Chapter 279 Moon God Artemis

Accompanied by the miserable female voice screaming for a lifetime, a silver light shot towards Kratos like a sharp arrow.

This is the divine arrow shot by Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the goddess of hunting. In terms of bow and arrow skills, among all the main gods, Artemis can be said to be the strongest one.

But her bow didn't hurt Kratos one bit, never use ranged attacks against this Spartan, this is a wise saying, unless you have the ability to kill him directly.

A golden Infinity Gauntlet emerged from Kratos' arm, crossed his hands, and bounced the galloping bow and arrow back at an incredible angle.

Just listen to a bang!The sharp arrow of returning the order was cut off.

A heroic goddess in silver battle armor, holding a sharp blade, bow and arrow, descended from the sky and appeared in front of the gods.

She stood on one knee and looked at Kratos with resentment. In terms of personal strength, before she got help from herself, became the king of gods, and understood the small universe of gods, our lady goddess could only fight with this hunter. Goddesses are just as good as each other.

Even memory in terms of ranged attacking bows and arrows.Our Lady Goddess is far from being the match of this Hunting Goddess.

It's just that at this moment, this lady goddess doesn't seem to be transformed by the power of evil energy. She is still the heroic goddess of hunting. What's going on?If she hadn't been transformed by evil energy, there was no reason for Zeus to let her go.

"Artemis, you, you haven't been transformed by evil energy." Athena asked.

"Shut up! Why? My brother, he has already promised to help you deal with Zeus, why do you want to kill him?" Artemis asked.

She is also one of the gods who do not accept evil transformation, but she is much luckier than other main gods.

Because he had his own brother, Apollo helped to cover, and Zeus promised Apollo that he could persuade his sister.

Sargeras also acquiesced in this matter, so Artemis became the only main god who was not infected by fel energy and was still in Zeus' camp.

Apollo has been trying to persuade her to accept the transformation of evil energy, after all, the facts are already in front of her eyes.

Unless he is willing to be imprisoned by Zeus like those main gods who are unwilling to accept the power of fel energy, he has no choice, and he has no way to delay for too long.

But obviously, Artemis was unwilling to accept the power of fel energy, so Apollo could only let him live in his own Sun Temple first.

While the two were chatting, the entire Mount Olympus shook, and his brother Apollo went to investigate.

But who would have imagined that the breath of the gods who had been imprisoned by Zeus came over.

After sensing the reappearance of the breath of the gods, she immediately rushed to Mount Olympus.

She wanted to rescue her stupid brother, because he clearly understood that after the gods escaped.Facing the wrath of the gods, her brother had no choice but to die.

But he didn't expect that he came a step too late. In the end, he could only look at his brother who had already started begging for mercy, but was torn apart by this hateful Spartan.

"Athena, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Helios, Eos, Kratos, and this unknown Titan, needless to say, let's fight !” The goddess of hunting the moon, Arthenis, raised the sword in her hand and pointed at the gods.

He failed himself and his mother.According to the agreement, he failed to protect his brother, and failed to protect his younger brother Apollo, which led to his tragic death.

"It seems that you do not intend to explain." Athena said.

"No need to say more. It is impossible for us to reconcile, starting with you killing Apollo." Artemis said.

Hui Da answered two Chaos Blades, and Kuito didn't mean to talk nonsense at all. It just so happened that he hadn't killed enough. It was not enough to kill Hades, the king of Hades, and Apollo, the god of light.

The heroic Goddess of War sneered, drew out her silver sword, played with gorgeous sword flowers, and fought with Kratos.

She is not a vase-type god. In terms of combat effectiveness, except for the three god kings Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades who can stabilize her, the other gods, At most, it was a tie with her.

Artemis' fighting skills are extremely superb. With extremely superb swordsmanship, she faced the Spartan God of War Kratos.

The Blade of Chaos swung wildly, and Kratos had no intention of showing mercy at all, Artemis, the goddess of hunting.

Her skill is indeed very high, but he is facing himself, the warrior who has been fighting since childhood.

In terms of divine power, Artemis at this time is not as strong as herself, and in terms of martial arts skills, she is not much better than herself.

And in terms of fighting consciousness, he has the absolute upper hand with the directness and violent anger of a beast.

After just a dozen or so rounds, the goddess of the moon was already in danger, and the blade of chaos cut her body crazily.

The silver battle armor on her body was torn off, revealing snow-white skin, and these snow-white skin would soon be cut with bright red wounds by the blade of chaos.

