Chapter 406 The Finale
Axis opened the space barrier and came directly to the world of Marvel. This world can be regarded as a world that he has risen. Here he got the biggest plug-in, infinite gems.

When he came to the zombie universe for the first time, Axis got a lot of things, and he also got the first power to hate hearts in the heavens and worlds.

I also got a large group of zombies, heroes and nearly 70 billion ordinary zombies. At first Axis was very happy.Because he felt that he could kill these 70 billion zombies.

All of them were built into top-level war weapons to fight for themselves, but in fact, Axis was thinking too much.These zombies can indeed be useful in some low-level fantasy worlds, but once they are upgraded to high-end combat power, they will be useless.

For example, if he randomly sends out a new protoss, as long as he is given some time, he can easily slaughter billions of zombies.

"Is one of our little sisters in this world, Axis?"

"It doesn't feel like there's anything special here."

"Don't worry, this world is still very special. I suffered a lot of calculations when I was here," Axis said.

After the scarlet witch who lost the universe gave birth here.The group of observers here was a bit too active, and Axis was very excited when the child said the power of transcendence.

But now it's just a slap in the face, what are you kidding, beyond intelligence?It is a kind of power that transcends the universe. It is not much worse than chaotic energy in terms of level, and now Axis, as the controller of chaotic energy, the Chaos Demon God, knows exactly how strong transcendent energy is. Not at all.

And at that time.The Observer family is really a bit too much for themselves, and even pays back.Using his own son to convey a false message to himself.That is, as long as you bring yourself and the daughter of the mother of monsters, you can inherit the power of the phoenix.

It's kind of ridiculous to think about it. Although I discovered some tricks at the time, otherwise, I might really bring my daughter or even the whole family over here, and then I might fall into the trap.

Axis teleported and appeared in a four-story villa in New York. There was a teenage boy and a middle-aged woman in her 30s.

This is exactly Phoenix, the son of Axis, and the Scarlet Witch.

"Phoenix, you are going to college soon. Have you decided where to go?" Looking at her son, Scarlet Witch asked.

"Is it important, mother? Whatever you want! Anyway, we are not short of money, what my father left is enough for us, even if I have lost my strength now." At this time, Phoenix is ​​completely like an ordinary person, Even Wanda the Scarlet Witch.

I can freeze my appearance in my 30s, instead of continuing to grow old.It was also because the little universe that Axis left in her back then was functioning.

That's right, both mother and son's power was taken away.It has been almost 20 years since Axis left here, and these 20 years have made the observers completely lose their patience.A few years ago, they suddenly appeared and took away the so-called transcendent energy.That's not some transcendent energy at all, but something from the comic 616 universe.

In this relatively low-level movie universe this kind of thing is completely.It can pretend to be the power of transcendence, so when the boy was born, they injected this power into the boy's body, and told him that it was the power of transcendence, and asked him to seduce his father and bring his sister over.

At that time, little Phoenix firmly believed in this, thinking that he was the chosen one, but in fact he slapped him in the face very quickly. How can there be such a chosen one? It was just playing me.

a few years ago.After the observers came, they not only took it away.The so-called transcendent power given to him also took away the power of the Titans and the small universe that he inherited from his father, his mother's power of chaos and a part of the small universe, making them mother and son directly become ordinary people.

These forces belonging to the outer universe were taken away because the observers wanted to study these forces to see if they could find a way out of the cage of this world.

But just in case Axis returns in the future.So the Observer family did not.Do something unforgivable to the mother and son, such as killing them.

As for Axis' future revenge, let's be honest.The observers didn't take it seriously at all, because in their view, Axis was just a god-king-level heavenly father.

If they can become a cosmic god in the future, they will be exhausted, and the brains of their observers are multiverse-level existences. There are many single-universe-level existences in the multi-universe-level existence group.

"Who took the power from you, Wanda." At this moment, a very familiar voice suddenly entered the Scarlet Witch's ears.

"You still know you came back, bastard Axis, 20 years have passed, where have you been during this time? Do you know how we have spent these 20 years?" After hearing this very familiar voice, Scarlet The witch immediately turned her face, looked at Axis angrily and asked.

"Don't blame Axis, you don't even know how important Axis has gone through. It's only been 20 years since he left you, but for us, it's been a full 1 years."

"What's going on in 1 years?" Scarlet Witch frowned and asked.

"Things are more complicated. In short, I have to inherit some power, and then fell into a deep sleep for a while. This time is a bit long, and my main body is still in deep sleep. This is just a clone of me." Axis briefly explained his situation.

"Long time no see, Father. I'm glad you didn't bring your sister here, otherwise our family would have been cheated." Phoenix, who has grown into an 18-year-old youth, said hello to his father.

For his father, he is actually relatively unfamiliar. During the period when he just inherited the power of time travel, he and his father.Got along for a while, but after that, his father was never present in his upbringing.

"Sorry, kid. I failed to protect you. But not now." Axis said.

"You were right not to come back to us when you were weak, otherwise even you would be in danger. Father. I have been deceived, I have been deceived from the moment I was born. That is not a transcendent power at all. It is just .The Observer family, just some residual power in a cosmic cube brought from a broken universe,

After finding that they couldn't tempt you to come over, the Observers showed their true colors and took away all the power from me and my mother. My mother even began to age because she lost the power of the small universe and the power of chaos magic. "Phoenix recounted everything he observed after Axis left.

