Doctor of Healing

Chapter 787 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 787 Pity the world's parents heart
"There must be a problem with the operation!" Dr. Merz said without hesitation.

"I didn't understand it either. It's just the simplest way to clean up the connective tissue and suture some parts. different from what I imagined." The director of the Wenban Yama medical team said bitterly, frowning.

"I told you not to come!" Dr. Merz yelled, waving his arms vigorously, "Look, look! They are liars! How dare you believe it!!"

"That can't be helped. After all, this year is a contract year. The agent team and Wenban Yama are not reconciled if they don't come to try again. The most important thing is that the guy who plays in the Bundesliga is about to sign a contract with Manchester City!"

"Zhao Dali has transferred to Manchester City!" Dr. Melz said in surprise, and he immediately asked, "When did it happen and how much?"

"We are talking, and we will sign a contract soon. It is said that the transfer fee is 8000 million euros."

"My God!" Dr. Merz was stunned.

The most expensive transfer fee in European football last year, which was also a historically high transfer fee, was only 1.5 million euros, and it was still cliff-like. The No.2 transfer fee was far lower than this amount.

8000 million euros, although it is far from the highest transfer fee, but a fledgling boy can get such a big contract!

He's worth it, and it's still astronomical.

Dr. Merz did not expect that such a young man was worth so much investment from the boss of Manchester City!
"The outrageous signing fee was 300 million euros." The medical director told Dr. Merz another appalling figure.


"Messi's signing fee is only 200 million euros."

Dr. Merz looked at Wenbanyama's medical director with round eyes.

"After learning the news of Zhao Dali's transfer, the opinion of the medical team is no longer important." The director sighed, "Although I don't really believe it, but the fact is there. If the young man who transfers to Manchester City can use young If you explain it, Neymar is an old man."

"The main reason is that Victor has been paying attention to the young man named Zhao Dali. Victor believes that Zhao Dali can recover completely after the operation, and he can do it too."

Dr. Merz had nothing to say about that.

Originally, he was already intimidated, but after watching the young big devil's operation today, Dr. Merz had a different idea.

Perhaps, everything is just a coincidence!

Yes, everything is a coincidence, whether it is Neymar, Zhao Dali, or the female weightlifter Lin Jiuze showed him who broke the world record and suffered from knot impingement syndrome, it was all a coincidence.

Even Dr. Merz thinks it's a coincidence, it's a high opinion of the so-called big devil.

He is just lucky, there is no surgery beyond the times!
As for Wen Banyama, he deserves to come here for surgery, why not recuperate and do rehabilitation exercises in Boston!

If you have to travel thousands of miles to have surgery, the final outcome is likely to be a longer recovery time and a greater impact on motor function.

Zhao Dali's big contract did not impress Dr. Merz, he thought it was just a coincidence.

Dr. Merz gave the supervisor a contemptuous look.

"That young man named Zhao Dali is really lucky." The supervisor said with emotion, "It would be great if Wenban Yama could achieve that level of recovery."

"Stop dreaming." Dr. Merz said coldly, "We watched the surgery together. Except for adding a radiography, do you think it is any different from other surgeries? There is no difference at all!"

The supervisor shook his head sadly.

Just because he understood and had seen the whole operation, his expectations were gradually shattered.

Everything is just an unrealistic fantasy, nothing is impossible.

Not to mention Zhao Dali and Neymar, after seeing the operation, the supervisor only thought how good it would be if he didn't come for the operation.

He had the same thoughts as Dr. Merz.

After all, the operation process is so boring and tedious, without any novelty.

Although one thing is undeniable - the doctor named Ji Xiang is really good at surgery, at least he is very skilled in loosening adhesions, which is the only consolation for the supervisor.

However, only this is not enough.

Wenbanyama wants to restore his previous state and achieve greater results in the playoffs. Now it seems like a dream.

Dr. Merz didn't tease the other party too much.

Everything is blamed on that arrogant but ignorant young man.

