations have become higher. The road ahead is either a championship or a regress. It is really stressful. Thank you so many people for paying attention to Team Skyscreen. Will keep working hard.

By the way, Riot is asking me which skin to choose as the champion skin, I hope everyone can vote for me in the comment area. "

Chen Xuan answered briefly, followed by Versailles, and then went to Zhihu to verify his true identity.

In an instant, he became a big V-level blogger with e-sports questions. Good guy, the world champion answers e-sports questions. Isn't that a proper authority?
A simple answer directly became the one with the most likes and comments below the question, and gained a large number of fans in an instant.

At the same time, Chen Xuan also learned that the skin that everyone wants most is robbery.

That being the case, Chen Xuan knew it well.

After answering, it was also at the celebration banquet arranged by Beckmin.

Abalone wing belly, everything is complete.

At the dinner table, Chen Xuan also ushered in the pinnacle of his life. Countless celebrities, beauties, and Victoria's Secret models all came over to exchange cups and ask for contact information. I don't know how Baker Ming knew so many people in the United States.

Moreover, one and two are bold and unrestrained, and they discharge all kinds of winks without being stingy.

Chen Xuan has no doubts, as long as he nods, he can end his virginity.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan felt that they were taking advantage, and he was the one who was at a disadvantage. Boys must be careful outside, and they had to wait until they met someone who made him feel that he was taking advantage.

Team Tianmu is enjoying a celebration banquet comfortably at this time.

And the major domestic teams are going all out to start the search for Mu Chen.

Facts have proved that among professional players, no one can beat Chen Xuan.

As for passer-by Wang Li, this Mu Chen is still number one in the national server, at least until now.

In his hands, the daopa ate countless deflated.

And Feike is in the rank, playing [-]-[-] with Daopa.

From this, it can be concluded that Mu Chen should be the closest person to Chen Xuan in history.

Even if he can't compare, he is the one who has the best chance of defeating him.

What everyone really needs now is to find someone who is truly [-]/[-] with Chen Xuan.

As for the former mid laner of the Imperial City team, after playing S3, he felt his own powerlessness.

He can't beat Chen Xuan, and he can't beat Feike either. On his head, there are two big mountains, and one is higher than the other.

Already desperate, gave up, decided to retire, took his girlfriend, joined the army of cake sellers, and became a glorious game anchor.

There is no way, for ordinary professional players, the annual income is still too little.

At the same time, Long Yutian of the only team who decided to retire also felt that the times had abandoned him.

I can't keep up with this era of assassins, and the traditional support for mages can no longer be played.

The retirement of two famous mid laners also made the only team, Huangcheng and Yidi, fall into the dilemma of lacking mid laners.

They are all thirsty for the mysterious passer-by Wang Muchen.

But the biggest problem now is that no one can be found at all.

This buddy doesn't even add friends, how can I find him?
In the end, the only way that the major teams could think of was to offer a reward.

They all understand that whoever can contact Mu Chen first will have the greatest probability of persuading him to become a professional player.

The influence and value brought by the world champion of the Tianmu team is beyond imagination.

The major media reported frantically, and the circle of friends of countless people was swiped by the sky.

This means that the commercial value of the s game is higher than imagined.

Several major teams have already received sponsorship from many large companies.

Next year, several major teams will become rich and powerful.

Players can be given a severe salary increase.

The number one in the national server doesn't play professionally, is that plausible?
If you didn't call before, it must be because you didn't have enough money.

After all, professional players only make hundreds of thousands a year, so the temptation is not strong enough.

And next year, these teams will be able to offer millions of annual salaries, which will increase by ten times. Are you still not excited?
Therefore, several major teams also directly issued rewards.

"Whoever can provide Muchen's contact information will receive a bonus of 1 yuan!"

After the Yidi team was the first to post money, other teams followed suit.

If you pay [-], then I will pay [-], and I will pay [-].

Just to get in touch with Mu Chen as quickly as possible, so that he can spend a lot of money to faint, and lure people over to sign a contract.

The battle of stealing people has officially kicked off!

And it is far more than just one national server that triggers the battle of grabbing people.

South Korea is also going on.

Several major teams are very concerned about the news of the changes for the next season.

After playing the s game on the front foot, the designer on the back foot announced a comprehensive overhaul of the s4 season.

The changes this time are mainly aimed at changes to the jungler and support positions.

The designer found that the impact of jungle and support on the game is still too small.

In this competition, we only look at the middle ad, and Nosuke is pure soy sauce, either for eyes or for eyes.

This kind of competition is too unfriendly to Nosuke, and in the rank, there are indeed very few people who are willing to play Nosuke.

Therefore, the changes for the next season are mainly to strengthen Nosuke.

First of all, add an equipment column to provide free accessories for the start, so that warding and rowing become a project for all players to participate in, instead of pressing on Nosuke.

Red, yellow and blue, three-color accessories play different roles, everyone can wear them.

Second, cancel the [-] piece of equipment, the support is already very poor, and the [-] real potion on the head is needed to go to the ward, the economy is too bad.

Third, add a group of ghost wild monsters to the wild area to make the economy of the wild area richer.

Fourth, provide a variety of salary equipment for assistants, so that the economy of the assistants will no longer be poor enough to not be able to install a large item in 10 minutes.

Various changes indicate that next year's jungle and support will become much more important.

Therefore, Hanbok has already expected this result under the premise.

It is also vigorously starting to dig out new jungler support, and the king of the jungle rank is obsessed, and has become the object of competition among the major teams.

This jungler, in rank, has overturned almost all professional junglers in Hanbok.

With an extremely terrifying winning rate, it ranks third in the Korean server.

Moreover, the season is not over yet, and it is very likely that before the season is completely over, this version with a poor jungler and a lot of auxiliary functions will become the number one in Korean server.

Originally, everyone thought that the final Hanbok number one would belong to mid laner Feike.

However, judging from the winning percentage now, the suspense is still there until the last moment.

If this jungler can be included in the bag, next year's S4, the chances of the Korean team winning the championship will be greatly improved.

The pressure in South Korea is much greater than that in China.

The big chaebols are rich but picky.

As long as there is no result, you will not continue to invest money.

It’s okay to see the rabbits and not to spread the eagles, but there is no way. The entire population of South Korea is only a large province in the country, and the market is only so small. You let them see the future, there is a future with a hammer, and Koreans don’t have children. It is already the country with the lowest fertility rate in the world.

Hundreds of years later, the Koreans will become extinct by themselves, and they will lose first and then earn to see the future?
Look at it, the results are about to come out, and if there are no results, the big teams can't even pay their salaries.

Therefore, South Korea's recruitment is also extremely crazy.

The two major regions are staring at the players they think have the most potential.

However, even if they were beaten to death, they would never have guessed that Shen Shen and Mu Chen were actually the same person!

And this guy, at the celebration banquet, was eating sea cucumbers to replenish his body.

If he didn't win the championship, just because of the scene of eating sea cucumbers, Chen Xuan would be sprayed to age forever, but if he wins the championship, everyone will only feel sorry for Chen Xuan, why don't they even eat sea cucumbers, you see, the child is hungry of.

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(End of this chapter)

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