The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 341 Resurrecting Fei: Contacting Freya's Curse

Chapter 341 Resurrection Fei Contacts Freya's Curse

Axis, who appeared in an instant, directly put Kratos and Freya into a collective state of confusion, especially the body of Odin, which was broken in two in front of them, shocked them even more. This is the god king Odin, This is the body of God King Odin.

Kratos squeezed the Leviathan battle ax in his hand, pulled his son behind him, and looked at Axis warily.

Even if I use all my strength to restore the peak strength, it will take a long time to kill God King Odin, but this guy has just left the scene.

As a result, God King Odin died in his hands in a blink of an eye, which was an instant kill.The strength of this guy.It is the strongest one among all the opponents I have encountered, even my father Zeus is not as strong as him.

This guy is too dangerous, no matter what he wants to do, no matter how he shows himself, Kratos still doesn't trust him.

Our Lord Kui obviously didn't use his brain to think about it. If Axes really thought about him, he didn't have the ability to resist at all.

"O, Odin, Odin is dead, you just died like this? Hahaha! You bastard is finally dead." As if he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was Odin, Freya walked forward tremblingly Go, reach out and touch Odin's body, and then confirm that the god king, his former husband is dead.

What little love remained for Odinfreya was gone, and now she felt nothing but hatred for her former husband.

"God King Audi is dead, Kratos, no one will disturb your happy life in the future, and live a good life with your son in the future, and don't get involved in any conspiracy again.

In that world, my relationship with your husband, Kratos, is exceptionally close, it can even be said to be a lifelong friendship, so in this world, I will help him for free. said Axis.

"Believe me, I really don't mean to make you tired of laughing at all. I just want to help you a little bit. Where I can, you should be thankful that your wife's fighting power is not very strong, and there is no time to die." Too long." Axis smiled, snapped his fingers, and used his powerful Pluto power.

He will never serve any god in his life again, no matter how generous the conditions are offered by the other party, it will be the same.

"What kind of conspiracy do you have? I have nothing to do with the Greek gods. I will not serve you anymore, no matter how many things you do, I will still say that." Kratos thought Axis wanted Let yourself serve him, and immediately frowned and said.

Even if it was just a conspiracy of a certain god, he didn't dare, he was really terrified!He was afraid that if he hugged the woman in front of him, she would disappear in an instant.

"No need to be so troublesome, Ms. Freya." Axis snapped his fingers and directly activated the power of the space gem, and the two of them appeared at the root of the world tree in an instant. A giant dragon that bites the root of the world tree.

Then Kratos' future ending should be perfect, and he will get everything he wants.

To be honest, I have nothing against this wise giant Axis. What the other party did was actually exactly the same as what I did. If it wasn't for accidents, I would have brought Thor and God of War Tyr over here. , and intervened in such matters.

"Is this true? You? Can you let me see another world, my son Baldr?" Freya said.

"If I can return to my hometown in the future, then I still want to come back. Please, please help me lift this curse."

"Feel it, it's me, I'm back, although I don't know why, but I am indeed back." Fei said softly.

"I'm afraid it's not free. What do you want? First of all, if it's my own, including myself, you can take it if you want, but if it's the Warner Protoss, sorry, I'm not them anymore leader." Freya said.

"Get up, Ms. Freya, Kratos' wife is not a god after all. Although she is very powerful in combat, she is still a giant family, so I will not consume too much to revive her, but your son But it’s different, he is a genuine Lord God Badr. Sorry, I can’t revive him.” Axis said.

"I can promise to help you with something, Axis, you are resurrected, my wife, no matter what, I owe you a favor. As long as it is not too much, I can help you with something, but only this once. "Kratos thought for a moment, then came to Axis and said.

"No, no, no, the new king of the Nordic gods, whoever wants to be the king of the gods, I am another world, the king of the gods of the Greek country.

"Fei! Fei!" Kratos looked at the woman in front of him that he had been thinking about day and night, trembling, and slightly stretched out his calloused hands. He really wanted to embrace the woman in front of him, but he was worried , he worried that all this was just an illusion.

"Deal! Here you are, this is your son's soul. Just in case, I put him in a deep sleep state." Axis took out a transparent sphere and handed it to Freya.

"If you still want to return to this world to retire in the future, then I will help you relieve it. If you don't want to return to this world, as long as you and I leave this world, then Odin's magic spans several worlds and will no longer affect you. It's your turn," Axis said.

"No problem, deal, but please don't lie to me. I have had enough of being deceived. I will agree to your request, but please help me revive my child after the strength is achieved." Freya said.

"Mom! Mom! Is it you? Is it you? I miss you so much." Little Atreus didn't have the same worries as his father.He broke free from Kratos' wrist and rushed directly into the arms of the woman in front of him.

If it's this condition, then no problem, she can agree, and she won't suffer anyway.

"No problem, but after watching your son? Do you want to live with him? Let a son face two mothers." Axis said.

And don't blame Mimir, bring him back!He did lie to you a little bit, but trust me, those were white lies and they won't do you any harm. said Axis.

In fact, Axis also thought about asking the mother and son in World of Warcraft to come back to help, but the mother and son in that world also had to shoulder the task of looking after their own property in World of Warcraft, so he thought of Frey from another world. ya.

