The Heavens: Take Kratos to kill the world

Chapter 404 Chaos Demon God Axis

After Axis woke up, he found that he seemed to be trapped in something. He stretched out his hand to touch it, but he could only touch a smooth shell.

What are you trapped in now?Also, now I am very strong, really strong.

Axis squeezed his fists, and now his appearance has completely changed its body shape, and it is not much smaller than those Titans or Cosmic Celestials. The planet is simply a little brother in front of him.

And his current body has completely changed, the whole body is a chaotic black purple.

There are also two pairs of huge wings growing from its back.

The whole body is full of the power of chaos, the power of Pan Gu, the power of Titan, and the power of the small universe all disappeared.

Although these powers of mine have disappeared, Axis can clearly feel that it can easily simulate these powers by using the newly obtained power of chaos in his body.

And the biggest surprise is that his system disappeared, or his system became a part of him. The system was completely obliterated by the terrifying chaos, and now he has mastered a kind of space magic.

As a Chaos Demon God, he must control one kind of law, and what Pangu didn't expect was that Axis actually mastered two kinds of laws, one is the powerful space law, after completely obliterating the system, The power of the system is also blessed on Axis. Now he only needs to consume his own mana, and he can travel freely in the space.

Axis has become the new Chaos God of Space. Although he is only the lowest level Chaos God, the power of space has indeed been mastered by him.After the death of the previous generation of space demon gods, the second chaos demon god with the power of space appeared.

And it's not just the power of space, the second power of Axis is the power of creation. Although he is only a low-level Chaos Demon God, he has mastered the rules to become a top Chaos Demon God.

After waking up, the two chaotic laws of space and creation also came into Axis' mind.These two abilities, like eating and drinking, have become an instinct of his, and now he can display them as he pleases.

Moreover, the current chaotic world is like his own family to him, and he has officially become a powerful chaotic life form.

"So strong, I'm really strong now, so strong that I can't believe it myself, this feeling of being extremely powerful, I feel that now a multiverse-level existence appears in front of me, and I can blow him up with a single punch." Axis said.

So what is it all about?Originally, he just wanted to open up a chaotic space, and then in this chaotic space, let his Pangu power grow.

But who would have imagined that he would directly become a lower-level Chaos Demon God by mistake, and directly become a Chaos Life Form. This level span is a bit large.

And it looks like I have slept for a long time!Axis instantly discovered that he had been asleep for more than 1 years.

This did not use the power of time acceleration, but literally 1 years. It took me more than 1 years to evolve from a single universe-level life to a chaotic life body.

Wori x, Lucifer's soul shards, I only got rid of three of them, it's been more than 1 fucking years, that guy won't come out, right?
I don't know what is going on with Chaoshen now, I seem to have cheated Chaoshen!
If Super God can't handle the last piece of Lucifer's soul fragment, then if the Supreme God chases after him, then Super God will be in danger of life.

For Super God, he is still grateful. He was able to rise so quickly, become a single universe life, gain the power of the world, and then enter the land of chaos to practice, all because of Super God's care.Without a super god, I might still be an ordinary Greek god king working hard across the world.

However, the most urgent task now is to quickly break the giant sphere that traps him. Well, after absorbing the power of Pangu, now he has to do the same thing as Pangu, which is to split the eggshell that binds him.

But it seems that he doesn't have any weapons now, because of the baptism of the power of chaos, all the divine clothes and divine swords on his body have disappeared.

In front of the powerful force of chaos.These so-called artifacts are nothing, even after experiencing the blessing of Axis' world power, the result is still the same.

It is said that there was an ax in the giant egg that Pangu was born in. Now that he is also a Chaos Demon God, do he have any companion spirit treasures?

Axis searched around, and found that there was indeed a weapon in the dome where he was sleeping.

This is a giant sword that is completely black and shining with strange brilliance. A feeling of soul and blood connection comes from this giant sword.

This is the treasure that belongs to the space demon god, the low-grade chaotic spirit treasure, the chaotic space sword, this sword can easily tear the space and tear the world apart.

With just one swipe, a gap to the Land of Chaos can be opened in an ordinary world, allowing the boundless air of Chaos to flow into this world, or directly banish a powerful life form into the Chaos World.

Moreover, in addition to this divine sword, there is also a huge pagoda at the foot of Axis, the Chaos Creation Tower, which is a low-grade chaotic spiritual treasure bred by his own creation law using the energy of chaos.

It can suppress a land of chaos, easily suppress a low-rank Chaos Demon God, and there are many other things beyond words.

"Well, after sleeping for more than 1 years, I became a Chaos Demon God. All the items on my body disappeared, but these two treasures were added. Generally speaking, it is not a loss." Axis said.

"It's really no loss, my friend. I never thought that you could comprehend the two top laws. Become a real Chaos Demon God." At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Axis' ear.

"Who? Who are you?" Axis immediately became nervous, and drew out his Chaos Space Sword, ready to break through the space and escape at any time.

In this chaotic space, there are only two living beings, the Chaos Demon God and the Chaos Beast.

But the only one with wisdom is the Chaos Demon God. The Chaos Demon Beast is a deformed life form that cannot comprehend the complete law. Although its combat power is very powerful and can easily destroy a world, it is not as powerful as the Chaos Demon God.

As the weakest Chaos Demon God, the newly born Priest Ake can barely deal with a Chaos Demon Beast, but if it is a Chaos Demon God.I really can't eat it, so I walk around!

