Doctor of Healing

Chapter 771 Different choices

Because this year is the year of the National Games, the provinces where the athletes are located must strive for a good ranking.

The focus of each province is different from that of the General Administration, and the relationship is intricate, so the quarrel is extremely fierce.

This time, two sprinters were injured one after another. They were hailed as the stars of hope for domestic sprints after Su Bingtian.

One is 29 years old and has passed the golden age, or will catch the tail of the golden age.

One is only 22 years old, a star of hope.

After 10 minutes.

The old man raised his hand and tapped the table with the knuckle of his right index finger.

The voice was not loud, but everyone stopped arguing immediately and showed enough respect.

As for acting, they are all foxes who have been around for thousands of years, and they are all professionals.

Quarrels are not just quarrels, but for gain.

"Xiao Liu's operation in 2008, I followed to Houston." The old man said lightly.

His eyes were slightly closed, as if lost in memory.

"Before the operation, I consulted with Dr. Clanton repeatedly, and I can memorize the relevant medical knowledge. In fact, the operation is very simple in my opinion. A small incision is made in the Achilles tendon, and the bone spurs and calcifications are cut off. Follow up Tendinitis... alas."

"At that time, I was very relaxed after listening to Dr. Clanton's explanation, but compared with the recovery of athletes with ruptured Achilles tendons that I have seen for so many years, I had a little doubt."

"If the surgery is so easy, why do athletes basically have their careers past their prime after a ruptured Achilles tendon?"

"You also know the situation at that time. Xiao Liu had a problem with his Achilles tendon in our Olympic competition here. There was a storm of public opinion on the Internet, and the three became tigers."


The old man talked to himself, and finally let out a long sigh, as if he regretted that Xiao Liu did not win the first Olympic Games held in China and became a national hero.

Instead of becoming a hero, he was condemned by countless netizens.

That should be one of the first few Internet storms. The old man once witnessed how miserable Xiao Liu was in the center of the whirlpool.

"I remember the day of the operation was December. I waited 12 hours and 2 minutes outside the operating room. This time exceeded my expectations. I kept comforting myself that a more detailed operation would be good for Xiao Liu."

"If you can't participate in the Imperial Capital Olympics, you can participate in the London Olympics in 12."

The old man's fine memories, from Houston, USA in 08 to Wellington, UK in 12, from returning to the peak after the first operation and tying the world record at the time to breaking the Achilles tendon in the Olympics.

Every memory is heavy.

"I was thinking, why can't the doctors restore Xiao Liu's Achilles tendon?"

"But I know, this is wishful thinking, I still want to rejuvenate."

The old man sneered.

"I know there are many things involved in this. Xiao Liu played with an injury because of the pressure from the sponsors and us. It's a pity, a pity."

When it comes to benefits, things are more intricate here.

All are silent.

The old man didn't put the things under the table on the table to say, just click on it.

"I recently found it interesting to read about a female weightlifter's experience after shoulder surgery."

"The surgeon has nothing to do with us, and only three cases have been performed on athletes."

Saying that, the old man opened his eyes.

"In addition to her, there is Wang Dali who is playing in Germany now, and then there is Neymar."

"Old Li, I heard that Neymar's surgery was done in Germany. He came to China to cooperate with that variety show. It is said that the program team offered Neymar's team a big price that they could not refuse."

One said softly.

"Big price? Ha ha." The old man shook his head, "With Neymar's status and income in international football, what price do you think is appropriate for a variety show? Ridiculous!"

"Mr. Li, do you think that if there is a doctor in China who can complete the Achilles tendon rupture operation and restore athletes to 100% of their athletic ability..."

Another person questioned, and he paused while talking.

"Neymar can't do some actions already, is he too old? If he has a ruptured Achilles tendon, his level should drop rapidly."

