Chapter 267
"Urinary cyst? Doctor Xiaoji, don't be joking." Lu Gang stood upright, carefully reading the film with his hand on his chin, and smiled slightly after confirming it, full of refined academic style.

It's just that the last strand of his hair is hanging down a little bit along the sterile cap, which is not so professional.The itinerant nurse wanted to mutter something to him a long time ago, but was stopped by the anesthesiologist, who whispered to the itinerant nurse that she was from the medical department, don't offend him.

"No kidding." Ji Xiang said.

"Urinary cysts generally appear in the congenital abnormalities of the paraurethral glands, resulting in the inability of the urethral glands to excrete toxins and secretions from the body, and it is easy to form urethral cysts." Lu Gang explained, "The patients we are facing now are trauma patients. , you told me it was a urogenital cyst?"

"Trauma can also cause rupture of the ureter."

"Dr. Xiaoji, you are a bit preposterous." Lu Gang smiled slightly, convinced that Ji Xiang just performed a good operation, and his diagnosis simply too ordinary.

"The ureter is located in the retroperitoneal space, surrounded by adipose tissue and connective tissue. With an air mattress, it is difficult to see in trauma. Generally, ureter ruptures occur due to misoperation by clinicians."

"What are you talking about, I didn't open the retroperitoneum." The resident of the hepatobiliary surgery department saw a dispute between several people in the urology department and said hastily.

"Are you talking to me?" Lu Gang asked with a frown.

"Harmful." The inpatient of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery quickly explained, "Director Lu, how dare I, what I mean is that you are right!"

Lu Gang nodded. He has long been used to similar situations. It is necessary for subordinate doctors to respect superior doctors.

"Ms. Lu, is there no accident?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Doctor Xiaoji, do you know how likely blunt trauma is to cause ureter rupture or rupture?" Lu Gang smiled, trying to show his professional ability.

He had a strong feeling in his heart, and he was a little bit slanderous about Director Bai's arrangement.It's just that the strand of hair on the front of the sterile cap looks a little weird, and it's not professional at all.

Now seeing Jixiang's "blind" diagnosis again, Lu Gang is going to show Jixiang the qualities that a clinician should have, at least to let Jixiang not be too complacent.

"Probability of three out of ten thousand, Dr. Xiaoji." Lu Gang smiled, and gave a very professional data, "We in clinical practice can't talk about extremely small probability events."

"Ms. Lu, it has been proved on the video that there is a urogenital cyst. If you don't deal with it, you will not urinate after stepping down, and you will have to toss again."

Lu Gang really doesn't know who gave Ji Xiang the courage.

Probably Director Bai got used to it.

It's no wonder that it's right to be a little crazy when you are young.

If it wasn't in the operating room, Lu Gang would have made a bet with Ji Xiang and taught him a good lesson.

"Doctor Xiaoji, there is nothing to think about. The picture is an artifact." Lu Gang said lightly, "This kind of artifact often appears on CT images."

In the United States, practicing medicine independently is a 4+4+3-7 resident program, which takes at least 11 years. Young people like Ji Xiang are completely unqualified to stand in front of themselves and speak.

Lu Gang subconsciously overlooked one point - in fact, he is not qualified in China, but Ji Xiang is special.

Just a few months after the regular training, he got the first place in the province without going out of the first department. No wonder Ji Xiang was arrogant and dared to challenge himself.

"Why don't you get a CT scan?" Ji Xiang suggested.

Lu Gang sighed, "Dr. Xiaoji, the patient is under general anesthesia and is in hemorrhagic shock. It is not appropriate to go to the CT room after waking up from the anesthesia. If he is intubated or pinched the ball, his life will be in danger at any time."

He was already a little impatient, but he still tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, showing his elegant and easy-going label.

Even if Director Bai asked him to help Ji Xiang for some unknown purpose, Lu Gang still refused to accept it deep in his heart.

He looked at Ji Xiang with helpless eyes, but when Ji Xiang turned his head, his eyes were also helpless.

Lu Gang was taken aback, his helplessness was still understandable, why did Ji Xiang have such emotions?Could it be that he was sure he was right?This young man is really arrogant.

"Ms. Lu, this is the emergency operating room, the hybrid surgery room, and the DSA machine can do CT, without fussing, it only takes a few minutes." Ji Xiang explained.

"..." Lu Gang was dumbfounded when he heard Ji Xiang's explanation.

Hybrid surgery, I have never done it myself, and I don't know that DSA machines still have this function!
"I suggest checking it, just to be sure. Otherwise, if you don't pee, you have to go up again." Ji Xiang continued.

Lu Gang was silent.

"I think it will work." President Wu made a final decision.

He is the general manager of the hospital and the doctor who came for consultation. It is useless for Mr. Wu not to speak.

"Mr. Wu, you've changed your temper today." The inpatient of the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department said with a smile, "I thought you would come up to take a look and I would go down after closing my stomach."

"Be careful."

The hospitalist in the hepatobiliary surgery quickly took out the broken spleen, turned around to look at Mr. Wu, "Should I go down?"

"Come down, if there is a problem, I will help you shut down."

The resident of the hepatobiliary surgery department took off his bloody gloves, took a serious look at Ji Xiang, but said nothing.

It was already off-duty time, there were no technicians, and the DSA machine was rarely used by doctors and nurses in the operating room, so Jixiang decided to operate the DSA machine to do CT by himself.

Seeing the roar of the machine in the familiar operating room, the hospitalization in hepatobiliary surgery was quite emotional, "It's the first time I know that this thing can do CT after so many years."

Who is not? Lu Gang felt that his professional personality was about to collapse, and he gritted his teeth watching Ji Xiang's movements.

He is so proficient that Lu Gang has an illusion that Ji Xiang has been in contact with DSA machines for at least 20 years.

"It is rarely needed, and there are few interventional operations. The CT machine is much worse than our CT room, so we can only take a look at it." Ji Xiang explained.

"It's great to know." The resident of the hepatobiliary surgery looked at Ji Xiang with great interest, "Dr. Xiaoji, he must be the one who broke the record of Dean Zhao's knotting."

"It's all in the past. If you don't tell me, I can't remember that Xiaoji did this." Mr. Wu said staring at the screen.

"What?" The inpatient of the hepatobiliary surgery department was surprised, "You have forgotten such a big thing? Mr. Wu, are you jealous?"

"No way."

Some things can't be said clearly, Mr. Wu really forgot all about the knot.

Another CT scan revealed that the contrast of the bilateral perirenal retroperitoneum was enhanced, and Ji Xiang compared the CT scan taken in the emergency department.

The location of the urocyst can be seen more clearly with contrast.

There are problems on both sides.

The contrast image is clearer than the previous film.

Lu Gang looked at the image in surprise.

There is a [-] out of [-] chance of encountering a traumatic or blunt traumatic patient with a ruptured ureter!

Lu Gang felt that his personality had completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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