The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 196 Deimos and Old Kratos

Chapter 196 Deimos and Old Kratos
At this time, Athena and Axis who were hiding outside Freya's tree house were a little speechless.

Come on, how bad is Kratos' impression of them?How much do you hate the Greek gods?

"It seems that you have subdued this witch and the Lord God, and it seems that you have exposed a lot of your secrets." Athena said.

"I agreed with what she said. After all, I was going to rescue her in the end, and there were some secrets that Freya didn't tell the father and son." Axis said.

"Okay, but how do you plan to arrange the mother and son? Our world definitely can't let them stay there. The appearance of two main gods will cause a lot of trouble, and they are the main gods of the foreign mythological kingdom." Athena said.

"I plan to put them in the world of Saint Seiya, or the next new century I explore." Axis said.

"In the world of Saint Seiya, what if the mother and son are doing something stupid? If you are not here, Persephone may not be able to suppress them." Athena said.

"Don't worry, you forgot that there is a super god! I once took this woman named Freya to see a super god. She didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary, and this woman really didn't have any ambitions. He just I just want to live a good life, as for Badr, he has a good relationship with me now, I have not offended him, and he has no reason to fight me." Axis said.

"Do whatever you want, but Kratos in this world seems to be very hostile to us, and he doesn't believe us." Athena said.

"Hehe! It's okay, I want to bring someone from our world to meet this Kratos, and he will believe what we say." Axis said.

"Oh! Who are you going to bring here? It won't be Kratos in our world, right? Are you going to let two Kratos fight? But if they fight, I think Kratos in our world is stronger, and he is stronger. Younger, stronger, more powerful, powerful, and possesses the power of the small universe." Athena said.

"No! I won't call Kratos from our world. I plan to bring Demos here to persuade my brother. No one is better than my brother." Axis said.

"Ah! I'm looking forward to this scene."

"Hahaha! I'm also looking forward to it. Next, Lady Goddess, you continue to implement our plan. I'll go back first." Axis said.

"I know you go!"

Axis nodded, and directly used his own system to return to his original timeline, leaving this parallel universe temporarily.

After returning to his own world, Axis immediately went to the kingdom of death without stopping.

Thanadus, the god of death, and Hypnos, the god of sleep, immediately rushed over to greet Axis after sensing the small universe of Axis.

"See Lord Axis!" X2
"En! During my absence, did anything happen in the Kingdom of the Dead?" Axis asked.

"There is no master. During this period of time, no god or demigod hero came to the kingdom of the dead, but some undead came here occasionally. Deimos has also trained well and has been working hard to improve his divine power. Now his combat power, He is already the top existence among the demigods, and some ordinary gods are no match for him." Death God Thanadus said.

"Very good, you two continue to guard the kingdom of the dead, ask Demos to come over, and I will take him away for a few days." Axis said.

"Yes, Master Axis." Death Thanadus saluted Axis, turned around and returned to Death Palace, and brought Deimos who was training.

"Is that you, Axis? Do you want me to come over?" Deimos asked.

"That's right, I really have something to do with you this time. Athena and I went to another world before, which is a parallel universe in our world. What does Kratos say there? He is a little hostile to me and Athena, I I hope you can help to resolve it." Axis said.

"Another world? My brother Kratos is hostile to you. Aren't you good friends? And you saved me. How can you be hostile to you?" Obviously, Deimos can't understand the parallel universe. statement.

"It's not what you think. How to put it, you think that it's not your brother in this world, but a brother in another world. He is completely different from Kratos in this world. Your brother's life experience and trajectory are completely different. , he is more tragic. And your brother Kratos is more "Axis stopped suddenly, because at this time Deimos opened his mouth wide, his head was full of question marks, it seemed that he didn't understand what he said at all What's the meaning.

"Did you not understand?" Axis asked.

"Yes! I don't understand what you're talking about at all. You mean there are two my brothers? The experiences of the two brothers are completely different. If they have different experiences, how could he be Kratos, how could he be my brother? said Deimos.