As for pushing the medical director to argue with that young man?Dr. Merz didn't think it was necessary.

Finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Jiuze, the guy who saw the ghost, was just playing tricks.

Dr. Merz turned his attention back to Lin Jiuze.

This annoying guy, it's best not to appear in Massachusetts General Hospital for the rest of his life.

Wen Banyama is currently recovering poorly after surgery, so he is the best weapon.

Dr. Merz did not go back to China directly, but stayed to "witness" Wenbanya's postoperative recovery results.

Every day's data is very important, and they are all stumbling blocks in the ascension of this annoying guy, Lin Jiuze.

He must be bruised and swollen, this is Dr. Merz's idea.

Anyway, Lin Jiuze had the surgery, and when the time came, it was said that it was his surgery. Will the review experts from Massachusetts come here to verify it?
As time passed day by day, Dr. Merz gradually became confused.

Although it was fixed with plaster, some details of the physical examination made Dr. Merz have a very bad guess-Wenbanyama's recovery is far better than he imagined.

Absolutely impossible! !

Impossible is the word that comes to Dr. Merz's mind the most.

Dr. Merz saw clearly from the beginning to the end of the operation. It can only be said that it is quite satisfactory. It is absolutely impossible to expect the effect to be as good as it is.

But Venbanyama's feedback was completely opposite to Dr. Merz's judgment.

It was originally scheduled to return to China in 3-5 days, but Wenban Yama's recovery exceeded expectations, which made the team stay longer and longer in the Second Affiliated Hospital.


Ji Xiang straightened his chest out after the operation, and the thoracic spine behind the lead clothing made a creaking sound.

"Ji Xiang, why are your vertebral bodies so bad when you are young?" Tang Yan asked while preparing warm salt water.

"It's okay, I'm growing." Ji Xiang replied, "Didn't you notice that I have grown 0.5cm in the past half a year?"

"Really?" Tang Yan was a little surprised.

"Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

"I don't want to learn." Tang Yan directly refused, "I am 172, which is already high enough. It is not good to be taller."

"Yes, models are willing to find 165-170." Ji Xiang didn't force it.

"Xiaoji, is it real or fake to be able to grow taller?" Zhao Zhe also asked curiously, "I bought height-increasing shoes when I was young, not the kind with cushions inside, but 3 months after it was said on live TV. The kind that grows 5cm tall."

"Those guys on live TV tell lies without blinking an eye, what the hell. It's useless to put things on, it's a waste of effort."

Hearing Zhao Zhe's eloquent chatterbox, Ji Xiang began to flush, "I was also lied to when I was young."

"You are not very old now." Zhao Zhe muttered in a low voice.

"At that time, it was said that college students were special forces and so on. I was encouraged by my elder brother who slept with me to hang out together."

"Stop sleeping all day and night, and check in all the scenic spots? Isn't that a crime?" Tang Yan asked curiously.

"Yes, it seems not." Ji Xiang said, "Our challenge is to live in a strange city for 100 yuan for a month."


Lin Jiu looked at Ji Xiang sideways, like looking at a silly boy in a landlord's house.

For 100 yuan, the two boys will be gone after eating KFC. How can they live for a month.

Do you have to sleep on the street every day?
This is too miserable.

"Ji Xiang, don't brag... Hahaha, you must have failed the challenge."

"It didn't fail. After 20 days of persistence, we both felt more and more used to it. Later, my mother asked me for something, so I went back."

"20 days, how did you spend it?" Tang Yan asked curiously.

"Airport lounges generally have free overnight places, and they also provide hot water, Wi-Fi and chargers.

Bringing two packs of instant noodles can solve the problem of food and clothing.

Find a place to sleep, wake up in the morning and go to McDonald's at the airport, see others finish their coffee and prepare to leave, then take it decisively to refill the cup, you can ask for another cup. "

"No, you are uneasy to check in, can you wait for the plane?" Tang Yan asked.

