The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 116 Thanos VS Zombie Hero, Kratos

Chapter 116 Thanos VS Zombie Hero, Kratos (Subscribe)
On the New Jersey side, Axis and the others also entered Vision's secret base.

"It seems that there is indeed something blocking him here, these zombies will not approach here at all." Winter Soldier said.

"But it doesn't look like there is a vaccine here. I can't feel the breath of a living person here. How did they study the vaccine?" Hope said.

"Long time no see, guys." At this moment, a red figure slowly descended from the sky and came in front of everyone.

"Vision? My God, you're still alive." The little spider said in great surprise.

"The zombies are not interested in me, my body is not flesh and blood."

"They, why don't they come in." Sharon Carter asked.

"The mind gem on my head will produce a very, strong interference signal to these zombies. They probably don't like it, so they have been afraid to come here." Vision said.

I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you guys, I brought you here just to find some fresh flesh and blood for Wanda.

"Come with me, I will show you my achievements, and I have an unexpected friend." Vision said.

Axis followed everyone and entered the Vision's base, and the battle on Wakanda had already begun.

Axis must now focus on two purposes. He maximized his small universe and began to remotely control the Wakanda battlefield.

On the side of Vision, he remained silent, said nothing, and quietly followed behind everyone.

Here in Wakanda.

Thanos, who just came out of the portal, was very puzzled, what are these screams?
After discovering Thanos, countless quantum zombies rushed towards Thanos, and they tried to infect Thanos one after another, biting his flesh and blood.

But as soon as the zombies approached, Thanos immediately clenched his fists, the red reality gems on the golden gloves shone brightly, and all these zombies turned into rotten flesh.

I have slaughtered the universe for so many years, and I have never seen such weird creatures. They seem to be some kind of dead life that has been resurrected, and now they only have this instinct to eat.

Such a weak creature dared to approach him.The purple light flashed, the power gem was activated, Thanos just lightly hit it, and countless zombies were reduced to ashes.

It seems that the planet has suffered an unimaginable disaster.

However, it has nothing to do with him. Now he has only one thing to do, and that is to find the remaining two infinite gems as soon as possible.Then collect six infinity gems to fulfill your ambition.

My wish will be fulfilled soon, when I can finally put down the butcher knife, I can return to my small garden and live a carefree farm life.

Suddenly a golden portal opened beside Thanos, and the zombie iron man rushed out directly from it, hugging Thanos' neck.

Thanos quickly grabbed the bloody mouth of the zombie iron man who wanted to bite him, and threw the zombie iron man directly out.

On Thanos' right side, another golden portal opened.The three zombie heroes rushed out and hugged Thanos' thighs respectively.

However, they were quickly resolved one by one by this crazy titan.

What are you doing?These guys are just as crazy as they come.

Followed by Zombie Abomination, Zombie Old King, Zombie Captain America, Zombie Hawkeye, Zombie Black Widow, Zombie Falcon, countless zombie heroes rushed to Thanos.

"Well done! Bratless bastards, let you see the gap in our strength." Thanos roared loudly.

Looking at the oncoming zombie monsters, Thanos took a step forward, and the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand suddenly shone with dazzling light.

Countless low-level zombies rushed towards Thanos one after another, but they were all directly and powerfully killed by Thanos. The Reality Gem, the Coordination Power Gem, and the Space Gem, all of a sudden, Thanos was like no one in the zombie army. territory.

"Roar!" On the zombie superhero side, there are not many people who can arm-wrestle with Thanos, but their number makes up for this shortcoming.

Countless zombies rushed towards Thanos, and at the same time, there were also three zombies, Iron Man, Captain America, and Abomination, who opened their mouths wide.Pounced on Thanos.The zombie Iron Man wrapped around Thanos' neck, the zombie Captain America hugged his legs, and the zombies hated him and threw Thanos to the ground.

"Huh!" Thanos shouted violently, the Infinity Gauntlets glowed with a deep purple light, and the three zombie heroes were blown out immediately.

Zombie Captain America was blown to pieces in an instant. Zombie Iron Man was protected by a battle armor. After flying into the sky and buffering hundreds of meters, he stopped and pounced on Thanos again. Well, his body is too strong.