"But I have watched Neymar's recent games. I feel that the old tree is sprouting. Neymar seems to be three or five years younger. Now he can make fake moves that he can't do when he is old, and he can do it very smoothly, and the power of the shot is very strong. foot."

"You also know that Xiao Liu's first operation was not completely necessary, and it was only a minor operation. For Achilles tendonitis, taking a few calcifications is enough.

The problem is that after 08, in order to keep up with the times, Xiao Liu modified his technical moves from 8 steps on the upper bar to 7 steps. "

"It also requires more force on the Achilles tendon."

"I see Neymar's running and shooting movements, and I have a feeling-his Achilles tendon has not only returned to before the injury, but it seems to have been strengthened! Another point is that Neymar seems to be very confident in his Achilles tendon, When doing the movements, there is no fear of the Achilles tendon being ruptured again."

"Easy." The old man knocked on the table.

"Yeah." The man responded, "My feeling is that comparing Neymar and Xiao Liu's surgery, I think the surgery is absolutely impossible to be done by a young doctor who participated in a variety show, it can only be a gimmick."

After finishing speaking, he added, "Mr. Li, Xiao Liu underwent surgery for a torn Achilles tendon in the UK, and he retired less than 2 years after the operation. You know that. I guess Europe and the United States have made breakthroughs in the field of sports medicine." , so Neymar can recover."

He didn't continue to say the rest, everything was silent.

"I paid attention to Zhao Dali. The kid said that there was no hope. It's a pity. But after a period of no news, he appeared in the Bundesliga. I was very surprised, and I asked someone to ask his coach."

"Later I noticed that the doctor who operated on Zhao Dali seemed to overlap with the doctor who operated on Neymar, but the latter was just the former's assistant."



Everyone was surprised, and this gossip shocked everyone.

The interlacing is like a mountain. Although they are all engaged in sports majors, it is normal for them to not understand the operations of several football players.

"Assistants can perform surgery, how powerful were the surgeons at that time!"

"Yeah, the thing about Neymar's surgery in China may be fake, but Zhao Dali should be real. I also paid attention to that guy. His core strength is really strong! Every volley, every disguise, I will I'm afraid he'll break his Achilles tendon."

"It may also be that the injury is not serious, and maybe the operator just picked up a cheap one."

Listening to everyone's messy discussion, Mr. Li finally knocked on the table for the third time.

"The question before us is very simple, two sprinters, who to go for surgery."

"Mr. Li, I suggest going to the United States to do it." One person said firmly.


The meeting ended hastily.

The old man sat on the sofa and did not leave for a long time.

After a long time, his secretary reminded in a low voice, "Leader, it's getting late."

"Oh." Elder Li sighed deeply.

"No way, don't worry."

"Finally, there are a few top sprinters in the country. I hope they can continue Xiaosu's fire. The result... Sigh."

The secretary remained silent.

Just now the leader of Chen Heqiang's location has stated that he will be taken to the United States for surgery.

Even if Mr. Li used his old face to talk about things, he couldn't change their minds.

This is the safest and most feasible.

But Mr. Li obviously didn't think so.

Chen Heqiang suffered a torn Achilles tendon at the age of 22, and he didn't even have the chance to see his peak moment.

Even so, Chen Heqiang also ran a time of 9 seconds, only a little slower than Su Bingtian.

He's a real hope in the domestic sprint.

The old man was also hesitant. After all, subconsciously, he also believed that it would be safer to go to the United States for surgery.

Normally speaking, the effect of emergency surgery 6 hours after the injury is the best. The reason why the surgery is delayed is because the level of sports medicine in China is worse than that in foreign countries.

"That's it." The old man sighed, "How is Li Muzhi now?"

Li Muzhi is 29 years old and has already passed his golden age. It can only be said that he can still play, but no one hopes for his results.

"He himself wanted to go to the United States for surgery, but he couldn't afford the high cost."

"Go and tell Li Muzhi, tomorrow I'll go see the surgeon who operated on Zhao Dali."

