Doctor of Healing

Chapter 456 Street Encounter

Maybe it was Dao Fan's performance, or maybe it was because medical students are naturally "nosy", the two interns stood up unanimously.

Holding a pen in his hand, the intern who was thinking about the content of tomorrow's handover was a little hesitant. It was obvious that he didn't want to be troublesome.

After changing his clothes and identity, he just wants to be an ordinary person and eat a bowl of noodles in peace.

Two other interns looked out the window as the man squatted on the side of the road throwing up brown stomach contents.

There are not many things, but the color looks abnormal.

Brown, tell the medical students bluntly that there is blood in the man's vomit!Although they are rookies, they still understand this simple common sense.

It should be stomach bleeding!

The medical students instinctively became nervous, and the three walked out of the noodle shop one after another. Director Fan led the film crew to shoot at a location a little further away, and immediately called 120 for emergency services.

Whether you can use it or not, calling first is a must.

Facing the unexpected situation, the bald host asked, "Mr. Shen, what do you think is going on?"

"Looking at the color of the vomit, it should be upper gastrointestinal bleeding." Professor Shen stared at the screen seriously, it seemed that he was already immersed in it, and even wanted to help.

"Isn't it gastric bleeding? Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, is it serious?"

"Let's put it this way, many patients with liver cirrhosis and gastric varicose veins will vomit blood, but... I don't think the color is right."

"The color of the patient's vomit is brown. Considering that the amount of bleeding is not large, but fresh blood, so the first judgment may be the upper gastrointestinal tract."

Professor Shen stared at the screen and did not continue to talk about the upper digestive tract.

The patient looked miserable, sweating profusely, and pale.After vomiting a few mouthfuls, he couldn't vomit anything, but he continued to vomit, as if he could feel better this way.

Sweat was visible to the naked eye, and the patient's skin was wet even through the screen.

"It seems like he's suffering, he probably won't die." A guest who had never seen him before, his face turned slightly pale from fright, whispered to himself.

"It's okay, I didn't continue to vomit blood. If I vomit mouthful, as long as I don't spit it out, I can survive to the hospital." Professor Shen judged.

The patient looked very uncomfortable, but the situation was not very critical. In addition, the film crew and passers-by had already called 120 emergency calls, so Professor Shen relaxed after seeing clearly.

He said with a smile, "If you want to treat this kind of patients, these interns may have a headache. But without their treatment, the 120 ambulance will arrive soon."

"It's a small episode." The bald host laughed, "Mr. Shen, have you ever encountered similar situations on planes and trains?"

"I met once. On the T39 train to Rongcheng, the loudspeaker in front of Guangyuan shouted whether there were medical workers. I rushed over. I was a migrant worker with a stomachache. When I held hands, my stomach hurt. Hard, typical plate-shaped belly."

"What happened next?" asked one of the guests.

"I asked the train conductor to contact me. I specifically instructed that the small station is not good, and the township hospitals over there may not be able to treat them. So I contacted Guangyuan, and the 120 ambulance went directly to the platform. When the train arrived at the station, the patient was directly sent to the ambulance. "

"It's so cool!" A guest stared with stars in his eyes.

"This is the simplest diagnosis. There is no way to treat it on the train, so it's not cool." Professor Shen smiled, "I just give a suggestion not to send the patient down at the small station, because I think the patient has acute abdomen combined with gastric cancer. perforation……"

As soon as I said this, the patient who was squatting on the ground and retching suddenly stiffened, and fell to the ground in a squatting position like a puppet.

The three interns beside the patient froze for a moment, staring blankly at the patient.

Everyone in the review room, including Professor Shen who was still talking eloquently last second, was also stunned, looking at the patient not knowing what happened.

On the screen, there was no sound of a 120 ambulance, but the exclamation of passers-by.

The patient's clavicular fossa is very deep and getting deeper, which is the only thing that can be seen.

Within a few seconds, pink liquid suddenly "sprayed" from the patient's nostrils, and pink sputum flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

This time, even the bald host forgot to save the scene, and stared blankly at the scene.

I used to complain about the old-fashioned and unreasonable medical profession, but now the three interns met an emergency patient without a superior doctor. Seeing them bewildered and at a loss, everyone knew that the three could not rush forward .

Not to mention the three interns, even Professor Shen didn't know what happened to the patient and what happened.

Vomiting, brown stomach contents, coughing up pink frothy phlegm...

Professor Shen "huo" stood up all of a sudden, this was already an instinctive reaction engraved in his body.

He didn't know how the patient's problem came about, but now the patient's airway should be unobstructed immediately, and a tracheotomy should be performed if there is a chance.


This is a commercial street, and the 120 ambulance hasn't arrived yet.

"Step aside!"

A "familiar" figure appeared, and the guests in the comment room suddenly felt relieved.

It was Director Yang, followed by Director Li, Director Kong, and Ji Xiang who were full of alcohol.

Director Yang pushed away the intern who was patted on the patient's back in a daze, changed the patient's position, and "opened" the mandible along with the patient's muscle strength.

More pink foam-like liquid flowed out, and there was a hissing sound.

"Knife, cut!" Director Yang stretched out his hand.

However, no one handed him the knife.

In the next second, Director Yang realized that he was eating. Hearing the chaos below, he came out to "pick up" a patient with dyspnea.

This is not a hospital, there is no means of rescue.

"Damn it!" Director Yang cursed, "Get ready for CPR!"

He laid the patient flat and turned his body slightly sideways to avoid aspiration and suffocation when he was still breathing.

Although the patient has not yet reached the time of cardiac arrest, this kind of thing can happen anytime and anywhere, and it is highly probable.

Everyone knows that whether the patient can survive depends on when the 120 ambulance arrives.

But the patient's condition took a turn for the worse, and it took only a few minutes from vomiting to squirting pink liquid.

However, the patient's symptoms did not stop at the stage of "spraying" the pink foam-like liquid, but progressed rapidly.

The clavicular fossa deepened, and the suprasternal fossa also deepened visible to the naked eye.

However, the sound of the 120 ambulance still did not appear.

The time is too short, the guests estimate the time, I am afraid that the 120 ambulance has just left the gate of the hospital.This is already very fast, but it is not enough for patients.

Professor Shen knew that the gap between the ribs of the patient, which was blocked by the clothes, was probably also deepened.Clinically speaking, this is a three-concave sign...

"Teacher Yang, I'm coming."

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