The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 253 The Awkward Weapon: Meeting Eternity

Chapter 253 The Awkward Weapon Meets Eternity
"There is no need to worry about him now. Sol, our transaction can start. You should lend me the storm ax to use. After I finish using it, I will come back and start treating your Miss Jane." Axis Speaking of.

I don't plan to call you all the money, I'm waiting for your delivery, I've already paid half of the deposit for Sol, now it's your turn to deliver.

Axis has dealt with the god slayer Geer and rescued all the children of Asgard. Now it's time for Thunder Sol to fulfill the contract.

"OK! Well, this is what I promised you. Although I am very reluctant to part with it, this is our previous transaction." Thor reluctantly took out his Storm Axe, and handed it to him with a smile on his face. Axis.

But for some reason, Axis saw Thor, God of Thunder, smiling strangely at this moment, as if he really wanted to lend the Storm Axe.

But things sometimes don't go as smoothly as people expected, only to see the storm battle ax break away from Thor's palm in an instant.

Then he used his own wooden ax handle to point Thor's head at once, and directly hit our bewildered Lord Thor, lying on the ground.

This is not over yet, the Storm Tomahawk immediately sent out a thunderbolt, hitting Thor Thor, making our Lord Thor tremble!

At this moment, Axis is the most confused person. What's going on, why did Thor's weapon hit him?

"Hey! Dude, what are you doing? Just leave me for a while, a few days, don't get angry! The other party has helped me so much, just borrowing you a little bit." Thor Clutching his head, he spoke to his axe.

The Storm Tomahawk made a buzzing sound in dissatisfaction. This weapon seemed to have self-awareness. It directly controlled its own hammer head, and it came to Thor's head fiercely, smashing our body all at once. Lord Thor stared at the stars, lying on the ground for a long time without getting up.

"." Axis.

Since returning to New Asgard last night, Thor has always been obsessed with his previous Meow Hammer, and stretched out his hand from time to time, wanting to summon the Meow Hammer.

All of this was seen by the Tomahawk of the Storm, and it was very dissatisfied. In terms of the spirituality of the weapon, the Tomahawk of the Storm was completely above Thor's Hammer.

First of all, its level is a little higher than that of Thor's Hammer. It is a king's weapon and a magical weapon made for the king of Asgard.

And its handle is made from the body of Groot, a treant family, which makes this storm battle ax possess a very high self-spirituality.

Normally, it would try its best to help Thor fight, but since last night, it has been very dissatisfied with Thor, the god of thunder, and even has the urge to kill its master with its own ax blade.

Why is this idiot still thinking about that Quake?In terms of shape, in terms of power, what point is he not as good as Thor's Hammer?Can you completely crush Thor's Hammer by yourself?
After a few minutes, Thor, who was knocked unconscious, shook his head and got up again.

At this moment, he was really guilty. From last night until now, he tried to summon his Meow Hammer.But every time when it is about to succeed.His own storm battle ax will show its sharp blade facing him.

It just so happened that Axis wanted to borrow the Storm Axe, and Thor, the God of Thunder, agreed directly. He wanted the Storm Ax to leave him for a few days so that he could summon the Meow Hammer again.

However, it seemed that the Storm Tomahawk had seen through his trick, and even attacked himself, the master, for the first time.

"Hey! Dude, you're making me ugly, you know? You're making me look bad in front of new friends, just leave me for a few days. I promise you, you're the only weapon I'll ever have. "At this moment, Thor, like a warm man, is saying all kinds of good things to his weapon.

This made Axis on the side open his mouth wide, stunned.

I rely on!Is your weapon or your wife?She would actually prevent you from finding a mistress, no, no, your meow hammer is not a mistress, it is normal for a god to have several weapons, but your ax actually ate the hammer's jealousy!

"Let's talk about it buddy. Only you can do this. Just leave me for a few days. I promise you that I will never take my Meow Hammer. If you find me after you come back. If you use Thor's Hammer, you Just chop me up." Thor said.

The storm battle ax made a piercing sound of thunder and lightning, as if to say, do you think I dare not?

What a tragedy to have a jealous weapon!

Time passed like this, and Thor was still comforting his big axe, Axis, Kratos, and Wang Da who rushed over. The three of them sat on the ground bored, and even had lunch.