"En!" Zombie Doctor Strange and Zombie King held it in their hands.A golden spell was issued, and countless golden chains appeared, directly locking Thanos' hands and even his legs.

Zombie Iron Man took the opportunity to launch countless missiles in the air, trying to kill Thanos.

And the loss of hatred screamed wildly, and rushed towards Thanos again.

Seeing this, Thanos also laughed, and immediately slapped out with a palm, directly blocking the zombie's hateful fist. At the same time, the missiles all over the sky could not break Thanos' body.

Zombie Iron Man's nano armor suddenly appeared on his chest.Combined into a huge laser cannon.

drop!drop!A beam of light the thickness of a washbasin hit Thanos.

Seeing the huge energy fired by Iron Man towards him, Thanos smiled contemptuously, and immediately raised the zombie abomination, blocking it in front of him, allowing it to resist the attack of zombie Iron Man.

"Roar!" With just one blow, half of the body that the zombie hated disappeared, but he, who inherited the Hulk's blood, began to slowly repair his injuries.

Stab it!A sharp arrow shot at Thanos.

Zombie Falcon and Zombie Hawkeye also began to cooperate to attack Thanos, but these two ordinary people became zombie heroes, and they couldn't do any harm to Thanos at all.

"Hmph!" The Infinity Gauntlet was activated, Zombie Falcon and Zombie Hawkeye were instantly killed, and their entire body was torn to pieces by the power gem.

The backhand sent out huge energy, and directly bombarded the body of Zombie Iron Man. As Thanos let go, Zombie Iron Man was directly blasted away by that powerful force.

And he kicked the zombie, whose body had been recovering slowly, away with a kick.

Although the zombie iron man's cannon caused serious damage to the zombie abomination, the horror recovery ability of losing the abomination is still very effective. Even if he is kicked out by Thanos again, he will be fine, just for a while. Difficulty getting up.

"This dirty planet, I want to clean up you living dead." Thanos said.

But it is a pity that he is facing the zombie heroes, and these zombie heroes will not be afraid to pounce on Thanos again.

However, although these zombie heroes have fought one after another and are not afraid of death, the strength of Thanos is obviously stronger. The strength of Thanos with four infinite gems at this time is beyond their imagination. All the heroes and the zombies here have been cleaned up. It's just a matter of time.

But Axis still has a trump card, that is Kratos, and Dr. Pimhank, the ant-man he found.

Finding Dr. Pim who has turned into a zombie is a windfall!As expected, he was Dr. Pym after becoming a zombie, as Hope had imagined. He didn't know how to configure Pym particles by himself, but only used the Ant-Man suit.

Seeing that only Doctor Strange was left after the zombie hero was killed, and after losing his hatred, Axis began to manipulate his own small universe, and remotely notified Kratos to let him take action.

Without hesitation, Kratos immediately drew out the Chaos Double Blades and rushed directly to Thanos.

"Here comes a wise one, and the fighters report their names." Seeing Kratos rushing towards him, Thanos said.

"Ah!" Kratos' roar and two Chaos Blades answered him.


Thanos also rushed towards Kratos without showing any weakness, and the two burly men collided fiercely.In terms of size, Kratos is even smaller than Thanos, but in terms of strength, he can be evenly matched with Thanos, and even has the upper hand.

When competing for strength, Thanos was surprised to find that his own strength was not as good as this bald head. If he hadn't suppressed this guy with the power gem, he might not be this guy's opponent in terms of strength at this time.

Kratos shouted angrily and jumped in front of Thanos, holding the Blade of Chaos in his left and right hands, waving and rushing forward, the Blade of Chaos used the Hammer of Hyperion, and violently hit Thanos' huge body head, and then swung the Blade of Chaos, slashing at Thanos' head.

But it's a pity that Thanos at this time has four infinite gems, and his power Kratos can't match. The power gems instantly suppressed Kratos and knocked him out.

For the first time since Kratos followed Axis across the world, he encountered a truly powerful enemy, one that could suppress him.

It's a pity that Zeus's gloves and Sun God's shield have been taken back now, otherwise, with the two artifacts in hand, Kratos feels that he can still fight him.

