Chapter 251 Deal with Thor
"Let's make a long story short guys, I really don't have time to greet my friends right now, thank you for your help last night, but now the whole Asgardian children have been kidnapped, I have to save them, I just heard that you can provide Help right?" Thor asked.

He is extremely anxious deep in his heart now. These children are the hope of Asgard. If these children are lost, the Asgardians may really exterminate.

"You definitely need my help. I can help you bring back all the children of Asgard intact, and your girlfriend, oh! It should be said that it is the terminal illness of my ex-girlfriend. I can also treat her, but I will charge a small consultation fee." Axis said.

"You said just now that you can help us rescue all the kidnapped children, and you can even cure the sickness you have lost, right? You didn't lie to me, buddy?" Thor looked at Axis very asked seriously.

As for the consultation fee that Axis mentioned, he didn't take it seriously at all. Although the Asgardians have become refugees, they still have a lot of background.

"Of course, I can save your girlfriend and make her intact. Even if you want to start over with her, I have a way to give her a long life. As for saving Asgard's children, this matter It's easy for me. When that guy attacked, I also left a coordinate on him. As long as I need it, I can find him immediately, without any effort. Then the method is much simpler. We only need to defeat him , Just save the child." Axis said.

Hearing what Axis said, Thor, the god of thunder, was extremely pleasantly surprised at this time, and it seemed that this guy could solve his troubles perfectly.

To be honest, he really wanted to start again with Jane Foster. He hoped to live with Jane and raise offspring together, but the lifespan of a mortal is too short. For him, who has a lifespan of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, To Thor, Jane is like a flash in the pan.

As for rescuing the child who was kidnapped in Asgard, it would be even more surprising. Originally, he planned to go to the city of the gods to seek help from the gods living there, especially to meet his idol Zeus.

But now it seems that it is not necessary. (I have enough of the funny Zeus in Thor IV. Is there the worst Zeus in history? There is no Zeus in any work, which is worse than this. Find a chance to let Kui Ye kill him. What do you think? How about it?)
"Oh! If this is the case, that would be great, tell me what you want to pay, sir." Thor asked.

"It's very simple Thor, I want to borrow your weapon, the Storm Axe." Axis said.

"What! What? You, you want to use my storm tomahawk? Uh!" Normally, he would never agree to this condition of others. Weapons are the lifeblood of the Nordic protoss, and they must not be handed over to others.

But at this juncture, if the other party can really save those children and cure their illness, then just borrow the Storm Axe!Anyway, it's not always loaned to the other party.

"You want to borrow the Storm Axe, let's agree first, just lend it to you, and have to return it to me soon, he can't leave me for too long, you know? We two have a very good relationship, how long do you plan to borrow it?" ?” said Thor.

"If you are lucky, it may only take a few days, and if there is any delay, it may take up to a month." Axis said.

"No, not for a month. I can't let him leave me for such a long time. I can lend it to you for seven days at most. After seven days, you can return it to me intact, but the premise is that you first cure Jane's illness and take the child Bring them back." Thor said.

"15 days, if you don't agree, then I'll leave here, you can find a way to save the children in Asgard, and cure your ex-girlfriend, but I have to remind you, the longer the children are outside , the greater the danger." Axis said.

"Okay! OK! OK! I promise you." He really had no room for bargaining.For Asgard now, saving those children is the most important thing.

"Very good, let's talk about the second transaction." Axis said with a smile.

"Do we have a second deal, man?" Thor asked.

"This transaction is not so urgent. You should want to get back together with Dr. Jane Foster. Well, I can help you. The biggest obstacle between you is actually the issue of longevity. I can teach Jane a way of energy cultivation in the small universe. , Let her live for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years is not a big problem." Axis said.

Dr. Jane Foster's current situation is almost between man and god. When she becomes the female Thor, she is indeed a god, but as long as she loses Thor's hammer, she will become a mortal again. The reason why she can become a god , it should be because all the divine power in her body is provided by Thor's Hammer.

In this state, Axis can directly light up the small universe of God for her. Now that Axis has advanced to the level of the main god, it is not so difficult to light up the small universe of God.

