The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 163 Parallel Universe Conjecture, Lich King's Death, Back to Greece

Chapter 163 Parallel universe conjecture, Lich King dies, returns to Greece
Time passed quickly, and the armies of the Horde and the Alliance marched around, sweeping across a large area of ​​the Scourge undead territory, and also received the help of a small number of nerubians and tuskarr allies.

The Scourge Legion has been routed near the Scourge's Gate, and the troops of the Horde and the Alliance plan to join forces to attack the Scourge's Gate.

At the same time, the mages of Dalaran cooperated with the Red Dragon Queen to defeat the corrupted Blue Dragon King. Originally, Axis wanted to steal the power of the Blue Dragon King.

But after thinking about it, he already had the power of his boss, the Titans. It seemed that he had no desire for this low-level power to protect the power of the dragon.

With the power of the Titan family, I don't need the power of such a guardian dragon at all.

Even in the future, after he completely controls the power of the Titan family, he can create some guardian dragon kings of his own, and there is no big problem.

And this trip to World of Warcraft, Axis also discovered a new usage of Infinity Gems, that is, when Infinity Gems are used together, their power will be multiplied.

I have three infinity gems, and now I can use them at the same time to transform other energies into the power to protect the order of the Titans.

The infinite gems that have been upgraded through the world of saints have begun to gradually approach the power of the original infinite gems, and they can exert more powerful power in the world of saints.

I still underestimate the power of the infinite gems a bit. When the six infinite gems gather together, they can even affect the entire multiverse.

Although this is a weakened version, it is infinitely close to the original version after undergoing the transformation of the small universe of Saint Seiya.

But this time helping Azeroth Star Soul does benefit a lot.

The titans in the world of Azeroth are much stronger than those in the world of God of War. I have absorbed part of the power of the titans of Azeroth, and I have obtained a kind of life-level evolution. No kidding, my future When they grow up, they will be more perfect than the ancient Greek gods.

Of course, the power of the Infinity Stones contributed to his ability to grow so quickly.

It seems that I have to go to the Marvel world when I have time. I have to find a way to gather the other three infinite gems to form a set of infinite gems.

There are many parallel universes in the Marvel world. Space gems and time artifacts cooperate with each other. I don’t know if it is possible to travel through parallel universes in the Marvel world. It has been confirmed in the world of Azeroth.

You can also go to other worlds to experiment!There are many parallel universes in Saint Seiya's world view, which can be explored.

"Axis, where have you been the past few days? We are discussing the matter of attacking the Scourge Gate. Originally, you were supposed to be an important person, but I couldn't find you anywhere at the meeting! Who is this sacred? Are you also your subordinate?" Sylvanas walked in, saw Kratos standing beside Axis, and said.

"It doesn't matter if I attend that kind of meeting or not. This time, Wrathgate is the time of the Lich King Arthas' death. This person is called Kratos, and he has been my partner for a long time. He went to solve some tricky things before. , now the task is complete, and has returned to me."

"Oh! Alright! It seems that this Northern Expedition will be very easy, hello Kratos, my name is Sylvanas."

"." Kratos glanced at Cirvanas, and didn't mean to speak at all.

"What do you mean? I'm greeting you." Queen Xi's expression changed instantly.

This bald head is too arrogant, right?

"Ahem! Kratos is not very good at communicating, don't worry about it." Axis said.

"I'm going to rest first, let me know when I'm leaving." Kratos ignored Sylvanas's intentions at all, turned and left.

"Is he your subordinate? That's the attitude towards me." Obviously, Sylvanas was very dissatisfied with Kratos.

"He has the qualifications to despise you, Cirvanas. In a real fight, I'm not even his opponent. I'm the one who will be blown out by him. It's already a miracle that I can get his help." Ah Keith said.

"Cut! What kind of status will I be by your side in the future? You have to give me an explanation." Queen Xi asked.

"One of my women, enjoy eternity with me in the future." Axis thought for a while and said.

".So you have other women? What a bloody bastard." Obviously, Cirvanas was not particularly satisfied with Siaxis' answer.

"Why don't you just serve me directly?"