Ji Xiang didn't answer Tang Yan's question, but continued, "Then go find a fast hotel nearby, because the morning is the peak time for check-out, so the doors of many rooms are open.

Let's go to the room where others have retreated to take a shower, and then come out generously.

After washing, you can take the subway to the temple, and a free vegetarian meal is usually provided at noon. "

"Stop bragging, can the temple provide free vegetarian meals?" Tang Yan curled her lips.

Lin Jiuze and Zhao Zhe didn't believe it either.

"Before I went, I shaved my hair and went to see the abbot. He won't see me. But it doesn't matter, I don't want to talk to the abbot about Buddhism and Taoism, and tell the little novice that I want to have a vegetarian meal. Of course he refuses, just make up a reason , and then just recite a random section of the Diamond Sutra."

"If I really meet a real little monk, I can recite the entire "Diamond Sutra", but he probably won't be able to recite it. It's not too much to eat a fast meal."

What Ji Xiang said was so bizarre that no one in the operating room understood, but no one believed.

Just pretend that Jixiang is talking nonsense.

"Xiaoji, that foreign doctor hasn't left yet. I saw Dean Zhao came to look for them yesterday." Zhao Zhe suddenly mentioned something.

"Oh, they are waiting for Wenban Yama to recover, collect data, and make an assessment as soon as possible." Ji Xiang said, "Why is Dean Zhao here?"

"Do you want to pave the way for his son?" Zhao Zhe said, "If you can go to the Massachusetts General Hospital to be gilded, when you come back, when Director Sui retires, Zhao Tianjiao will at least be the deputy director."

"However, Zhao Tianjiao was tricked a while ago, and he was terrified. I heard that his mental state has not been very good recently. In the past, he could often be seen returning to the orthopedics department to see Mr. Xu and Professor Deng for surgery, but now he can't be seen."

"It's really not easy being a parent. Building bridges and paving roads for children, preparing everything, and there are risks anytime, anywhere. If you don't worry, it's okay if your children don't rebel. If it catches up with the rebellious period, just go home and close the door. It’s really annoying not to talk to your parents.”

"I can't do things like communicating with my children. Recently, my hair has turned gray and I'm scratching my head. My son has not yet reached the rebellious stage of youth. When I think about it, I have insomnia all night long."

"Xiaoji, you just said that going out to play with your classmates is rebellious? If my son goes out and lives in a temple every day, I will definitely..."

Zhao Zhe was chattering.

"My dad doesn't care, because he didn't spend a penny when he was young, and went to 7 provinces."


"My mother is more worried and always tells me to go back. The last time I called, she just said-Ji Xiang, are you going home or not!"

"It's scary to be named by my mother, especially when my mother calls me Ji Xiang. It's the scariest thing in the world."

"How did your father travel to 7 provinces without spending money?" Tang Yan was not interested in Ji Xiang's terror, she thought Ji Xiang's father was even better.

"Squeeze in the crowd and enter the station. The ticket check was not so strict back then. After getting on the bus, you didn't wait for the bathroom to hide, but lay down under the seat. When you saw the ticket, you saw it. If you didn't see it, you sat a few more stops."

"Anyway, there is no money, and the railway police will basically kick people out when they find out that they have cheated on tickets, and they will not do anything else."

While talking, after rinsing, I started to stitch.

The itinerant nurse walked in from the outside, waited for the airtight lead door to close, and said mysteriously, "President Zhao is here."

"What is he doing here?"

Tang Yan asked casually while threading the needle.

"It seems that the foreigner is still with me, the doctor who was scolded by Xiaoji."

"Oh?" Ji Xiang smiled, took the needle holder from Tang Yan and began to sew.

"The next door seems to be a patient in a car accident. The car accident the day before yesterday resulted in a fractured tibia and fibula."

"That's great." Zhao Zhe immediately understood what Dean Zhao meant, and said enviously, "If I have this ability, I will ask my son to study medicine in the future. When I was studying in the imperial capital, I heard old doctors say that they Most of the children are in high school abroad.”