"Small universe? Can this really give Jane a long life?" Thor asked.

"Of course it's the real Sol. Not only that, but if Miss Jane obtains the God's Cosmos, her lifespan will be longer than yours in turn. You need to find a way to increase your lifespan." Axis said.

"OK! What job do you want? As long as it's not something I can't do at all, I can promise you." Thor said.

"I want you to do three things for me. How about these things that won't threaten the entire universe or Earth, won't threaten New Asgard, and won't let you slaughter defenseless mortals at will?" Axis said. Speaking of.

"En! If that's the case." As long as he doesn't do bad things, destroy the earth, destroy the universe, massacre other alien races, or threaten New Asgard, there is nothing wrong with him.

"OK then deal, I want you to do me the first thing, take me to Vidani, the planet of dwarves." Axis said.

"You, you want to forge weapons? Indeed, the dwarf king's craftsmanship is the best in the universe, but I'm not sure if he will help you. You must know that Thanos completely wiped out the dwarves last time. Revenge casts the Storm Ax for me, and the materials are all prepared in advance." Thor said.

"You don't need to worry about it, Mr. Thor, you just need to take me to meet the dwarf king." Axis said.

This dwarf king is planning to abduct him directly. After all, your family is completely dead.

And the Asgardians you are loyal to did not come to protect you when you were exterminated, but I can, not only can I protect you, I can even resurrect your people.

As long as it is not a god, now Axis can use the power of Tenseikan to resurrect the opponent, first resurrect the target into an undead, and then perform resurrection ninjutsu.

This is no longer the false life of Mingdu, but a resurrection in the true sense. Axis had already experimented on Kel'Thuzad once before.Now Kel'Thuzad has been completely resurrected.

As long as his small universe has cultivated to the eighth sense or his own strength reaches the level of a demigod, Axis will ignite the small universe of God for him, allowing him to obtain a truly eternal lifespan.

"If all the requirements are like this, then there is no problem, I can take you to the dwarf planet, and I will help you convince the dwarf king, no matter what you want to do." Thor said.

"OK! Sol, prepare to accept your Asgardian children later? Kratos and I are going to save people." Axis said.

"I'll go with you, that guy is hard to deal with."

"No, no, no, he's easy to deal with. You don't have to go. It's really not necessary at all." If you go, the Storm Axe will be exposed to the opponent. What if something uncontrollable happens?It's better to be insured by yourself and Kratos.

Even Wanda Axis didn't plan to take it with her, just let her stay in New Asgard. Anyway, with the space gem, I can come back anytime, anywhere.

This time, in addition to saving people, you also want to kill people. Geer must die, and your black dead sword master will confiscate it without hesitation.

"Hey, buddy, the other party has the Black Death Sword. You should know how terrifying that sword is. As long as any god is injured by him, he will die." Thor said.

The other party didn't seem to be afraid of the Black Death Sword at all. You must know that this sword is famous among the gods.

"So I don't intend to let you go. Kratos and I cooperate seamlessly. If you go, we will have some loopholes. I believe I will be fine." Axis said.

After repeated assurances from Axis, Thor agreed to let Axis and Kratos go to save people alone.

After leaving Wanda in the care of Valkyrie and Thor, Axis directly used the power of the space gem, and suddenly a burst of blue smoke enveloped him and Kratos, and the two disappeared directly.

"That was a space gem just now, right?" Thor said.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually possessed an infinite gem, which seemed to be obtained in another universe, because the space gem in his own universe had been destroyed by Thanos.

In the dark space of the universe, in a cage that looked like bones, the god-slayer Geer was looking at the children of Asgard with a grinning face.

"Thor will come to save us," said a child.

"Thor will come to defeat you, and the Valkyrie."

"Haha! That's right, that's right, what I want is for them to come, me," at this moment, Geer suddenly lost his soul, turned over urgently, raised his black death sword, and blocked two red gold swords. Chaos Blade.

A puff of blue smoke enveloped all the children of Asgard, teleporting them away en masse.

"Mr. Geer, you are surrounded." Kratos was all outside.

(End of this chapter)

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