"Yes, that's right, Ma'am, congratulations. The biggest enemy of your family is dead. No one will threaten your safety anymore. Live with your husband and take good care of your son." Keith smiled and said.

Touching his wife's white hands, Kratos really felt that this was his wife Fei, Atreus' mother.

"Although I can't revive your son now, it doesn't mean I won't in the future, and we know Ms. Freya very well.

"So, you don't want me to be another queen of yours, and then help you take care of the world?" Freya asked with a smile.

"I, I, I don't know, but I miss my kids so much," Freya said.

"Thank you!" Freya accepted.Contains the spirit of his own son.After the crystal ball protected it, it came to Axis.

As for why Freya was taken away, Axis had other arrangements.

"You, are you my little Atreus? You, have you grown up so much? No, no, I, I should be dead, why am I resurrected? Kratos? Yes, yes Did you save me?" Fei turned her head, looked at her husband whom she had been thinking about day and night, and asked.

"Okay, okay, from now on, our family, uh! That! Is that, is it Odin?" Fei, who had just been resurrected, finally found the dead Odin.

"Eh! You, you are also a god king, my God, what happened during my death? Did you resurrect me? You also killed Zeus, are you going to become the new Nordic god king? ' asked Fee.

"Ah! Although I don't know what's going on, I can assure you, Kratos, I am Fei." Fei knew how sensitive her husband Kratos was, and she came to Kratos gently. In front of him, he reached out and stroked his old face, and then pressed his hands to Kratos' chest.

"Hahaha! What kind of person do you think I am? I am not a person like Zeus or Odin. My world has just completed the alternation of the old and new god kings.

"Didn't I just say that? My current strength is still unable to revive your son Badr, but it's not a big problem to get his soul back. When my strength reaches the universe god, or even the creation god Level, I should be able to revive your son." Axis said.

"We're going to Vanaheim first, and from there, we're going to the roots of the World Tree."

"I, I, are you really Fei?"

Then he made a please gesture to Freya.

He really didn't believe what Axis said, even if the other party resurrected his wife, he still stubbornly believed that the other party had plots against him and that the other party wanted him to work.But if you do resurrect my wife, come on!
"Hahaha! As I said, Kratos really doesn't need it, live here well, bye." Axis waved at Kratos, and disappeared directly in front of the three with Freya .


The woman hugged her son subconsciously, and she couldn't believe it. She touched the face of little Atreus, and she seemed a little in disbelief.

We overthrew the rule of the old god king Zeus and established a new order, but now there are many kingdoms of gods coveting my world, and myself and Kratos may often not be in the kingdom because of some things, so the kingdom The real guardian force is only Athena, that is, my queen. said Axis.

Once again, he left himself, only to find out that this was a conspiracy of the gods. If such a thing really happened, then the anger in his body would completely devour everything.

This time Axis was telling the truth. It would take a lot of energy for him to revive a god-level existence, let alone a main god.

From today on, your family can live a good life!The next Nordic protoss should have no chance to trouble you.

I’m afraid you don’t believe it, I have traveled through multiple time and space, and in one of them, I saved you and your child Badr, and became good friends with him, and repaired your mother-child relationship, and sent them to another time and space. One world to live in. said Axis.

"I won't let you leave me again, Fei, our family will live together in the future." He hugged his wife tightly, and his son Kratos burst into tears.

"." Damn, am I that lecherous in your eyes?And your appearance does not mean how beautiful you are!
If you are extremely beautiful, then I am still a little interested, but forget about your aunt face!
"Hahaha! You think too much, Ms. Freya, I would like to invite you to become a main god of my world, and protect my world when I am not around. If you agree, then in the future when my strength arrives, I will Will resurrect your son." Axis said.

"Hehe! Really powerful Lord God King." Freya smiled, came to the root of the World Tree, and lifted his curse.

Directly resurrected Kratos' wife in this world, Faye, in an instant.A beautiful red-haired woman appeared in front of Kratos.

"You can resurrect the dead god, please, please. Rescue my son Badr, I promise you anything." Freya came to Axis, kneeling on the ground, shaking Axis Xisi's leg, said.

"Then Lord God King, please do me a favor now. Although Odin is dead, the magic curse he cast on me has not disappeared. I need you to help me lift this curse. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to other places. world," Freya said.

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you for resurrecting me and killing Odin, the greatest enemy of our family." Odin, you still died in the dusk of Zhucheng as predicted, but it seems that your fate is different from the previous one. different.

"Then why did you bring me here? I thought you could resurrect my son." Freya asked.

The reason why Kratos' wife can be resurrected by him is because the other party is not a god at all, but a giant race. Even though she is extremely powerful, she is still a mortal in essence.

"I won't kill you. After all, you are an indispensable part of this world. Without you, the world tree will grow too much." Axis did not kill the dragon that was willing to eat the roots of the world tree , but released it, it is also considered an important existence in this world, so it will not kill you.

"Are you going to meet your people? I heard that your brother is here too?" Axis asked.

"." Freya was caught in a tangle, she was hesitating whether to go back or not.

Do you want to meet your brother Frey?To meet my own people, to see my former clansmen.

(End of this chapter)

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