The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 361 Give Doom Day to Super God?

Chapter 361 Give Doom Day to Super God?

"I can accept this. Reviving the dead at will will indeed break the balance of this world. Your willingness to help us treat the wounded is already a great help. I am here to thank you on behalf of the Justice League." Superman said.

Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is too shocking, it will cause unnecessary trouble, and everyone has someone who hopes to be resurrected, so this quota is not easy to allocate, and it is best not to resurrect anyone. Of course, except for his lover Louise.

As for the protests of the people outside.Just need to let Lex Luthor find a reason to fool the past. For the people, sometimes it is necessary to resort to some necessary deception. This is a white lie, and it is good for them.

The current Superman can accept many things that were completely unacceptable before, such as taking some extreme measures, or some extreme methods, and deceiving the people. He has done this many times, and every time All handy.

Some sacrifices are totally worth it as long as it keeps the majority alive and the planet at peace.

"It's good that you can understand, then Mr. Clark. If there is nothing that requires fighting or treatment, I hope to stay here and rest." Sarah said.

"There is no problem, Miss Sarah, you can just stay here, so now please allow me to say goodbye for a while, next, I will announce to everyone that this female angel has joined the Justice League, and say to everyone , You don’t have resurrection ability. Your resurrection ability was only bestowed by the Lord, and it has been taken back now, is it okay for me to say that?” Superman asked.

"That's how it was, Mr. Superman, I can't resurrect the dead now." Of course, if you don't want to die for more than a day, I can still come back to life, but if you die for too long, then Axis must Adults help too.

"Understood, Miss Sarah, see you later." Superman nodded in satisfaction, turned and left Sarah's room.

"How? Superman, what did she tell you? Did she make any excessive demands? Or asked you to do something?" Damian said.

"She didn't ask me to do anything. It was God's will to resurrect Louise, and this female angel has clearly told me that from now on, she will never have the ability to resurrect the dead, unless God descends again Will, give him strength.

Otherwise, with the power of an angel like her, she would not be able to revive the dead. However, he can treat everyone who is seriously injured and dying for free. As long as they are not brought back from death on the spot, she can repair the other party's injuries. said Superman.

Now no one can enjoy the right of resurrection.Of course, if you really need this power.I believe that Miss Angel must be willing to help me, after all, I am a person favored by God.

God was able to send an angel to make an exception for himself once and resurrect Louis Lane, then he could make an exception for himself a second time, or even a third time.

"Is that all? Clark, she really doesn't have any resurrection ability? Will she never resurrect others again?" Luthor asked.

Clark you have completely changed, you have never lied before, especially to your friends, it is obvious that you are telling lies.

But that's fine, don't let this female angel revive anyone again, this is a good thing, and I have no reason to expose Clark, so let's do it!

Damian on the other side was also silent. To be honest, he was not at all interested in the ability of resurrection. When he was training in the League of Assassins, there was a spring there, which could also resurrect the dead. little problem.

"It's a pity that if she had joined us a few years ago, then Diana wouldn't have been in a coma for more than a year. This female angel should be able to heal the other party's injuries directly. What about Diana?" Superman asked .

"Where else can Diana go? After he saw Louis Lane resurrected, he immediately went to Paradise Island in a fit of anger and hasn't returned yet. Maybe you can go to Paradise Island and bring her back." Lake Sluther said.

The whole Justice League, now who doesn't know that Wonder Woman Diana loves Superman Clarke.But the problem is that during the past five years, Superman has devoted himself to his career, completely ignoring or even accepting Diana's feelings.

But Diana doesn't care, she has a long life, and Superman will be the same in the future.There can only be one by his side, and that is her Wonder Woman Diana.

"I see, let her calm down alone! I believe Diana should be able to figure it out, after all, I have nothing to do with her." Superman said.

"I don't think she can figure it out, otherwise, she would have come back long ago. You should probably persuade him and explain everything clearly. I think Diana should make the right choice." Lex Luthor said .

"Hmph! Now that we have Miss Angel, we don't lack Diana's fighting power. She can take Diana's place. If she doesn't want to come back, then don't come back." Superman said.

After hearing Superman's words, Damia and Lex Luthor looked at each other, and then looked at Superman together.

"Superman! You let her join the Justice League? It's that simple, you let her join us?" Damian asked.

Is it that easy to join the Justice League now?You don't need everyone to vote, you don't need to discuss with anyone, you Superman can decide everything with a single sentence.

At this moment, Da Mian suddenly understood his father Batman a little bit. Superman did make the world a better place, and the whole world was peaceful, but people seemed to have lost something.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you just now, she also brought a message, that is the demon that once destroyed my hometown Krypton, the universe-level artificial intelligence Brainiac, is about to invade the earth, she is here to help so We have to be ready for battle.

And don't worry about anything wrong with her, after Brainiac is defeated, Miss Angel will leave here and go back to her own place, she is just a temporary member of the alliance, so I didn't call the meeting I still have the right to vote, directly choose to let her join, and recruit temporary members. said Superman.

"What! Brainiac, he will invade the earth, and he will destroy your hometown, damn Clark, that's the point, okay?" Lex Luthor said with a livid face.

