The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 296 Miss Lucky, I Need a Maid to Serve Tea and Pour Water

Chapter 296 Miss Lucky, I Need a Maid to Serve Tea and Pour Water

I really didn't expect that I would meet Lucky Sister in such a situation. She was dressed in an extremely sexy island style, with long flowing red hair, sexy red lips, and a slender waist.

All of them explained the identity of the woman in front of her. Now the big shot in Bilgewater, the legendary female pirate who defeated Captain Rumpock, is known as Miss Fortune.

"That's right, this ironclad warship is mine." Axis said.

"Oh! This big guy is so beautiful. It's all made of steel. There are two cannons in the front and ten cannons on the side. Its firepower is also very strong. I think two more cannons can be added at the stern. Configure some gunpowder barrels that can be thrown, and then add mortars on the deck, which can make it more powerful."

Miss Lucky walked around Axis's steel battleship, nodding her head frequently and full of praise. This ship looks very majestic, especially the whole body is made of steel, which makes its defense Very amazing.

The only flaw is that its attack method is too simple, but it can be improved.

"Your suggestion is good, what else?" Axis nodded in agreement and said, he did not expect that there were mortars here.It is also a good choice to put gunpowder barrels and two more cannons at the stern, so that the flexibility and combat effectiveness of the ship will be greatly improved.

"If you can get the heavy machine gun newly produced by Pi Cheng, I suggest filling your deck with such machine guns. Then, if the ship is equipped with some mages who can use magic remotely, then it is simply a A perfect battleship." Lucky sister said.

I didn't expect to see such an impressive iron-clad battleship when I went out for a stroll. I really wanted to keep it for myself. As long as this iron-clad battleship was slightly modified, its combat effectiveness could be increased several times.

Axis nodded, then raised his hand and waved lightly, the power of the Reality Gem was activated, and the power to modify reality was displayed for the first time in this world.

On both sides of the deck, more than a dozen heavy machine guns appeared out of thin air in an instant, and two artillery pieces were installed at the stern, and four mortars were installed on the left and right sides of the deck.

This series of operations stunned everyone present. Is there any mistake? This ship has two extra artillery pieces, four mortars, and is full of machine guns out of thin air in front of them?

Did it really appear out of thin air?Could it be that this is a magical battleship?Can it change its appearance and various weapons as the user wishes?
This is off the charts.

Miss Fortune's eyes lit up immediately. If she just liked this battleship very much just now, she already wanted to draw her gun to rob it.

At this time, Miss Fortune's eyes were already shining, as if she was looking at fat meat, looking at Axis' armored battleship. This ship was much better than her own ship.

Awad, who was standing aside, felt his heart skip a beat. Could it be his first transoceanic voyage?It's the first time someone asks you to be the first mate, is it going to be a mess?

Really, this Mr. Axis doesn't seem to be very shrewd, doesn't he know the truth of not leaking money?Miss Fortune is an all-powerful figure in Bilgewater, and it can be said that she is the actual leader of Bilgewater now.

After the downfall of Captain Plank, she took over gangs of all sizes, as well as pirate gangs, and Miss Fortune's popularity in Bilgewater was at its peak.

"How do you feel now, Miss Luck? Do you think there is any room for improvement?" Axis said.

"My name is Miss Fortune. It's not good luck. I only bring bad luck to my enemies. Good luck is reserved for myself. As for transformation, the latest Hex power system developed by Piltover, I It is recommended that you install one on your ship, that is, to create a propeller at the stern of the ship, so that it can sail without sails, and the speed will be ridiculously fast, and it can also save a lot of sailors and put more combatants." Miss Fortune blinked Blinking his eyes, he spoke.

Since you can conjure cannons and various thermal weapons out of thin air, I wonder if you can conjure the latest Hayes technology power system out of thin air?

"That's a good idea, but I don't know what a hex power system is, and I also want to enjoy the fun of sailing, so I don't plan to install a hex power system on it." Let it sail It's not necessary for me to go faster, okay?
Kuito and I just jumped down to pull the boat, which is much faster than the Hayes power system, and I can use my divine power to push the boat forward, and its speed can even reach supersonic speed.

"...That is to say, if you want, this ship can appear out of nowhere with a Hayes technology system?" Miss Fortune asked.