"She doesn't seem to last long, Axis." Athena came to Axis and said meaningfully.

"Don't look at me like that, Lady Goddess, I don't mean anything to this Goddess, and he once swore to be a virgin forever and never get married, and even if he wanted to, I wouldn't dare, After all, Kratos just killed his own brother," Axis said.

"This Moon God's combat power is still very powerful, and she has not been transformed by the power of evil energy. You don't want to subdue her?" Athena said.

"No! I don't want to at all." Hehe, is it necessary to play this trick with yourself, my lord goddess!And this Luna herself is really not interested. In terms of appearance, she is slightly inferior to Athena and Cupid.

Although she looks heroic, but he doesn't want to provoke this kind of strong woman anymore, it's too much for her!

I have met enough strong women, I can't take it anymore!
"You are wise, Axis, you can let Kratos keep him alive and let her marry Kratos' younger brother Deimos." Athena said.

"What? Are you kidding? Kratos just killed his younger brother. And it was very cruel. You asked her to marry Kratos' younger brother? Aren't you afraid that she will murder her husband?" Axis Asked.

"What are you thinking, idiot! It is really difficult to revive a main god with your current strength, but when your divine power improves again, then we will do this." Athena used her own small universe.He secretly told Axis about his plan.

It is very cost-effective to let this moon god join his and others' camp. As for the sun god Apollo, Axis only needs to show the ability of resurrection later.

Reviving all the mortals who were killed by the Zeus demon army would give the Moon God a hope. As long as this hope exists, the Moon God would never do anything out of the ordinary.

It just so happens that Kratos' younger brother is also worthy of the moon goddess.

"Okay! I'll try it."

"Come on, you can do it." Athena said.

While the two were talking secretly, the goddess of the moon at this time had been beaten by Kratos and was powerless.

Panting heavily, she raised her sword with difficulty to resist the furious attack of Kratos, the God of War, and resisted the swing of two Chaos Blades.

Finally, her wrist was scratched by Kratos' Chaos Blade, and the silver sword fell to the ground, and then Kratos grabbed her and pressed her down hard.

Picking up the moon god's hair, Kratos had no intention of pity, pressed her head, and gave the ground an intimate contact.

For a moment, the head of the goddess of the moon was bleeding, but the barbaric Spartans had no intention of stopping at all. They grabbed the head of the goddess and slammed it into the ground, once, twice, three times, four times. Down, five times, no intention of stopping at all.

Axis sighed, knowing that it was time for him to make a move, otherwise, Kratos would blow the head of this female moon goddess.

"Stop Kratos and save her life," Axis said.

"Well! She won't surrender, Axis." Kratos frowned, but still stopped what he was doing, so that the goddess Luna, who was about to disappear, retrieved a life.

"Your Excellency Artemis, now we make a deal, you marry Kratos' younger brother and become his wife, and I promise you that in the future I will resurrect your brother Apollo, the sun god, and help him get rid of evil The ability to control him makes him a true main god." Axis said.

"Accompany!" Artemis spit out a mouthful of blood, and spat on Axis' face.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? How could a main god be resurrected by you?" Artemis said.

"Of course I have a solution. After I defeat Zeus, you will know. Then you can make a decision!" Axis said lightly, wiping the bloody saliva on his face.

"You want to marry her to Deimos? I don't agree." Kratos immediately rejected Axis. This goddess is not trustworthy, and Deimos will have a better choice in the future.

"Eh!" Deimos standing aside was a little speechless, what is this?Is my marriage so easily decided by others?

"She is of pure blood, and in terms of status, it can be said that she is at the top of all the goddesses." Nonsense, after all, they are brother and sister, but they are just half-brothers.

In terms of status, one of the three major goddesses, and Athena are equally divided.

"Let's decide this matter after we kill Zeus, he's already here." Kratos threw the half-dead Artemis in his hand to Axis, pulled out his Chaos Blade, and turned his head to look To the figure that descended from the sky.

My father, today is your death day, everything will end today, I will kill you with my own hands!

 Some friends said that I gave away my daughter, why did I give away my daughter?Luna and the main character are inseparable, okay?The two people don't know each other, and they haven't met each other!It's impossible for me to accept a woman in the harem!

  And give her to Deimos as a trophy, what's wrong?He doesn't want to send Kui Ye, I haven't written the following plot yet, you start to say that I send a daughter.

  She's not even a supporting actress, she's just a trophy
(End of this chapter)

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