"Okay, leader."


"Mr. Li is really old."

Chen Heqiang's coach commented with emotion after hearing the news.

"Such a simple scam, just like Godson back then, is nonsense. It is really incomprehensible to say that a young doctor in domestic variety shows can fix the Achilles tendon rupture."

"Right, can Neymar's surgery be done in China? I don't even believe it."

"Have you watched Neymar's recent games? I feel that Neymar's level has risen. In the past few years, Neymar was old-fashioned when he played football. He could do some moves but dared not do them. But now, with experience, his physical condition has also improved. It’s as good as ten years ago.”

"Neymar's recovery has shocked everyone. This year's World Cup will be exciting. If Neymar can copy Messi's way and lead the team to win the championship, although he can't be called the king of the ball, it will also satisfy the hearts of us old fans."

"Speaking of Neymar, I really don't like that variety show. At first it said Wenbanya Malay surgery, and then temporarily changed it to Neymar. It's full of tricks, I don't believe it at all."

"It's just a variety show, how can Mr. Li take it seriously. Zhao Dali is a possibility, but I think Zhao Dali is still young first, plus talent is better."

"Achilles tendon rupture, how about Xiao Liu? He retired less than two years after the injury. How about Beckham, he ruptured his Achilles tendon in 10 years and lost his contract in less than three years."

"Yes! There is also Spinazzola in Serie A. Roma seems to be selling him after he ruptured his Achilles tendon. Over the years, whenever I saw a player I like ruptured his Achilles tendon, my heart skipped a beat. Life is over."

"In the NBA, Durant was so strong before. After the Achilles tendon was broken, it can be clearly seen that his level has declined. Although he is still very strong, he can basically solve the problem with his height, wingspan, and mid-range shooting. In the Warriors That Adu is gone."

"I hope there is nothing wrong with us. This trip to the United States for surgery must go smoothly."

The two chatted about a ruptured Achilles tendon.

Especially for items involving explosive power, there was Xiao Liu in the front and Christian Taylor in the back, both of whom quickly faded out of the sports world after the rupture of the Achilles tendon.

For athletes, a ruptured Achilles tendon is an insurmountable mountain.

"Xiao Chen is only 22 years old, I hope he can recover quickly like Zhao Dali."

"After all, if you are young, there is still hope."

"It's too late to have surgery now. I wanted to fly to the United States as soon as possible, whether it's in Houston or anywhere else, as long as I don't go to Portland."

This year's National Games is their top priority. Now that Chen Heqiang has undergone surgery, it will take some time to recover from the surgery.

It's a pity whether I can get back to my best condition when I catch up with the National Games... there is a high probability that I won't.

"It's nonsense and irresponsible to suggest that Xiao Chen should stay for the surgery with the inside and outside meaning of Li's old saying!"

"I really don't know what Mr. Li thinks. If he stayed in China for surgery, he would have done it early in the morning, so why wait until now. I see, Mr. Li is always confused."

"Leave him alone, the leader has withstood the pressure, and we will go to the United States tomorrow."

"I hope the operation goes well, and I hope Xiao Chen can surprise everyone at the National Games."


Ji Xiang sat in the office, reading a book and tying knots.

He didn't look at the knots with his eyes, and skillfully tied one knot after another with his hands based on muscle memory.

"Doctor Ji Xiang, it seems that knot-tying was a very important skill decades ago. But with the advent of the electric knife, the importance of knot-tying has disappeared. Why are you still so serious?" Lin Jiuze asked.

Before the emergence of electric knife, a surgery took several hours, and knotting and hemostasis took up about 40-50% of the time.

Therefore, fast and stable knotting is the basic guarantee for the success of the operation, and it is also the requirement of surgeons at that time.

However, with the advent of the electric knife, the method of hemostasis has fundamentally changed, and the knotting has changed from dozens or hundreds of knots in one operation to more than a dozen knots, and the importance has rapidly declined.