"Going out so early."

"I thought so too at first, but later I heard people say that children go to Ivy League schools in the United States, and if they get good grades, they can continue to study there. If the grades are not good, they will be guaranteed Qingbei after returning home."

"!!!" The itinerant nurse's saliva was about to flow out.

Guaranteed Qingbei, these four words of killing are infinitely attractive to people of her age with children in junior high school.

"In China, the children of the relatives of the dean of the hospital I was studying at the time got 211, not 985. It seems that everyone is free except Qingbei. After that, the children went to the National People's Congress."

"That's okay too!" The itinerant nurse was surprised.

"I guess, but that's something in another world. I can't understand it for the rest of my life. I can only be a baby chicken. But the baby chicken is not something I can think of as a chicken. Looking at it now, the baby chicken is not as good as the chicken itself. " Zhao Zhe was distressed.

"You don't need to be too chicken." Ji Xiang said while sewing, "Gu's students seem to be taking graduate students, Zhou Tianbo and Professor Zhou can do it. If your son is rebellious in adolescence and doesn't do well in the college entrance examination, he only needs to study medicine and take the graduate entrance examination After crossing the line, you can go to Professor Zhou to study."


Zhao Zhe was stunned for a moment.

He never expected Ji Xiang to say that.

"I am also familiar with the directors of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Medical University, but they still have to meet the standards." Ji Xiang said with a smile.

Zhao Zhe never dreamed that he still had this kind of connection, and what Ji Xiang was talking about was not bragging, but something real and easily available.

The only difficulty lies in passing the score.

"Xiaoji, really!" Zhao Zhe's hands trembled a little.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Ji Xiang smiled, "And when your son takes the postgraduate entrance examination, Brother Zhao, you can already lead a graduate student. If you can't take care of it because of your age, you can go and say something to the professors of the Second Affiliated Hospital. , I guess it can be useful."

Zhao Zhe really didn't think so much at ordinary times, and countless thoughts came to him.

He has long been used to being an old ruler in a third- and fourth-tier city, and he never thought that he could be so good.

Regardless of the imperial capital or Hangzhou Medical University, whether it is Director Liu or Deng Chaohong, it seems that if they bow their heads to beg for help now, they should give some face.

"I can help you apply for an Ivy League school." Lin Jiuze said suddenly, which startled Zhao Zhe.

"Ivy League?"

"I am familiar with the application process. The only disadvantage is that it costs more money." Lin Jiu smiled, "I don't recommend it. But..."

With that said, Lin Jiu looked up at Ji Xiang.

"If we can continue to have operations, money is not a problem."


After Zhao Zhe's mind was opened, he suddenly became enlightened.

Everyone in the operating room discussed whether it is better to go to an Ivy League school or to go to a key high school.

There are indeed advantages to going abroad, but there are also many problems.

"Old Liu! Go and have a look!"

The airtight lead door opened, and a nurse came in with her head in. Seeing that the operation was over, she hurriedly said.

"What's wrong?" the anesthesiologist asked.

"The blood pressure of the patient in the next operation room dropped immediately after anesthesia."

After the nurse finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

"It's over here, Xiao Zhang, you follow to send the patient, I'll go to the next door." The anesthesiologist and his assistant said, after explaining, he squinted at Ji Xiang, and then hurried to the next door.

Ji Xiang turned around, tore off the lead coat, and followed the anesthesiologist to "watch the fun."

For Ji Xiang, this kind of unexpected situation is a clinical experience. Although there is an annoying Dr. Merz next door, the gossip mentality of "watching the fun" still prevails.

"Doctor Zhao, follow the patient." Lin Jiuze finished the arrangements and left with Ji Xiang.

"Why are you so willing to watch the fun, and stay away if something goes wrong." The itinerant nurse said while busy, "After anesthesia, the blood pressure can't go up. Every time I meet this kind of patient, I get a headache. Hit a better one." The anesthetist is not bad, if it is a little worse, it can kill people suddenly."