At this moment, she had already taken out a bunch of fireworks, pulled the fuze, and fired it. A big pink double gun pattern appeared in the sky.

"Oh, are you showing me the fireworks, miss? The fireworks are in the shape of double guns, and they are still pink, which is quite individual." Axis said.

"No, Master Axis, he is calling for helpers. We must leave now, otherwise, your boat will be robbed." Awad drew out his saber and stood beside Axis, Open your mouth and say.

"What a naive brat, I don't know where you come from, but you obviously don't understand the principle that wealth cannot be leaked out. Originally, I was just a little admiring and curious about your iron-clad battleship, but you showed him After the magic power, I want to make it my personal property now." Miss Fortune gave an evil smile, drew out the two guns on her waist, and aimed at Axis.

"So you're planning to steal it?" Axis asked with a smile.

"Of course please, a super magic battleship, my God, if I sail him on the sea, there is nothing more cool than this." Miss Fortune said.

"It just so happens that I also lack a maid who serves tea and water on my boat. You look good, you have a good figure, and you look pretty good-looking, just you!" Axis said.

Dear lady, you just found me a very good reason to tie you on board!
You are not needed for fighting or anything, and you are put on the boat just for the sake of eyes.

"Eh! Hahaha! Kid, you really dare to say, let me serve you as a maid serving tea and water, and I look good on you. I wanted to spare your life, but I just robbed your boat and let you go away." , but now I've changed my mind," Miss Fortune said.

"Master Axis, are you crazy? I'm afraid you don't know who this is in front of you. Please, I think retreating now is the best choice. She can't stop us alone. We just need to sail the boat out The port will be fine." Awad said very anxiously.

"Do you want me to help?" The movement outside also attracted Kratos on the boat, and he poked his head out, looked at Axis and said.

"No, it's just a small matter, you go in and rest." Axis waved his hand and said.

"En!" Kratos nodded, and returned to the cabin, a group of little pirates, posing no threat to Axis.

Seeing Axis's understatement, Miss Fortune frowned. This guy seemed to be confident and not afraid of himself at all.

"Don't worry, Awad, you take your people on board first."


"No, don't kill us Miss Fortune, we are just a group of boat runners, we just support our family."

"We are willing to do anything for you, Miss Fortune, please spare us." At this moment, a dozen sailors recruited by Awad knelt on the ground collectively and began to beg for mercy from Miss Fortune.

"." I rely on your professional ethics. You just accepted Lao Tzu's employment, right?This backhand knelt down and begged for mercy.

Well, I didn't expect you to fight either.

When these sailors knelt down and begged for mercy, hundreds of pirates had already rushed to the scene, surrounding Axis and his armored battleship.

"Sister, we rushed over as soon as we received your news. It seems that you have found a good family." The leading pirate came to Miss Fortune, and took a look at Axis's armored battleship. He nodded and said.

At this time, Awad gritted his teeth, and there was a crazy struggle in his heart. He now has a choice to survive, that is to attack Axis from behind and dedicate him to Miss Fortune. Maybe he can save his life. a life.

But there is another option, which is to stand on Axis' side and take a big gamble.

This Mr. Axis seemed completely confident. He either had absolute confidence in defeating Miss Fortune, or he didn't think much of Miss Fortune at all!

There is also a possibility that this kid is an idiot, a rich son who sneaked out to play, but judging from his performance all the way, he is definitely not an idiot rich son.

Then there is only one explanation, he is not afraid of Miss Fortune at all, even Miss Fortune and the gang she brought are not even ants in front of him.

"Lord Axis, my subordinate Awad swears to follow you to the death." Awad took out his saber, stood beside Axis, and said firmly.

The most important thing to do their pirate business is vision. You have to have top-level vision to know who can follow and who can't.

"Not bad, not bad, I think highly of you, and I'll give you a small reward soon." Axis' God's Cosmos could clearly perceive the frantic struggle in his heart just now.

After possessing the small universe of God, the inner thoughts of ordinary people cannot escape his perception, but under normal circumstances, he will not deliberately perceive the inner thoughts of ordinary people.

This kid is quite far-sighted, he can see that, and he doesn't take Miss Fortune seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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