The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 188 Asking Kratos to Help Repair the Mother-Child Relationship

Chapter 188 Asking Kratos to Help Repair the Mother-Child Relationship
"Wait, why is it involved in helping the father and son again?" Freya said.

"Their father and son can help you resolve the relationship between you and your son." Axis said.

Before this, in fact, this old father had already fought with your son. If it weren't for his immortal body, your son would have been killed!
"Can they really help me?" Freya asked.

"Of course, you have to believe me. Next, you can help the father and son go to the kingdom of the elves of light. They are helpless on the top of the mountain now!" Axis said.

"Okay! Then don't let me down." Freya said.

"I won't disappoint you. I will teleport you there directly through the space ability. Remember, don't expose my existence for the time being. You can just find a reason and say that you want to help them. They just wanted to ask you for help." , I went to your tree house, but you were not there." Axis said.

"I see, I won't expose your existence, and to be honest. I also really want to help the father and son. This matter will not cause any harm to them, will it?"

"No, I won't let the father and son do any harm. Believe me, I still have a good impression of the father and son." Axis said.

"This way I can rest assured, that little boy is quite cute, he reminds me of Badr when I was a child, well, you can send me there." Freya said.

"En! You only need to help the father and son, and leave the other things to me. After you gain their absolute trust, we will proceed to the next step." Axis said.

In the follow-up battle with Bader, Kratos showed mercy many times, and even let him go. In the end, if it wasn't for protecting Freya, a silly woman, Kratos would not have killed Bader.

But in fact, there is another way to make Badr recognize his mother again.

"I see."

Axis nodded, and used the power of the space gem to teleport Freya to the father and son.

Freya quickly got on line with Kratos and his son, and told them that she had just returned to the magic hut and found traces of someone coming, so she thought of them and came to see if they needed help.

"We really need help. We are going to the highest mountain to scatter mother's ashes, so we have to go up the mountain, but this black fog blocks our way." Little Atreus said.

"Can you help us?" Kratos asked.

"For the sake of your lovely son, I will help you! Come with me." Freya said with a smile.

Next, she guided the father and son to the teleportation hall of the Temple of the Lake of the World, told them how to travel to various countries, and asked them to go to the kingdom of the elves of light, where they could find a way to break the fog.

Immediately afterwards, Freya enchanted little Atreus's bow and arrows and taught them how to use the crystal of light.

After the father and son thanked Freya, they embarked on a journey to the kingdom of the elves of light.

"Good job. After they come back, they will ask you for help many times later. You have to try your best to help them." Axis said.

"Needless to say, I feel good about the father and son. I will help them. Even if there is nothing about my son, I will help them." Freya said.

What a pair of strong father and son, I hope they can fulfill their mother's last wish.

"Next, I will go to meet Badr. I have to be a good friend with your son first." Axis said with a smile.

"Be friends with my son? Come on, Badr's character is very extreme and cruel, and he is extremely impulsive and irritable, and because of the curse I put on him, his temper is moody." Freya said.

"Believe me, the old father just now was much crueler than your son when he was young. That old father killed all the gods of a god system, and even several god kings." Axis said arrive.

Kratos, who was extremely cruel in his youth, can handle it by himself. A little Bader, isn't it easy for me to take a shot?

"What? This, how is this possible? He, he has killed several god kings and destroyed a god system, you, what are you kidding?" Freya said with a changed face.

That old father who took care of his son wholeheartedly, with a kind face and gentle personality, would have been such a brutal person before, even more cruel than his own son?
"Believe me, if you have been to the Greek world, no one will know the name of Kratos, the soul of Sparta. He is the real synonym for cruelty, but he has changed a lot now. With his previous temper, he will not ask you for help, but directly force you to help him." Axis said.

"Is it because of his children and his dead wife?" Freya asked thoughtfully.

"You are quite smart, and there is indeed part of the reason. He wants to behave more like a qualified father in front of his son, rather than a brutal bald head." Axis said.

"Okay! After what you said, I'm quite interested in the past of this old father. Can you tell me about it? I'm going back to my tree house now, and you can tell me about this old father." past," Freya said.

Is this guy a god similar to Tyr, who also likes to travel in various worlds or kingdoms?However, his personality is completely different from Tyre's, and Freya wanted to get to know him better.

"Of course no problem, but I have to see your son now, wait!" Axis said.

"You won't hurt him, will you?" Freya asked in fear.

"Trust me, your son, nothing will happen." After Axis finished speaking, he disappeared from Freya's worried, nervous, fearful, and expectant eyes.

When Bader was kicked off the cliff by Kratos, he had already left a space mark on Bader, so that he could clearly know his exact position.

Now Badar has repaired himself and is inquiring about the origin of Kratos. He is going to join the two sons of Thor, and then ask the wise giant Mimir, what is the origin of the father and son.

Just then, a puff of blue smoke appeared in front of him, and a man appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Who are you?" Badr asked, frowning.

"Badr, if I can lift the curse on you and allow you to feel, eat, feel pain, feel heat and cold, how are you going to thank me?" Axis said with a smile .

(End of this chapter)

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