"Go away! Go to hell!"

A few days later, the armies of the Horde and the Alliance came to the Scourge Gate. Facing the undead army of natural disasters like a tide, the Black Blade Knights of the Silver Northern Expedition and the Horde Alliance army launched an attack together.

And Axis took advantage of this time to bring Kor'Thuzad directly to the Frozen Throne.

They planned to steal the Lich King's home first.

"Master, can you directly release the Lich King's control over them? As long as you release the suppression of the ruling power, all the undead creatures will betray Alsace." Kel'Thuzad said.

"It's ok, but I'll only remove these things in Icecrown Fortress. After all, you will still wear the crown of ruler on your head in the future." After finishing speaking, Axis directly used the small universe of God to shield the power of rule here. .

Now I can easily do this with God's Microcosm, God's Power, and Infinity Gems.

After lifting the Lich King's dominance, almost all undead creatures rebelled in an instant.

"Is this eternal slavery finally over?"

"We've been controlled by that Alsace guy for too long."

"Free at last."

"We want to avenge Arthas. Someone must have attacked the Lich King, causing his power to leak, and we were able to be free."

While these undead creatures were discussing with each other, Axis walked in with Kel'Thuzad.

"It was I who shielded the power of dominance here and freed you from the Lich King's control." Axis said.

"Kel'Thuzad, are you a lackey of Arthas?"

"It was before, weren't you the same as me before? We were all lackeys of the Lich King Arthas, and now we are all out of his control." Kel'Thuzad said.

"We are different from you! We were controlled by him after he killed you, but you have already surrendered to him when you were alive." Prince Varana said.

"Listen to me, all free undead creatures, now you have three choices, one is to join the forces of the Forsaken and gain freedom, now the leader of the Forsaken is the former Ranger General, Sylvanas Windrunner, In the future, you may have a chance to be resurrected. Second, I will send you to the Shadow Realm, the kingdom of death, where you will be judged by the arbitrator and assigned to the respective countries. The third is to follow Kel’Thuzad. If you serve me in the future, I will directly give you the chance to be resurrected," Axis said.

All the undead creatures looked at each other, and chose to go to the Shadow Kingdom, some chose to be added to the Forsaken, and some planned to choose to join Axis and join the forces of Kel'Thuzad.

Several of the disaster scientists have joined Kel'Thuzad's forces. They were Kel'Thuzad's apprentices and members of the Sect of the Damned.

The Blood Prince and his party transformed from the blood elves, the blood queen Lana Thiel, and some other blood elves who had regained their freedom chose to join the forces of the Forsaken.

After all, they still trust Sylvanas. Icecrown Glacier is the home base of the Lich King. There are tens of thousands of Scourge legions gathered here. Among them, there are tens of thousands of undead creatures turned into blood elves.

Most of them fell when they attacked the Frozen Throne together with the blood elf prince Kael'thas, Illidan and others.

These people, as well as some warriors who were resurrected as undead by the Scourge, chose to join the Forsaken together.

And the blue dragon king Xindagosa was disheartened at this time, and she begged Axis to send her back to the kingdom of the dead so that she could rest in peace.

"I agree to your request, the underworld wave with corpse energy." Axis directly sent the blue dragon queen's soul to the shadow kingdom of this world with a direct move of the underworld wave, where she will be judged by the arbitrator , After that, things have nothing to do with me.

"Aren't you going to want the power of this giant dragon? Master, the undead creatures created by the dragon clan are the most powerful." Kel'Thuzad asked after seeing Axis let go of the blue dragon queen so easily. .

"There is no need, now Kelsgard, return to Naxxramas with your apprentices and those who are loyal to you."

"According to the master."

On the other side, the battlefield of Scourge Gate.This time, the little Saurfang still rushed towards the Lich King Arthas bravely like a column, and was knocked down by one move. But this time, there were many masters, so he did not sacrifice.

After that, Baioret, the great lord of the Black Blade Knights Darion Mograine, the commander of the Argent Northern Expedition, Tirion Fordring, and the Duke of Perwa on the alliance side.

