The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 365 The fusion is successful, why is it a girl's?

Chapter 365 The fusion is successful, why is it a girl's?

I rely on!Master Chaoshen usually doesn't see that you are so reckless?This is Doomsday, you actually just bumped into it directly, and you have to forcibly fuse with this guy.

"Mr. Saturn, do you think Master Super God can successfully integrate Doomsday?" Axis looked at Saturn beside him and asked.

"I think there is at least a [-]% possibility that Master Super God can fuse with Doomsday and completely suppress Doomsday's violent will. After all, it is just a monster. Although it has terrifying power and immortality, he always faces That’s right, it’s a super god, a super god who created countless universes.” If you keep killing and let Doomsday continue to evolve, then the super god may really overturn, but now at this point in time , there should be no major problems.

"Then I'm relieved, but just in case, Mr. Saturn, please stay closer to me. If anything goes wrong, we can leave here." Axis said.

"En! If there is any unexpected situation in a while, I will block one attack from the Super God at most. At this moment, you must take us away." Saturn nodded and said.

"No problem, if I find something wrong, I don't need him to attack, I will run away directly."

Just as the two of them were chatting, the Super God and Doomsday over there had been completely fused together.

Doomsday's body was slowly absorbed by the incomplete body created by Super God, and the body of Super God began to undergo subtle changes, and its size suddenly increased.It turned into a monster like Doomsday, but then began to shrink, and the body began to gradually return to the size of a human.

"Axis and Saturn, can't you two have some confidence in me?" Just then, a voice rang in the ears of Axis and Saturn.

"Ah! Master Super God, aren't you merging with Doomsday?"

"I'm indeed merging with Doomsday, but that's just the body I created. You know, I created the entire universe, and my spiritual consciousness is everywhere." Super God said.

"Sorry, Lord Super God." Saturn hurriedly knelt on the ground, with cold sweat on his forehead. This time, she was really frightened.Chaoshen should have fully heard the conversation he had with Axis just now.

"Get up, Saturn, I don't blame you. It's been so many years since I created you, and I know you've longed for freedom, after I restored your freedom. And yet you still obey my orders , Actually, this is not much different from before, but this time I agreed to your request. You want Axis to take you to another universe, so that you can get rid of me completely. No problem, let Axis Si will take you away." Chaoshen said.

He knew exactly what Satu wanted.And after he has a body, he no longer needs Saturn.

Why not be a favor and let him go?What's more, Saturn has worked hard for him for so many years, from the creation of the world to the present.

"Thank you, Lord Chaoshen. No matter what, if Lord Chaoshen has any orders in the future, as long as I can do what I can, I will still do things for Lord Chaoshen." Saturn said.

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand Saturn."

"Master Super God, I wonder if you can suppress Doomsday?" Axis asked.

"Of course, I know the weakness of this monster. You introduced him to me in great detail. To deal with him, you just need to create a closed loop of space and let it wander in it forever. The reason why I stimulated him so much , because I want his body to reach the point of fusion with me, otherwise, why would I do it? Everything is under control, and its violent will can't affect me." Super God said.

You bastard boy, do you think I really didn't hear what you were saying?What's more, I still have a trick that doesn't work.I haven't used the chaotic magic on the girl you brought before.

Do you really think my cards are in and out?After all, I am the creator god of the entire multiverse. If I was killed by a monster so easily, would I still be a mess?

But this monster called Doomsday.It was indeed far beyond my expectations.He punches his manifested golden hourglass.It actually caused cosmic turmoil in the entire Saint Seiya world.

However, that huge golden hourglass is just its image, and the real super god is a collection of the concept of the entire Saint Seiya world.It is a truly immortal existence, unless Doomsday can completely destroy all the multiverses of Saint Seiya, otherwise she will not fail as a super god.

This kid was so frightened that he gathered all his lovers together, planning to run away. You introduced me to Doomsday in such detail, can I be unsure?
This guy's highest record is to defeat a five-dimensional element and a multiverse evil god, but these two guys are at most at the level of the multiverse. cosmic level.

(Let’s talk about the power of super god here, Papitua, the goddess of creation, created the entire DC multiverse. She was originally going to die, but because she didn’t want to, she evaded her mission.

But Super God easily created all the multiple parallel universes in the entire Saint Seiya world. This is still the case that Super God has no body. Now Super God has the power of several other universes provided by Axis, especially the Marvel world The Chaos Magic, after getting the body, is not weaker than the Endless Family, even stronger than the Endless Family. )
"Look carefully, the fusion has been completed, and now Doomsday has completely disappeared in this world, and it has become a part of my body." Super God said.

Axis looked around, and saw that the blurred human figure had become clear, and her height had changed back to a normal human being, revealing her white skin and perfect facial features. Soft blonde hair.

However, the three points were covered up with a ray of holy light, but it can be vaguely seen that she has an excellent figure.

The place that should be convex is convex, the place that should be warped is warped, it really is a beauty, wait, there seems to be something wrong!

This, this is a girl, right? This body is a girl, right?Lord Super God, you, you, you created a woman's body.

"Lord Chronos, why did you create a female body?" Axis asked.