"Don't worry, he won't come for several years. We have plenty of time to prepare for war. As long as I fully activate the technology of the nemesis, and rely on the army that Superman will create, I can completely resist Brainiac. invasion," said Superman.

As long as the Justice League can unite as one, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated in this world, and he is superhuman and possesses unimaginable power.

"By the way, Luther, please inform the people of the world about Miss Angel! And tell everyone that God rewarded me and rewarded me for what I have done in the past five years. I brought peace to the whole world before I was resurrected. My wife's," said Superman.

"I see." Lex Luthor agreed to Superman's request, turned and left.

You are no longer the Clark I know, you are no longer Superman, the son of tomorrow, Batman, hurry up and start your plan!

Let the superheroes of another world, let them come quickly, this world needs them, and the mistakes of Superman must be corrected.

"Is there anything else you want, Damian?" Looking at Damian who was still standing beside him, he asked.

"It's nothing, Superman, I'm leaving first." Damian turned and left silently.

I betrayed my father, followed you, and even killed my brother by mistake.Is this the result in return?This is really the peace I want and want to see, Father, am I wrong?
Axis on the other side also heard all the conversations in the Justice League watchtower clearly through the small universe attached to Sarah.

"Hehe, it's amazing. I didn't expect that there was a Doomsday hidden in the Lex Luthor building I stole. I didn't even check it carefully. This is the real big gain." Axis said.

Doomsday is a super killer.This thing can be said to be the top biological weapon in the universe.

Moreover, the fighting power is simply strong, and it also has the ability of immortality and infinite evolution.

However, Doomsday is not as strong as imagined. Except for killing Superman in the first appearance, other consecutive battles with Superman ended in failure of this guy. Even in New 52, ​​he was also killed by Superman. Tear directly.

In several other works, Superman will be defeated every time it appears on the stage. In the subsequent confrontation, it has not won Superman once.

However, these supermen who defeated Doomsday all possessed spiritual power without exception. In terms of power alone, Doomsday can completely explode all Kryptonians.

If I really fight it now, I may not be afraid of Doomsday, the purebred Bizarro really can't fight Doomsday.

But this upgraded version of myself not only has all the abilities of Bigara, but also has all the abilities of Superman, not to mention the blessing of the small universe.

Coupled with the magic of immortality, it is uncertain who will win or lose in the fight against Doomsday.You have immortality, so do I. You have infinite physical strength, so do I, but I still have the power of the small universe. Learn about Lightspeed Fist, the power of the Big Bang, and Trinity Tactics.

As for your immortality ability?hehe!

I will kill you once with divine power, once with the small universe, once with magic power, and then I can seal you, or give you to Super God as a gift, maybe he will like it very much.

By the way, if I give Doomsday to Super God, I wonder if he will be interested?Doomsday's physical strength is much stronger than that of Superman.

Even I don't need to fight Doomsday at all now, this guy is in a deep sleep state now, I can bring it directly to Super God, and then exchange some benefits.

He should be very, very interested in Doomsday. Super God is creating his own body, and Doomsday's powerful body should be useful.

Or he could make another choice, that is to take Doomsday's body, but Axis rejected this idea as soon as it appeared.

When he first got the news of Doomsday, Axis once thought about using the power of the small universe to control Doomsday like Bizarro.

But Bizarro is a pure clone, the soul in his body has just been born, if it is small, it is pitiful.

But Doomsday is different. This guy has been born for a long, long time. He was born in the ancient times of Krypton. His body is full of madness and desire for destruction. If he is infected, the loss outweighs the gain.

So take his body, so let's forget it. At present, trading him to Chaoshen is the best choice, because keeping this product by his side is also a super time bomb.

Axis' next goal is to get Brainiac to come over quickly. The various black technological powers on this guy make him very envious.

correct!I remember that in Injustice II, Superman also has a cousin Kara, that is, Superwoman is near the earth's orbit.

It stands to reason that it should land near Kandak in a year or half a year, but Axis can find her out in advance.

But let's go to Super God now, trade it to him on Doomsday, and find Super Girl when you come back.

Axis came to his private space, enlarged the Lexlus Building, and then began to search carefully, finally found Doomsday in a very secret basement, which was protected by layers.

This is a hideous monster with a height of [-] meters, gray skin and bone spurs all over its body.

Looking at the appearance, it is absolutely domineering, although it looks a bit ugly.

Axis applied a seal on the destructive training cabin with the small universe and divine power, then cut off all the power sources, picked up the huge training cabin, activated his own time-traveling ability, and aimed at the world of Saint Seiya, The target is the super god Kronos.

"That's Bruce, the female angel joined the Justice League. Although it was only a temporary member, we should pay attention to the news she brought. Brainiac is about to invade our world." Back to myself Lex Luthor told Batman everything he knew.

"I know about Brainiac. This thing can be slowed down a little bit. He is still a few years away, and we have plenty of time to prepare. But now prepare to welcome the Justice League from another world!" Bat Xia said.

"I see. Everything is going according to our original plan. You come to entertain the Justice League of Another World. As for this female angel, I will keep an eye on her." Luthor said.

"I know Luther." Batman.

(End of this chapter)

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