Chapter 259 Going to Nidavi

"You did a very good job, Axis, you, an outsider, actually saved the earth. Now that the matter has been perfectly resolved, we should leave too," said the Universe Celestial Group.

"Then walk slowly, and don't send off the gods." Axis said.

Come on, staying with these guys, the pressure is too great, isn't it?Even if he has Kui Ye's super killer, he can't stand up to the members of the universe god group in this team.

Kui Ye's real combat power is barely able to kill a god king now, but it should not be a big problem for any member of the universe god group to overthrow Kui Ye.

"We look forward to your coming to our headquarters as a guest. Axis, trust me, you will definitely make this trip worthwhile." The huge red cosmic god waved his hand after speaking, and all life forms on the earth resumed their activities .

Nodding to Axis and the others, all members of the Cosmic Celestial Group disappeared collectively, as if they had never appeared on Earth.

Even before leaving, all human memories about the Cosmic Celestial Group were cleared.

The earth time that was just stopped by him has now been restored, and the time of the entire earth is stopped at will. I have to say that this strength is absolutely powerful.

After resuming her actions, Scarlet Witch rushed forward immediately.

"How can you do this? You promised me, you promised to help me revive the Vision after I, the god, revived, I" However, at this moment, the Scarlet Witch didn't have time to say the rest.

Axis didn't even give her a chance to speak, and teleported to appear behind her, his fist full of cosmic strength hit the back of her neck.

This crazy woman, let's restrict it completely, and then put her outside, she will start to go crazy again, and then think about how to deal with her.

If it weren't for you and my wife being the same body now, I would have killed you a long time ago, talking so much nonsense with you, and let Kratos cut you in half with the blade of chaos.

"Why don't you hand her over to us! We'll take her to Karma Taj and imprison her." Doctor Strange, who had been playing soy sauce for a long time, and the current supreme mage Lao Wang flew over at this time, Open your mouth and say.

Facing the universe god group just now, they really have no ability to resist at all. Any member of the universe god group should be about the same strength as Dormammu.

(Just the Dormammu of the Cinematic Universe, of course.)
"Give her to you? Forget it! You may release her someday." Axis shook his head and said.

"If you don't give him to our New Asgard, I will take her to New Asgard and imprison her." Thor said.

"Are you sure you can stop her from running out? If she runs out again and causes great harm to the universe, what do you think? Now, in order to revive her husband suffering from hallucinations, this woman can do anything. said Axis.

"If it was Asgard, where Odin ruled before, then it would be good to imprison her there, but now the new Asgard doesn't have the previous strength and special cells." Doctor Strange said.

"Can you do it over there? The Scarlet Witch alone can handle all your mages." Thor said.

"Stop arguing, I have decided on the Scarlet Witch, and I will hand it over to you Karma Taj, but if you mess up again, don't expect me to come to the rescue." Axis said.

The current New Asgard really doesn't have the strength to imprison the Scarlet Witch, so let's leave it to these mages, hoping they can restrain the Scarlet Witch.

Of course, after he left, it doesn't matter to him if this crazy woman runs out again, you Avengers, you have a headache, right?
Doctor Strange and Old Wang nodded to each other, and handed over the Scarlet Witch to Axis.Doctor Strange cast a golden circle of magic and placed countless magic seals on Scarlet Witch.

"I suggest that you'd better create a magic that allows her to sleep forever, otherwise, as long as she wakes up and uses the chaos magic in her body, she can easily break through the shackles and gain freedom," Axis said.

Although your mana is very strong, the power of chaos magic is absolutely unimaginable. It is impossible to restrain Scarlet Witch with this sealing method. As long as this girl wakes up, she can break free easily.

Can you be more serious, don't let her run out before I leave.

Doctor Strange and Lao Wang looked at each other, then nodded, sighed helplessly, after Doctor Strange cast a magic that can make people fall asleep for a long time.

The two bid farewell to Axis and left.