But the Spartans would not retreat just because they were at a disadvantage. Kratos waved the Blade of Chaos and began to attack Thanos frantically.

Thanos directly used the power of the infinite gem to create a protective shield, and Kratos' attacks all fell on the protective shield.


Kratos directly resorted to Poseidon's Wrath, a huge storm erupted all over his body, accompanied by thunder,

This sudden magical attack was so fast that even Thanos didn't react, and he was knocked out.

Immediately afterwards, a biting cold air emerged from the Blade of Chaos, and Kratos switched to Poseidon's Ice, directly freezing Thanos, followed by Zeus Lightning, Ares Flame, and Hades' Nether Attack Thanos.

Countless zombies were attracted by Hades' power, turned into wraiths, and rushed towards Thanos.

The Infinity Gem in Thanos' hand flashed with light, breaking free from the freeze instantly, and all the ghosts were swept away by the power of the Infinity Gem.

This bald head is really difficult to deal with. If there is no infinite gem, I may not be able to deal with him.

"It's just a futile attack. If I didn't have infinite gems, maybe I really wouldn't be your opponent, but with four infinite gems, my strength is beyond your imagination." Thanos said.

He admired the bald warrior a little bit. If it was left in the past, he would most likely want to recover Kratos and convey his lofty thoughts to him.

Let him help himself, contribute to the entire universe, and restore balance to this universe, but now, his own plan does not need the help of others.

"Bah!" At this time, the black armor on Kratos had already been smashed by Thanos, but he still didn't flinch.

At this moment, Doctor Strange, under the control of Axis, suddenly appeared, separated into countless clones, and used magic at the same time to entangle Thanos' limbs.

The old zombie king who was hiding on one side also jumped out when he saw this, and cast magic to trap Thanos together with the zombie Doctor Strange.

The two zombie mages had already exerted their full strength at this time.

"Right now, Kratos is going to cut off his arm." Axis said to Kratos using his own small universe.

"Ah!" Kratos swung his Chaos Blade, exhausted all his strength, jumped up and slashed at Thanos' arm with the infinite gauntlet.

Thanos immediately wanted to break free from the two mages, but at some point, the zombie abomination who had recovered appeared behind him and hugged him directly, making it difficult for Thanos to move.

Kratos swung the Chaos Blade and chopped Thanos' arm off.

"Ah! Ah!" Thanos let out a heart-piercing cry.

Axis didn't give Thanos any chance to breathe, and directly ordered Dr. Pim, who was lurking aside, to immediately fly into Thanos' wound with a piece of flesh and blood from the quantum zombie.

"Okay, Kratos, evacuate now, the farther away the better, and then there will be nothing for you."

Kratos nodded, put away his Chaos Blade, and picked up the arm you cut off on the ground, with four infinity gems on it.

The two zombie mages immediately opened a portal, took Dr. Pym who had shrunk, and Quedos and left the place together, leaving only Thanos who lost an arm and was screaming.

Even with Thanos' strong physical fitness, he didn't resist for long. Half an hour later, Thanos was successfully infected into a zombie.

And an ordinary zombie with a black light shining in one eye slowly approached Thanos.

"I've got what you asked for."

"Very good, Kratos." Then it's a matter of time. More than a week should be enough time for his own death universe to infect Thanos. Although he lost a hand, Thanos is still very powerful. .

"Okay, Kratos, next, we can prepare to leave here, you come to my side now, I will let Doctor Strange open a portal for you."

"I'm leaving now," Kratos said.

This golden glove is not bad. I lost the Zeus glove. Will it have a better effect if I use this glove?

 [-] words, please subscribe monthly ticket, I found that everyone seems to like [-] words big chapter, I will update [-] words later, two chapters are [-] and one chapter is [-]!Continue until the end of the November holiday
  (Some friends here may ask, would a brave warrior like Erquitos really go to attack Thanos? The answer is yes, Spartans have been trained to steal and use all kinds of despicable things since childhood. Means. Although they are pure fighters, it doesn’t mean they won’t use tricks and tricks. You must be clear about this. Spartan warriors won’t tell you about chivalry.)
(End of this chapter)

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