Chapter 218 If You Are Poor, You Are Alone

"If you have money, you can really do whatever you want." Ji Xiang said with emotion.

Usually Ji Yongchang seldom talks to Ji Xiang about this matter, and Ji Xiang doesn't know much, but now it's shocking.

"Soybean tycoons cut off farmers for cash, speculators for futures, and pig factory owners for pork.

After earning a lot of money, there is still a lot of pork left, and I can do it again in the pork market. "

"That's roughly how it happened. On the last night, I sat on the roof with the kid for a few hours, drank two bottles of wine, and saw him jump off with my own eyes."

"Father, why didn't you stop?" Ji Xiang asked in surprise.

"The child's mentality has collapsed, it's not about money." Ji Yongchang took a deep look at Ji Xiang.

"Father, my mentality will not collapse."

Ji Xiang vaguely knew the significance of his old man telling this story, he said firmly.

"In terms of your medicine, top doctors, I'm talking about the top doctors, it must be extremely stupid to see other doctors' operations below."

"It's like watching a kid's operation. He doesn't know the power of international giants at all, he only knows how to look at the data, so he was directly forced to liquidate his position, suffered heavy losses, and his mentality was also out of balance."

"In the past, he thought he was very talented, and he never faced the truly cruel world. So once something happened, he couldn't accept it."

"Top doctor." Ji Yongchang pointed at himself with his finger. "The eyes and vision are different, because I know how powerful the invisible power is. And that talented young man has insufficient vision, but blindly believes in himself."

"The President Wu you mentioned belongs to the scope of insufficient technical ability, but how many top doctors like me at the level of Financial Street are there? There are only a handful of them."

Ji Yongchang said lightly.

Ji Xiang suddenly remembered the system NPC, and he had already gotten used to the old man's way of speaking, which was exactly the same as the system NPC's Versailles.

Maybe they are simply stating a fact, but it sounds like they are showing off.

"How many patients are there? It's almost unlimited, and even the top doctors can't finish seeing so many."

"So?" Ji Xiang asked.

"So, I don't think there's anything wrong with Dr. Wu's approach." Ji Yongchang said in an affirmative tone, "At what level is the technical level, of course what you think about is what you should think about at that level. From a certain point of view, it's an ass Decide on your mind."

"But doctors want to save lives."

"Hehe." Ji Yongchang smiled, "Be more transparent."


"Decades ago, when I was a child, an old grandfather who was very kind to me in my hometown became paralyzed. He went to the hospital for treatment and died soon after. I thought later that the cerebral hemorrhage should be treated as a cerebral infarction."


"But the technical conditions at that time were like that. What can be done?"


Ji Xiang was speechless.

"If you are successful, you will help the world, but if you are poor, you will be alone." Ji Yongchang finished his conversation, stood up and glanced at Ji Xiang, "This is probably the reason. Don't get entangled, just be more transparent."

Ji Xiang pondered carefully, and finally nodded.

He understood what the story his old man told him was going to tell him.

Then what should I do?
Ji Xiang went back to the room and thought for a long time, because of lack of clinical experience, he could only take one step at a time.

After calming down, Ji Xiang went to the system operating room to start a new surgical training.

The NPC of the system did not chat with Jixiang, but assisted Jixiang in the operation and pointed out the problems in Jixiang's operation.



Early the next morning, Ji Xiang came to the hospital.

He was 20 minutes early, changed his clothes and went to the ward rounds first to get the patient's information.

Especially for patients who are going to undergo total resection of Ding cancer, Ji Xiang pretends to be indifferent, but carefully observes his emotional changes.

The patient didn't seem to have changed in just one night, but Ji Xiang always felt that his mood was more depressed, as if there was a dark cloud hanging over his head, and it was raining continuously.

The patient became damp and depressed, and sat listlessly on the bed, and no one wanted to talk to him.

After the shift, Ji Xiang followed Colonel Wang for surgery.

"Dr. Xiaoji, here we come." Entering the operating room, Tang Yan greeted Ji Xiang.

"Well, it's you again." Ji Xiang said.

Recently, Tang Yan performed a lot of urological surgeries. Ji Xiang only felt that he had seen this girl too many times, so he said casually.

"Why, you still want to choose equipment and nurses by yourself? It's getting more and more crazy!" Tang Yan asked.

Ji Xiang didn't bicker with Tang Yan. Generally, Ji Xiang, like his father, doesn't like to talk too much.

"Doctor Xiaoji, everyone said you were going to stay in Shanghai, why did you come back?" the itinerant nurse asked.

"Nonsense, I'm Dr. Guipei, how could I stay in Shanghai." Ji Xiang began to check the patient's information, from medical records to films, N checked N right, just like obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"You're a quick learner. Your style of obsessive-compulsive disorder is really similar to that of your director Liu, so you almost went to a mental hospital." Tang Yan said while preparing the surgery kit, "It's the first time I see Director Liu on stage. Very unaccustomed."

"As far as his obsessive-compulsive disorder is concerned, who can get used to it." The itinerant nurse said, "Dr. Xiaoji, you are still young, learn better."

Ji Xiang doesn't think Director Liu's habits are bad, so he has to check more and make more corrections, so as to avoid the vicious incident of wronging the waist, which is very good.

"The director of urology and the group of professors are hopeless, you are still young." The roving nurse said while preparing things, "Xiasanlu, you can find your urology department no matter what, just say Well, follow along and learn something good."

"What's the matter, sister?" Tang Yan asked.

"I was on duty a few days ago, and the anorectal and gastrointestinal emergency departments were on stage, but it turned out to be the fault of the urology department."

"Don't talk nonsense." Colonel Wang walked in and said with a smile, "That patient stuffed a dumbbell into his rectum, what does it have to do with us?"

"Dumbbell? How big is it?" Tang Yan asked in amazement.

"Five kilograms." The itinerant nurse said, "The rectum was punctured and bleeding profusely. Colonel Wang, he also said that it has nothing to do with you, a bunch of old and dishonest people."

"Every chrysanthemum can bloom in full bloom." Colonel Wang said, "This is really the scope of anorectal and gastrointestinal treatment..."

"Don't you pick a few more prostates and you're done? The patient tossed me all night, and I went to the blood bank four times to get blood. I was exhausted."

Tang Yan wanted to understand what was going on, she asked in surprise, "No, no, dumbbells, are they the ones with big ends and thin middle?"


"How did you get it in?" Tang Yan couldn't figure it out.

"Who knows, they have a lot of ways. But don't ask, just sit on it accidentally." Colonel Wang laughed, "A few years ago, there was a patient in Europe who said that the old shells from World War II were also taken out from the rectum. , It is written in the medical record that I accidentally sat on it. It is the same at home and abroad, there is no difference."

(End of this chapter)

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