"Axis, why don't you take away the Scarlet Witch yourself?" Thor said.

"I'll take her away, where will I put her?" There is already a Scarlet Witch in the family, and he doesn't want to have another one, and this Scarlet Witch is too crazy, please spare me!

Thor nodded thoughtfully, and the two returned to New Asgard.

"What happened? There was a force attacking before, trying to seal the time here, but it was stopped by Little Phoenix. Just now there was a force that wanted to modify everyone's memory. It was also stopped by Little Phoenix." Wanda, who was holding the child, came over and said.

"Isn't it because you in this world came up with a very crazy plan, which resulted in a group of super bosses. The good news is that these super bosses have been dealt with. The bad news is that I didn't get any benefits Here we go," Axis said.

"At least we saved the Earth, didn't we?" Thor patted Axis on the shoulder.

"Ha ha."

"Let's take a good rest tonight, and I will take you to the dwarven kingdom of Nidavi tomorrow morning."

"En!" Axis waved at Thor, and left with Wanda and Kratos.

After a night of nothing, early the next morning, Axis, Kratos, and Thor will meet.

"Come on guys, are you ready? We're going to Nidawi."

"Understood, hurry up. After going to the dwarf kingdom this time, I plan to leave." Axis said.

I'm going to fucking stay any longer, I'm afraid that this parallel universe will directly become a comic Marvel universe.

All kinds of characters jumped out one by one, and my little heart couldn't stand it anymore.

"OK! I wanted to invite you to live in New Asgard for a while!" Thor said.

"You don't need to live here, but if possible, I would like to ask you to protect Wanda. I am a little worried about her safety." Axis said.

"No problem!" After Thor said, he directly used the power of the Rainbow Bridge, and after a burst of colorful light, the three disappeared.

This moment!In an unknown strange space, a tall member of the Cosmic Celestial Group was looking at an observer.

"We agreed, this outsider belongs to us, why did you suddenly go to see him and invite him to your headquarters?" asked the leader of the observers.

"We just invited him to be a guest, and we didn't violate the agreement." The tall member of the Celestial Group in front of him is the leader of the Celestial Clan in the universe.

He is a multi-universe powerhouse whose strength is comparable to the five great gods of the universe. In a real fight, he is even stronger than the five gods, because their universe gods have all kinds of strange weapons, the strongest weapons, It can even pose a huge threat to the existence of the super universe level.

"Do you want to start a war between our two races again? You should know how important this Axis is to our race." The observer said without showing any weakness.

The Observer family is extremely powerful. In their heyday, they can block resistance with the Cosmic God Group.

"Do you think you can really leave this world! If you don't say anything else, the life court will stop you first, and even without the life court, eternity will stop you. Your purpose has already been known by eternity."

"We never wanted to hurt the world, we just wanted to leave, we never wanted to follow the script again."

"Ridiculous! Leaving our own universe, you are just entering a bigger script, and no one can escape." The leader of the universe god group disappeared immediately after speaking.

"We are different from you guys, you can at least do anything, you can create civilizations at will, you can destroy civilizations at will, and you can travel in the multiverse at will.

And we can only watch and observe, and can't do anything. Only when the screenwriters need us to do it, we can take action. This is the task and destiny that this world has given us. "

Your cosmic god group, in the setting of Marvel editors, is your own son. Our observers are not much weaker than you. It is a completely different treatment.

"Is this the dwarf planet? I have to say, it's too desolate!" Axis looked at the surrounding, deathly quiet planet and said.

No, no, rather than a planet, it should be called a dwarf planet. This dwarf planet is about the size of a large city on Earth.

"No way, it used to be very lively here, but all the dwarves combined are only a few hundred!" Thor shrugged and said.

"Sol, I should have told you, don't come back here again, why are you coming back?" A giant with a height of more than three meters came to the crowd and said.

So are you a dwarf?Or a giant?
(End of this chapter)

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