"I understand, children, I know you have had a hard time these years, but don't worry about me coming." Axis snapped his fingers, instantly restored the Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic, and Xiaoyu returned it to him by the way. A divine power of at least the level of a god king.

And his own son is also treated this way.It's just that the transcendental energy was replaced by the divine power of Titans by Axis.And that's not real transcendent energy, it's just some energy in the Cosmic Cube.Still a very dilapidated piece.

In an instant, the bodies of the two emitted light.The Scarlet Witch went from a woman in her thirties to a woman in her twenties again.

After the two recovered, some distortions began to appear in the entire space, but Axis did not stop it, but let it all go.Soon, everyone was teleported to an illusory universe, where a dozen big-headed dolls in capes were watching them.

"You made us wait for too long, Axis, you should have come back more than ten years ago, but you made us wait for such a long time."

"I have said long ago that your plan is not reliable at all. You want to rely on him to escape from the cage of this world and escape the fate of our observer family."

"Shut up, now that he's back, our plan can start over, and this time I'm not going to reason with him."

Research over the years from.The scarlet witch and the power plundered from Phoenix have improved the energy of their observers. Now if they want to leave this universe, they need to control Axis and find his kind of tearing space to come and go as they please. The ability of another world.

"To be honest, observers, I had a good impression of you at the beginning. If you tell me your true purpose without reservation. Then believe me, I will not. Rejection will just take you out of this world , It was easy for me, but you chose the most stupid way." Axis looked at the 12 bald heads in front of him and said.

From their conversation, Axis understood what the observers wanted to do.And the previous Super God.The idea is actually the same, that is to leave the cage, to leave your own shackles.

However, wouldn't you have chosen to cooperate with me like a super god?Do you have to do some deception, and then plunder the power of my wife and son?

"You have no right to question our Axis, how much help did we provide you when you first came to this world? I helped you transform six infinite gems."

"But I also helped you solve the multiverse crisis."

"What do you think? Did you do that? The so-called Ultron, as long as we think about it, it's easy for our group to get him. And the team I formed before, as long as it develops according to my plan, it can be easily done Letting you join is just a chance to get in touch with you." The observer said angrily.

"That's really a pity. You should continue to applaud me. And then don't hurt Wanda and Phoenix. In that case, I will grant your wishes and take you to a new universe, whichever is good, but you just did the best. Stupid thing, wrong step, wrong step." Axis waved his hand helplessly and said.

"What do you mean? You think you can defeat us, us observers."

What a joke, they are the observers, even the legendary Tribunal of Life.The most supreme existence under the supreme god, or the five great gods of the universe, they are not too afraid to observe this group.

"Hehe, even OAA, the god of creation. I don't pay attention to me now, let alone will he care about you?" Axis no longer plans to have a relationship with these few.The observer stopped talking nonsense, and the chaotic energy was activated directly. In an instant, a black energy swept several people away.Observers are all enveloped.

"This, what kind of energy is this?"

"Damn it, he, he is eroding our bodies, Axis, you can't do that."

"We can discuss it. Our collector group has many precious treasures, and we will give you all of them."

"No!" Several observers tried their best, but they couldn't break free from the shackles of this black energy. Their bodies were constantly being digested, and then transformed into chaotic energy, which was absorbed by Axis.

This is a new method that Axis discovered to increase the power of chaos, that is to directly digest extremely powerful life forms, or an entire multiverse, super universe, and transform them into the purest power of chaos.

Not only the leaders of the dozen or so observers, but also the other members of the observers, Axis did not let them go, the entire Marvel universe, including the world of comics and movies, all of their observers were killed by Axis died.

After killing the Watchers, Axis took Scarlet Witch with him, and his own.directly left this world.Not as a last resort.He doesn't want any conflict with the creator of this world, OAA?When he was destroying the Observer, he already felt that an unknown power was on the way, so he left without hesitation.

"Is this your world, Father?"

"That's right, this is my world. In the future, I can hand over one or two single universes to your management. You can do whatever you want," Axis said.

"Please, Axis, I remember we agreed before, if you miss me, you can visit me, but I will never share you with other women." Scarlet Witch said with a cold face.

"I have no intention of breaking the agreement. You and your son live in this single universe. Everything here is under your control. I will give you the world authority." The authority of the world was handed over to the mother and son, and then they left.

Sometimes there is actually no need to talk too much, after all, I am not the type of Long Aotian, although I said that I did the same thing as him and opened a huge harem, but it is not very harmonious!
In the days that followed, time had no meaning for Axis.Except for occasionally spending time with his children and women, he spends all his time creating the universe, transforming chaotic energy, and absorbing more chaotic energy.

I don't know how many billions of years have passed, the body of Axis was born, and the moment he was born, he was the superior strength of the Chaos Demon God.

The other super gods and Kratos were also transformed into chaotic life forms with the help of Axis.Although only the lowest level.

Pangu in this period did not attack Axis, but let Axis leave.

In the endless years that followed, Axis desperately improved his own strength.Chaos Demon God.Reached the peak strength.

And Pan Gu also appeared in front of him, and the two worked together to open a passage leading to an unknown space, and Pan Gu got in without hesitation.

But Axis didn't, he was different from Pangu, he still had a lot of concerns, in such a world, he didn't want to detach himself again.

After watching Pangu leave, Axis returned to the dozen or so omnipotent universes he had created, and became a god of creation with peace of mind.

The whole book is finished.

There is also an extra film, but how should I put it, everyone chooses to subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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