"Is there something wrong?" Tang Yan asked.

"Most of them are fine, it's just that it's urgent to see them ordering blindly. But once you find foreign aid, it's not necessarily the case. I guess it should be next door... Who is the anesthesiologist next door?"

No one answered this question.

"I think Dr. Merz is a little unlucky." The itinerant nurse said, "Just now I saw Dean Zhao and Dr. Merz went to the next operating room, so I had a premonition that something would happen."

"Sister Sun, you are too idealistic." Tang Yan laughed.

"How is it possible? Let me tell you something. Women's intuition is generally very accurate. When I was young, I was still studying in medical school. When I went back to my hometown, I said that there was a half-immortal who drew a talisman and burned it to ashes. Drinking it can... cure all diseases Not to mention, but most diseases can be cured.”

"At that time, my mother was not feeling well, so I went to ask for a talisman."

"I dare to drink it." Zhao Zhe laughed. "Generally speaking, it is soaked in veterinary antibiotics. The dose is very large, and young people can still resist it. Something happened to the antibiotics."

"Old Zhao, you are indeed the old attending doctor, you know all about this kind of thing!" The itinerant nurse said with a smile.

Tang Yan didn't understand this kind of gossip many years ago. She looked up at the airtight door, and the figures of Ji Xiang and Lin Jiuze had disappeared, and the airtight door was slowly closing.

When Ji Xiang came to the surgery room next door, he didn't step in and direct the rescue, but stood in the corner to watch the situation.

The patient suffered bilateral tibial and fibula fractures and had already been operated on by Dr. Merz. Zhao Tianjiao was not on stage, but stood watching from the audience.

The high pressure shown on the ECG monitor was only 80 mmHg, which was the result of blood volume supplementation.

Hit a blood vessel?Ji Xiang guessed.

At this time, the anesthesiologist is checking whether the blood pressure drop is caused by anesthesia.

The anesthesia changed to a light anesthesia mode. Although the blood pressure rose a little after supplementing with 1000ml of fluid, it was still not obvious.

"Doctor Ji Xiang, do you have a private hospital poaching you?" Lin Jiuze chatted with Ji Xiang in a low voice while watching the rescue.

At this time, there is still no clue, and the rescue will not be achieved overnight.

"No, I'm not famous yet." Ji Xiang said, "But when I was intern, the director of the gynecology department was dug out."

"How much is paid domestically?"

"It was said that it was an annual salary of 600 million, but it was rejected by the director of the gynecology department. The reason for the rejection at the time was that I was more than 100 million this year, but some people begged me to do things. If I went there, it would become me. It's time to work."

"Doctor Lin, how about you?"

"Use money, or rely on favors. Favors depend on who they are, and money also depends on how much money they have. If you ask me to participate in a similar rescue, at least..."

Lin Jiu smiled slightly, but didn't say the next thing.

It turned out to be the case, and Ji Xiang also laughed.

A voice echoed in his ear - more money is needed!

"However, private hospitals are more difficult to manage. At that time, I heard the teachers speculate that the reason why the director did not go was that although private hospitals provided a lot, they had a lot of KPIs, and they found various reasons and excuses to deduct money."

"If you really get it, there may not be that many. Dr. Lin, how much did you pay for an emergency consultation when you were in Massachusetts? Is there any deduction?"

"I don't have much money in Massachusetts, mainly because some private hospitals invite me to watch films for consultation." Lin Jiuze said frankly, "The exact amount is uncertain, it depends on my mood. If I am in a good mood, thirty to fifty thousand dollars is enough." Take a look, and refuse if you are in a bad mood."

"It's really a good place to make money."

Ji Xiang admired.

"So I don't understand why you are so interested in emergency first aid." Lin Jiu looked at Ji Xiang's side face and tried.

"Because I have little on-the-spot experience."

(End of this chapter)

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