"You don't need to be afraid, little friend. I am Pangu, and it is thanks to Wu's help that you can obtain the body of the Chaos Demon God. Otherwise, you will only strengthen Pangu's power in this chaotic land at most. It is impossible to become a A Chaos Demon God," Pan Gu said.

Before, he just thought of Axis as a fun little thing.But since Axis evolved into the Chaos Demon God, he really has the qualifications to talk to himself.

Pangu?Is there a mistake?Basically, as long as Pan Gu, who created the world, has something to do with the Eastern Xianxia, ​​then the creator god who created the world is Pan Gu.

But all the Pangus, all the Pangus who created the world, will all be born and die, and all will turn into various things in the world.

Honghuang will turn into Sanqing and Twelve Ancestral Witches, the Three Emperors in the Immortal Sword World, the Thirteen Ancestral Gods in the Ancient Sword World, and some other worlds.Pan Gu will also transform into various forms.Innate gods, as long as they are transformed by Pan Gu, are born with incomparably powerful existences.

But the problem is, in this chaotic world, I am in the ancient universe. Pangu has been dead for many years, and even the previous Pangu, only Axis of the single universe level can crush the opponent .But now that he has become a lower Chaos Demon God, and this Pangu said that he helped him, how powerful is this Pangu?Well, is it the strongest Pangu in the prehistoric version?
Is it the Pan Gu who killed 3000 Chaos Demon Gods and opened up the prehistoric world?This Great God Pan Gu doesn't seem to be very friendly to Chaos Demon God!
Axis thought of this, and immediately raised his Chaos Space Sword, planning to cut through the space, and then run away directly.

But unfortunately, he suddenly found that he couldn't move his body. After realizing Axis' intentions, Pangu shook his head, and directly used his great magic power to make Axis unable to move, and he didn't even appear in Axis. In front of Kesis.

"You don't need to be afraid, little friend. I don't have any malice towards you, it's just that I found that I have a chance that will be imprinted on my body." Pan Gu said.

"Great God, I don't know if you need a little help. You are too powerful, and you have killed many Chaos Demon Gods, so I am afraid." Axis said.

"When did I take the initiative to kill the Chaos Demon God? There will also be battles between us Chaos Demon Gods. Those Chaos Demon Gods who failed to challenge me were naturally killed by me, but for no reason. Why did I kill the Chaos Demon God? And for a junior like you who was just born, the Chaos Demon God can't get into my eyes at all." Pan Gu rolled his eyes and said.

"Master Pan Gu, I don't know if you need a little help, I will definitely do it." Damn it, why did you meet the prehistoric version of Pan Gu?

"I am not the Pangu who created the world, I am the original Pangu. All the Pangus who fell from the world are just my avatars, including those Pangus in the prehistoric world that you think of in your heart. They are just a relatively powerful avatar of mine. That's all, and I have created more than one prehistoric world." Pan Gu said.

Why is there more than one prehistoric world?This Pangu is the source of all Pangu!Damn, it's getting better and better, okay?What is there in my small body that deserves the attention of such a big guy?

"In the future, I will tell you when you advance to the top Chaos Demon God. Now you should practice hard, strive to become stronger, and absorb the energy of Chaos." Pan Gu said.

What is this kid thinking about?I need your help. I really want to find a life form as powerful as mine in other worlds.With your spatial supernatural powers, you can do it easily, after all, you are just a Chaos Demon God who controls power.

But with this kid's current strength, a low-level Chaos Demon God, with a top-level Chaos Demon God like himself, I'm afraid he can't go anywhere, so let's wait until this kid is stronger!
"Master Pan Gu, what you say is what you say, can that little one leave?" Axis said.

"Leave? Why are you leaving? Although you have awakened your self-awareness, you are still in the process of gestation. You can completely absorb the energy of chaos in the land of chaos and make yourself stronger. Now you are just a subordinate Chaos Demon God.

If you are born now, then the highest level in the future will be just an intermediate level Chaos Demon God, and the speed of improvement will be very slow, you have to cultivate yourself to the top level of the Chaos Demon God that is still being conceived. . "Pangu directly rejected Axis' idea of ​​leaving now, and even moved Axis to an area where the atmosphere of chaos was stronger.

The incomparably terrifying air of chaos poured into Axis' body again, making his brain feel tired and drowsy again, and he wanted to fall asleep right away.

"Great God Pangu, I, I still have things to deal with outside. I can't just sleep like this." Axis suppressed the instinctive drowsiness of the Chaos Demon God and said.

"Oh! Are you talking about the low-level worlds you created before? Those worlds can be created by you as long as you reach the upper level of the Chaos Demon God. They are worthless at all. Our Chaos Demon God's cultivation is the most important thing. force for us.

It's just an extremely inferior power, weaker than the power of chaos that we control ourselves. You must know that our own power of chaos is much higher than the so-called power of the world. "Pangu patiently told Axis the general knowledge of Chaos Demon God.

"Great God Pangu, I really have important matters to deal with. I have an ally in the outside world. Before this ally, I and I were dealing with a very powerful enemy. We originally planned to get rid of him in more than ten years. , Now that I have been asleep for more than 1 years, I am really worried about this ally.

Moreover, several of my wives are also in my current world, and I am a little worried that I will not go back for such a long time. said Axis.

I disappeared without a sound for more than 1 years, and my harem has not turned upside down!

"So that's it, you don't need to worry about this. Your friend was indeed attacked by a powerful existence, but the attacker has been repelled by me with an axe. As for going back to your home, you can condense a point Just go in front of me, your main body will continue to sleep here for me, and you will never leave until the superior Chaos Demon God." Pan Gu said.

"." Axis.

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