The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 282 Evil energy mode, death of the god king, curse

Chapter 282 Evil energy mode, death of the god king, curse
At this moment, Zeus has been completely eroded by the blood-red evil power. This is what he looked like after he completely accepted the evil energy and gave up his divine power.

At this moment, the eyes that had been dug out by Kratos actually grew back, but they were no longer normal eyeballs, but two groups of flaming rays of light.

A pair of huge bat wings grew from his back, and the demon horns on his head grew back, and they became even more ferocious and huge.

Even from the waist of Zeus, two pairs of huge arms grew again, and Zeus, the king of gods, has completely turned into a monster.

Even his weapon, the Sword of Olympus, was corrupted by the power of fel energy.From the holy blue light of God, it became the blood red light of demons. (I originally wanted to write that it turned dark green, but after thinking about it, Zeus turned green all over, it seems that there is no one who turns red all over, handsome.)
"Come on, my son, take a look. This is my new posture. This is my posture after I have completely accepted the power of evil. It is incomparably powerful." Zeus, holding the blood-red holy sword of Olympus, said Said.

"Monster!" Kratos shook his head, looked at Zeus at this moment, and said.

If it was the way it was before, he would still want his father to die with some dignity, but now he looks like a ghost.

Where does he still have the glory of the king of the gods!He has completely turned into a demon.

At this moment, Kratos even felt that his father Zeus was a little pitiful!Look what you've become, my father.

Not only Zeus, but the gods standing beside Axis shook their heads when they saw Zeus who had become such a ghost. The once high-spirited god king turned into such a ghost.

"I don't need your pity. I will kill you all one day. Even if it is Sargeras, I will defeat him. I am the strongest one, and I will become the real king!" Seeming to see the pity in Kratos' eyes, as well as the pity in the eyes of the gods, Zeus said angrily.

Sargeras, you did bring me evil power, but one day I will eat you back.

"I'll set you free." After Kratos finished speaking, he once again turned into a red and blue storm and rushed towards Zeus.

After turning on the God's Wrath mode, even with his incomparably powerful body, he couldn't last too long, so he had to fight quickly. (Kratos integrates the small universe of God and his own Wrath of Sparta. The new mode is called God's Wrath Mode.)
"Kratos, my child, let you be the first victim of this power! I will take you as a blood sacrifice." Zeus also let out a grin.

Wields the holy sword of Olympus that has turned crimson all over.After capturing Kratos, at this moment, he can already see the afterimage of Kratos.

At this moment, the powerful energy emanating from Zeus is far stronger than that of Kratos. All the gods think that Kratos is going to be dangerous, even the goddess thinks so, and looks a little anxiously. Axis.

"Don't worry, keep watching. Kratos hasn't used the power of the six infinity gems yet. Kratos' new form is far beyond your imagination." Axis said calmly.

To be honest, Kratos is the best of all for the combat use of the small universe.

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Zeus's mouth.He seemed to have seen the miserable appearance of Kratos dying under his sword.As if seeing himself, he grabbed Kratos with his hand and lifted him high.Then pierced his chest with the Sword of Olympus, splitting him in two.

Then get rid of these gods who betrayed him.

Now, with his greatly increased strength, he will definitely make these betrayers pay the price, but in fact, the real battle is far from what he imagined.

Zeus' power at this moment is indeed very powerful and violent, full of unparalleled arrogance, and even Kratos' general attacks can hardly cause any substantial damage to him.

Even if it caused damage, it would be repaired quickly, but Kratos' speed was too fast, it was too fast, when he was fighting himself just now.Kratos simply didn't show his full speed.

"Coward, do you just dodge?" Zeus slashed at the afterimage of Kratos with a sword, and said a little out of breath at this time, after fully accepting the fel energy, his body had a huge burden.

At this moment, all the muscles in his body had swelled to an exaggerated level, and the power of evil energy covered his whole body, which was indeed incomparably powerful, forgetting an important factor, that is speed.

No matter how powerful you are, if you can't hit your opponent, it will be useless.

After fully utilizing God's Cosmos and the God's Wrath mode combined with anger, Kratos' speed at this moment has reached an astonishing level.

Even Axis, Athena, who are proficient in the small universe of God, can't capture Kratos' movement, let alone Zeus who doesn't understand the power of the small universe at all?

Although Kratos' attack did not cause any substantial damage to Zeus, it is obvious that the power Zeus exerted at this moment, the consumption of his body and power, has reached an astonishing level.