Garrosh Hellscream on the Horde side, Old King Saurfang, and Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, all began to besiege the Lich King Arthas together.

Some of these people could even single out the Lich King. Arthas had no chance of winning at this time, and when he wanted to escape, he was stopped by Axis who fell from the sky.

"This way is dead."

There was no suspense in the subsequent battle. Frostmourne was the same as the original book. He was split in two by the Ashbringer, and then he was knocked to the ground by the giant ax of the Horde orcs. Then, Baioret used his unique trick to create a real beast. , to make up for the Lich King one last time, at this time Arthas fell to his knees like a bereaved dog.

"Accept the wrath of the Horde, Lich King, I will crush you." Garrosh Hellscream raised his big axe and struck the head of Lich King Arthas, but the blow was defeated by Ak Sith blocked it.

"He has to go to the Shadow Realm to accept the trial. Accumulate the corpse energy of the Underworld Wave!" Axis didn't talk nonsense, and directly hit the Underworld Wave, knocking Alsace's soul out of his body, and then entered the Shadow Realm. The soul is of no use to itself.

Axis then took his Helm of the Ruler and the broken Frostmourne.

"You bastard, how dare you attack the tribal warriors, don't think that Cirvanas can protect you, I want to" But before he finished speaking, he exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Axis snapped his fingers at the side, sending Shaoxia Hou away in an instant.

"What do you want! Go to the Shadow Realm and talk to the arbitrator! I'm sorry, I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense." Axis didn't mean to be polite about the stupid roar.

No one expected that Axis would dare to directly kill the leader of the tribe this time.

"You! You!" King Saurfang was extremely angry. He wanted to rush up, but was stopped by the tauren chief of the tribe.

This guy is obviously not something they can deal with.

"Let's go, Biolet, our mission has been completed, there is no need to stay here anymore." Axis said.

"Yes my lord," Biolet said.

Alliance and Horde, now we are not on the same level.

"To be honest, we Forsaken are probably about to withdraw from the Horde, but you killed Garrosh directly, Hellscream." Sylvanas said after returning to the Forsaken camp.

"You don't need it anymore. Before you joined the tribe, it was just to seek asylum. I have conquered Kel'Thuzad. I will hand over the Lich King's ruler to him, and he will gather Northrend All undead natural disasters, the same, I will leave you 100 million zombies, you can transform them into an army of undead, I think no force will dare to offend you." Axis said.

"you are leaving?"

"Yes, but don't be sad, I will establish a permanent portal, I can come back to see you anytime, anywhere, by the way, here is this for you, this is the blood of God, after your small universe reaches the seventh sense, take this piece of blood Applying it on your armor will make your armor evolve." Axis handed Queen Xi a bottle of God's Blood and said.

"Cut! I will take good care of your influence in Azeroth." Queen Xi said.

"Don't be sad, I will come to pick you up when I am strong enough. By the way, there are more than 1 blood elves who have escaped from the control of the Lich King. They want to join your Forsaken. Take time to accept them."

"Okay! But in the last few days, you just stay with me honestly."

On the last day of his departure, after placating Sylvanas, Axis came to the Tomb of Sargeras on the Broken Isles.

"Are you here, my lord? The portal has already been partially built."

"No need to build, my plan has been completed ahead of schedule, now we don't need to find a way to steal the power of the fallen Titan Argus, because I have already obtained the power of the Titan." Axis said.

"." So I've been busy for so long, so I haven't done anything.

"But the portal to summon the Burning Legion, maybe we can use it in other worlds, you stay in my private space for a while first." This guy is a famous anti-bone boy, so he must stay with him first.

After doing all this, Axis returned to the ancient Greek world with Kratos.

 To be honest, I am a top fan of Warcraft, but because of some things, many new book lovers have not read World of Warcraft.So I can only end it hastily. Originally, World of Warcraft can write a lot of things. I even arranged a parallel universe war, but this routine should only be used in other worlds, because after all, everyone doesn’t know much about World of Warcraft. Next World, I plan to find a world where the combat power is not particularly strong, and plunder a wave of authority.

(End of this chapter)

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