"Forget it, why am I telling you this? Just pack up your things and go over with me." Axis rubbed his head and said.

It is obviously impossible to expect a Spartan fool to understand what a parallel universe is and what a peer is.

"Okay, that's about the same. What am I going to do after I get there? Let me tell you first, what I'm best at is fighting, and trying to persuade others not to come to me." Demos said.

"After you go, just do as I say." Axis stopped talking nonsense with Deimos, grabbed him and activated his own time-traveling ability, and directly returned to the world of God of War in the parallel universe Nordic.

"This, is this another world? It's really miraculous, we disappeared in a blink of an eye." Deimos looked around in amazement, and said.

"I'll be emotional later, I'll arrange for you to meet with Kratos later, after the two of you meet, you just need to tell him your experiences over the years." Axis said.

"I see." Deimos nodded.

Isn't understanding just fighting?Spartan persuasion.

Kratos left Freya's hut with a heavy heart, and moved on with his son.He was full of worries about the future of this world.

If you want to protect little Atreus safely, then the best way is of course to take him out of this world, but it is absolutely impossible to ask yourself to beg Athena.

What's more, he didn't trust Athena at all.

"Father! In front, there is someone in front." Little Atreus shook Kratos, who was distracted, and pointed to the front.

In front of him stood a burly man wearing golden shoulder armor, a red leather skirt, and holding a golden round shield and spear!
He has the same stripes as his father, but his father is red and his is golden.For some reason, the moment he saw this man, little Atreus had a very familiar feeling. He was like his father, really like him.

Hearing Little Atreus' words, Kratos also looked up, and the moment he saw that figure, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible." The one on the opposite side, the one on the other side, is his younger brother who has died in his arms, his own younger brother Deimos who died in the Kingdom of Death and was killed by the God of Death Thanadus .

Kratos thought he was hallucinating, and slapped himself hard twice.

The man holding a spear, a golden shield, and a golden shoulder armor just stared at him.

"Father, father, what's the matter with you? You, do you know him?" Atreus asked.

It was the first time he had seen his father like this, flustered.

"I, I don't know, child, you, you, me, me." At this moment, Kratos stuttered, he didn't know what to say.

how can that be?Is this really his brother?Is it really Deimos?How did he come back to life?How did he survive?Why is it here?Why did it appear in front of me?
This time it was definitely not a hallucination like Athena's. He really existed, because little Atreus also saw him.

Deimos slowly came to Kratos with a Spartan weapon and shield in hand, and looked up and down at this extremely old brother.

He can be sure that this is his brother Kratos, but!But why is he so old?
A month ago, he had only met his younger brother. His brother was still the same as when he was a child. He was just as violent, full of power, and caring about him. But what happened to the old father in front of him?
So, this is really another world, and this world also has a brother of its own, so what happened to me in this world?
"Who are you? Who are you? Deimos is dead, why pretend to be him?" Kratos roared loudly at Deimos in front of him.

"I am indeed called Deimos, and my brother is also called Kratos, but he is not you. He is much braver and stronger than you." Deimos said.

"No! Athena, is this your trick again?" Kratos asked loudly, pulled out his Leviathan battle axe, and looked at Deimos fiercely.

"A Spartan greeting? I like it." Deimos also raised his golden shield and Spartan spear.

"Father, I'll help you deal with him." Little Atreus took out his bow and arrow and aimed at Deimos in front of him.

"No! Child, this is not your battle, stand aside for me." Kratos said.

"But me!"

"I'll say it again! Stand aside for me!!" Kratos yelled in a voice that was almost roaring.

"Yes, yes!" Little Atreus trembled in fright. It was the first time he saw, the first time he saw such a furious father.

"Ah!" Kratos swung the Leviathan ax and rushed towards Deimos.

Not to be outdone, Deimos sneered, raised his golden Spartan shield and spear, and rushed towards Kratos.

Brothers from two worlds fought fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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