Doctor of Healing

Chapter 226 Congratulations

Chapter 226 Congratulations
Doctors who have undergone surgery, or even doctors, know that surgery is actually not difficult.

There is a standard surgical procedure in a thick, equal-height surgery book, as long as you follow the instructions in the book.

If the anatomical structure of each patient is as standard as that drawn in the book, the difficulty is indeed not high.

However, what is written in the book cannot be presented perfectly every time.

Even the internal anatomy of most patients undergoing surgery is more or less different from what is written in the book.

Whether the operation process is smooth or not depends on whether the anatomical structure variation is serious or not.

Among all operations, neonatal surgery for congenital heart disease is the most difficult.

It is because some strange anatomical structures have never been seen by the surgeon no matter how rich his experience is, so he can only perform the operation with his own clinical experience and knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Once upon a time, the boss of Huaxi was unable to perform complicated congenital heart disease surgery, so he could only find another boss from the imperial capital to fly over, and the two stood on the operating table to discuss it.

This is the most extreme case.

Ordinary doctors are faced with abnormally proliferating blood vessels and nerves. Once the blood vessels are cut, the vision will become a mess.

But seeing Ji Xiang undergoing surgery just now is a different concept.

The anatomical structure is clear, simple, and clear, like the general teacher taught by the local anatomy teacher in the school days.

Although there are also mutations, the positions of some mutations do not exist under Ji Xiang's hands.

Paodingjieniu!A few words floated out of Director Bai's mind.

He finally understood what his vague uneasiness was.

Ji Xiang's surgery is much better than he imagined, even far beyond his peak level.

Back in the office, Director Bai opened the mailbox and looked for the email sent to him by Director Liu of the Department of Urology.

Sending emails to report recent academic conferences on the intranet of the academy is a regulation in the academy, and Director Bai usually doesn't care about it at all, just glance at the past.

I can't say that they are not allowed to participate in the society, and many societies have become part of social networking, expanding the network of directors in the medical circle, adding a title to their names, and so on.

I vaguely remember Director Liu sent an email.

Director Bai suddenly became very interested in this little Pearson from the Department of Urology.

Click on the email, Director Bai carefully read it word by word.

A surgical competition was going to be held in the province, and Director Bai's eyes were full of clean surgical fields.

He weighed it carefully, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Pick up the phone and call the pathology department.

"Director Chi, I, Bai Mo."

"Director Bai, hello, what can you tell me?" Director Chi of the pathology department said.

"Have the specimens been sent for the cancer surgery just completed in the Department of Urology? Thank you so much, hurry up and do it."

"The specimen needs to be fixed. I will try to get it out as soon as possible, but it will be at midnight at the earliest."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Clean surgery is one aspect, but whether the resected tumor has metastasized is another issue.

It can't just look good, the margins must be negative to prove that the tumor was cut cleanly, and then the final conclusion on Ji Xiang's operation can be made.

Director Bai was patient, he waited quietly.

More than ten hours later, Director Chi called.

"Director Bai, are you an outsourced urology specialist today?" Director Chi asked in a little surprise.

As soon as he asked this sentence, Director Bai knew the result.

Just as I thought.

"No, they did it themselves." Director Bai replied.

"Squamous cell carcinoma with negative resection margins, and no metastases in the inguinal lymph nodes on both sides. The operation was quite clean. I think the surgeon is Professor Mo Chenggui Mo. When did he become so high?"

"Fortunately, it's just a small cancer operation, and Professor Mo will definitely be able to get it off."

"No, no, Director Bai, I know that Professor Mo can perform a partial resection. But the specimens were sent a little early, so... as long as there is nothing to do, do you have any other instructions?" Director Chi said half of the sentence, and suddenly And stop.

"Thanks for your hard work."

After hanging up the phone, Chief Bai heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Jixiang's operation was indeed perfect, partial resection of Ding cancer + lengthening operation, very thoughtful consideration of the patient's postoperative psychological construction.

I have to worry about the surgery competition myself, Director Bai thought.



In the urology ward, Ji Xiang was chatting with patients.

He also didn't expect that the pathology department would work overtime, and the director would personally do the pathology overnight.

So Jixiang has been waiting for the result.

Generally, pathology takes 2-3 days, and there is no way to talk about it before the results come out.

Ji Xiang was also very happy holding the printed and steaming medical bill.

"The pathological results came out, and everything that needed to be cut was removed. Moreover, it is squamous cell carcinoma with a relatively low degree of malignancy, and it is in an early stage. It is expected that the postoperative recovery will be very good."

"Doctor, please make it simpler." The patient was a little happy, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

Along the way, he felt like he was dreaming.

"Let's put it this way, because it's in the early stage, there is no delay in treatment, the possibility of tumor metastasis is extremely low, and it can be regarded as a cure. And the partial resection... emmm, the length is not affected, not only that, but the angle is wrong 3.2cm longer than before operation."

"All the previous living habits are also unaffected, such as standing up to pee and the like."


"Congratulations." Ji Xiang said sincerely.

The patient was a little confused while being happy.

The reality is not like a TV series, with no such intense conflicts and emotional evolution.

Although the result can be said to be extremely perfect for the patient, he is not happy yet, and more confused.

When he figured it out, it would probably be 2-3 days later, and he would not be happy until he opened the bandage and saw the length of the congestion with his own eyes.

"It's okay, take a good rest." Ji Xiang said gently, "We'll talk about it tomorrow morning when the dressing is changed."

The patient nodded.

Jixiang was in a happy mood, and returned to the office with the pathology sheet, entered the pathology results, changed his clothes and went home.

The medical bill was placed on the desk, and when Ji Xiang left, Mr. Wu picked it up and read it over and over again, as if he wanted to recite the whole thing.

His expression was complicated, quite complicated.

"Mr. Wu, what's the matter?" Lu Kai felt weird and asked.

Mr. Wu didn't say anything, but folded the medical bill and put it in the pocket of the white suit.

At the time, the words I had said made sense and were not pretentious at all.

But in front of the postoperative pathological results, everything disappeared.

Why do you think so?
It's not because the level is not enough.

Mr. Wu's mood was more complicated than his expression. He felt a little confused, and he didn't even want to drive or joke with Lu Kai, so he turned around and went back to his duty room to lie down in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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