Thor has been wrestling with his ax for a long time.

"Is there a mistake, you still have to discuss with your own weapon?" Kratos said.

Is this your weapon or your wife?And the reason why you are jealous of weapons is because you can't forget your previous weapons, what and what you want.

"This storm battle ax is very special. It has high intelligence. Its casting material is Asgard's king's weapon. The body parts come from the tree people, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful to its master. Playing your temper." Axis said with a smile.

"That's true. It's as if the husband was found out looking for the mistress behind his wife's back, and now her husband is going to give her to another man, just borrowing it for a few days." Wanda said very gossip.

"Come on, Wanda, he's just a weapon, although he has a lot of intelligence." What's the situation with the fire of gossip on your face?
"This is so interesting, my God, a jealous axe." Wanda said excitedly.

"." Axis.

So is that all you care about?

While Axis and the others were chatting.Thor finally got his hands on his weapon, and the price he paid was being greeted a lot with his ax-hammer part.

"Oh, it's finally done. I have spent a lot of effort. I will give it to you for the time being. You must return it to me intact." At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, wiped his hair all over Khan, with a few big bags on the back of his head, spoke to Axis.

"Oh! Don't worry, I won't do anything to your weapon. I just borrowed it to open a door. I will return it to you soon. Don't worry." A jealous weapon should be kept. Use it for yourself!I have no luck with an ax like that.

After Axis took the Storm Axe, the ax made a chirping sound, which seemed to warn Thor, as if to say that if I came back and saw you holding Thor's Hammer, you would die.

"Don't worry, buddy." I just wanted to take a peek at the hammer, after all, he still misses the weapon that has been used for thousands of years.

After saying goodbye to Thor, Axis once again used the power of the space gem to come to the land of shadow and nothingness.

"Okay, Storm Axe, I need you to use the power of the Rainbow Bridge to open a door, it's not too difficult for you." Axis said to Storm Axe.

Hearing Axis' words, the Storm Tomahawk made a buzzing sound.

"You actually talk to the weapon?" Kratos said.

"Don't think of it as a weapon. It is a living body. I have a hunch that if it keeps evolving, one day it will evolve into a real intelligent living body. I think Thor will have a headache when I think about it. ’” Axis said.

At this moment, Axis could clearly feel that this ax was alive, and when he held it in his hand, it was not a dead thing.

"Hey, Axe, I'll give you some magic metal, can you absorb it? Just treat it as my reward. Although it was Thor who traded you to me, I can't let you follow me." You are at a disadvantage." Axis took out a few pieces of Titan Iron from his self-space, and said to Asgard Steel.

One is from the World of Warcraft, which is contaminated with the divine power of the Titans, and the other is the Asgardian Gang from the Nordic Asgar Protoss in the God of War world.

The Storm Ax let out a cheerful cry, and then slashed down on several pieces of metal. A miraculous scene happened. The Storm Ax actually absorbed the Titan Iron and the Asgardian Steel that it chopped into pieces. into his axe.

After absorbing two kinds of special divine power metals, the storm battle ax emitted a dazzling brilliance, and its power became stronger.

After absorbing the two pieces of special divine iron, Storm Ax happily circled around Axis a few times.

"Look at Kratos, let me tell you, it's not an ordinary weapon, and Thor will suffer from it in the future." If this weapon really evolves into a complete life body by itself in the future, I don't know what it is Is it male or female?But with its jealous character, Axis is 100% sure that this Storm Ax is a girl.

Hahaha!I really look forward to Thor's expression at that time.

Arriving at the gate of the huge Eternal Temple, Thor's Storm Ax was inserted into the ground, the energy of the Rainbow Bridge was instantly activated, and the gate of the temple began to be slowly opened.

A few minutes later, the gate of the temple was completely opened, and a bright white space appeared in front of Axis.

"Okay, you guys wait here for me, then let me go in alone!" Axis finished speaking, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked into the bright white space.

A huge, faceless, humanoid creature whose body seemed to be the entire universe appeared in front of Axis.

He is the eternity of one of the five creation gods in the Marvel world.

The incarnation of all things in the universe, the controller of the space from one to ten dimensions.

"Outsiders." An ethereal and majestic voice came to mind in Axis' mind.

(End of this chapter)

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