"Come and fight me head-on, boy, didn't you say you wanted to kill me?" Zeus said anxiously, he was not an idiot either.At this moment, he has realized what Kratos wants to do. He is delaying time and competing with himself for endurance.

I can't hold on to this mentality for a long time, but can you hold on to this transformation form for a long time?You used it before me, I don't believe it, in terms of physical exertion, I will not be as good as you.

The two started a cat-and-mouse game. Zeus still attacked Kratos from time to time, but he was not as crazy as before. He was saving his energy to keep his transformation longer.

And Kratos is very leisurely at this moment. Although the red and blue arrogance is still erupting on his body, it is not as strong as before. He is avoiding Zeus's attack leisurely.

Moreover, as long as Zeus showed any flaws, the Blade of Chaos would mercilessly tear his skin and take away his flesh and blood, and the two began a round of endurance competition.

Five minutes passed and the two sides were evenly matched.

10 minutes passed, and Zeus was a little out of breath!

15 minutes passed, and Zeus didn't even attack Kratos anymore, but started to defend with all his strength.

Twenty minutes passed, and Zeus was stretched.Even the wounds scratched by Kratos on his body have begun to no longer heal.

It's time. Seeing that the time was ripe, the red and blue arrogance on Kratos' body burst out instantly, and he came to Zeus. With lightning speed, he inserted two blades of chaos on Zeus's body.

Then he put on the Infinity Gauntlet, and the six Infinity Gems shone with light, and they smashed them on Zeus's head.

The moment Kratos got close, the power of the evil energy on Zeus exploded again, but this fierce explosion was immediately suppressed by the power of the six infinite gems.

"What! Impossible." I was saving the last of my strength, planning to take advantage of this kid not paying attention!

After letting myself get close, I gave him a fatal blow, but I didn't expect that the power of evil energy I was proud of was actually suppressed, and it was actually suppressed by the six weird gems on the kid's gloves .

"I defeated Zeus." Kratos grabbed the holy sword of Olympus, started to snatch the holy sword with Zeus, and kept punching, attacking Zeus's head. At the moment Zeus was distracted, Kratos Si took the opportunity to break his wrist and snatched the holy sword of Olympus.

In the battle just now, it seemed that he had the absolute upper hand.But he knew it in his heart.Without the six infinity gems given by Axis, at this moment, he would have lost.

In God's Wrath mode, he can only use it for about 3 minutes. If it exceeds 5 minutes, his body will have a huge burden, and he will be seriously injured after releasing it.

If the time is longer, his own life may be in danger, but the infinite gems perfectly make up for this defect.

He has an Infinity Gem protecting his body.And continuously provide him with the power of God, restore the small universe of God, so that he can maintain this state of God's anger for a long time, more than a few hours.

This is why he is not afraid to fight a protracted battle with Zeus. With the backing of infinite gems, he is really not afraid.

The glove containing the power of infinite gemstones smashed half of Zeus's skull and split it open.

Kratos raised the holy sword of Olympus, and without giving the king of the gods any chance to breathe, he stabbed the sword into his chest.

Zeus struggled to grab the blade, trying to pull out the holy sword of Olympus that had been pierced into his body, but Kratos didn't give him a chance, kicked his head violently, and then used the blade of chaos again, Inserting his hands, fixed Zeus' arms, and even raised his legs to break Zeus's feet just to be on the safe side.

After doing this.Kratos raised the holy sword of Olympus, which had turned back into dark blue, and stabbed Zeus in the chest frantically.A lot of blood flowed out from Zeus' chest.

The breath of the king of the gods is getting weaker and weaker.

"Ah!" With a roar, Kratos threw away the holy sword of Olympus in his hand.Grab Zeus's head with one hand, and hit Zeus's head frantically with the golden glove with infinite gems.

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, Kratos didn't know how many punches he punched. At this time, Zeus's head was deformed and his face was bloody.There are even faintly visible bones.

The king of the gods is about to die at the hands of Kratos, just like his father, the Titan King Cronus, cursed, you will be killed by your son.

"Ahem! The new king of the gods, I curse you, I curse you with the life of the king of the gods, one day, you will be overthrown by your son, and you will die in the hands of your own son. "

Before his death, Zeus did not curse Kratos who killed him, but cursed the new king of the gods. Whoever takes his place will bear the curse.

 The next chapter is updated during the day, go watch the football

(End of this chapter)

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