Chapter 182 Studying Runes
"Father, I heard a lot of noise, and I want to come out to help you." Atreus, who had just crawled out of the cellar, said.

Just now he really wanted to rush out and help his father to fight together, but he understood that if he rushed out by himself, his father might not have time to fight at all.

"It's a good thing you didn't come out, now we have to leave here quickly, there is no time." Kratos said.

"Has he been defeated by you?" Atreus asked.

"No, just repelled him temporarily, pack up, kid, we have to get out of here." Kratos said.

"Good father."

The father and son simply packed some luggage, Atreus put his hunting bow on his back, and the two began to move towards the distance.

"Father, look, there was originally a barrier covering here, but now it has been destroyed." Atreus pointed to the golden forest shining in the distance and said, the barrier at that part had disappeared.

"That was the enchantment that your mother set up when she lived in seclusion here, but I don't know why before she died, she told me to cut them all off. This is her last wish, and I must do it." Kratos said arrive.

"Maybe, mother has her own ideas." Atreus said.

The two of them moved forward along the way, and encountered many resurrected undead warriors along the way. The dusk of the gods has approached the entire Midgar, and there are not many surviving humans.

Correspondingly, all kinds of monsters ran out, most of which were undead warriors.

However, these undead warriors are just one knife in front of Kratos, and they are completely unparalleled mowing grass.

None of them can block a fist or an ax from Kratos. There are some banshees among them, and Kratos will let Atreus practice his hands.

But when encountering some small frost giants, berserkers and the like, Kratos would personally cut off his head.

Athena and Axis also came to a box with strange runes printed on it.

The light blue light shining on it is the famous rune, which is a special rune that contains magical power.

According to legend, Odin sacrificed one of his eyes and hung himself upside down on the world tree for nine days and nine nights before comprehending this rune.

Any weapon can depict this rune to increase its strength. This special rune can also be made into various accessories to increase the wearer's strength and give them various elemental abilities.

Kratos' Leviathan battle ax was inlaid with many such runes. Axis took Athena to several ruins of human civilization, and collected some of these special runes. Text accessories, as well as weapons.

And found several exquisite boxes, and cracked the magic seal on them. There are many books about runes in them.

These are the lower runes given to humans by God King Odin.

Most of the humans in this world have become extinct, and the wild is full of monsters, giant beasts, and undead creatures. The dusk of the gods is getting closer and closer.

"This kind of magical rune contains mysterious and unpredictable magical energy, Axis, but there are some I can't understand, so I can barely understand it?" Athena said.

Now she and Axis can only find some Luwen rune products in some ruined treasure chests in this world, and use them, but if you want to dig deeper into the usage of these Luwen runes, even the production method is more difficult. It's difficult.

"I happen to have a master of runes." Axis said with a smile.

The Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad, who I recovered in World of Warcraft, is a master at studying runes. The fragments of Frostmourne are now also kept and studied by the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad.

It was engraved with runes from the Shadow Realm, and Axis wanted to summon Kel'Thuzad to this world and let him observe the runes of this world.

"Really? You recruited them in the last world?" Athena asked.

"Yes, he is a crazy human archmage who studies magic to the point of obsession. He feels that he doesn't have enough time to study endless magic knowledge, so he turns himself into a lich.

Wanting to gain eternal time to study these countless magical knowledge, I turned it into a ghost fighter, gave him a new life, and he promised to serve me. said Axis.

"If that's the case, no problem, let's summon him! Maybe he can explain these runes and the energy contained in them." Athena said.

Axis nodded.Through the ability of the permanent portal, he came to Naxxramas, the World of Warcraft, and shocked Kel'Thuzad, who was studying.

"it's me."

"It turned out to be your master, I thought it was an intruder!" At this time, Kel'Thuzad had turned back into a human being.

"When I was traveling in another world, I found a magical rune alphabet. This rune can give various weapons or accessories magical powers. I want you to go and study it." Axis said arrive.

"Oh! This is something I'm good at. My master, please wait a moment. I'll arrange matters here, and I'll go with you." Kel'Thuzad said respectfully.

Soon, Kel'Thuzad arranged the affairs in Naxxramas and left with Axis.

After a burst of light, Axis brought Kel'Thuzad and a green-skinned orc appeared in front of Athena.

This green-skinned orc is Gul'dan.Axis felt that Gul'dan was also a talent, and wanted him to participate in the research of these runes.

"These are your two subordinates?" Athena said after glancing at the two of them.

One is a species similar to an orc, with very evil and aggressive and polluting energy in its body. Although the other has now transformed into a ghost fighter, it should have been an existence that controlled magic and death energy in the past.

"Who is this lord?"

"She's called Athena, she's your mistress, just call her Goddess." Axis said.

"Oh! I've met the goddess, my name is Gul'dan, and I like to study all kinds of powerful items." The green-skinned orc grinned and said.

"The former human archmage Kel'Thuzad has seen the goddess."

After greeting Athena.Axis handed over the rune accessories, rune weapons, and some rune books found by himself and others to the two.

These are the lowest runes that Odin bestowed on humans, and they should be able to research something.

As for the more advanced runes, it is estimated that only the Nordic protoss or dwarves have them.

After doing all this, Axis and Athena continued to follow Kratos and his son to a beautiful forest.

(End of this chapter)

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