Chapter 536

"Doctor Xiaoji, patient...patient..." Mr. Miao wanted to say something, but stammered and hesitated.

"Ms. Miao, the patient's pain range is a bit large. Can I read the B-ultrasound report from the emergency department before hospitalization?" Ji Xiang asked.

Mr. Miao was helpless. He thought about it a hundred times and couldn't figure out what Ji Xiang was doing.

But Ji Xiang has a request, he took Ji Xiang to see the patient's medical records.

The medical record has not been written yet, Mr. Miao blushed a little, and put this in a perfunctory way.

"This is the patient's B-ultrasound, Dr. Xiaoji, please take a look." Mr. Miao handed over the thin medical records to Jixiang.

The medical records now only have the laboratory test sheets from the emergency department, and nothing else.

Ji Xiang didn't care, as if he didn't realize the problem, he took the B-ultrasound sheet and looked carefully.

What's so interesting about this thing, Mr. Miao thought to himself.

As a clinical inpatient, Mr. Miao usually only reads the conclusions, and never looks at the images on the report card.

Ji Xiang read several test sheets over and over again, but kept silent.

"Doctor Xiaoji, what do you think?" Mr. Miao was at a loss for words.

"The image of the patient before hospitalization looked a bit problematic, Mr. Miao, don't you think her gallbladder is a bit big?"

After listening to Ji Xiang's words, Mr. Miao almost didn't laugh.

The gallbladder is a bit big!
B-ultrasound scan of the gallbladder is a busybody for emergency doctors.

They were worried about problems, so the liver, gallbladder, spleen and right lower abdomen B-ultrasound were prescribed together, and the report stated that no abnormalities were found. What's so interesting about this.

Now the patient's main complaint is abdominal pain, and the diagnosis is acute appendicitis. He must have been in hepatobiliary surgery before, so he learned to look at the gallbladder and everything else is basically blank, so...


Mr. Miao was thinking, and suddenly forcibly interrupted his thoughts.

This is not right, absolutely not!

Jixiang can give a diagnosis of free abdominal tumors, and he knows even the details of 14 similar documents published in well-known magazines all over the world for decades. This kind of person should not talk nonsense.

"Gallbladder, is it because the patient eats that the gallbladder enlarges?"

Ji Xiang shook his head slightly, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, and the doubts on his face disappeared in less than a second.

Mr. Miao didn't pay attention to the details, and he continued, "Dr. Xiaoji, I'm not nagging, I don't know about your relationship with Director Kong, but I think it's best not to bother Director Kong about small things."

"Let's have a look together, and ask Director Kong to take a look." Ji Xiang smiled slightly, "But Mr. Miao, is there a serious queue in the operating room?"

"It's okay in the morning, and there are usually not many emergency departments." Mr. Miao said, "I'm trying to scare the family members of the patients, no matter whether it's acute appendicitis or not, the operation must be done immediately. If this drags on, I really don't know what to do. "

"That's good."

Mr. Miao saw that Ji Xiang handed over the patient's "medical record" to himself, he quickly took it, put it next to the computer, and then took Ji Xiang to the ward.

Soon Director Kong brought someone to do bedside ultrasound.

If it was an ordinary doctor, he would push the cart by himself, but Director Kong's doctors pushed the cart, and he strode ahead.

Seeing Ji Xiang in the corridor, Director Kong quickened his pace, came up to him and patted Ji Xiang on the shoulder vigorously.

"Xiaoji, these few episodes are doing well. I watched them all, and while watching them, I felt that it is really good to say that heroes come out of youth since ancient times."

"Mr. Kong, you are here." Ji Xiang said with a smile.

"What do you want me to do? When you have time to find me after get off work, you left after filming the show. I always wanted to meet you again." Director Kong said to Ji Xiang enthusiastically as if he was reuniting with an old friend.

Mr. Miao watched with tears streaming down his face.

This is not the treatment of an intern, it is even more than a director.

"Okay, Mr. Kong. There is a patient diagnosed with acute appendicitis in Gastrointestinal. I always think there is something wrong with the gallbladder area of ​​the patient." Ji Xiang said something aside, and immediately brought the topic to the patient.

"I'll go and see what you're thinking about." Director Kong took the car and pushed into the ward.

"I think the gallbladder was too large in the emergency B-ultrasound last night, and it doesn't seem to be caused by eating."

"Let me take a look first, that little seedling, go and bring me the B-ultrasound sheet from yesterday."

When Mr. Miao came back with the list, Director Kong had finished the B-ultrasound, and Ji Xiang was wiping the gel on the patient with a tissue in his hand.

"Xiaoji, the gallbladder looks fine." Director Kong said, "Do you suspect that the large gallbladder is a precursor to perforation? But the gallbladder is enlarged, the wall is thick and rough, and the continuity of the gallbladder wall is interrupted. Fluid can be seen in the upper right abdomen. There are liquid dark areas around, and I didn’t see them.”

Ji Xiang didn't speak, but carefully wiped off the coupling agent, then pulled off the patient gown, and carefully covered the patient with a quilt and tucked in the corners of the quilt.

"The appendix is ​​fine, it's not a perforated appendix." Director Kong said.

The expressions of the patient's family finally relaxed.

"However!" Director Kong said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and go to surgery, there are already signs of peritonitis, if it is later, I'm worried about shock."



The patient's family was stunned.

After receiving yesterday's report, Director Kong glanced at it, pushed the cart out, and said to Jixiang as he walked, "Xiao Ji, gallbladder perforation is rare in clinical practice. As a rare disease, it is generally not considered as a major consideration."

Director Kong's words are very awkward and colloquial, and Mr. Miao is very envious.

He could clearly perceive Director Kong's attitude towards Jixiang as a teacher treats his proud student. Instead of blaming the other party for making a mistake, he even confessed his life's experience.

"The B-ultrasound showed a discontinuous image. The position of the patient's gallbladder fundus did have a little discontinuity, but the discontinuity was not considered to be perforation, but gas..."

Director Kong kept talking.

Every sentence is a summary of years of clinical experience, full of dry goods.

Director Kong spoke for at least 5 minutes before he smiled slightly, "This time you are thinking too much. But, you should think more."

"Mr. Kong, there is still a problem with the patient's physical examination. When you did the B-ultrasound, you pressed the gallbladder deeply, and the patient had a painful expression." Ji Xiang insisted.

Director Kong was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "You child, why are you so stubborn!"

Mr. Miao's heart sank. It's over. Director Kong will definitely lose his temper next time.

Having explained it to Ji Xiang in such detail, he still insisted that the patient had a problem with the gallbladder, which is a kind of pushing the nose on the face.The key is that Jixiang kept kicking and kicking after putting on his face, which was annoying.

"Your temper is just like when I was young!"

Director Kong patted Ji Xiang on the shoulder again, forcing him kindly.

"It just so happens that I'm fine today. I'll have surgery with you later, and I'll tell you the truth."

Mr. Miao burst into tears with a "wow".

How could Director Kong, who is usually strict, treat Ji Xiang so well!
(End of this chapter)

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