In surgery now, the stability of the knot is the most important thing, and no one asks for it to be fast.

Anyway, there are only a dozen knots, it doesn't matter if it is slow, the most important thing is to tie firmly.

"Play whatever you want." Ji Xiang smiled, "Idle is idle."

"Doctor Ji Xiang, I have a question that I can't figure out recently."

"You said."

Ji Xiang asked casually like an old doctor.

Lin Jiu thought for a while, and organized his thoughts, "The medical environment in China is not good. I see that you usually do a lot of useless work. Although I don't understand, Dr. Zhao Zhe told me that I Doing it too."

"Doctor Lin, this is what you don't know." Zhao Zhe stopped what he was doing, "Doctor-patient disputes in China are not rooted in the skills and level of doctors, nor in the quality of patients and their families, but in the cost."

"Fee? It's more expensive in Massachusetts."

"It's not the same, let me give you an example." Zhao Zhe began to talk, "A few years ago, a classmate of mine came back from the Chinese New Year. After drinking too much, he said that he worked in a large third-level hospital in the south. A leader A family member of a family member underwent an aortic dissection operation in Shanghai, and her voice remained hoarse after the operation, and her speech was weak."

"Oh? Is it dislocation of the arytenoid joint?" Lin Jiuze asked casually.

Zhao Zhe gave a thumbs up, "Awesome, Dr. Lin! The diagnosis of cricoid dislocation is very difficult. They went to many hospitals at that time, but they didn't make a diagnosis."

Lin Jiu smiled lightly, this was nothing to him.

"Later, it was diagnosed by my classmate, and the cricoarytenoid joint reduction operation was performed, and it returned to normal 2 weeks after the operation."

"If you were the patient's family, what would you think?"

"I must be very grateful. The cricoarytenoid dislocation is a rare disease, and doctors without certain clinical experience cannot diagnose it. I have seen patients who have been misdiagnosed for more than ten years...or what else?"

As Lin Jiu spoke, he felt something was wrong.

"The family member of the patient not only didn't appreciate my classmate, but was very indifferent to him and said some nonsense after meeting him."


"It's just that I'm very unhappy, but after all, it's hard to say anything else after the illness is cured."

"Why?" Lin Jiu was surprised.

In his imagination, as long as the disease is cured, nothing else matters.

"It costs money to see a doctor." Zhao Zhe said, "As long as you spend money, there will be conflicts. When was the medical conflict the least in the past 30 or [-] years in China? Isn't it when you were in the shelter. Why? It doesn't cost money to see a doctor."


Lin Jiu was speechless.

"The relationship between the two parties is not a good thing, but a shortcoming." Ji Xiang said while tying the knot, "Doctors have noble medical ethics. They don't care about remuneration and are not afraid of life and death. Just listen to it."

"As for patients, it is not uncommon for patients to return to poverty due to illness and lose money and resources."

"Don't talk about these useless things, it's meaningless to think about the deepest part."

Zhao Zhe looked at Ji Xiang with a smile.

"Xiaoji, you look at the problem deeper than my old attending doctor. It's very sharp."

Ji Xiang didn't feel Zhao Zhe's flattery at all, and continued to tie the knot.

Whether it's the system npc, Professor Zhou, or Director Bai, they all know the root of the problem.

But if we want to solve it well, we can only wait for the realization of real communism.

As for now, a doctor is just a doctor, only a doctor.

Ji Xiang has no interest in this topic at all.

"Doctor Xiaoji, come here." Deng Chaohong waved at the door.

"Teacher Deng." Ji Xiang stood up and walked outside the door.

"Call me from the provincial sports department." Deng Chaohong said as he walked towards the fire escape with a cautious and serious expression.

Sports department?

"Someone is going to have an operation? You can come." Ji Xiang replied casually.

"They want me to have an operation." Deng Chaohong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ji Xiang smiled.