"Is there anything wrong with creating a female body?" The blond girl opened her eyes, transformed into a set of extremely luxurious divine clothes, and asked in an instant in front of Axis.

"Uh, you, you should be male!" Axis said.

"Who told you that I am a man? Is it just because of my name? Then you should know my myths and legends! I am the creator of the entire universe. To be precise, I have no gender and I am everything Root, I can be a man or a woman." The blond girl showed a playful smile, transformed into a stool, sat on it empty-handedly, and said with her legs crossed.

"Eh! Don't dare to surpass God, you can do whatever you like." Axis wiped the cold sweat from his brow and said.

Indeed, as Super God said, he is the origin of everything in the entire Saint Seiya universe.The creation gods who created countless saint warrior worlds, and then these creation gods began to create a single universe, and everything was created by him.

Her self-righteous younger brother is just an experimental product of hers. If Yao Ma, the so-called God of Time, really has the same status as Super God, how could he be sealed by the power of Super God?
Chaoshen has never had his own entity before, so he has no gender at all, but.You've always presented yourself as a man, right?
Now suddenly become a girl, it's against harmony, okay?
"I understand what you think. I used to be a male voice, so I became a female this time. Everything in the world is my child. I created it, so I think I am more suitable As a mother, maybe I am tired of being a woman, and I will become a man in the future." Chaoshen said with a smile.

In fact, this is a lie to Axis. The body of a god that can carry super god power cannot be created easily. Once it is formed and your soul is integrated into it, it cannot be changed.

But no one stipulated that she could not create a second body!Although it cannot be counted as the main body, it can only be counted as an avatar.

Can be male or female, isn't it a shemale?cough cough!Hello, you can do whatever you want, Master Super God, how can we, a little god king who can only look up to a single universe, question your decision?
"This body is really good, Axis, I now have unparalleled strength, it can perfectly carry all my strength, even stronger than I was before, it's great." Chaoshen said.

Damn, I'm not used to it, I'm really not used to it, I used to face a majestic super god, but now I'm facing a majestic girl super god, I'm not used to it.

"Then congratulations, Mr. Super God, congratulations on reaching a higher level and reaching a higher level." Axis immediately flattered him.

"Hahaha! I am here today thanks to your help, Axis. Now it's time to fulfill your promise. You promised me that you would take me to another universe, so take me to you Discover the universe of this monster! I am very interested in it." Chaoshen said.

"." So you want to go to the DC universe, please have a lot of bosses there, okay?Although your strength is very strong, the existence of Supreme God, Lucifer, Great Craftsman God, etc., their strength should not be within your reach now, Mr. Super God.

"Do you have any questions, Axis?" Chaoshen asked.

"Sorry, Lord Super God, I need to explain to you that that world is very dangerous, and there are many super powerful beings. Even with your current strength, you are not the most powerful in that world." Axis I feel that what I have expressed is very clear, please, Sister Chaoshen.

There is a group of people who can hang your existence, why don't we go to another world to play.

"Wouldn't that be better? Just let me see, what are the existences stronger than me like?" Chaoshen said.

"What if I mean, what if they want to hurt you?" Axis said, wiping the cold sweat off his brow.

If a little Karami god like myself ran to others, in the multiverse, others would not care about it, but you are a big boss, if you fail in the past, you will lead to some very powerful existences.

"Then you just take me away, I know your strength, if you still want to continue to improve your strength, if you still want to reach a higher level, then take me to another world to see "Super God said.

"Promise Master Super God Axis, if there is any danger, we can just run away." Saturn patted Axis on the shoulder and said.

He no longer has any resistance to being a fleeing party or something.

"Okay! Master Super God, since you insist on going to another universe, I will take you there. Then let me explain to you the highest-level combat power of the universe I am in now." Axis said.

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. It's also good to listen. Tell me, Axis." Chaoshen nodded and said.

"That world is called. The existence created by the existence of the Supreme God is divided into the omnipotent universe, the super universe, the multiverse, and various dimensional spaces. I think that with your strength, it should be at the super universe level. In that world, there should be no more than four people who can threaten you," Axis said.

Except for Supreme God, and his two children Lucifer and Michael, other super gods should be able to deal with them, even including a few people from endless families. They just represent an original rule, but super gods represent Violated all the rules of Saint Seiya World.

Of course, if existences such as giant beasts and great darkness can escape, in terms of settings, they should also be able to defeat Super God.

But speaking of DC, it is really enough to eat books. At the beginning, the giant beast can rival God, but after eating books, the giant beast becomes an incarnation of Lucifer. The great darkness can also rival God, and the result is another rotten hit the street.

The former Great Craftsman God and the New God are also virtues, but the strongest one is the trio of God and his son.

"I probably understand, this time I just made friends in the past, and I will not conflict with the other party." Chaoshen said.

"Then it's no problem, Mr. Super God, let's go to another world!" Axis said.

"I'm looking forward to it, Axis." Chaoshen was so excited that his chest even trembled a little.

After a burst of light, Axis brought Saturn, and the super god who had just turned into a girl, and appeared in the DC Universe of Injustice.

(End of this chapter)

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