The logical relationship here is very simple and clear, and you don't need to think about it.

"Xiaoji, the question now is...whether the operation is sure." Deng Chaohong asked seriously.

"Teacher Deng, smoke a cigarette." Ji Xiang took out the cigarette and handed it to Deng Chaohong.

Deng Chaohong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew that Ji Xiang basically didn't smoke, but he still carried it with him.

The child's maturity far exceeds his age and appearance.

"Mr. Deng, not to mention Wang Dali and Neymar, we have also performed more than a dozen surgeries on Achilles tendon rupture recently. Do you think there is a problem?" Ji Xiang asked back.

"But this time it's a call from the General Administration, and the hospital also attaches great importance to it."

"One hundred percent, no one can guarantee it, you say so."

Deng Chaohong looked at Ji Xiang helplessly.

He is like an old doctor who has been in charge for many years. He doesn't want to climb up at all.

Even Deng Chaohong felt that Ji Xiang was a bit greasy because of his greasy words.

But Deng Chaohong knew that this was just his own idea, and if it was him, he should have said the same thing.

"Do it, come if you believe it, and do it if you don't believe it." Ji Xiang didn't care.

"Xiaoji, I want to tell you something very important. Director Bai contacted me a few days ago, saying that he wanted to interview and admit you as my graduate student."

"Exemption, no need, I can take the exam."


"I'm good at exams!" Ji Xiang showed his small white teeth.

Oh shit!

Deng Chaohong cursed viciously in his heart.

He is well aware of how many connections and effort will be spent for graduate students admitted without examination.

But Jixiang didn't care at all!
That's right, they didn't brag.

Whether it is the martial arts competition in the hospital or the first place in the national medical practitioner examination, it all confirms Ji Xiang's statement-he is good at examinations.

"Xiaoji, that's not the case." Deng Chaohong broke it apart and explained carefully, "Master and Ph. Become a Jieqing."

"Jieqing requires at least a doctorate degree or a senior professional title."

Deng Chaohong added.

"Oh, thank you Teacher Deng." Ji Xiangke said politely.

Deng Chaohong felt that Ji Xiang didn't care at all and was very perfunctory.

But all this seems to come from Ji Xiang's sincerity.

That strange feeling tore Deng Chaohong apart.

He smoked in silence, and looked up at Ji Xiang after ten seconds, "There must be some embarrassment in the middle, not to mention me, but Director Bai has to put in a lot of effort. Do you know how much trouble there is for your graduate student quota?" thing."

"How big is it?" Ji Xiang was taken aback.

"Zhao Tianjiao wanted to become my graduate student wholeheartedly. Later, Director Bai discussed with the dean and planned to give you a place to be exempted from the exam. Zhao Tianjiao was hit in the heart, and then someone instigated him, so..."

Ji Xiang was really stunned this time.

He still remembered Zhao Tianjiao's hanging himself some time ago, and he also met Professor Zhou and Shen Lang while empathizing with him.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Tianjiao's suicide had something to do with him.

What a disaster.

"Let's talk about it, we have great resistance, and others are jealous." Deng Chaohong said honestly, "If we can have the full support of national departments, everything will be much better, and there will be less gossip."

"Okay, Mr. Deng." Ji Xiang smiled without changing his face, "I really can't guarantee [-]%, but there is a high probability of success, at least it can return to the level before the injury."

"Is Neymar an exception?" Deng Chaohong asked.

"No." Ji Xiang replied, "Mr. Deng, you have also seen the recent surgery. You also know the recovery speed of patients after surgery. They are not professional athletes, but ordinary people. The recovery after surgery is not very scientific."

Deng Chaohong nodded.

He patted Ji Xiang's shoulder hard, and took a deep look at Ji Xiang.

Ji Xiang was very uncomfortable. He didn't expect that Zhao Tianjiao's suicide had something to do with him. What the hell!

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